Implement a Stopwatch



Implement a simple digital Stopwatch, which will display the time elapsed in seconds and minutes, as described below.


Please read both Display and Controls sections !


Time elapsed, should be displayed in the MM:SS format, by replacing the previously displayed time string "in-place" (clearing the whole or a part of the screen is also allowed).

The stopwatch must be updated at least every second.


0 minutes, 0 seconds


0 minutes, 33 seconds


1 minute, 50 seconds


Initially, you can start with '00:00' or with any other value in range [00:00-59:59].

Once your Stopwatch reaches 59:59, it should reset to 00:00 and continue afresh.

You can use a different base (instead of decimal) or even a different numeral system if you wish, as long as you follow the general pattern.

For example 13:03 can be displayed as:







Quater-imaginary base


Roman Numerals


Beware that if you use a non-decimal numeral system/base, it must be encoded using printable ASCII (or Unicode) characters, e.g. using two binary (unprintable) bytes for minutes and seconds is not allowed.

You must also left-pad your output with zeroes as appropriate, if your numerical system allows for that.

Replacing the separator character : with any other printable character (including digits) is also acceptable.


The stopwatch should start paused, and stay in this state, until user explicitly starts it, by pressing the 'control' key (see below).

If, while stopwatch is counting, user presses the 'control' key again, the stopwatch should pause (keeping the current time), until the 'control' key is pressed a one more time.

The 'control' key can be a single keystroke, e.g. s, or any combination of keys, e.g. Ctrl+Shift+X, but it must be 'atomic', pressing multiple keys in sequence, e.g. s then Enter, is not allowed.

The same 'control' key (or combination) must be used to pause and resume the stopwatch.

You must use a specific 'control' key, i.e. 'any key' is not allowed.

Alternatively, you can use a single or double mouse-click, instead of a keypress for 'control'.


  • This is , the shortest answer in bytes wins;
  • Standard code-golf loopholes apply;
  • Your program must (theoretically) be capable of running forever.


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 7 884

Can the 'control' key be enter? – Loovjo – 2017-01-28T19:19:00.587

@Loovjo Yes, any single key or combination of keys will do, including Enter (as long it can be paused and then resumed using the same key). – zeppelin – 2017-01-28T19:21:34.597

related – Jonathan Allan – 2017-01-28T22:24:31.633

1Do we need sub-second granularity? I.e. if the user pauses approximately 7000 milliseconds after 00:05 is printed, and then at some point resumes again, must the 00:06 appear 3000 milliseconds after the resume key was pressed, or is it okay to print it a full second after the resume key was pressed? – smls – 2017-01-28T23:19:18.347

@smls It is ok to wait a full second, after the resume. – zeppelin – 2017-01-28T23:24:37.397



SmileBASIC, 86 77 71 bytes

N=N!=DIALOG(FORMAT$("%02D:%02D",F/60MOD 60,F MOD 60),,,N)F=F+1GOTO@L

DIALOG displays a textbox on the touch screen. N is the number of seconds the text box will stay on screen before it disappears. If N is 0, it stays until the user presses the button on the touch screen.

DIALOG Returns 1 if the user pressed the button, and 0 if it closed automatically. So when the user pushes the pause button, it returns 1, and the display time is set to 0, pausing the stopwatch. After the user presses the button again, we set the display time back to 1, resuming the timer. Basically, every time DIALOG returns 1, the display time is switched between 1 and 0 using !=, which is eqivilant to a logical XOR as long as both inputs are 1 or 0.


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 6 110

This looks awesome ! If you could also provide an animated "screencast" of how it works, that would be greatly appreciated ! – zeppelin – 2017-01-30T12:02:23.607

Ok, I'll do it soon – 12Me21 – 2017-01-30T19:18:17.117

It could also be tested on this emulator:

– roblogic – 2019-08-25T22:11:40.047


Python 2, 167 129 bytes

-36 bytes mostly* from using Maltysen's idea of catching ctrl-c using an exception - go give credit!
-4 bytes thanks to DLosc (init n and b to 0 rather than f())
-1 byte thanks to FlipTack (use p^=1 rather than p=1-p)
-2 bytes thanks to Felipe Nardi Batista (remove precision specifiers)

import time
while 1:

Works the same as my original, below, but with the control key sequence of ctrl+c.
(Tested by me with Python 2.7.8 on Windows 7, 64bit;
Tested by Brian Minton with Python 2.7.13 on linux, 64bit)

* also collapsed if statement to a list lookup in order to get the try as a one-liner.

