Cracking in progress



Remember those brute-force programs to crack password that show every combination they are trying? More precisely, at one point, the n first characters are fixed (they have been guessed successfully), and every possible character for the remaining ones is being tested. You've probably seen some in movies, or in some software written by people that like fancy interfaces.
Sorry to disappoint, but we won't write a program to crack password, only one to reproduce the nice output.


Given a string containing printable ascii characters but no newlines (ascii code 32 to 126 or matching the regex ^[ -~]{2,}$), print an output following this rules:

  • At time t=n seconds, the n first characters printed are the n first characters of the input string.
  • After the n fixed characters, you should append a string formed random character (chosen uniformly pseudo-randomly from the unicode range   to ~ (code 32 to 126)) to form a string of the length of the initial one.
  • You should output at least (more on that later) 20 lines every second: every one of them will have the same n first characters, but a different random end.

It's probably not very clear yet what you are supposed to do, so lets go through an example:


I'll print only 5 different lines for every seconds instead of the 20 minimum just to make it more readable.

Consider the input abcde.
During the first second, a valid output can be something like (completely random):


Then, t=1, the first character of every following string will be a (the first character of the input):


Now, t=2, the first two characters will be ab:

ab\ e

Now, t=3, the first three characters will be abc :


Now, t=4, the first four characters will be abcd :


Finally, t=5, we print the input (only once):


A few precisions

  • You shouldn't bother too much with your language precision toward the seconds (ie. If your algorithm is correct but your system/language lacks precision then it's fine).
  • The first second can be shorter than one second (That is, if you launch you program during a second, the first second can be just the remaining time until the end of the current second). Or put differently, you don't have to wait for the start of a new second to start printing the outputs.
  • At least 20 lines per second: The more natural way would be an infinite loop with a special behaviour one every second (or a timeout, or whatever), so that will result in probably a few thousand lines per second (and that's perfectly fine!). But if you have another idea, feel free to use it as long as you print at least 20 lines per second.
  • The input will always be more than 2 characters long.
  • You can consider that the input won't be more that 30 characters long if it helps. (But if it works for longer ones, it's for the best)
  • The input format should be the most natural representation of a string in your language.
  • You are allowed to print a trailing newline.

Code example

If you still don't understand exactly what you have to do, you can run the following code in a linux terminal to see:

perl -F -aplE 'map{$t=time;print$s,map{chr 32+rand 94}@F until$t-time;$s.=shift@F}@F' <<< "Cracking in progress\!"

Winning criterion

This is , so shortest code in byte wins!

Thanks to Laikoni and Flp.Tkc for their suggestions and improvement in the sandbox.


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 8 279


Like this scene from the movie War Games?

– JungHwan Min – 2016-11-21T23:07:20.643

1Is it mandatory to separate the lines of output with \r (making them all replace each other onscreen like in the animation), or is \n acceptable? – None – 2016-11-21T23:10:44.173

1@ais523 \n is perfectly acceptable. The version with \r is just here because it looks better, but you don't need those \r. – Dada – 2016-11-21T23:12:14.510

If the random generation happens to crack the password earlier is it alright to stop at that point? – Jonathan Allan – 2016-11-21T23:40:08.990

@JonathanAllan Actually the random generation doesn't crack the password, but just outputs random characters. So no, you can't stop earlier. – Dada – 2016-11-21T23:42:54.173

What is the max. length of password? – Ipor Sircer – 2016-11-22T06:02:23.673

@IporSircer you can consider that the maximum length of the input is 30 if it helps. – Dada – 2016-11-22T10:09:34.877

3Shouldn't you include in the rules that the random characters should not be the actual character in that place ? Otherwise random strings can match the password given, but the search goes on, which movie buffs would rate as a glitch. – Tom – 2016-11-22T10:29:07.503

@Tom I don't mind glitches, so I'm going to say no. (it adds unnecessary complexity, it would invalidate most answers, etc.) – Dada – 2016-11-22T10:43:00.940

You can save 1 byte on your code by changing while($t==time) to until($t-time). Also you spelled "Cracking" incorrectly in your argument. – Gabriel Benamy – 2016-11-22T18:52:44.980

