Enthusiastically Russianify a String



Many of you may have interacted with people from Russia on the internet at some point, and a subset of you may have noticed the slightly odd method they have of expressing themselves.

e.g. удали игру нуб)))

where the ))) are added for emphasis on the previous statement, I have been working on a theory that the ratio of )'s to the rest of the string is directly proportional to the amount of implied emphasis, however I oftentimes find it difficult to compute the ratio on the fly, as I am also trying to cope with a slew of abuse, so I would like the shortest possible code to help me calculate what the resulting string should be, for a value of enthusiasm between 0 and 500%, given the original, unenthusiastic string, this will aid my research greatly as I will not have to type out bulky scripts every time I wish to test my hypothesis.

So, the challenge:

write a full program or function, which, provided two arguments, a string of unknown length, and a number, in either integer format (between 0 and 500) or in decimal format (between 0 and 5, with 2 points of accuracy) will

  • return/display the original string, suffixed with a number of )'s
  • the number will be the calculated as a ratio of the input number to the string length.
  • so if the number 200, or 2.00 was provided, 200% of the string must be suffixed as )'s
  • the number of brackets rounded to in decimal situations does not matter.
  • script is required to support Printable ASCII characters.
  • only has to support one input number format, of your choice.


"codegolf" 125      = codegolf))))))))))
"codegolf" 75       = codegolf))))))
"noob team omg" 0.5 = noob team omg))))))
"hi!" 4.99          = hi!)))))))))))))))

Example code (PowerShell) (with decimal input):

Function Get-RussianString ([string]$InputStr,[decimal]$Ratio){
    $StrLen = $InputStr.Length
    $SuffixCount = $StrLen * $Ratio
    $Suffix = [string]::New(")",$SuffixCount)
    return $InputStr + $Suffix

Get-RussianString "codegolf" 0.5

This is so shortest code wins!


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 3 195

"the number of brackets rounded to in decimal situations does not matter" -- Does this mean the 4th test-case could also print 14 brackets instead of 15? – smls – 2017-01-30T15:26:22.443

@smls yes, either the floor or ceiling of any decimal is acceptable. – colsw – 2017-01-30T15:28:49.463

I get a variation of two )s for the hi!,4.99 example. ")"*(LEN(S$)*N) produces 14 )s, ")"*LEN(S$)*N and ")"*LEN(S$*N) give 12. – 12Me21 – 2017-01-30T15:31:09.733

2I'm confused, do Russians really use ) for emphasis like an !? Is it some encoding issue? – Captain Man – 2017-01-30T16:25:15.057

2@CaptainMan I believe it's more like smiley faces than !s, but they do type them as is, it's not super common, but it's quite iconic. – colsw – 2017-01-30T16:47:44.733

30@CaptainMan No ) is reduced emoticon :). It is used very common between young people as far as I know. – talex – 2017-01-30T17:23:46.783

4) is not an emphasis, it is simply the smiley. As far as I know, it is harder to type : when using Russian keyboard layout, therefore they smile without eyes. – Džuris – 2017-01-30T17:28:37.617

18@Juris it's as hard to write : on Russian layout (ЙЦУКЕН) as it is to type ^ on QWERTY. But indeed, the ) is a reduced version of :). It's much easier to press and hold Shift-0 than to repeatedly alternate keys. – Ruslan – 2017-01-30T18:12:41.163

2I think the appropriate word for "to make something Russian" is to Russify it, or Russianize it (I prefer the former). – Iwillnotexist Idonotexist – 2017-01-31T05:02:39.410

1Will you ever get 500 or 5.0 as input? – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-02-01T16:35:52.443

@EriktheOutgolfer I'm intrigued as to how it would make a difference to your code, but yes the range is inclusive for this challenge, primarily because I want the 0 case to be handled. – colsw – 2017-02-01T18:58:50.403

@ConnorLSW I did not just ask for my code, but for everybody's reference BTW. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-02-02T11:21:24.853

Just by the way, the example should be удали игру нуб))) (instead of деинсталляция игра нуб)))). – HolyBlackCat – 2017-02-02T12:36:36.390

Do you require the program to both accept the decimal and integer formats? I read the challenge that way, but your example only accepts decimals. – Justin – 2017-02-02T17:40:42.693

1@Justin the example code is decimal only, but the input type is your own decision, only one is required. – colsw – 2017-02-02T17:48:21.387



Jelly, 7 bytes


Try it online!

