Moles with SOCKS?



Many applications that depend on network resources (such as games connecting to game servers) do not allow the user to set a proxy. There are a lot of ways to force the usage of a proxy regardless, I personally have always been a fan of a local SOCKS tunnel.

What's that?

Instead of connecting directly, an application on your local machine listens on a locally bound address and relays any connection to a fixed endpoint using a remote SOCKS proxy.

Example: Let our target be, and our remote socks proxy be Our application listens on Our route now looks like this:

connect to - relays via SOCKS proxy > - to >

Your goal is to implement the local application relaying connections to the target.


Three address/port pairs representing the bind, proxy and target address.

  • You may deviate from the order (but specify if you do).
  • Address parsing is up to your language/tools of choice, but should at the very minimum support IPv4 (
  • You may use builtin types of your language. (like InetSocketAddress in Java, struct in_addr in C, etc.)


No rules for output due to .


  • This is , shortest answer in bytes wins.
  • Standard rules apply, default loopholes are forbidden.
  • You do not have to support more than 1 connection. The program may terminate after the first connection finishes.
  • Program behaviour under network failures is undefined; you may crash the entire program, reject the incoming connection, do whatever you want.
  • You may assume the remote SOCKS proxy's version (4/4a/5).
  • Using libraries/inbuilts/etc. is encouraged, but not required.
  • Stay in input scope (f.e. don't proxy all connections on the machine).

F. George

Posted 2017-03-29T16:51:45.487

Reputation: 317

Question was closed 2017-03-30T02:57:40.717

So the task is to create a local SOCKS server that accepts local connections (e.g. from a suitably configured browser) and connects to a remote SOCKS proxy that forwards the connection to the far end (e.g. web server)? - its not entirely clear to me. – Digital Trauma – 2017-03-29T20:27:10.333

@DigitalTrauma Not a local SOCKS server, but more a local tunnel server using a fixed SOCKS proxy to forward connections to a fixed end. – F. George – 2017-03-29T21:15:09.683

1So just a simple local TCP port forward then? - that itself knows nothing of the SOCKS protocol? This is not really clear to me – Digital Trauma – 2017-03-29T22:48:18.580

I'm not sure what else there is to explain? From the point of the connecting application it is effectively a port forward. The impementing application obviously has to know about the SOCKS protocol. I've even given a sample answer in Kotlin. – F. George – 2017-03-30T07:10:00.620



Kotlin, 240 bytes

This was fun and taught me some things I didn't know about Kotlin.

import*fun a(vararg p:InetSocketAddress){ServerSocket().run{bind(p[0])

Tested locally with:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    thread { a(InetSocketAddress(2000), InetSocketAddress(3000), InetSocketAddress(4000)) }
    thread { Socket().connect(InetSocketAddress(2000)) }
    ServerSocket(3000).accept().getInputStream().run { generateSequence { read() } }
            .forEach { print("$it,") }

Prints 5,2,0,2, which confirms an attempted SOCKS5 connection.

F. George

Posted 2017-03-29T16:51:45.487

Reputation: 317