@GabrielBenamy I didn't golf it too much on purpose so Perl golfers can participate too. Thanks for pointing out the bad spelling of "Cracking" – Dada – 2016-11-22T18:57:22.640

You need single quotes around the last input string because it has an exclamation mark, at least in bash. – Mad Physicist – 2016-11-22T21:57:49.650

+1 Reminds me of

– Tobias Kienzler – 2016-11-23T14:07:18.967

@Dada does the last line printed need a \n at the end? – Soapy – 2016-11-24T17:26:34.067

@Soapy you can print it, or not, it's up to you. – Dada – 2016-11-25T14:56:10.307



Pyth - 27 24 bytes

This actually looks pretty cool :D


Try it online here (obviously not in real time, but if you scroll it down with a steady hand).


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 25 023


HTML/JavaScript, 170 168 167 bytes

setInterval('o.textContent=i.value.replace(/./g,(c,i)=>new Date-d>++i*1e3?c:String.fromCharCode(Math.random()*95+32))',d=50)
<input id=i><pre id=o>

Edit: Saved 2 bytes thanks to @ETHproductions. Saved 1 byte thanks to @jrich.


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 95 035

Haven't tested this, but I believe setInterval will accept a string to be eval'd, which could potentially save a byte?setInterval('o.textContent...',d=50) saves the _=> and adds a pair of quotes – jrich – 2016-11-23T00:29:02.737

@jrich That was handy, as I'd forgotten to update my byte count! – Neil – 2016-11-23T01:31:54.480


Node, 145 142 bytes

for(s=process.argv[2],d=new Date;s[a=(new Date-d)/1e3|0]+console.log(s.replace(/./g,(c,i)=>i<a?c:String.fromCharCode(32+Math.random()*95))););

This seems a little long, and there's probably a little room for golfing. Note that the semicolon at the end is required; without it the program throws a syntax error because the for statement has no body.

Outputs way more than 20 lines per second; a little birdie told me that it's roughly 12 thousand. Here's how it looks in the ConEmu terminal emulator on my computer (recorded at 30 fps):

enter image description here


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 47 880


05AB1E, 26 bytes

I post this as a different answer with respect to the other 05AB1E answer since the approach is different


.p                         Generate ordered prefix of input (e.g., ["a", "ab", "abc", "abcd", "abcde"] for "abcde")
  õ¸ì                      Prepend an empty string (e.g., result is ["", "a", "ab", ...])
     ¨                     Strip the last element (the same string as the input)
      v                    For each string in the array
       T·F                 For N in range(20)
          y                Push the current string
           žQ.r            Push all printable characters, shuffled
               ¹gyg-       Take the difference between the length of the input and the length of the current string -> x
                    £      Take the x first characters from the shuffled printable characters
                     «     Yield currentString + shuffledCharacters
                      }    End inner for
                       }   End outer for
                        ¹  Push input (last iteration)
                         » Join everything with newlines and implicitly display

Try it online!


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 1 321

Nice answer, +1 from me! NOTE: It can be 22 bytes with the newer builtins these days: η instead of .p; õš (where š is prepend as list) instead of õ¸ì (where ¸ì is wrap in list, and prepend); (where is 26 if no second input is given) instead of (which is push 10, and double); ] instead of }} (where ] closes all loops, if-else statements, etc. at the same time)

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-10-16T09:48:25.200


BASH, 99 93 92 91 88 bytes

with tr + head + urandom

while ((${#1}-n));do
echo "${1::n=SECONDS}`tr -dc \ -~</dev/ur*|head -c$[${#1}-n]`"

(thx. to @manatwork )

Ipor Sircer

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 333

5[ "$n" = ${#1} ]((n==${#1})); ${1:0:$n}${1::n} – manatwork – 2016-11-22T11:18:30.530

@manatwork: whoa! – Ipor Sircer – 2016-11-22T11:32:25.160

11 more: the space in front of input redirection < is not needed. – manatwork – 2016-11-22T11:54:35.230

1@manatwork ((n==${#1})) --> ((${#1}-n)) – Ipor Sircer – 2016-11-22T12:41:15.907

1Either because you reversed the logic or because I banged my previous test, but ${1::n=SECONDS} seems to work now. – manatwork – 2016-11-22T12:46:49.967 does not seem to work under Bash 4.4 on my system as whenever I run this through a function as G hello, I just get the errors tr: Illegal byte sequence and head: illegal byte count -- -56358 over and over. – R. Kap – 2016-11-22T18:18:03.133

@R.Kap: i'm afraid it's linux only, because it hardly depends on /dev/urandom. – Ipor Sircer – 2016-11-23T00:53:58.043


05AB1E, 30 bytes


Uses the CP-1252 encoding. Try it online!