My original:

import time,msvcrt as m
while 1:
 if m.kbhit()and m.getch()==b'p':b=[b-n+f(),b][p];p^=1
 if p:n=f()

(Tested by me with Python 2.7.8 on Windows 7, 64bit - this code, however, is Windows specific due to the use of the msvcrt library)

The control key is 'p'.

n and b are initialised to the same value at start-up, giving an "offset" of 0; p is initialised to 0, indicating a paused state.

Whenever the control key is pressed the value of p is switched. When switching from a paused state to an active state b is updated to a new value keeping any current offset from the previous active state(s) with b-n.

During an active state n is repeatedly updated to the current time by calling time.time().

The difference between n and b, t, is then the total number of seconds (including a fractional part) elapsed during active state(s).

The minutes elapsed are then t/60 and each of the minutes and seconds are displayed mod 60 with (t/60%60,t%60). Leading zeros are prepended for each using string formatting of the integer part with '...%0.2d...'. Printing a tuple (the trailing ,) where the first item has a leading carriage return (the \r) causes the previously printed text to be overwritten.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 67 804

Ah yes, good catch, I originally did have ^= but switched at some point during formulation. – Jonathan Allan – 2017-01-28T22:04:00.780

@DLosc indeed, thanks... – Jonathan Allan – 2017-01-28T22:17:27.717

It's not Windows specific. I just tested this on linux 64 bit with Python 2.7.13 and it worked. (with the control key of Ctrl-C) – Brian Minton – 2017-02-02T15:55:31.003

@BrianMinton thank you for letting me know! – Jonathan Allan – 2017-02-02T16:37:32.263

what's the need for the . in %0.2d ? it works just fine as %02d – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-05-08T14:32:00.570

@FelipeNardiBatista You're right, they are redundant (precision specification does not do much for decimal integers!) I shall remove them - thanks. – Jonathan Allan – 2017-05-08T14:47:36.210


Python - 160 159 143 bytes

Thanks to @JonathanAllan for saving me 18 bytes!

Only uses builtin libraries, so the control key is ctrl-c, catching it with an except keyboardInterrupt.

import time
while 1:exec"try:\n while 1:\n  %s\nexcept:1\n"*2%(1,"print'\033c%02d:%02d'%divmod(Z%3600,60);Z+=1;time.sleep(1)")


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 25 023

Oh nice. I think maybe it could shorter with just except:? I have a working version of mine doing it... – Jonathan Allan – 2017-01-28T22:40:49.287

@JonathanAllan oh cool, didn't know you could do that. – Maltysen – 2017-01-28T23:04:14.027


QBasic, 213 211 bytes

Control key is tab. Leaving this running may cause laptop fires. You have been warned.

WHILE k$<>CHR$(9)
?CHR$(48+m\10);CHR$(48+(m MOD 10));":";CHR$(48+(d MOD 60)\10);CHR$(48+(d MOD 10))
m=d\60MOD 60

Here it is in action, pausing at 10, 15, and 20 seconds:

Stopwatch running

Ungolfed and commented

' Outer loop runs forever
  ' The WHILE-WEND loop runs until tab is pressed
  WHILE key$ <> CHR$(9)
    key$ = INKEY$
    ' Output the stopwatch value at top left of screen
    LOCATE 1
    ' Unfortunately, QBasic's PRINT USING doesn't have a format for printing
    ' with leading zeros, so we have to do it manually by printing the
    ' 10s digit and the 1s digit
    PRINT CHR$(48 + minute \ 10); CHR$(48 + (minute MOD 10));
    PRINT ":";
    PRINT CHR$(48 + second \ 10); CHR$(48 + (second MOD 10))
    ' Update the current time if the running flag is set
    IF running THEN now = TIMER
    ' Take the difference between now and the last time we started the
    ' stopwatch, plus the amount of saved time from previous runs,
    ' plus 86400 to account for the possibility of running over midnight
    ' (since TIMER is the number of seconds since midnight, and QBasic's
    ' MOD doesn't handle negative values like we would need it to)
    diff = saved + now - lastStarted + 86400
    second = diff MOD 60
    minute = diff \ 60 MOD 60
  ' If we're outside the WHILE loop, the user pressed tab
  key$ = ""
  ' Add the previous run's time to the saved amount
  saved = saved + now - lastStarted
  ' Toggle running between 0 and 1
  running = 1 - running
  ' If we're starting, we want to put the current time in lastStarted;
  ' if we're stopping, it doesn't matter
  lastStarted = TIMER