Uses the decimal format.


ȮL×Ċ”)x - Main link: string, decimal
Ȯ       - print string
 L      - length(string)
  ×     - multiply by the decimal
   Ċ    - ceiling (since rounding method is flexible)
    ”)  - a ')' character
      x - repeated that many times
        - implicit print

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 67 804

@ConnorLSW I just noticed that this will print the required string as a full program, but that the specification states "return" - is this OK? – Jonathan Allan – 2017-01-30T15:34:06.870


any standard accepted output format is fine

– colsw – 2017-01-30T16:51:36.360

no worries - this is my first challenge so there's a few of these things that I missed, i've updated it in the question to be more clear - thanks for asking. – colsw – 2017-01-30T17:04:54.507


Perl 6, 21 bytes



Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 4 352


Common Lisp, 59 52 50

Parentheses? I am in.

(lambda(s n)(format()"~a~v@{)~}"s(*(length s)n)0))


(lambda(s n)               ; two arguments (string and ratio)
  (format ()               ; format as string
          "~a~v@{)~}"      ; control string (see below)
          s                ; first argument (string)
          (* (length s) n) ; second argument (number of parens)
          0))              ; one more element, the value does not matter

Format control string

  • ~a : pretty print argument (here the given string)
  • ~v@{...~} : iteration block, limited to V iteration, where V is taken as an argument, namely the (* ...) expression. The iteration is supposed to iterate over a list, but when you add the @ modifier, the list is the remaining list of arguments to the format function. There must be at least one element in the iterated list (otherwise we exit, disregarding V). That is why there is an additional argument to format (0).

Since no element in the list is consumed by the format, the loop is infinite but fortunately, it is also bounded by V, a.k.a. the number of parentheses to be printed.

Edit: thanks to Michael Vehrs for pointing out that there is no need to round the numerical argument (the question allows to truncate/round however we want, so the default behavior works here).


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 6 292

12(())/10 not enough parentheses – BgrWorker – 2017-01-31T13:40:26.067

Who thought this language is a good idea? – downrep_nation – 2017-01-31T16:14:28.950

Scheme's format accepts a decimal argument to v. Maybe Common Lisp's does, too? – Michael Vehrs – 2017-02-01T08:13:03.610

@MichaelVehrs Indeed, thanks a lot. – coredump – 2017-02-01T08:19:43.417

1@coredump Actually, I should have said "Guile's format accepts ...", since standard Scheme format does not support ~r; and Guile's format follows the example of Common Lisp's. – Michael Vehrs – 2017-02-01T10:14:40.060


JavaScript ES6, 38 31 30 bytes





Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 3 078

1Nice, I think that's the shortest possible. You can save a byte through currying: s=>n=>s+')'.repeat(s.length*n) (it would then be called like f("hi!")(4.99)) – ETHproductions – 2017-01-30T15:30:17.787


Python 2, 29 bytes

lambda s,p:s+len(s)*p/100*')'

s in the string, p is the percentage (integer).

Try it online!


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 196 637


05AB1E, 9 8 bytes


Try it online!

g*       # Length, multiplied by emphasis.
  ï')×   # Covnerted to an integer, push that many parenthesis.
      ¹ì # Prepend original string.

Works for both integer and decimal, arguments order: f(String, Double)

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 19 422

-1 in the new version of 05AB1E, where the ï is done implicitly for × with float argument. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-09-30T11:17:04.817

And here’s a 7-byter that works on both legacy and modern 05AB1E: sg*F')«.

– Grimmy – 2019-09-30T20:19:26.080


Python, 30 bytes

lambda s,r:s+')'*int(len(s)*r)

Uses the decimal input.

Try it online!


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 331


Pyth, 8 bytes


Online Test! Takes the excitement ratio first, then the string to be enthused about.


      pz  print out the enthused string
     l    ... and get its length
    *...Q multiply that by the ratio
   s      floor to get an integer, let's call this S
 \)       single-character string ")"
* ")" S   multiply that integer by the string, which gives a string of )s of length S.
          implicitly print that string of S )s.

