Everyone loves The Big Bang Theory, right? And everyone loves polyglots, right? So let's combine them!
Your task in each language is quite basic. You must output the name of the one of the 5 main characters of The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon Lee Cooper, Leonard Leakey Hofstadter, Howard Joel Wolowitz, Rajesh Ramayan Koothrapali and Penny Hofstadter.
Your task overall is to write a polyglot that will work in at least 5 languages. Each language should output a different character on the show.
I say "at least" because in order to win, you must output more characters (see Scoring below). But before that, let's go over the details of your program
You program should take no input when run in any of the languages.
Your program should output the full name of a different characters of TBBT for each language it is run in. If no middle name is known, no middle name is required. 5 of those characters must be the 5 main characters:
- Leonard Leakey Hofstadter
- Sheldon Lee Cooper
- Howard Joel Wolowitz
- Rajesh Ramayan Koothrapali
- Penny Hofstadter
The names outputted must be characters that have appeared in more than one episode and they must have both a first and a last name. If they have a middle name, it must be outputted as well.
The scoring system is quite basic: your score is the length of your code in bytes minus 20 times the extra number of characters you output. The extra characters are any that aren't in the list above.
length - 20 * (num_characters - 5)
You may also subtract 100 from your score if you don't use any comment characters.
- No builtins allowed. (Why not?)
- The lowest score wins.
- Only characters with both first and surnames are valid
- You must output to STDOUT or your languages equivalent. Nothing may be outputted to STDERR
- Each submission must run in at least 5 different languages
- Different language versions do not count as different languages
- Entries must be full programs
- Case and whitespace matter so an output of
Pen nyHof STAdter
isn't valid. - The valid characters are listed here
- Leading/trailing whitespace is allowed.
- A comment character is a character that makes the program ignore the next line or command
1I don't think you'll receive answers with more than 5 characters, since adding another character will probably cost multiple bytes, of which only one gets compensated for. I'd suggest a bonus of 20 bytes per extra character. – Luke – 2017-04-13T08:43:30.557
@Luke yeah I've edited the question given that I've just wasted 4 hours trying to find a solution for 5 – caird coinheringaahing – 2017-04-13T08:53:02.070
9Penny Hofstadter Thanks for the spoiler – Luis Mendo – 2017-04-13T11:43:43.867
@ThisGuy That last part isn't necessary (unless there's another meaning to that than the literal meaning) – HyperNeutrino – 2017-04-13T13:27:05.820
Related – user41805 – 2017-04-13T15:03:51.613
1"You may also subtract 100 from your score if you don't use any comment characters." Define "comment characters". Does a simple skip statement count as a comment character? The border becomes fuzzy with 2D languages – user41805 – 2017-04-13T16:15:44.293