Please help me golf this down.

Oliver Ni

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 9 650


C, 182 176 128 126 125 bytes




#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "time.h"
int i,s,n,x;
void g(char* c) {
  time(&s); //Get the initial time
  while(c[++x]); // x = strlen(c) (happy about this one)
  do {
    n = time(0) - s; //seconds since beginning
    for(i = 0; i < x; i++)
      //after each second, print another char of the password
      putchar(i < n ? c[i] : 32 + rand() % 95);
  } while(n < x); //while we haven't printed the whole word

I've heard that it's possible to drop some standard #includes, but I couldn't get it to work on the MingW GCC compiler I just downloaded. Also couldn't figure out how to #define b #include without using more space than it was worth. I'm just an idiot, it works fine without them.


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 3 274

X=0 is not required instead declare it with others like this a,b,c,d; cuz all global variables declared like that are int and init by 0 also since you are returning nothing you should write it in main () – Mukul Kumar – 2016-11-22T18:42:28.627

1Thanks, I didn't know about static scope initialization. I did declare them like that, just with semi-colons instead of commas. Also I didn't use main because I think then I'd need to take (int argc, char ** argv) and that's a ton of bytes. I hope leaving it as a function is OK, although it takes input as a parameter and output to stdout which is slightly odd. – nmjcman101 – 2016-11-22T21:07:42.860

1Use while(i++<x) instead of for (...) – Mukul Kumar – 2016-11-22T23:31:13.057

Really good idea, but i needs to be zero everytime the for loop runs again. – nmjcman101 – 2016-11-23T12:18:00.247

Then in the same for replace i <x with i++<x and remove i++ – Mukul Kumar – 2016-11-23T13:06:02.043

Then i will never be 0 inside the loop – nmjcman101 – 2016-11-23T13:10:35.343

Hmmm...then mayne insert i++ in putchar(...c [i++]...) – Mukul Kumar – 2016-11-23T13:12:25.797

That's only conditionally executed – nmjcman101 – 2016-11-23T13:13:23.833

Oops my bad...insert i++ in i <n i guess that should be fine... – Mukul Kumar – 2016-11-23T13:14:36.210

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– nmjcman101 – 2016-11-23T13:16:49.043


Java 7, 271 265 207 bytes

void c(String s)throws Exception{for(int i=0,j,l=s.length();i<=l*20;i++){String r=s.substring(0,i/20);Thread.sleep(45);for(;j++<l;r+=(char)(32+Math.random()*95);System.out.println(r);if(s.equals(r))return;}}

-58 bytes saved thanks to @OliverGrégoire. (Don't forget to upvote his even shorter Java 8 answer.)


void c(String s) throws Exception{
  for(int i = 0, j, l = s.length(); i <= l*20; i++){
    String r = s.substring(0, i/20);
    for( ; j++ < l; r += (char)(32+Math.random()*95));

Input: abcde

enter image description here

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 67 575

I'm not sure if you designed it purposefully to only print 20 lines per second, but if it helps your golfing, you only have to print at least 20 lines per second. I don't know if changing the "20 lines per second" math to "change every second" math would help or not. – nmjcman101 – 2016-11-22T16:03:44.000

You don't need x: r+=(char)(33+Math.random()*94). Also Thread.sleep(9) to save a byte. – Olivier Grégoire – 2016-11-22T21:40:08.540

1Also, r=s.substring(0,i/20) instead of the loop on j. – Olivier Grégoire – 2016-11-22T21:42:22.493

Given the significant changes I made, I decided to post my answer with those comments taken in account. Also, it's a Java 8 solution to go rather low in the byte count (Java-wise, ofc). – Olivier Grégoire – 2016-11-22T23:53:37.313

@OlivierGrégoire Thanks. And I've upvoted your answer. I haven't made all changes, only the r.substring(0,i/20) (pretty stupid of me), and the (char)(33+Math.random()*94) (nice trick from you). – Kevin Cruijssen – 2016-11-23T08:14:41.867

Thanks. To be honest the (char)(...) part comes from this earlier puzzle which I reviewed yesterday as well.