Steven H.

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 2 841


PowerShell, 33 bytes


Try it online!

Supports decimal format.


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 3 110


R, 62 46 42 bytes

Anonymous function that takes string a and decimal n, prints output to stdout.



Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 3 689


Pyth, 9 bytes


Takes two lines of input: string and ratio (decimal).

Try it on pyth.herokuapp.com


A denotes a function's first argument, B its second argument.

    pz     # print the input string
   lAA     # take the length of the printed string
      E    # read the next line of input (the emphasis ratio)
  *AAAB    # multiply the length by the ratio
 sAAAAA    # floor the result
*AAAAAA")  # repeat ")" n times
           # implicit print


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 331


TI-Basic, 33 bytes

Takes decimal input.

Prompt Str1,A


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 12 038


Perl 5, 29 bytes


(Number is first arg, string is second.)

Try it online!


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 10 037


CJam, 9 bytes


Try it online!

Input string on the first line, emphasis ratio in range 0 to 5 on the second.


l    e# Read input string.
_,   e# Duplicate, get length.
ld   e# Read emphasis ratio.
*    e# Multiply by length.
')*  e# Get that many parentheses.

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 184 808


MATL, 11 10 8 bytes


This solution uses the decimal form of the second input

Try it online!


        % Implicitly grab first input as a string
        % Implicitly grab the second input as a number
y       % Make a copy of the first input
n       % Compute the length of the string
*       % Multiply the decimal by the length to determine the # of )'s (N)
:       % Create the array [1...N]
"       % For each element in this array
  41    % Push 41 to the stack (ACSII for ")")
  h     % Horizontally concatenate this with the current string
        % Implicit end of for loop and display


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 10 257


sB~, 17 bytes



i\,N    input a string and a number
?\;     print the string
')'*    also print ) multiplied by...
(N*l(\  the number times the string length.

Parentheses are closed automatically

Here's the output of the compiler, if you're interested:

 INPUT  S$ ,N? S$ ;")"*(N* LEN(  S$ ))

This version of the compiler was written on 1/27/2017 at 11:12 pm, which might have been a few minutes after this question was posted. So here's a version which works on the oldest version of the compiler, written an hour earlier: iS$,N?S$;')'*(N*l(S$)) (22 bytes)


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 6 110


PostgreSQL, 102 bytes

create function q(text,int)returns text as $$select rpad($1,(100+$2)*length($1)/100,')')$$language sql


Uses the integer input format.

This simply right-pads the input string with parens out to the target length.

create function q(text,int)
returns text as $$
    select rpad($1,             -- Pad the string input
        (100 + $2) *            -- to 100 + int input % ...
        length($1) / 100,       -- ...of the input string
        ')')                    -- with ) characters
$$ language sql

Called with

select q('codegolf', 125), q('codegolf', 75);
select q('noob team omg', 50), q('hi!', 499);


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 131


C# Interactive, 77 67 bytes

string r(string s,int p)=>s+new string(')',(int)(s.Length*p/100d));

C# interactive is sweet.

Pontus Magnusson

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 121

1If you are using C# Interactive that needs to be in the header otherwise, in C#, you should include the using System; or fully qualify Math. Also, not sure if you can do it in interactive, but you could compile to a Func<string, Func<int, string>> to save bytes i.e. s=>p=>s+new... – TheLethalCoder – 2017-01-31T15:57:05.110

1Also you probably don't need the call to Math.Round just casting to an int should call Floor and the OP said either Floor or Ceiling is fine – TheLethalCoder – 2017-01-31T15:58:18.143


Bash + coreutils, 45 bytes

echo $1`seq -s\) $[${#1}*$2/100+1]|tr -cd \)`

Try it online!

Integer input.

Mitchell Spector

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 3 392

echo $1\jot -b ) -s '' $[${#1}*$2/100]`` 40 bytes :) try it out – roblogic – 2019-03-24T20:01:39.940


Groovy, 27 bytes

Straightforward solution


Test program :

def f = {s,r->s+')'*(s.length()*r)}

println f("hi!", 4.99)
println f("noob team omg", 0.5)


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 121


Rebol, 39 bytes

func[a b][append/dup a")"b * length? a]


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 1 592


Clojure, 40 bytes

Quite boring solution :

#(reduce str %(repeat(*(count %)%2)")"))

Just reduces str function on a list of closing parentheses with a string as initial parameter.

