Find the sum of all numbers below n that are a multiple of some set of numbers


Almost equivalent to Project Euler's first question:

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.

Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.


Given a positive integer N and a set of at least one positive integer A, output the sum of all positive integers less than N that are multiples of at least one member of A.

For example, for the Project Euler case, the input would be:


Test cases:

Input : 50, [2]
Output: 600

Input : 10, [3, 5]
Output: 23

Input : 28, [4, 2]
Output: 182

Input : 19, [7, 5]
Output: 51

Input : 50, [2, 3, 5]
Output: 857


Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

Reputation: 403


  • Do we count numbers that are multiples of both twice? 2) Can we only get two other numbers? or any amount say one or 3?
  • < – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2016-12-19T03:48:58.773

    3Can you give some test cases? Obviously don't post the answer to the PE one, but what about other examples? – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 2016-12-19T03:55:03.250

    1@WheatWizard: The word "or" implies that each number is counted only once, at most. I agree that the question needs to make it clear how many "numbers to check for multiples of" arguments must be supported, though. Exactly two? One or more? Zero or more? – smls – 2016-12-19T03:58:29.693

    1Can we take "numbers equal to or below 10", or take 9 as input instead of 10? – Stewie Griffin – 2016-12-19T07:41:44.117

    "and a set of at least one positive integer A" how big can the set be? – betseg – 2016-12-19T07:41:54.890



    Jelly, 6 bytes


    Try it online!

    How it works

    ḍþṖḅTS  Main link. Left argument: D (array). Right argument: n (integer)
    ḍþ       Divisible table; test each k in [1, ..., n] for divisibility by all
            integers d in D.
      Ṗ     Pop; discard the last Boolean array, which corresponds to n.
       ḅ    Unbase; convert the Boolean arrays of base n to integer. This yields a 
            non-zero value (truthy) and and only if the corresponding integer k is 
            divisible by at least one d in D.
        T   Truth; yield the array of all indices of truthy elements.
         S  Compute their sum.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 196 637

    3Of course @Dennis has to come with something that will make you wonder what you're doing on ppcg – Grajdeanu Alex. – 2016-12-19T19:35:02.507


    Octave, 38 36 33 bytes


    Take input as: f(10, [3;5]). This would be 2 bytes shorter if the input could be f(9,[3;5]) for the same test case.

    Verify all test cases here.


    @(x,y)        % Anonymous function that takes two inputs, x and y
                  % x is a scalar and y is a vertical vector with the set of numbers
    (1:--x)*      % Pre-decrement x and create a vector 1 2 ... x-1    

    Octave can pre-decrement, so using 1:--x instead of 1:x-1 (two times) saves two bytes.

    mod(a,b) gives 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 for mod(1:9,3). If the second argument is a vertical vector, it will replicate the first input vertically and take the modulus for each of the values in the second input argument. So, for input mod(1:9, [3;5]) this gives:

    1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0
    1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

    Taking ~all(_,1) on this gives true for the columns where at least one value is zero, and false where all values are non-zero:

    0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1

    The ,1 is needed in case there is only one number in y. Otherwise it would act on the entire vector instead of number-by-number.

    Transposing this to a vertical matrix and use matrix multiplication, will give us the correct answer, without the need for explicit summing:

    Stewie Griffin

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 43 471

    Oh that's cruel: I had to add 2 bytes because of the difference between x and x–1, but you had to add 4 bytes, and I'm now ahead by 1 byte >:) – Greg Martin – 2016-12-19T09:02:26.750


    Python, 59 55 bytes

    lambda n,l:sum(v*any(v%m<1for m in l)for v in range(n))

    Unnamed function taking an integer, n and a list of integers l. Traverses a range of the Natural numbers (plus zero) up to but not including n and sums (sum(...)) those that have a remainder after division of zero (v%m<1) for any of the integers m in the list l. Uses multiplication rather than a conditional to save 3 bytes.

