Write a function that reduces compositions of linear operators


You are given two functions g(x) and h(x), each of which takes an integer x and returns the number ax + b (where a and b are integers defined in the function).

Your task is to write a function f(g, h) that takes these two functions, and returns a function k(x) = g(h(x)), but where the procedure of k(x) is also simply of the form ax + b.

For example, given g(x) = 2x + 3 and h(x) = 3x + 4, you would need to return k(x) = 6x + 11, and not k(x) = 2(3x + 4) + 3.

Joe Z.

Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 30 589

Yes. There is a way to extract those two constants without accessing the AST. – Joe Z. – 2013-04-04T18:04:03.837

May I suggest clarifying that the return value is of function type as well, as I'm guessing is your intent? Two of the current answers return strings. – Kevin Reid – 2013-04-04T21:31:09.017

@KevinReid Done. – Joe Z. – 2013-04-04T23:03:54.877

I'm thinking of rewarding a bounty for an answer in binary lambda calculus... – Joe Z. – 2013-11-19T22:08:26.840

1I don't understand how you want the output. If it's as a function, you could just black-box compose the inputs. Do you want the pair (a,b) for which k(x)=ax+b? A function that must be written in the form k(x)=ax+b? If the second, do a and b have to be given explicit assignments in that function? – xnor – 2014-05-22T18:07:16.983



GolfScript, 41 40 23 19 characters


Thanks to Peter Taylor for pointing out this solution. Accepts two function bodies as arguments.

The following examples show how to use function k:

# As function
{2*3+} {3*4+} k         # => {11 6 @*+}

# Apply to value
5 {2*3+} {3*4+} k ~     # => 41

If one wants to retain the original output format, the following 22 character solution is possible:


{2*3+} {3*4+} k         # => {6 * 11 +}

Explanation of the code:

{                       # on stack are functions g h
  2,                    # build array [0 1] -> g h [0 1]
  0+                    # append 0 -> g h [0 1 0]
  %                     # apply function h to each element -> g [h(0) h(1) h(0)]
  /                     # apply function g to each element
                        # and break up the array -> g(h(0)) g(h(1)) g(h(0))
  -                     # subtract last two -> g(h(0)) g(h(1))-g(h(0))
  {@*+}++               # append function body to these values
}:k;                    # save function to variable k


Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 23 109

Save 4: {2,%/1$-{@*+}++}:k; or {2,0+%/-{@*+}++}:k; – Peter Taylor – 2013-04-04T23:07:53.073

Your explanation makes me never want to learn Golfscript. It would make my head explode trying to figure it out. – jdstankosky – 2013-04-05T12:57:16.073

@jdstankosky Do you mean the explanation is not clear (in which case I'd be happy to amend if you could point out what is unclear) or that GolfScript is - well - special (in which case you'll miss a lot of fun). – Howard – 2013-04-05T14:22:31.700

@Howard It's definitely interesting, incredibly confusing, and far more advanced than anything I think I'll ever be able to figure out. – jdstankosky – 2013-04-05T14:26:25.917


Mathematica 15

Define g, h as pure functions

g and h are defined as pure functions (awaiting a value or independent variable to be assigned)

g = 2 # + 3 &;
h = 3 # + 4 &;

3 + 2 x
4 + 3 x

Method #1: Compose g of h directly (15 chars)


11 + 6 x

Or, alternatively: (17 chars)


Method #2: Define f (25 chars= 13 + 10 chars for Simplify)



f[g, h][x]
f[g, h][x] // Simplify
Composition[g, h][x]//Simplify
f[g, h][1]
Table[f[g, h][x], {x, 1, 13}]

3 + 2 (4 + 3 x)
11 + 6 x
11 + 6 x
{17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83, 89}


Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 24 524

Your f(g, h, x) should be f(g, h)(x). – Joe Z. – 2013-04-04T19:14:09.293

Ok. I'll adjust accordingly – DavidC – 2013-04-04T19:14:40.827


Haskell, 31

(f%g)x=f(g 0)+x*(f(g 1)-f(g 0))

Version in which the function body contains only variables (equivalent at run time, but closer to the question's form), 38 characters:

(f%g)x=a*x+b where h=f.g;b=h 0;a=h 1-b

Note that in both cases, since Haskell uses curried functions, there is no explicit construction of the composed function as it is implicit in % being defined with three arguments: function f, function g, value x.

Example use:

> ((\x -> 2*x + 3)%(\x -> 3*x + 4)) 0
> ((\x -> 2*x + 3)%(\x -> 3*x + 4)) 4

Ungolfed second form:

(f % g) x = a * x + b        -- equivalent: (f % g) = \x -> a * x + b
    h = f . g                -- use built in function composition to bootstrap
    b = h 0                  -- constant term of composed function
    a = h 1 - h 0            -- linear term of composed function

Kevin Reid

Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 1 693

1This can be shortened to f%g=f(g 0)!(f(g 1-g 0)-f 0);(z!y)x=y*x+z (40 chars) by replacing the where clause with a function call (which also gets rid of the lambda) and defining infix operators instead of plain functions. Also, I'm not sure if it's necessary to share the values of y and z, so you may be able to improve it further by inlining them as well. – hammar – 2013-04-04T23:51:57.273