See it online : https://ideone.com/5jEgWS

Not-so-boring solution (64 bytes) :

#(.replace(str(nth(iterate list(symbol %))(*(count %)%2)))"(""")

Converts input string to a symbol (to get rid of quotes) and repeatedly applies function list on it generating infinite sequence like this: (a (a) ((a)) (((a))) ... ). Takes nth element converts it to string and replaces all opening parentheses with nothing.

See it online : https://ideone.com/C8JmaU


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 1 080

1#(.replaceAll(str(nth(iterate list %)(*(count %)%2)))"[(\"]""") 1 byte less (yay). I wanted to do comp but can't get it below 70 bytes. – Michael M – 2017-02-02T11:34:49.330

You can change ")" to \) to save a byte. – clismique – 2017-05-05T12:05:16.237


SimpleTemplate, 92 bytes

Takes the string as the first parameter and the "ratio" as the second.
The ratio is between 0 and 5, with 2 decimal places.

{@echoargv.0}{@callstrlen intoL argv.0}{@set*Y argv.1,L}{@callstr_repeat intoO")",Y}{@echoO}

As you can see, it is non-optimal.
The 2 {echo} there could be reduced to 1.
Due to a bug in the compiler, this code can't be reduced much further.


{@echo argv.0}
{@call strlen into length argv.0}
{@set* ratio argv.1, length}
{@call str_repeat into parenthesis ")", ratio}
{@echo parenthesis}

If no bug existed, the code would look like this, 86 bytes:

{@callstrlen intoL argv.0}{@set*Y argv.1,L}{@callstr_repeat intoO")",Y}{@echoargv.0,O}

Ismael Miguel

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 6 797


Stax, 7 bytes


Run and debug it


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 8 616


SmileBASIC, 29 bytes

INPUT S$,N?S$;")"*(LEN(S$)*N)


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 6 110

since 3*4.99 = 14.97, only 14 or 15 would be acceptable as answers, the 29 bytes version should work fine though, sorry! – colsw – 2017-01-30T15:50:06.387


Gol><> (Golfish), 17 bytes


Try it here.

The top line reads characters (i) until it finds a newline (ASCII 10, a), then goes down (v).

Then we discard one character (the newline) with ~, push the length of the stack (l), read a float (I), multiply the two, and repeatedly (R) push the character ")" that many times. Finally, reverse the stack (r), output it and halt (H).

Nick Matteo

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 591


PHP, 50 bytes


takes string and decimal number as command line arguments; cuts padding. Run with -r;


<?=                     // print ...
str_pad(                    // pad
    $s=$argv[1],            // string=argument 1
    strlen($s)*++$argv[2],  // to string length*(1+argument 2) 
    ")"                     // using ")" as padding string


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 13 814


Mathematica, 24 bytes


Unnamed function taking a list of characters and a decimal number as input and returning a string. Tr[1^#] is a sneaky golfy way to calculate the length of a list, so #2Tr[1^#] computes the required number of parentheses. Table[")",...] produces a list of that many right parentheses (all decimals automatically rounded down, which is nice). Finally, #<> concatenates the input string to the parentheses, flattening the list produced by Table as it goes.

Greg Martin

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 13 940

That's quite cheaty, taking the string as a list of characters, but returning as a multi-character string. For consistent IO formats you could replace <> with ~Join~ at a cost of 4 bytes – LLlAMnYP – 2017-02-01T12:34:49.350

I'd be interested in a community judgment on this issue. If it's cheating, then of course I'll avoid this type of mismatch. But if it's just cheaty - well, it seems to me that cheaty is very much on topic for this site :) – Greg Martin – 2017-02-01T17:37:22.813

The challenge specification is sufficiently vague: return/display the original string, suffixed with a number of )'s (though I'd be picky with original string). Many other challenges specifically state "I/O formats must be consistent". If it's not a default rule, I guess you're in the white-enough part of the gray area. – LLlAMnYP – 2017-02-02T07:46:36.787

@LLlAMnYP community consensus applies for I/O methods, so I believe this is valid Mathematica – colsw – 2017-02-02T13:39:00.670


Ruby, 25 bytes


I'm using lambdas. The test program would be something like:

f.("codegolf", 1.5)        # => "codegolf))))))))))))"
f.("hi!", 4.99)            # => "hi!))))))))))))))"