    Jonathan Allan

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 67 804


    JavaScript (ES6), 40 39 36 bytes

    Input: integer n and array of integer(s) a with currying syntax (n)(a)


    Test cases

    let f =
    console.log(f(50)([2]));        // 600
    console.log(f(10)([3, 5]));     // 23
    console.log(f(28)([4, 2]));     // 182
    console.log(f(19)([7, 5]));     // 51
    console.log(f(50)([2, 3, 5]));  // 857


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 111 334

    I had a slightly different formulation for the same length: f=(n,a)=>n--&&a.some(v=>n%v<1)*n+f(n,a). Best I could do nonrecursively was 61 bytes. – Neil – 2016-12-19T09:56:43.817

    @Neil Your comment encouraged me to look for yet another formulation. Interestingly, the currying syntax saves 3 bytes. – Arnauld – 2016-12-19T10:16:56.823


    MATL, 9 bytes


    Try it online!

    Luis Mendo

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 87 464

    1Just checking if I read this right (without checking the docs). You're decrementing, creating a vector 1 2 .... You duplicate it and take modulus the other input. You negate it and multiply with the vector 1 2 .., use unique to get rid of duplicates and finally summing it... – Stewie Griffin – 2016-12-19T10:36:40.510

    Exactly! I'm on the mobile so I didn't include an explanation. Now it's not necessary :-) – Luis Mendo – 2016-12-19T10:38:41.633


    Retina, 34 bytes

    Byte count assumes ISO 8859-1 encoding.


    Input format is


    Try it online!

    Martin Ender

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 184 808


    Perl 6, 25 bytes

    {sum grep *%%@_.any,^$^a}

    A lambda that takes the input numbers as arguments. (One argument for N, and an arbitrary number of arguments for A).

    (Try it online.)


    • { ... }: A lambda.
    • $^a: First argument of the lambda.
    • @_: Remaining arguments of the lambda ("variadic parameter").
    • ^$^a: Range from 0 to $^a - 1.
    • * %% @_.any: Another lambda, which tests its argument * using the divisible-by operator %% against an any-Junction of the list @_.
    • grep PREDICATE, RANGE: iterates the range of numbers and returns the ones for which the predicate is true.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 4 352

    I think adding ^ to declare a placeholder parameter is fairly explicit. Especially since you could use it later in the block as just $a. I think only $_ @_ %_ self can ever be considered to be implicitly declared. I think I would have that line read "declare first parameter as a placeholder" – Brad Gilbert b2gills – 2016-12-20T02:43:52.247

    @BradGilbertb2gills: I meant that it implicitly becomes part of the lambda's signature, even though the code didn't introduce a signature before the lambda's body. @_, and %_ in case of functions, are no different in that regard: They too only become part of the signature if they appear in the body. Only $_ (and self and %_ in methods) can become part of a signature by default. – smls – 2016-12-20T15:36:15.743

    PS: I removed the phrase "implicitly declared" now, though, as it's not necessary for understanding the code. – smls – 2016-12-20T15:43:26.957


    Python, 67 bytes

    exec("if x%c<1or 1>x%b:y+=x\nx+=1\n"*a)
    print y

    After writing this I noticed my code was similar to the existing python answer, however I came up with it independently and am posting it anyway.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 7 410

    You don't need the semicolon in the exec, since you have a line break after it anyway. I knew my answer could be outgolfed! – Theo – 2016-12-19T05:44:40.460

    The spec says "a set of at least one positive integer"; this seems to only handle the case where the set is two integers. Also having x=y=0 on a separate line would save four bytes. – Jonathan Allan – 2016-12-19T07:52:22.520

    @JonathanAllan cool, thanks a lot! – Rɪᴋᴇʀ – 2016-12-19T16:57:08.243


    Mathematica, 37 27 bytes

    Thanks to Martin Ender for a shrewd observation that led to big byte savings!


    Unnamed function taking two arguments, a list # of integers (the desired divisors A) and an integer #2 (the upper bound N) , and returning an integer. Range[#,#2-1,#] gives, for each element d of the list #, all the multiples of d less than or equal to #-1 (hence less than #); the union of these lists is then computed and summed with Tr.