Note that values of TIMER are floating-point. This doesn't affect the output, since MOD and \ truncate to integers. But it does add accuracy to the amount of saved time: if you pause the timer right before a tick, you'll see when you start it up again that the number changes in less than a second.


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 21 213


bash + Unix utilities, 90 or 93 bytes

90-byte version:

trap d=\$[!d] 2;for((n=0;;)){((d|!n))&&dc<<<DP60dod*d$n\r%+n|colrm 1 4&&: $[n++];sleep 1;}

93-byte version:

trap d=\$[!d] 2;for((n=0;;)){((d|!n))&&dc<<<DP60dod*$n+n|colrm 1 4&&n=$[(n+1)%3600];sleep 1;}

Ctrl-C is the resume/pause character. A space is the delimiter between minutes and seconds.

The difference between the two versions is that the 90-byte program will work for 2^63 seconds (at which point, bash will give me an integer overflow).

The 93-byte version will truly work forever.

The original problem included the requirement: "Your program must (theoretically) be capable of running forever."

If running for 2^63 seconds is sufficient to meet that requirement, then the 90-byte solution works. That duration is more than 20 times the age of the universe!

If the program needs to be able to run for longer than that, I'll have to go with the 93-byte solution.

I should probably point out that this solution, as well as at least some of the others posted, will very slowly fall behind the true elapsed time. This slippage is because the program is sleeping for one second between each execution of the body of the loop, but the body of the loop does take some tiny amount of time to execute. This will be inconsequential in practice.

Mitchell Spector

Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 3 392

It looks like this will not display an initial value on the screen, until you "unpause" it. – zeppelin – 2017-01-29T10:31:54.733

"The stopwatch should start paused, and stay in this state, until user explicitly starts it, by pressing the 'control' key (see below)." Is there a spec I missed? – Mitchell Spector – 2017-01-29T11:00:02.950

yep this is correct, but it should still display an initial value Initially, you can start with '00:00' or with any other value in range [00:00-59:59], which will stay on the screen until you press 'control' for the first time. Sorry if I have not been able to formulate this clear enough ! – zeppelin – 2017-01-29T11:12:29.530

OK, that makes sense -- I'll modify it. – Mitchell Spector – 2017-01-29T11:14:35.037

I've changed the programs to start with an initial display of 00 00 (still in the paused state though). I also made a couple of other changes (a 1-byte improvement and a copy-and-paste error fix). – Mitchell Spector – 2017-01-29T11:45:33.933

1Looks all good now ! – zeppelin – 2017-01-29T12:08:45.980

Why is the backslash in \r needed? It seems to work without it. – Isaac – 2019-08-25T17:40:02.317

The 93 byte could be reduced by using (n+d) instead of (n+1). No need for ((d|!n)). The code becomes: trap d=\$[!d] 2;for((n=0;;)){ dc<<<DP60dod*$n+n|colrm 1 4&&n=$[(n+d)%3600];sleep 1;} at 84 bytes. – Isaac – 2019-08-25T17:44:41.653

Furthermore, as it is assumed that d starts at 0, the same could be assumed for n, removing the need for n=0. The code then reduces to 81 bytes. – Isaac – 2019-08-25T17:48:16.177


Batch, 132 bytes

@choice/t 1 /d y /m %m:~1%:%s:~1% /n
goto l

Pressing n will (un)pause the timer. The output flicker can be reduced at a cost of three (or four) bytes.


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 95 035


Pure bash, 141 bytes

set -m
while ! read -t 1;do printf '\r%02i:%02i' $[s=s>3598?0:s+1,s/60] $[s%60];done&trap 'fg>/dev/null' TSTP
printf '00:00'
kill -STOP $!

