Abstract Syntax Tree Golfing: FizzBuzz, Python




Implement FizzBuzz in Python, with the fewest possible tokens.


Write a program that prints the decimal numbers from 1 to 100 inclusive. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”. Programs must be written in some version of Python.

For more details, see 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz


Your score will be equal to the number of nodes in the abstract syntax tree of your code, as reported by this program for Python 3, or this program for Python 2. To run the programs, provide the filename of your code as command line argument to the program. For instance:

python simple_counter.py fizzbuzz.py

These programs are based off of Python's ast module. If you have any difficulty, let me know.

To prevent trivial solutions, such as executing a long string with the actual program, or hardcoding the output, there are some additional restrictions:

  • No token in your code may be longer than 15 characters. The above programs will check this requirement for you. Note that for ease of implementation, the above programs count comments as tokens.

  • Code execution/evaluation is banned.

If you have questions as to whether something is allowed, ask me.

Scoring Heuristics

The following rules are typically enough to calculate the score of your program:

  • Block statements are 1 points: if, for ... in ..., while, else, etc.

  • Standalone statements are 1 point: print in Python 2, break, pass, etc.

  • Variables are 2 points

  • Single-token literals are 1 point: 2131, "Hello, world!", True

  • Functions are 3 points (2 for using a variable, 1 extra): print in Python 3, range, etc.

  • Operators are 2 points: +, *, %, and, not, etc.

  • = is 1 point

  • Augmented assignment is 2 points: +=, |=, etc.

  • Parentheses, indentation, etc. are 0 points.

  • A line containing an expression, as opposed to an assignment or an expression, is + 1 point.

  • Having code at all is 1 point.


The lowest score wins. Good luck!


Posted 2016-11-23T01:08:17.600

Reputation: 39 268

1I like this style. You have to go for simple programs rather than just short ones. – Esolanging Fruit – 2016-11-24T07:40:22.960

1Do we really need [tag:code-challenge] [tag:ast-golf] for this? Isn't this just a specific form of [tag:atomic-code-golf]? – Martin Ender – 2016-11-24T08:58:03.757

@MartinEnder The reason I did it this way is because the tag text for atomic-code-golf says "Atomic code golf is scored by the number of tokens of your program," and that's not the same as this, though perhaps only a pretty small amount. – isaacg – 2016-11-24T17:49:33.340




Python 2

for i in range(1,101):print[i,'Fizz','Buzz','FizzBuzz'][int(`300102100120100`[i%15])]

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2016-11-23T01:08:17.600

Reputation: 67 804



for x in range(100):print('Fizz'*(x%3>1)+'Buzz'*(x%5>3)or str(x+1))

Oliver Ni

Posted 2016-11-23T01:08:17.600

Reputation: 9 650

Can't x+1 not be stringified in python 3? – Destructible Lemon – 2016-11-23T08:41:04.360

1@DestructibleWatermelon Python 3 doesn't have backticks for repr as far as I remember. – Kade – 2016-11-23T13:20:21.463

2Print can take an integer as its argument, was my point – Destructible Lemon – 2016-11-24T03:11:54.550


39 34

for i in range(1,101):print [i,'Fizz','Buzz','FizzBuzz'][19142723>>2*(i%15)&3]


Posted 2016-11-23T01:08:17.600

Reputation: 17 588


Python 2, 36

for i in range(1, 101):
    print (not i % 3) * "Fizz" + (not i % 5) * "Buzz" or i

I think this is the shortest of the approaches that don't use large numbers / strings.


Posted 2016-11-23T01:08:17.600

Reputation: 39 268