    Previous version:


    Greg Martin

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 13 940

    1Range is listable: Tr[Union@@Range[#2,#-1,#2]]& (and then save another byte by swapping the order of the inputs) – Martin Ender – 2016-12-19T10:21:24.253


    Haskell, 42 39 bytes

    a!b=sum[x|x<-[1..a-1],any((<1).mod x)b]


    Main> 50![2,3,5]

    Thanks to @Zgarb for 3 bytes


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 4 825

    (x\mod`)is the same asmod x`. – Zgarb – 2016-12-19T08:53:48.590

    @Zgarb whoops :) – Angs – 2016-12-19T10:39:56.800


    R, 67 bytes

    a=scan();x=c();for(i in a[-1])x=c(x,seq(i,a[1]-1,i));sum(unique(x))

    Takes a vector to STDIN in the following format: [N, a_1, a_2, ...]. Supports any number of a. For each a, creates the sequence a to N-1 with stepsize a. Then takes the sum of all the unique entries in that vector.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 2 898


    Octave, 49 37 bytes


    the function will be called as f([2 3 4],50)

    Assume that A=[2 3 4]; we require to have sum of numbers as

    2,4,6...,50-1 ,

    we can multiply [2 3 4] by 1:50 to get matrix (1:N)'.*A

    [2 4 6 ... 2*50
    3 6 9 ... 3*50
    4 8 12 ...4*50]

    then extract from the matrix those that are smaller than 50 : z(z<N)

    Since there are repeated elements in the matrix we extract unique values and sum them.

    previous answer: (this solution will fail if N==1)


    function should be called as f(unit64([2 3 4]),uint64(50))


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 5 435

    1Very nice! Almost as sort as the other octave answer, but a completely different approach. This didn't cross my mind at all! Could benefit from having some explanation though and maybe a link to ideone, but you have my vote already :-) – Stewie Griffin – 2016-12-19T22:21:34.693

    I changed the order of the input, but here's a link

    – Stewie Griffin – 2016-12-19T22:25:14.860


    05AB1E, 9 bytes


    Try it online!

    F         For N in [0, ..., input[0]-1]
     ND²%     Evaluate N%input[1]; yields an array of results
         P    Take the total product of the array. Yields 0 only if at least one of the value is 0, in other words if N is multiple of at least one of the specified values
          _   Boolean negation, yields 1 if the last value is 0 and yields 0 otherwise
           *  Multiply by N: yields N if the last value is 0 and yields 0 otherwise
            O Display the total sum


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 1 321

    8 bytes or 8 bytes alternative using a filter. (The first 8-byter wasn't possible when you posted your answer, though. Since à (maximum) pops the list now, but didn't before.) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-06-28T12:29:26.210


    Pyth, 10 bytes



    s{sm:0hQdtQ   Implicit input
        :0hQd     Get multiples of d below the bound
       m     tQ   ... for each d given
      s           Concatenate results
     {            Remove repeats
    s             Take the sum


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167



    T-SQL, 87 bytes

    This will work as long as @i has a value of 2048 or lower

    USE master--needed for databases not using master as default
    DECLARE @i INT=50
    DECLARE @ table(a int)
    INSERT @ values(2),(3),(5)
    SELECT sum(distinct number)FROM spt_values,@ WHERE number%a=0and abs(number)<@i

    Try it out

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 2 874


    Pip, 43 41 39 35 bytes


    Try it online!


    Takes inputs like so:
        arg1 1000
        arg2 3 5
    b^:s                      ;read rest of inputs as array
                              ;(s is " " and ^ is split into array on char)
    F c ,a{                   ;for(c in range(0,a))
      f:0                     ;flag to prevent double counting 15,30,etc.
      F d b {                 ;forEach(d in b)
        f? 0 c%d? 0 (f:i+:c)  ;if flag {continue}elif c%d {f=i+=c}
                              ;      (i will always be truthy so why not)     
    i                         ;print sum

    Kenneth Taylor

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 183

    whoops! I read too fast – Kenneth Taylor – 2019-06-27T18:03:09.890

    Much better. Great answer! – mbomb007 – 2019-06-27T18:14:34.607


    APL (Dyalog Unicode), 12 bytes


    Try it online!

