Peel the potato



This is a potato:


More generally, a size N potato is defined as the following shape:

If N is even, it is 2 centered @ symbols, followed by 4 centered @ symbols, followed by 6 centered @ symbols, all the way up to N centered @ symbols; then, N centered @ symbols, followed by N-2 centered @ symbols, all the way down to 2.
If N is odd, a size N potato is generated in the same way as described above, but we begin with 1 @ symbol, rather than 2.

A potato is peeled by starting in the top right corner, and removing one @ sign each step, going in a counterclockwise fashion. For instance, peeling a size-3 potato looks like this:










Write a program, that, given an integer input, displays all of the steps of peeling a potato of that size.
Trailing whitespace/newlines are allowed.


This is ; the shortest code in bytes wins.

Sample Test Cases








































Based on Is this number a prime?

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Posted 2016-11-27T06:49:00.230

Reputation: 301

5Welcome to PPCG! Nice first question, by the way. – clismique – 2016-11-27T07:08:43.220

1Is trailing whitespace/newlines allowed? – Loovjo – 2016-11-27T10:16:01.027

1I don't have the Retina skills but I would be interested in seeing that - if it is possible. – Jerry Jeremiah – 2016-11-28T01:10:37.070

@JamesHolderness Thanks! I have fixed that. – VarmirGadkin – 2016-11-29T23:10:00.920



Perl, 129 bytes

128 bytes of code + -n flag.

$p=($r=$"x$n++."@"x$_.$/).$p.$r,$_-=2while$_>0;say$_=$p;say y/A/ /r while s/(^| )A(.*
? *)@/$1 $2A/m||s/@( *
?.*)A/A$1 /||s/@/A/

You'll need -nE flags to run it :

perl -nE '$p=($r=$"x$n++."@"x$_.$/).$p.$r,$_-=2while$_>0;say$_=$p;say y/A/ /r while s/(^| )A(.*
? *)@/$1 $2A/m||s/@( *
?.*)A/A$1 /||s/@/A/' <<< 7

Explanations: (I'll detail them more when I have a moment)
The first part, $p=($r=$"x$n++."@"x$_.$/).$p.$r,$_-=2while$_>0;, generates the initial potato: it starts from the middle line of the potato, and adds two lines at each iteration: one before the previous string, one after. Note that $" is a space, and since $n isn't initialized, it starts at 0, and $/ is a newline.

Note much to say about the say$_=$p; that prints the initial potato while storing it in $_ (which will later be easier to manipulate).

Finally, say y/A/ /r while s/(^| )A(.*\n? *)@/$1 $2A/m||s/@( *\n?.*)A/A$1 /||s/@/A/ peels the potato. The last position where a @ was removed contains a A (it's arbitrary, it could have be any symbol). So each iteration consist in finding the A, replacing it with a space, and in the meantime replacing the next @ with a A. That's done thanks to two regex: s/(^| )A(.*\n? *)@/$1 $2A/m when the A is on the left side of the potato (A(.*\n? *)@ allows to go on the right or down), and s/@( *\n?.*)A/A$1 / when the A is on the right side (@( *\n?.*)A allows to go up or on the left). s/@/A/ replaces the first @ with a A (that's the initialization). Since we always have a A in the string, we need to replace it with a space when printing it, that's what y/A/ /r does.

Just for the eyes, the animated version looks fairly nice: (to run in a terminal, it's roughly the same code but with clear and sleep)

perl -nE 'system(clear);$p=($r=$"x$n++."@"x$_.$/).$p.$r,$_-=2while$_>0;say$_=$p;select($,,$,,$,,0.1),system(clear),say y/A/ /r while(s/(^| )A(.*\n? *)@/$1 $2A/m||s/@( *\n?.*)A/A$1 /||s/@/A/)&&/@/' <<< 10


Posted 2016-11-27T06:49:00.230

Reputation: 8 279

1This is great! I've never had so much fun watching an animated program :) – VarmirGadkin – 2016-12-11T22:59:38.230


Befunge, 319 254 bytes


The motivation for this algorithm was to try and avoid branching as much as possible, since a single path of execution is generally easier to golf. The code is thus comprised of just two loops: the outer loop iterating over the frames of the peeling process, and the inner loop rendering the potato for each frame.

The rendering loop is essentially just outputting a sequence of characters, the character for each iteration being determined by a rather complicated formula that takes the frame number of the peeling process and the index of the output sequence and returns either an @, a space, or a newline, as required.

Try it online!

James Holderness

Posted 2016-11-27T06:49:00.230

Reputation: 8 298

1Wow, this is beautiful. – 416E64726577 – 2016-11-29T23:02:34.927


Python 3.5.1, 520 bytes



Basic idea: Alternate between iterating down each line and removing leftmost character and iterating up each line removing rightmost character while there are still @s left.

# g() returns a line in the potato with leftmost or rightmoxt '@' removed
def g(a,b):
    if b:
        for i in R(L(f)):
            if f[i]=="@":
                f[i]=" "
        for i in R(L(f)-1,-1,-1):
            if f[i]=="@":
                f[i]=" "
    return "".join(f)

# s is the total number of '@'s for size n

# store each line of potato in l
while i<=n:
while j>=0:

# this is used for spacing
y=[r for r in R(int((L(l)/2)-1),-1,-1)]
for h in R(L(y)-1,-1,-1):

# print the potato
def H(q):
    for e in R(L(l)):
        P((" "*y[e])+q[e])


# while there are still '@'s either
# go down the potato removing leftmost '@' 
# go up the potato removing rightmost '@'
while k<s:
    for t in R(L(l)):
        if '@' in l[t] and m%2==0:
        if '@' in l[t] and m%2==1:

Overall a sad attempt at a straightforward procedure.


Posted 2016-11-27T06:49:00.230

Reputation: 965