This uses nothing but Bash builtins (no external tools). The control character is Ctrl-Z, so that standard SIGTSTP handling pauses the stopwatch.

If Ctrl-Z is pressed while the subshell is foregrounded, it will pause execution and return the outer script to the foreground, where it will wait silently. If the outer script is foregrounded, the trap handler will resume the subshell's execution, and it will count up again.

Michael Homer

Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 721


HTML + JavaScript (ES6), 191 192 187 183 174 bytes

<b onclick='b=b?clearInterval(b):setInterval("a.innerHTML=`${(d=(((c=a.innerHTML.split`:`)[1]>58)+c[0])%60)>9?d:`0`+d}:${(e=++c[1]%60)>9?e:`0`+e}",1e3)'onload='b=0'id=a>00:00


Click the timer to start or pause the stopwatch. As such, a single click is the control key. The separator between the two values is a colon.

Whenever the user clicks the click, the value of b is checked. It is initialised to 0 which evaluates to false, so a string of code is evaluated every 1000 milliseconds. This sets the variable to the id of the interval, so it can be stopped later. If b contains a number, it evaluates to true, so the interval is stopped. This returns the value undefined, so the cycle continues.

The string of code changes the html of the element with id a (the stopwatch). First the minutes are parsed by taking the previous stopwatch value, splitting it by the colon, and getting the minutes value, which is increased by 0 if the value of the seconds is not 59 (greater than 58), and 1 otherwise, modulo 60. Then this value is padded. Then comes the colon, and lastly, the seconds. The code simply gets the old value, increases it by 1, takes modulo 60 and optionally pads it.


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 4 675

This doesn't seem to work at all. I just get ReferenceError: d is not defined – Alexis Tyler – 2017-01-29T08:14:57.600

You can probably also save a few bytes by removing the href=# since it's not actually needed since you're using onclick. – Alexis Tyler – 2017-01-29T08:20:13.503

I just fixed that. I also removed the href, because you were right. Thanks! – Luke – 2017-01-29T09:46:16.790

Can't you put the onclick on the b tag and specify so in the answer? – None – 2017-02-02T13:09:27.937

I suppose that works. It saved 9B. Thanks a lot! – Luke – 2017-02-02T13:10:12.660


C 309 179 bytes

f(){m=0,s=0;A: while(getchar()^'\n'){if(s++==59){if(m++==59)m=0;s=0;}printf("\r%02d:%02d",m,s);sleep(1);system("clear");if(getchar()=='\n'){break;}}while(getchar()^'\n'){}goto A;}

Ungolfed version:

void f()
   int m=0,s=0;

   A: while(getchar()^'\n')



       goto A ;

Usage: Press Enter to Pause and Resume the Stopwatch.


  • Wait for Enter keystroke, break the first while loop and wait until next Enter comes.
  • Upon next Enter keystroke, goto first while loop and resume counting.

Now, I know goto is a bad coding practice in C, but I could not figure out another way.

Abel Tom

Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 1 150

The code doesn't compile. Furthermore, getchar() blocks until some character is pressed. – G. Sliepen – 2019-08-28T18:43:22.020

compiles and runs on a linux machine – Abel Tom – 2019-08-29T08:30:58.503

The ungolfed version perhaps, but the golfed version does not. Already at m=0,s=0; it fails, because you did not declare these variables anywhere. – G. Sliepen – 2019-08-29T17:21:01.493


Javascript in Chrome console, 143 bytes


When entered in console it inits the counter to 00:00 and then enables the control which is keypress on the document.