    Anonymous tacit function. Thanks to @Adám for helping me shave 3 bytes off of this. Uses ⎕IO←0.


    +/⊢∘⍳∩∘∊×∘⍳¨ ⍝ Tacit function. Left and right arguments will be called ⍺ and ⍵ respectively.
            ×∘⍳¨ ⍝ Multiply ⍺ with each element of [0..⍵-1]
           ∊     ⍝ Enlist (flattens the vector)
         ∩∘      ⍝ Then, get the intersection of that vector with
      ⊢∘⍳        ⍝ The vector [0..⍵-1].
    +/           ⍝ Then sum

    J. Sallé

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 3 233


    Python 2, 80 Bytes

    This is very long. Can definitely be shortened. Taking the 3 numbers as separate inputs is definitely hurting the score.

    exec("if c%z<1 or c%y<1:s+=c\nc+=1\n"*x)
    print s


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 348

    You could do x,y,z=input() and give input in the form of (1000,3,5). – Skyler – 2016-12-20T17:35:08.413


    Common Lisp, 77

    (lambda(n x)(loop for i below n when(some(lambda(u)(zerop(mod i u)))x)sum i))


    (lambda (limit seeds)
      (loop for i below limit
            when (some (lambda (u) (zerop (mod i u))) seeds)
              sum i))


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 6 292


    PowerShell, 57 bytes


    Try it online!

    Iterative solution. Takes input as a number $a and as a literal array $b. Loops from 1 up to one below $a (via --$a), using a Where-Object operator |?{...} with a clause to select certain numbers.

    The clause sets $i to be the current number before sending input array $b into another |?{...}, here picking out those items where the current number is evenly divided by at least one of the numbers in $b. Those elements of $b that do divide evenly are left on the pipeline.

    Thus, if there is at least one element from $b, the pipeline contains an element, so the outer Where is $true and the current number is left on the pipeline. Otherwise, with no elements from $b on the pipeline, the outer Where is $false, so the current number is not placed on the pipeline.

    Those numbers are all gathered up in parens, -joined together with + signs, and piped to |iex (short for Invoke-Expression and similar to eval). The summation result is left on the pipeline, and output is implicit.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 41 581


    PHP, 78 76 74 bytes


    The outer loop runs $i from 1 to below first argument and adds $i to $s if $f is not set.
    The inner loop multiplies $f with ($i modulo argument) for all subsequent arguments, setting $f to 0 if $i is the multiple of any of them.

    Run with -r.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 13 814


    Scala, 47 bytes


    n is a List which contains of a first argument N, the rest are elements of A

    Works by filtering out numbers where there doesn't exist at least one A of which i is a multiple, then summing. Strictly speaking we should use n.tail.exists inside the closure, but as i is always less than N and therefore never a multiple of N the solution is still complete without this.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 81


    Java 8, 75 bytes


    The method signature for this is int f(int N, List<Integer> A)


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 5 334


    Ruby, 52 48 46 bytes


    G B

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 11 099


    C11, 177 bytes

    #define S size_t
    S g(S m,array_t*d){S s,i,l,j;for(s=i=0;i<m;i++){for(l=1,j=0;j<d->idx+1;l*=i%(S)(*array_get_ref(d,j++,NULL))->fwi->value);s+=l?0:i;}return s;}

    Requires this set of headers in the same folder, and the fnv-hash library found there as well. Compile like gcc 1.c ../fnv-hash/libfnv.a -o 1 -DNODEBUG

    Test Program:

    #include "../calc/object/object.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    size_t f (const size_t max, const size_t a, const size_t b);
    size_t f2 (const size_t max, const array_t* const divs);
    size_t g (size_t max, array_t* divs);
    int main(void) {
      printf("%zu\n", f(10, 3, 5));
      static const size_t a[] = {
        3, 5
      array_t* b = array_new_from_size_t_lit(a, 2, t_realuint);
      printf("%zu\n", f2(10, b));
      printf("%zu\n", g(10, b));
      return 0;
    size_t f (const size_t max, const size_t a, const size_t b) {
      size_t sum = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        sum += (i % a * i % b) ? 0 : i;
      return sum;
    size_t f2 (const size_t max, const array_t* const divs) {
      size_t sum = 0;
      const size_t len = array_length(divs);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        size_t mul = 1;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++) {
          object_t** this = array_get_ref(divs, j, NULL);
          fixwid_t*   num = (*this)->fwi;
          mul *= i % (size_t) num->value;
        sum += mul ? 0 : i;
      return sum;
    #define S size_t
    S g(S m,array_t*d){S s,i,l,j;for(s=i=0;i<m;i++){for(l=1,j=0;j<d->idx+1;l*=i%(S)(*array_get_ref(d,j++,NULL))->fwi->value);s+=l?0:i;}return s;}