– Olivier Grégoire – 2016-11-23T09:10:45.483


MATL, 26 bytes

`GZ`:)' ~'olGn4Mk-I$YrhD7M

Try it online!

Below is the real-time output from the offline compiler. Note that the animated GIF was recorded at 20 fps to keep its size small, but the actual speed is much greater.

enter image description here

How it works

           % Implicitly start timer
`          % Do...while
  G        %   Push input
  Z`       %   Push timer's current value, say t
  :)       %   Select the first t elements of the input, with t
           %   implicitly rounded down
  ' ~'     %   Push this string
  o        %   Convert to numbers, i.e. [32 126]
  l        %   Push 1
  Gn       %   Push input size, say n
  4Mk      %   Push floor(t), where t is the same value used above
  k        %   Subtract. Gives n-floor(t)
  I$Yr     %   Generate a row vector of n-floor(t) integers randomly
           %   chosen from 32 to 126
  h        %   Concatenate with the first characters of the input
  D        %   Display
  7M       %   Push the value n-floor(t) used above. This is used
           %   as loop condition: iz zero the loop is exited 
           % Implicit end

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 87 464

2This code is so happy. :) – sethmlarson – 2016-11-23T21:07:03.760

@SethMichaelLarson That's because its quote marks are balanced, which doesn't usually happen :-) – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-23T22:03:02.417


Bash, 247 245 212 207 bytes

R()(echo $SECONDS);w=`R`;until [ "$a" = "$1" ];do for i in `seq 1 $[${#1}-${#a}]`;{ a+=`printf "\x$(printf %x $[$RANDOM%127+32])"`;};echo -e "$a\r";a=${1:0:q};((`R`-w>0))&&{ w=`R`;((q++));}||:;done;echo "$a"

Thanks a lot Bash for being so whitespace sensitive...

Anyways, output is given in real time on separate lines. Save as a .sh script and invoke with:

bash <File Name>.sh <Input>

For example, bash okayerty results in the following output, recorded at 30 frames per second:

Example Output

R. Kap

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 4 730


WinDbg, 400 391 bytes

.for(r$t1=@$t0;by(@$t1);r$t1=@$t1+1){};m@$t0 L@$t1-@$t0+1 @$t1+1;r$t4=2*@$t1+2-@$t0;r$t8=@$t4+f;r$t3=0;.for(r$t2=0;@$t2<@$t1-@$t0;da@$t0){.for(r$t7=@$t0+@$t2;by(@$t7);r$t7=@$t7+1;r$t8=@$t8+1){eb@$t7 by(@$t8)%5e+20};r$t9=0;.foreach(p {.echotime}){.if7==@$t9{ea@$t4"p";.if1>@$t3{r$t3=by(@$t4+7)}};r$t9=@$t9+1};j@$t3!=by(@$t4+7)'m@$t0+@$t4-@$t1+@$t2-1 L1 @$t0+@$t2;r$t2=@$t2+1;r$t3=by(@$t4+7)'}

-9 bytes by simplifying some math

This definitely does not seem to be the kind of thing WinDbg is intended to do. ;)

Input is taken by entering an ascii string at a memory location and setting that address to the pseudo-register $t0. Eg:

r$t0 = 2000000
eza @$t0 "abcde"

The prng I'm using is whatever the contents in memory, some bytes past the input string. Chrome.exe appears to fill the memory space after 0x2000000 with random-looking-enough bytes so I used a dump of chrome.exe. Unknown if this is uniform, but looks random-enough to me.