Not much magic going on, notably the (i/60)|0 floors the number

Done and tested in Chrome console


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 31

Nice answer. You can remove some bytes by using a dummy argument for the functions that don't take an argument, and you can replace the first argument in the setInterval by a string containing the code. – Luke – 2017-02-02T13:15:09.113

1132 B: m=s=g=i=0;(f=document).onclick=_=>g++;setInterval("g%2&&f.close(f.write(\${(m=i/60%60|0)>9?m:'0'+m}:`+((s=i++%60)>9?s:'0'+s)))",1e3)` – Luke – 2017-02-02T13:25:28.793

Ohh, nice :) Learned a couple of things here. String in interval and the _=>g++ . Thanks :) – gzbz – 2017-02-03T09:03:58.037


Javascript, 124 bytes


The 'control key' is a click on the document. To test this, paste the code in the console or in a html file inside the <script> tag.


let s = 1
let i = 1
setInterval(() => {
    //If s = true then check after the "&&" operator else false
    s && (d = document).close( //put the document variable inside the d variable, so now i don't need to use anymore the long word 'document, then i close the document
            d.write( //Write into the document the next string
                `0${i/60%60|0}:`.slice(-3) + `0${i++%60}`.slice(-2) //Here is the magic, here I update the 'i' variable and convert the 'i' value to minutes and seconds
        d.onclick = _ => s = !s //Add onclick event to the document, if s = true then s = false, if s = false then s = true
}, 1e3) //1e3 = 1000

Tested in Chrome


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 41


Welcome to the site! Would it be possible to edit in a link to an online testing site, such as Try it online!, so that other users can verify your answer?

– caird coinheringaahing – 2019-08-29T15:33:19.663

Thanks @cairdcoinheringaahing, this is with jsfiddle:

– TheCopyright – 2019-08-30T07:16:18.663


C# 220 Bytes

using static System.Console;
using static System.DateTime;
class P
    static void Main()
        var l = Now;
        var d = l-l;
        for( var r = 1<0;;Write($"\r{d:mm\\:ss}"))
            if (KeyAvailable&&ReadKey(1<2).KeyChar == 's')
                l = Now;
                r = !r;
            if (r)
                d -= l - (l = Now);



using static System.Console;using static System.DateTime;class P{static void Main(){var l=Now;var d=l-l;for(var r=1<0;;Write($"\r{d:mm\\:ss}")){(KeyAvailable&&ReadKey(1<2).KeyChar=='s'){l=Now;r=!r;}if(r)d-=l-(l=Now);}}}

Using the s key to start/stop. Whole program works by remembering the TimeDelta using DateTime.Now

Most C#-Magic here comes from the C# 7.0 feature using static.


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 381


PHP, 94 91 bytes

I assume that 32 is the key code for the space bar (which it probably is not);
I currently have no way to test ncurses. But the rest of the code works fine.

for($s=[STDIN];;)echo date("\ri:s",$t+=$r^=stream_select($s,$n,$n,1)&&32==ncurses_getch());

starts at 00:00, but increments immediately when pause ends

If You (like me) don´t have ncurses, You can test by replacing the second date parameter with $t+=$r^=!rand(sleep(1),19); or $t+=$r^=++$x%20<1+sleep(1);. (sleep always returns 0.)


for($s=[STDIN];                     // set pointer for stream_select
    ;                               // infinite loop:
    echo date("\ri:s",                  // 5. print CR + time
        $t+=                            // 4. increment $t if watch is running
        $r^=                            // 3. then toggle pause
            stream_select($s,$n,$n,1)   // 1. wait 1 second for a keystroke
            &&32==ncurses_getch()       // 2. if keystroke, and key==space bar


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 13 814


Bash, 65 bytes

trap d=\$[!d] 2;for((;;)){ printf "\r%(%M:%S)T" $[n+=d];sleep 1;}

Note that it must be written to a file script to work correctly, or else, try:

bash -c 'trap d=\$[!d] 2;for((;;)){ printf "\r%(%M:%S)T" $[n+=d];sleep 1;}'

Extended version to explain it:

trap d=\$[!d] 2                     # flip d for each INT (ctrl-c) signal.
for((n=0;;)){                       # repeat forever the code inside the {...}
                                    # The n=0 is not strictly needed.
    printf "\r%(%M:%S)T" "$[n+=d]"  # Print Minute:Second string calculated from 
                                    # the n value, increment by the value of d.
                                    # If IFS is not numeric (0-9), then, the
                                    # quotes around "$[n+=d]" could be removed.
    sleep 1                         # wait for 1 second.

The %(...)T format to printf is valid in bash 5+.