    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 4 989


    Japt -x, 9 7 6 bytes


    Try it

               :Implicit input of integer U and array V
    Ç          :Map each Z in the range [0,U)
     *         :  Multiply by
      Vø       :  Does V contain
        Zâ     :   Any of the divisors of Z
               :Implicit output of sum of resulting array


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 24 623


    Whispers v2, 178 bytes

    > Input
    > Input
    > ℕ
    >> (1)
    >> ∤L
    >> {L}
    >> L∩2
    >> #L
    >> L∈3
    >> L⋅R
    >> Each 5 4
    >> Each 6 11
    >> Each 7 12
    >> Each 8 13
    >> Each 9 14
    >> Each 10 15 4
    >> ∑16
    >> Output 17

    Try it online!

    Structure tree:

    struct tree

    How it works

    Very simply, we put each number (the lines with Each on them) through a series of functions (the lines with L on them), then, based off the results of those functions, we discard some numbers and keep the rest, before finally summing them. In fact, we can define those functions, where \$\alpha\$ denotes the set of numbers given as input:

    \begin{align} f(x) & = \{i \: | \: (i|x), i \in \mathbb{N}\} & \text{i.e. the set of divisors of} \: x \\ g(x) & = f(x) \cup \alpha & \text{i.e. the union of the divisors of} \: x \: \text{with} \: \alpha \\ h(x) & = |g(x)| > 0 & \text{i.e.} \: g(x) \: \text{is not empty} \end{align}

    This is what lines 5 through to 10 represent. Lines 11 through 16 are simply the application of those three functions. Once we've defined all the functions, we then mutate \$\alpha\$ to \$\beta\$ according to the following rule:

    $$\beta_i = \begin{cases} \alpha_i & h(\alpha_i) \: \top \\ 0 & h(\alpha_i) \: \bot \end{cases}$$

    where \$\alpha_i\$ denotes the \$i\$th element of \$\alpha\$, and the same for \$\beta\$. Finally, we can simply take the sum of \$\beta\$, as the \$0\$ elements do not affect the sum.

    caird coinheringaahing

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 13 702


    K (oK), 15 14 bytes



    Try it online!


    {+/&|/~y!\:!x}[10;3 5]


    {+/&|/~y!\:!x} / the solution
    {            } / lambda taking implicit x and y
               !x  / range 0..x-1
           y!\:    / modulo (!) x with each-left (\:) item in y
          ~        / not
        |/         / min-over to flatten into single list
       &           / indices where true
     +/            / sum up


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 3 635


    Actually, 13 bytes


    Try it online!


    DR             range(1, N)
      ∙            Cartesian product with A
       `i;)%Y*`M   for each pair:
        i;)          flatten, make a copy of the value from the range
           %Y        test if value from range divides value from A
             *       value from range if above is true else 0
                Σ  sum


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 32 998


    Processing, 88 bytes

    int q(int a,int[]b){int s=0,i=0;for(;++i<a;)for(int j:b)if(i%j<1){s+=i;break;}return s;}

    Uses the simple for-loop approach, sums all the multiples up and returns it. Input is the format int, int[]array.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 16 320


    J, 18 bytes


    Try it online!


    [:+/@I.0=*/@(|/i.)  Input: A (LHS), N (RHS)
                   i.   Make the range [0, 1, ..., n-1]
                 |/     Form the modulus table between each value in A and the range N
             */@(    )  Reduce columns by multiplication
           0=           Test if each value if equal to 0, 1 if true else 0
    [:   I.             Find the indicies of 1s
      +/@               Reduce by addition and return


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 15 654


    PHP, 80 bytes


    Run from command line with -r. First argument is the limit N, any subsequent arguments are our positive integers A.