@hammar I have my doubts that putting the expressions inline is in the spirit of the question (“the procedure of k(x) is also simply of the form ax + b”) but OK, I'll take the edit, unless Joe Zeng disagrees. – Kevin Reid – 2013-04-05T18:02:12.853

Either way, f(g 1)-f(g 0) is one char shorter than f(g 1-g 0)-f 0. – Peter Taylor – 2013-04-05T20:36:20.630

@PeterTaylor Good point! In fact, that made me realize I was missing a trick in the original version: I now define h = f . g and derive all results from h, saving another two characters — I was previously stuck on the notion of extracting the coefficients of each function individually. – Kevin Reid – 2013-04-05T22:22:04.887


vba, 89

Function f(g,h,x)
End Function




Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 1 117

The functions aren't supposed to be strings. Can you evaluate the string directly with a number and get the result of the function out? – Joe Z. – 2013-04-04T19:14:42.937

@JoeZeng, I think that is more what you were after – SeanC – 2013-04-04T19:55:53.987


Lua, 87

function f(g, h)local a,b=g(h(1))-g(h(0)),g(h(0))return function(x)return a*x+b end end

Egor Skriptunoff

Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 688


Ruby >=1.9, 55


Less golfed:

def c(f,g)


Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 20 600

You can shorten even further by inlining a: f=->g,h{->x{(g[h[1]]-b=g[h[0]])*x+b}} – Howard – 2013-04-05T08:07:36.457

I wasn't sure that'd be permitted. – histocrat – 2013-04-05T15:00:54.180


SML (60 chars)

fun f g h=let val c=g(h 0)val m=g(h 1)-c in fn x=>m*x+c end;


fun f g h =
    let val c = g (h 0)
        val m = g (h 1) - c
     in fn x => m*x + c

Peter Taylor

Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 41 901


PHP 72

Apparently I completely missed the point of this code-golf. I'm STILL not sure if I understand it correctly. Is no output required? Can I assume the methods of g and h? Here's a new version based off the old one:


If this is still wrong, I give up.

PHP 176

The requirements are kind of confusing, but here's what I think you meant:

<?=f($argv);function f($a){$x=$a[3];$g=explode("x",$a[1]);$h=explode("x",$a[2]);return$k=($g[0]*$h[0])."*$x+".(($g[0]*$h[1])+$g[1])."=".(($g[0]*$h[0]*$x)+($g[0]*$h[1])+$g[1]);}

Usage: php f.php 2x+3 3x+4 5

Output: 6*5+11=41

Another Example

Usage: php f.php 4x-7 3x+4 2

Output: 12*2+9=33


As you described, we can't simply output the answer with g(h(x)), we had to create function f(g,h) which determines what both the functions would be together, and return that as a new function: k(x).

Is this what OP meant?



function f($a) {
    $k  = $g[0]*$h[0];
    $k .= "*";
    $k .= $x;
    $k .= "+";
    $k .= ($g[0]*$h[1])+$g[1];
    $k .= " = ";
    $k .= ($g[0]*$h[0]*$x) + ($g[0]*$h[1])+$g[1];
    return $k;

echo f($argv);


Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 1 474

In PHP terminology, the requirements are asking for a function which takes two callbacks as arguments and returns a callback. As an implementation note, I would expect to see a couple of calls to call_user_func and probably a call to create_function. – Peter Taylor – 2013-04-05T08:50:01.173


Erlang 54:

1> F = fun(G,H)->B=G(H(0)),A=G(H(1))-B,fun(X)->A*X+B end end.
2> (F(fun(X) -> 2*X+3 end, fun(X) -> 3*X + 4 end))(0).
3> (F(fun(X) -> 2*X+3 end, fun(X) -> 3*X + 4 end))(1) - v(2).

Hynek -Pichi- Vychodil

Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 350


Common Lisp (108)

(defun f(g h)(let*((d(g 0))(c(-(g 1)d))(z(h 0))(e(-(h 1)z))(a(* c e))(b(+(* c z)d)))(lambda(x)(+(* a x)b))))

It could be shorter if I assumed expressions would have constants folded...but I didn't make that assumption to make sure I met the spec. Also, I have implemented Clojure's literal anonymous function syntax as a read macro. I decided against using that as well.


Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 570


Postscript, 120

/f{1 index 0 get dup 
2 index 0 get mul exch
3 2 roll 2 get mul 
3 2 roll 2 get add[3 1 roll/mul cvx exch/add cvx]cvx}def

Ungolfed and commented with testing.

/g{2 mul 3 add}def
/h{3 mul 4 add}def

    1 index 0 get % g h g[0]
    dup 2 index 0 get mul % g h g[0] g[0]*h[0]
    exch 3 2 roll 2 get mul % g g[0]*h[0] g[0]*h[2]
    3 2 roll 2 get add % g[0]*h[0] g[0]*h[2]+g[2]
    [ 3 1 roll /mul cvx exch /add cvx ] cvx 

//g //h f ==


GPL Ghostscript 9.10 (2013-08-30)
Copyright (C) 2013 Artifex Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
{6 mul 11 add}

luser droog

Posted 2013-04-04T17:59:16.907

Reputation: 4 535