How it works:

.for(r$t1=@$t0; by(@$t1); r$t1=@$t1+1){};         * From $t0, increment $t1 until the byte
                                                  * at $t1 is 0 to find length of input
m@$t0 L@$t1-@$t0+1 @$t1+1;                        * Duplicate input (memory 
                                                  * becomes: "input\0input\0")

r$t4=2*@$t1+2-@$t0;                               * Set $4 to the byte after \0 of the 
                                                  * duplicated input
r$t8=@$t4+f;                                      * Set $t8 to $t4+15, this is the prng
r$t3=0;                                           * Init $t3=0, this will hold the time

.for(r$t2=0; @$t2<@$t1-@$t0; da@$t0){             * For $t2=0, loop until it's input length,
                                                  * printing the string at $t0 after each
                                                  * loop. $t0 is where the password crack
                                                  * progress is written.
    .for(r$t7=@$t0+@$t2; by(@$t7); r$t7=@$t7+1;   * Loop over each uncracked char
                                   r$t8=@$t8+1){  * also incrementing prng ($t8)
        eb@$t7 by(@$t8)%5e+20                     * Write a visible ascii char onto the
                                                  * uncracked char position based on the 
                                                  * current byte of prng%0x5e+0x20 (prng%126+32)

    r$t9=0;                                       * Set $t9=0 for updating current time
    .foreach(p {.echotime}){                      * For each (string) word in a statement
                                                  * like "Debugger (not debuggee) time: Mon 
                                                  * Nov 21 18:23:08.433 2016 (UTC - 8:00)"
        .if7==@$t9{                               * If the 7th word, ie- the current time
            ea@$t4"p";                            * Write the time at $t4
            .if1>@$t3{                            * If $t3 has not been set yet
                r$t3=by(@$t4+7)                   * the current second in $t3
        r$t9=@$t9+1                               * Increment $t9 until it's 7

    j@$t3!=by(@$t4+7)'                            * If the current second has changed
        m@$t0+@$t4-@$t1+@$t2-1 L1 @$t0+@$t2;      * Copy the cracked char from dupe input
        r$t2=@$t2+1;                              * Increment $t2 (loop ends when this is input length)
        r$t3=by(@$t4+7)                           * Save the new current second
}                                                 * Final crack is printed by for loop

Note: Some bytes could be golfed by using j instead of the .if's, but that causes it to run too slowly on my machine so it doesn't output at least 20 lines per second, so not saving those bytes.

Sample Output:


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 3 043


R, 138 bytes


Reads input from stdin.

Counted approximately 61 lines on my machine between each additional letter in the "password".


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 3 363


Haskell (GHC), 202 bytes

import System.Random
import Control.Concurrent
f s|l<-length s=mapM_(\n->putStr('\r':take n s)>>mapM(\_->toEnum<$>randomRIO(32,126))[1..l-n]>>=putStr>>threadDelay 50000)$[n|n<-[0..l-1],f<-[1..20]]++[l]

-5 bytes without fancy carriage return action

enter image description here


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 4 825

Looks good! But what's that > doing at the end of the output? – Mast – 2016-11-23T14:54:38.177

3@Mast that's the prompt. Since the code doesn't print a newline at the end, the prompt goes there. – Angs – 2016-11-23T15:00:52.340


Python 3, 167 166 bytes

import time,random
while t()-s<len(p):print(p[:int(t()-s)]+''.join(chr(random.randint(32,126))for _ in range(len(p)-int(t()-s))))

Reads input from stdin. A 171-byte version runs under Python 2 (replaced input with raw_input):

import time,random
while t()-s<len(p):print(p[:int(t()-s)]+''.join(chr(random.randint(32,126))for _ in range(len(p)-int(t()-s))))


import random
import time

p = input()
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < len(p): 
        p[:int(time.time() - start)] + 
        ''.join(chr(random.randint(32, 126)) for _ in range(len(p) - int(time.time()-start)))


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 131


Python3, 149 141 139 bytes

import time,random
while x<l:x=int(time.clock());print(i[:x]+"".join(chr(random.randint(32,126))for _ in"a"*(l-x)))

Input from stdin.