Roberto S.

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 111


Clojure, 68 bytes

An anonymous function that accepts decimal input.

(fn [s n] (print (str s (reduce str (repeat (* n (count s)) ")")))))

Literally the first Lisp program I've ever written! I'm already having fun.


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 461

Welcome to the world of Lisp! :P In Clojure, you can use the condensed form of anonymous functions #(...), and you can get rid of the print (since function returns should be acceptable). You can change reduce to apply for the str function, and you can change ")" to \), which does the same thing. So, the final code should be: #(str %(apply str(repeat(*(count %)%2)\))))). – clismique – 2017-05-05T11:58:02.153

Also, the current state of your code doesn't work, (#(...) "codegolf" 125) must add 125 percent of the length of "codegolf" instead of 125 times the length of "codegolf". So, the fixed program would be: #(str %(apply str(repeat(*(count %)%2 1/100)\)))), which is 49 bytes. – clismique – 2017-05-05T12:01:46.870


C++14, 43 bytes

As unnamed lambda modifying its input, assuming s is similar to std::string (has .append(int,char) and assuming p to be of floating point type:

[](auto&s,auto p){s.append(s.size()*p,41);}



auto f=
[](auto&s,auto p){s.append(s.size()*p,41);}

int main() {
 std::string s = "abcdefghijk";
 std::cout << s << std::endl;

Karl Napf

Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 4 131


Haskell, 37 bytes

s!n=s++([1..div(n*length s)100]>>")")

Try it online! Usage: "codegolf" ! 125

A version that takes a decimal number: (41 bytes)

s!n=s++([1..n*toRational(length s)]>>")")

Try it online! Usage: "codegolf" ! 1.25


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 23 676


Jellyfish, 16 bytes


Takes input as decimal, then newline, then string. Try it online!


Let's start from the bottom.


A raw string read from STDIN.


The length of the string.


Multiply it by a number read from STDIN (the number is read first, since i comes before I in the source).


Repeat the character ) that many times, rounding down.


Append to the original string (the , looks for arguments from the south and east, and E tells the southward seeker to turn east, where it finds the I).


Print the resulting string.


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 39 083


Japt, 8 bytes


Try it


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 24 623


International Phonetic Esoteric Language, 18 bytes (WIP language)

I discovered some bugs in my interpreter because of this challenge. Takes input as string then integer.


No TIO interpreter yet, but is runnable by cloning the repository above, and calling python3 main.py "code here".

i                  ; push string input
 ɢ                 ; peek, push string length
  291tʃ            ; push (1 + 9)^2
       ɪ           ; push number input
        ðθ         ; push [num / 100 * len]
          œ        ; start loop: pop, run ceil(n) times
           <)>     ; push string ")"
              ɲ    ; swap top 2 elements of the stack
               q   ; pop, pop, push concatenated strings
                ɶ  ; end loop
                 o ; output

Sample cases:

python3 main.py "iɢ291tʃɪðθœ<)>ɲqɶo"

python3 main.py "iɢ291tʃɪðθœ<)>ɲqɶo"

python3 main.py "iɢ291tʃɪðθœ<)>ɲqɶo"
less than 1.00
less than 1.00)))))))


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 1 483


GNU AWK, 59 bytes

{t=sprintf("%"n*length(s)"s","");gsub(/ /,")",t);print s t}

Accepts arguments on command line (using the decimal form) like so:

: | awk -v s="codegolf" -v n=0.75 -f russianify.awk

Yes, AWK requires something to be attached to stdin, even if that something is 0 bytes returned by the no-op shell builtin. You could also use echo | awk ..., or really anything that doesn't contain a newline.


Posted 2017-01-30T14:43:06.203

Reputation: 461