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 173

Doesn't work. Just prints 00:00 and increments a counter when you hit Ctrl-C. There's no animation of the timer. (Tested on bash 5.0.7) – roblogic – 2019-08-26T14:01:00.433

1Did you write the code to an script? Or else please try: bash -c 'trap d=\$[!d] 2;for((;;)){ printf "\r%(%M:%S)T" $[n+=d];sleep 1;}'. @roblogic – Isaac – 2019-08-26T14:39:21.723

Ahh, that worked! The script has to be run with bash -c :) – roblogic – 2019-08-26T14:46:06.653


C (gcc), 121 115 bytes

p,r;g(){r^=1;}main(t,b){for(b=time(signal(2,g));;r?p=t:(b+=t!=p))t=time(0)-b,printf("\r%02d:%02d  ",t/60%60,t%60);}

Try it online!

Sets a signal handler for SIGINT, which is triggered by pressing control-C. We keep a time offset in b, and display the wall clock time minus the time offset. If we are paused, increment the time base everytime the wall clock ticks to freeze the displayed time.

Thanks to @ceilingcat for shaving off 6 bytes!

G. Sliepen

Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 580


Zsh + Gnu date, 242 bytes

Featuring 1/100ths of a second! It requires an interactive terminal, but here's a TIO link anyway.
Hit Enter to start/stop the timer; Ctrl-C to exit.

u(){p=`gdate +%s`;q=`gdate +%N`;}
f(){read -t0.01&&{read;break};unset REPLY}
g(){while :;{u;t=$[p-a];s=$[t%60];m=$[(t%3600-s)/60]
echo "\r`printf %02d:%02d $m $s`.$q[1,2]\c";f;}}
while :;{f;echo "\r\e[2A\c";u;a=$[p-t];g;}

Comments (a bit out of date):

u()echo $[`gdate +%s%N`/1000]       # fn:unix timestamp extended to µs
v()gdate +%s                        # fn:unix time, in s
f(){read -t0.01 -r&&{read -r;break;} # fn:listens for "Enter"
                      ;unset REPLY;}

g(){while :;                        # fn:rolling stopwatch
    {q=`u`;t=$[`v`-a]               #    t=time diff from baseline (s)
    ;echo "\r`printf %02d:%02d      #    format output
    $[(t%3600-s)/60] $s`            #    minutes:seconds
    .${q:10:2}\c";                  #    .xx = partial seconds
    f;}}                            #    listen for "Enter"

                                    # Execution starts here!
<<<ready;read;u;a=$p                # Wait for "Enter"; get baseline $a

while :;{                           # Main program loop
         f;                         # listen for an "Enter"
           echo "\r\e[2A\c"         # go up 1 line of the console
a=$[`v`-t]                          # reset the baseline
                ;g;}                # begin the stopwatch


Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 554

@Isaac, there's no way I could beat your answer for brevity & elegance, so I thought I'd add features instead... – roblogic – 2019-08-26T14:57:12.187

1That is an excellent goal @roblogic :-) .... .... still understanding your code .... – Isaac – 2019-08-26T15:09:19.890


Commodore BASIC (C64/TheC64 Mini, VIC-20, PET, C16/+4) - 147 tokenized and BASIC bytes

 0?"{clear}":geta$:ifa$<>" "thengoto
 2fori=.to1:?"{home}"mid$(ti$,3,2)":"mid$(ti$,5,2):geta$:b$=ti$:i=-(a$=" "):nE:pO198,.
 3geta$:ifa$<>" "then3

{clear} in the listing is SHIFT+CLR/HOME which outputs as one PETSCII character when following an opening quotation mark, whereas {home} is the CLR/HOME key without the shift on the same condition of following an opening quotation mark.

Use the space bar as the control key.

To work with the Commodore 128 in BASIC 7, change the listing in the following lines:

 0?"{clear}":geta$:ifa$<>" "thengoto0
 2fori=.to1:?"{home}"mid$(ti$,3,2)":"mid$(ti$,5,2):geta$:b$=ti$:i=-(a$=" "):nE:poK198,.

Adds an extra seven tokens to the count (as all numbers are stored in BASIC as 7 bytes, so goto10 is 8 tokenized bytes whereas goto is only 1).

Shaun Bebbers

Posted 2017-01-28T19:10:52.673

Reputation: 1 814