Eyes version (157 bytes):

import time,random
while x<l:x=int(time.clock());p(i[:x]+"".join(chr(random.randint(32,126))for _ in"a"*(l-x)),end="\r")


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 1 319

1I think you can save a few bytes by not "renaming" things that you only do once. For instance you have t=time.clock, but you only use t once in the code. Replacing it with just time.clock will save 3 bytes. Same thing for print. – nmjcman101 – 2016-11-22T16:17:53.947

@nmjcman101 Oops, carry over from prev ver. Thanks! – matsjoyce – 2016-11-22T16:20:04.690

Also your for _ in range(l-x) can be for _ in"a"*(l-x) for 2 bytes. – nmjcman101 – 2016-11-22T16:53:47.007

@nmjcman101 Nice! I must remember that one... – matsjoyce – 2016-11-22T16:59:17.940

Try print(i[:x]+''.join(map(chr,random.sample(range(32,127),l-x)))) instead of print(i[:x]+"".join(chr(random.randint(32,126))for _ in"a"*(l-x))) – x1Mike7x – 2016-11-24T17:43:46.477

@x1Mike7x I really wish I could, because I saw the sample function when writing this, but the question says "chosen uniformly pseudo-randomly" and with sample the same letter cannot be chosen twice. – matsjoyce – 2016-11-24T18:03:04.907


Node.js, 134 bytes

for(s=[...process.argv[2]],n=new(d=Date);s[m=(new d-n)/1e3|0]+console.log(,i)=>i<m?a:Buffer([Math.random()*95+32])).join``););

Similar to @ETHproductions (borrowed some of his optimizations), but otherwise takes a different approach. Uses Node's Buffer to handle character generation instead of the lengthy String.fromCharCode, which has the side benefit of letting us use map without much string->array->string conversion overhead.


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 3 494

Nice, I should learn more about Buffer. Just so you know, reassigning Date to D doesn't save any bytes; I tried that myself. – ETHproductions – 2016-11-22T23:56:14.053


Dyalog APL, 59 58 bytes


Requires ⎕IO←0 which is default on many systems.

⊢⊣≢{⍵{≢⎕←⍵↑⍺,⎕UCS 32+?⍵⍴95}⍣{t≤2⊃⎕AI}⍺⊣t←1E3+2⊃⎕AI}¨⍳∘≢↑¨⊂


By adjusting the window to two lines, we get the illusion of an in-place transformation:
Dyalog APL code cracking animation


This is an anonymous function train which takes the password as right argument.

⊢⊣ return the password and dismiss the result of

≢{... the below function, with the length of the password as left argument, applied to each of

2⊃⎕AI current up-time (lit. third element of Account Information)

1E3+ add a second

t← assign that to t

dismiss that

⍵{...}⍣{t≤2⊃⎕AI}⍺ apply the following function (with sub-string as and password length as ) repeatedly until the up-time reaches t

  ⍵⍴95 95 repeated as many times as there are characters in the password

  ? random integer 0...94

  32+ add 32 (thus yielding random integers in the range 32...126)

  ⎕UCS convert to Unicode character

  ⍺, prepend the currently processed sub-string

  ⍵↑ take only as many character as there are in the password

  ⎕← output that on a separate line

   return the length of the outputted string (= the length of the password)

⍳∘≢ 0 ... length-1

↑¨each taking characters from

the password


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 37 779


Java, 159 bytes

s->{for(int i=0,j,l=s.length();i<=l*99;i++){String r=s.substring(0,j=i/20);Thread.sleep(9);for(;j++<l;r+=(char)(32+Math.random()*95));System.out.println(r);}}

Same algorithm as Kevin Cruijssen's answer, only totally optimized for Java 8.


public class Tmp {

  interface X {

    void f(String s) throws Exception;
  static X f = s -> {
    for (int i = 0, j, l = s.length(); i <= l * 20; i++) {
      String r = s.substring(0, j = i / 20);
      for (; j++ < l; r += (char) (32 + Math.random() * 94));

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

Olivier Grégoire

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 10 647


C#, 203 197 195 190 bytes


void F(string s){int l=s.Length,t=0;var w=Stopwatch.StartNew();do{if(w.Elapsed.Seconds>t)t++;Console.WriteLine($"{s.Substring(0,t)}{Path.GetRandomFileName().Substring(0,l-t)}");}while(t<l);}


    void F(string s)
        int l = s.Length, t = 0;
        var w = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (w.Elapsed.Seconds > t)

            Console.WriteLine($"{s.Substring(0, t)}{Path.GetRandomFileName().Substring(0, l - t)}");
        } while (t < l);

l stores input length.

