recursive power algorithm


Have a look at my (javascript) version of a O(log(n)) xn algorithm:

function pow(x,n)
     return n==0?1:n==1?x:n==2?x*x:pow(pow(x,(n-n%2)/2),2)*(n%2==0?1:x);

Can you get it shorter?

Chris Tobba

Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 29

other languages, which does it shorter are also welcome! – Chris Tobba – 2013-03-12T17:04:31.820

2Python, 4 chars: x**n – Keith Randall – 2013-03-13T21:44:10.353

this dosn't count, cause it's not a algo itself. It use an underlying algorithm. – Chris Tobba – 2013-03-14T12:04:33.730

1I think I win this one – dspyz – 2013-03-15T02:22:45.900



If you don't mind using a global variable:

return n?(t=pow(x,n>>1))*t*(n%2?x:1):1

Through some ingenious trickery, Howard devised a clean alternative:

return n?(n%2?x:1)*(x=pow(x,n>>1))*x:1

And Peter Taylor managed to shave one character:


Even shorter based on ratchet freak's idea:


aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 22 326

nice, but it's not a real recursion cause of the glob. var.. but never mind its not bad! – Chris Tobba – 2013-03-11T20:05:06.723

@ChrisTobba Well, it is recursive, the variable doesn't have to be global as the value is only used in the same invocation. It's just shorter to make it (implicitly) global. You could add "var t" before the return to make it local. – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2013-03-11T20:08:09.070

2Or if you don't want to use a global variable: return n?(n%2?x:1)*(x=pow(x,n>>1))*x:1 – Howard – 2013-03-11T20:10:00.763

nice... good programmers out there! – Chris Tobba – 2013-03-11T20:12:30.970

may I ask how old you are(to code so beautiful)? I'm 28 – Chris Tobba – 2013-03-11T20:20:44.543

I'm 0b100010 :) – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2013-03-11T20:24:51.137

1Or for one character less and a different perspective on the structure, return(n%2?x:1)*(x=n?pow(x,n>>1):1)*x – Peter Taylor – 2013-03-12T10:22:37.787

@peter nice! i love recursive algo`s.. so much logic in such a short form.. – Chris Tobba – 2013-03-12T11:13:14.743

@PeterTaylor don't you think you should post that as an answer? – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2013-03-12T11:34:03.693

I'm not sure from memory whether it's been discussed on meta, but the general etiquette seems to be that for very small improvements by refactoring someone else's code we post a comment rather than an answer. – Peter Taylor – 2013-03-12T11:50:02.560

Ok I don't know much about etiquette, I credited you in my answer – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2013-03-12T12:07:02.977

What am I missing here, why can you not just use the far more simple, literal return n?pow(x,n-1)*x:1. Is that pow function doing something more that I don't understand? – Billy Moon – 2013-03-12T13:21:40.150

hmmm... starting to notice difference when not using positive integers... what is that pow function doing exactly? – Billy Moon – 2013-03-12T13:24:56.843

@BillyMoon n is assumed to be a non-negative integer, and your implementation runs in O(n) instead of O(log n) - compare pow(1, 1000000000). If you don't understand how it works, the basic idea is: x^(2k)=(x^k)^2 and x^(2k+1)=x*(x^k)^2 (^ = power in this context) – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2013-03-12T15:15:21.133


BrainFuck (482 characters)

Solution is modulo 256. Reads n in digit by digit. Each time it sees a new digit d, it raises the current value to the tenth power and then multiplies that by x^d Input must be x followed by single space, followed by n, followed by newline



Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 875

1My brain is totally fucked up – Hugo Dozois – 2013-03-17T18:12:25.373


function pow(x,n)
     return n==0?1:n==1?x:pow(x*x,n>>1)*pow(x,n&1);

removed the n==2 case,

replaced the (n-n%2)/2 with n>>1 (you can also use n&-2)

used x*x instead of pow(pow(...),2)

replaced *(n%2==0?1:x) with *pow(x,n&1)

ratchet freak

Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 1 334


GolfScript (29 chars as function, 24 chars as block)


without the function wrapper that's


It's not recursive, but it is O(lg n) time, using the binary decomposition of n. Essentially it takes the fact that the recursive pow can be made tail-recursive with an accumulator and pushes that to its conclusion:

# Stack: a n
# Stack: 1 a n
# Stack: 1 a [bits of n]
# Reverse the bits so that we loop over them starting at the least significant
# foreach
    # Stack: accum x bit
    # where accum = a^(n%(2^i)) and x = a^(2^i)

    # If the bit is set, multiply the accumulator by x

    # Square x
# Pop the unwanted a^(2^(2+lg n)) and we're left with a^n

(There is also the built-in ? for one char, but I don't think that's in the spirit of this codegolf).

Peter Taylor

Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 41 901

Love the :P at the end of the first one! – Soham Chowdhury – 2013-04-27T15:04:41.880


GolfScript - 33

This feels awfully clumsy but here it goes:


Usage: 2 11P -> 2048

(Thanks Peter Taylor)

aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 22 326

Simple ifs can often be replaced by bool{...}*. In the case of \1&{*}{\;}if (12 ch) observe that the * doesn't care about the order of its arguments, so could be \1&{\*}{\;}if (13 ch); now reorder things so that the common \ is unnecessary: a bit of work shows that @@1&{*}{;}if (12 ch) is equivalent. But now the else clause does virtually nothing; refactor via @@1&{*.}{}if; (13 ch) to @@1&{*.}*; (10 ch). I haven't checked whether a similar elimination can be performed on the first if. – Peter Taylor – 2013-03-14T09:44:42.190

its unreadable for me.. but also nice! On i doesn't found an interpreter for that.. Is it only a pseudo code language? – Chris Tobba – 2013-03-14T12:09:43.743

@ChrisTobba, the interpreter is at (and requires Ruby). See also

– Peter Taylor – 2013-03-14T13:29:58.767



int pow(int x, int n){
    int t=1;
    return n==0?1:(n%2==0?1:x)*(t=pow(x,n/2))*t;

And if t is an initialized class variable, you can remove the first line.

Ofir Luzon

Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 101


C++, 44 characters

int p(int x,int n){return !n?1:x*p(x,n-1);}


Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 403

This runs in O(n) time. – Clearer – 2014-10-09T21:51:43.003


k4 (38)

fairly straightforward port of the java solution

{$[y;*/((y-2*r)#x),2#x .z.s/r:_y%2;1]}

Aaron Davies

Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 881


Haskell, 49 characters

x^0=1;x^2=x*x;x^n|odd n=x*x^(n-1)|1>0=x^div n 2^2

readable version:

x^0 = 1
x^2 = x * x
x^n | odd  x = x * x^(n-1)
    | even x = x ^ (d`div`2) ^ 2

The idea to special-case x^2 shamelessly stolen from the asker.

Another 49-character version, requires common subexpression elimination (which GHCi doesn't do in this case) to be efficient:

x^0=1;x^n|odd n=x*x^(n-1)|1>0=x^div n 2*x^div n 2

John Dvorak

Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 9 048


In python we have 2 methods for doing this :

def p(x,n,l):
    print pow(x,n,l)
def p1(x,n):
    print x**n

Output corresponding to it is:


The best part in python function is that it helps in modular power also (which is faster than finding power and then mod).In pow (n,m,l) It produces : (n^m)%l as the output.


Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 179

You have not written an algorithm as the question asks, you're using Python's builtin algorithms. In JS it can be done with Math.pow(), so this is in no way interesting... – ThinkChaos – 2014-02-01T23:22:51.343



function p($x,$n){return($n>1)?p($x*$x,$n-1):$x}


Posted 2013-03-11T19:13:53.930

Reputation: 1

1This doesn't compute powers (it instead computes x^(2^(n-1)) ) and isn't logarithmic time in n – Peter Taylor – 2013-06-08T16:48:53.287