Solve a Stack State Diagram


A stack state diagram shows how the values on one stack are changed into the other. For example, this is a stack state diagram:

3 0 2 1 0

This means that there is a stack initially containing 3 values (the 3 part). These values are indexed from 0 to 2, with 0 at the top: 2 1 0. The next part 0 2 1 0 describes the final state of the stack: the value that was originally on top of the stack has been copied to the back as well.

These transformations happen on a stack that has support for several data types:

  • The "value" type, which is what is originally on the stack. This could be a string, integer, etc. but its value does not need to be known.
  • The "list" type, which is a list containing values of any data type.

To model this transformation, the following operations are permitted:

  • S: Swap the two values on top of the stack: 2 1 02 0 1
  • D: Duplicate the value on top of the stack: 1 01 0 0
  • R: Remove the top value on the stack. 2 1 02 1
  • L: Turn the top value into a one-element list containing that value: 2 1 02 1 (0)
  • C: Concatenate the top two lists on the stack: 2 (1) (0)2 (1 0)
  • U: Place all the values from a list onto the stack: 2 (1 0)2 1 0

These are equivalent to the Underload commands ~ : ! a * ^, provided that no other commands are used.

S, D, R, and L can be used with any values on top of the stack, but C and U must have lists on top of the stack to function. A submission whose generated sequences attempt to preform invalid operations (like D on an empty stack or U on a non-list) is wrong and must be punished fixed.

To solve a stack state diagram, find a sequence of commands that will correctly transform the initial stack state into the new one. For example, one solution to 3: 0 2 1 0 is LSLCSLCULSLCLSLDCSC USLCU:

   2 1 0
L  2 1 (0)
S  2 (0) 1
L  2 (0) (1)
C  2 (0 1)
S  (0 1) 2
L  (0 1) (2)
C  (0 1 2)
U  0 1 2
L  0 1 (2)
S  0 (2) 1
L  0 (2) (1)
C  0 (2 1)
L  0 ((2 1))
S  ((2 1)) 0
L  ((2 1)) (0)
D  ((2 1)) (0) (0)
C  ((2 1)) (0 0)
S  (0 0) ((2 1))
C  (0 0 (2 1))
U  0 0 (2 1)
S  0 (2 1) 0
L  0 (2 1) (0)
C  0 (2 1 0)
U  0 2 1 0

Your task is to write a program that takes a stack state diagram and outputs a solution.

Test Cases

2 1 0       ->

3 2 0       -> SR

9           -> RRRRRRRRR

2 0 1 0     -> LSLCDCUR

2 0 1 1     -> SD

6 2         -> RRSRSRSR

5 0 1 2 3 4 -> LSLCSLCSLCSLCU


This is , so the shortest valid answer (in bytes) wins.

Esolanging Fruit

Posted 2016-12-20T07:20:05.513

Reputation: 13 542

Can you have a list containing lists? EDIT: Nevermind, you can, it's in the example. – orlp – 2016-12-20T18:56:52.113

Does the C need lists on top and second position of stack? or the element in second position could be added to a list on top? – edc65 – 2016-12-21T11:55:27.987

C needs lists on both positions. It doesn't make sense to concatenate a value and a list. – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-21T17:52:24.773



Python 3, 84 bytes

lambda n,*s:"DLL"+"L".join(i*"SLSC"+"LSLSCDURLCULCULSC"for i in s[::-1])+n*"SR"+"UR"


>>> f = lambda ...
>>> f(4, 2, 0, 1, 3, 2)

Explanation: To start off we duplicate the zero and wrap it in a list:

DL -> 3 2 1 0 (0)

This is our base. Now I will explain a general algorithm that turns ... 1 0 (x) into ... 1 0 (i x) for arbitrary integer i. I will use as an example i = 2, and we have some arbitrary list (x). We start by wrapping our current list (x) into another list:

L -> 3 2 1 0 ((x))

Now we repeat the following sequence i times:

SLSC -> 3 2 1 (0 (x))
SLSC -> 3 2 (1 0 (x))

Now we're ready to insert the 2 into list (x). This goes as follows:

LSLSC -> 3 (2 (1 0 (x)))
DU -> 3 (2 (1 0 (x))) 2 (1 0 (x))
RLCU -> 3 2 (1 0 (x)) 2
LCU -> 3 2 1 0 (x) 2
LSC -> 3 2 1 0 (2 x)

Note that we keep pushing new integers on the left. So the very first (0) we started with stays on the right.

After we have inserted every integer we need into the list we remove the rest of the stack by swapping and removing n time (SR). Finally we unpack our list and delete the first 0 we inserted to start our list (UR).


Posted 2016-12-20T07:20:05.513

Reputation: 37 067

Did you mean to type s instead of l? – Zacharý – 2016-12-20T20:23:47.470

@ZacharyT Oops, yep. It worked while shuffling things around because l was defined on my REPL. – orlp – 2016-12-20T20:53:20.177

The example shown doesn't seem to work... (DLLSLSCSLSCSLSCSLSCLSLSCDURLCULCULSCLSLSCSLSCSLSCLSLSCDURLCULCULSCLSLSCSLSCLSLSCDURLCULCULSCLSLSCLSLSCDURLCULCULSCLLSLSCDURLCULCULSCSRSRSRSRUR). It tries to execute an S instruction when there's only 1 value on the stack. – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-20T21:54:19.237

@Challenger5 And I also forgot to update the example... Should be fixed now. – orlp – 2016-12-20T21:58:39.577

Yep, looks good now! – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-20T22:55:05.663

@Challenger5 Did you expect such a... static solution, as opposed to a more dynamic solver? – orlp – 2016-12-20T23:03:20.557

What do you mean? – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-20T23:22:28.330

@Challenger5 Did you expect a solution like this, where a string just gets repeated a number of times, or a more dynamic solver program? – orlp – 2016-12-20T23:27:30.373

Anything is fine. I like it! – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-20T23:27:53.907

This doesn't seem to work for the test case 6 2. – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-29T18:43:44.240

@Challenger5 It works fine for me. Output is DLLSLSCSLSCLSLSCDURLCULCULSCSRSRSRSRSRSRUR which evaluates to 2 when the stack is initially 5 4 3 2 1 0 – orlp – 2016-12-29T19:30:46.250

@orlp: I tried it again, and it seems to work, but unless I made a mistake somewhere it evaluates to (2) instead of 2. – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-12-30T04:29:02.330

@Challenger5 You made a mistake somewhere, I verified by hand. – orlp – 2016-12-30T10:43:40.183


CJam, 54 bytes

Just a translation from orlp's Python solution into CJam. There's nothing new here.



"DLL"                  e# Push string
q~                     e# Read input and evaluate
(                      e# Pop the first value
"SR"                   e# Push string
*                      e# Repeat string n times
\                      e# Swap (bring s to front)
W%                     e# Reverse
{                      e# For each:
  "SLSC"               e#   Push string
  *                    e#   Repeat i times
  "LSLSCDURLCULCULSC"+ e#   Append string to end
}%                     e# End
'L*                    e# Join with 'L'
\                      e# Swap (bring "SR"*n to front)
"UR"                   e# Push string
                       e# [Stack is implicitly output.]

Esolanging Fruit

Posted 2016-12-20T07:20:05.513

Reputation: 13 542