StopWatch and Path.GetRandomFileName() are parts of .NET framework.

EDIT1: Implicit Stopwatch declaration.

EDIT2: l initialization merged with declaration.

EDIT3: Thanks, @Chris.


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 109

You can use the static method Stopwatch.StartNew() to save newing up the stopwatch, and explicitly starting it – Chris – 2016-11-22T16:16:05.757

@Chris, I didn't know about that method, thx. – paldir – 2016-11-22T19:40:47.100

t++ can be inserted somewhere in if () – Mukul Kumar – 2016-11-23T13:08:59.280

@MukulKumar Could you provide more details, please? – paldir – 2016-11-23T13:16:50.760

Use if (w.Elapsed.Seconds > t++) and remove t++; – Mukul Kumar – 2016-11-23T13:18:44.727

But wait, that may lead to some problems but still please check if this works.... – Mukul Kumar – 2016-11-23T13:19:49.620

Each if execution involves t incrementation. Loop executes only 5 times and exits. – paldir – 2016-11-23T13:27:33.853


ForceLang, 322 309 bytes

def s set
s g goto
s W io.writeln
s k io.readln()
s T
def a T.poll()
label 1
s P math.floor a.mult 1e-6
if P=k.len
 W k
s j 0
s t ""
if P=0
g 4
label 3
s v k.charAt j
s t t+v
s j 1+j
if j-P
g 3
label 4
if j=k.len
 W t
 g 1
s r 94.mult random.rand()
s v string.char 32+r
s t t+v
s j 1+j
g 4


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 11 342

Could you add a link for the programming language you used? – Solomon Ucko – 2018-10-14T16:22:52.943

@SolomonUcko Here you go. – SuperJedi224 – 2018-10-14T22:46:19.783


Scala, 259 254 248 233 232 231 227 225 bytes

import scala.concurrent.duration._;(b:String)=>{val d=b.length.seconds.fromNow;while(d.hasTimeLeft)println({case(f,g)=>if(g<b.length-d.timeLeft.toSeconds-1)f else(32+math.random*94)toChar}mkString);print(b)}


import scala.concurrent.duration._;

(b:String) => {
    val d = b.length.seconds.fromNow;
                case(f,g) => 



Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 251


C++ (gcc), 280 278 bytes

int i,n,t,q;void f(std::string s){for(t=s.size(),n=0;n<=t;n++)for(q=n<t?20:1;q--;std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50)))for(std::cout<<"\n"<<s.substr(0,i=n);i++<t;)putchar(32+rand()%84);}

Try it online!

It just prints 20 random strings waiting for 50 std::chrono::milliseconds between each other (thus outputting exactly 20 lines per second) and then proceeds to the next "cracking" step.

Max Yekhlakov

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 601


Go, 244 bytes

func a(s string){Seed(Now().Unix())
for i:=0;i<len(s);i++{t:=Now().Truncate(Second).Add(Second)
for Now().Before(t){q:=[]rune(s)
for p:=len(q)-1;p>=i;p--{q[p]=rune(32+Intn(95))}

Try it online! (truncates the result so it doesn't show every instance)

This is my first Golang answer \o/

enter image description here

(Filmed @ 30fps)


func a(s string) {                      //function a
Seed(Now().Unix())                      //Create a seed for the pRNG
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {           //set helper var i (this is the number of characters we'll keep)
t := Now().Truncate(Second).Add(Second) //set helper var t = 1 second from now
for Now().Before(t) {                   //while inside that 1 second window
q := []rune(s)                          //put each character in a rune slice and assign that to q
for p := len(q) - 1; p >= i; p-- {      //loops through the rune slice
q[p] = rune(32 + Intn(95))              //replace the character in position p with a random code point in [32,126]
Println(string(q))                      //print the rune slice as a string
Print(s)                                //finally, print the original string

J. Sallé

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 3 233


PHP, 222 bytes



$input = $argv[1];
$chars = range(32, 126); // count() is 95

$startTime = time();
$endTime = time() + strlen($input);

while (time() <= $endTime) {
    $plaintextAmountToPrint = time() - $startTime;