    Our outer loop goes through the range 1..N, while the inner loop goes through each value of A and checks to see if $i is a multiple of it. If it is, we set a flag that tells our outer loop to add $i to our total ($t). We use a flag so that we don't add $i more than once. We then output our total at the end.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 1 236


    R, 39 bytes


    N is the number, X is a vector of divisors


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 101


    Clojure, 44 bytes

    #(apply +(set(mapcat(partial range 0 %)%2)))

    Instead of generating the whole range form 0 to N it is generating values on that range with step length of A_0, A_1, etc. and uses set to get unique values.

    Calling convention:

    (def f #(apply +(set(mapcat(partial range 0 %)%2))))
    (f 50 [2 3 5])

    Steps are more clear when ->> macro is used:

    (defn f [N A] (->> A (mapcat #(range 0 N %)) set (apply +)))


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 2 361


    Python 3 & 2.7, 55 bytes

    Based on the same set idea as my Clojure version.

    lambda N,A:sum(set(i for a in A for i in range(0,N,a)))


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 2 361


    Batch, 110 bytes

    @set t=-%1
    @for /l %%i in (1,1,%1)do @set p=1&(for %%e in (%*)do @set/ap*=%%e%%%%i)&set/at+=%%i*!p
    @echo %t%

    Takes input as command-line arguments; the first argument is n, the rest are the set of numbers. Works by computing the product of the remainders of all numbers up to and including n with each of the arguments including n itself and summing those numbers with a zero product; this causes n to always be included in the total so we offset that by starting the total at -n.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 95 035


    C#, 92 bytes

    n=>{int i=0,j,s=0;for(;i<n[0];i++)for(j=1;j<n.Length;)if(i%n[j++]<1){s+=i;break;}return s;};

    Anonymous function which receives an array containing the upper limit and all required divisors.

    This method does not use a set (actually HashSet in C#) since it was way too verbose. Not that this code is too succinct...

    Full program and test cases:

    using System;
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            Func<int[], int> f =
            n =>
                int i = 0, j, s = 0;
                for ( ; i < n[0] ; i++)
                    for (j = 1 ; j < n.Length ; )
                        if (i % n[j++] < 1)
                            s += i;
                return s;
            // test cases:
            Console.WriteLine(f(new int[]{50, 2})); // 600
            Console.WriteLine(f(new int[]{10, 3, 5}));  // 23
            Console.WriteLine(f(new int[]{28, 4, 2}));  // 182
            Console.WriteLine(f(new int[]{19, 7, 5}));  // 51
            Console.WriteLine(f(new int[]{50, 2, 3, 5}));   // 857


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 1 592


    awk, 64 bytes

    {for(;i++<NF;j=0)while((c=$i*++j)&&c<$NF)a[c];for(i in a)$0+=i}1

    Write the code to file program.awk and execute:

    $ echo run 2 3 5 50 | awk -f this.awk 

    run is a cludge to allow using record $0 for summing and shorter printing, emphasis on the latter.

    Try it online

    James Brown

    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 663


    Racket 94 bytes

    (apply +(remove-duplicates(for*/list((i(range 1(car l)))(j(cdr l))#:when(= 0(modulo i j)))i)))


    (define (f l)
      (apply +
                  ((i (range 1 (first l)))
                   (j (rest l))
                   #:when (= 0 (modulo i j)))


    (f '(10 3 5))
    (f '(50 2))
    (f '(28 4 2))
    (f '(19 7 5))
    (f '(50 2 3 5))




    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 1 635


    APL(NARS), 17 chars, 34 bytes



      50 f 2
      10 f 3 5
      28 f 4 2
      19 f 7 5
      50 f 2 3 5


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 3 036


    Perl 5 -pa, 44 bytes


    Try it online!

    Takes the list of A on the first line of input, space separated. Takes N on the second line.


    Posted 2016-12-19T03:25:56.167

    Reputation: 7 671