    $plain = substr($input, 0, $plaintextAmountToPrint);

    $cryptAmountToPrint = $endTime - time();

    $crypt = '';

    for ($i = $cryptAmountToPrint; $i > 0; $i--)
        $crypt .= chr($chars[rand(0, 94)]);

    $output = $plain . $crypt;

    echo $output . "\n";

    if ($output == $input && time() == $endTime)

(i know the video is crap) enter image description here

Nino Škopac

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 109

This could be golfed a lot more. For example, instead of $c=range(32,127) and then $r=chr($c[rand(0,94)]), why not just $r=chr(rand(0,94)+32) ? – Xanderhall – 2016-11-23T13:55:38.937

Good point. It's my first golf :P – Nino Škopac – 2016-11-23T13:58:33.080

<?$l=strlen($a=$argv[1]);$e=$l+$s=time();while(time()<=$e&&$o!=$a){$o=substr($a,0,time()-$s);while(strlen($o)<$l)$o.=chr(rand(0,94)+32);echo "$o\n";} is 149 bytes, and I'm sure it can be golfed further – Xanderhall – 2016-11-23T14:14:49.997

Cool, you should post that man. – Nino Škopac – 2016-11-23T14:21:33.967

Just edit your answer, you're allowed to change and improve it. – Xanderhall – 2016-11-23T14:28:00.903

Can't get it to work man. – Nino Škopac – 2016-11-23T14:39:17.563

Seems like copy-pasting what I posted adds characters in, oddly. Not sure why. – Xanderhall – 2016-11-23T14:54:24.493


Tcl, 295 bytes

First golf for me in Tcl. Not a very golfable language, since everything is treated as strings here so whitespace is usually a must...

set l [string length $argv];set s [clock seconds];set r -1;while {$r<$l-1} {puts -nonewline [string range $argv 0 $r];set k $l;while {[set k [expr $k-1]]>$r} {puts -nonewline [format %c [expr int(rand()*95+32)]]};puts "";if {[expr [clock seconds]-$s]>[expr $r+1]} {set r [expr $r+1]}};puts $argv


set l [string length $argv]
set s [clock seconds]
set r -1
while {$r < $l-1} {                                      # loop on time
  puts -nonewline [string range $argv 0 $r]
  set k $l
  while {[set k [expr $k-1]] > $r} {                     # loop on "unfound" chars
    puts -nonewline [format %c [expr int(rand()*95+32)]]
  puts ""
  if {[expr [clock seconds]-$s] > [expr $r+1]} {         # advance time
    set r [expr $r+1]
puts $argv


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 321

Why don't you store the output on a variable then join them all, to avoid -nonewline on the puts parameter? – sergiol – 2017-05-27T21:28:05.433

I think you don't need the two expr at the end; one is enough, and you can also avoid the spaces around > – sergiol – 2017-05-27T21:30:55.953

Thanks @sergiol, There are no spaces around >, look at the condensed version. Please advise how to use one expr at the end, I can't see it. – hdrz – 2017-05-28T01:34:56.493

demo of my two suggestions. – sergiol – 2017-05-28T10:07:24.740

You can also replace set r [expr $r+1] by incr r – sergiol – 2017-05-28T10:09:47.407

And I think there is space for golfing it more. – sergiol – 2017-05-28T10:10:42.010

1[set k [expr $k-1]]can be [incr k -1]. And every < can be <, no spaces required. – sergiol – 2017-05-28T10:16:36.550

new demo – sergiol – 2017-05-28T10:17:43.383

Good to know about incr :-) I will try to golf it some more when I have time... – hdrz – 2017-05-28T13:37:53.797


QBIC, 92 88 bytes

I've cracked it!

t=20;_LA|[a*t-t|B=$left$|(A,b/t)[a|B=B+$CHR$|(_r94|+32)]?$left$|(B,a)~b%t=0|$sleep 1|}?A

This relies on QBasic's SLEEP function using the code literal $sleep 1|, and on QBasic's LEFT$ function because I haven't implemented that function in QBIC yet...

Managed to scrape a few bytes by substituting all the 20's for t and setting that to 20. Also, streamlined a call to random and a FOR loop.


' Get cmd line param with 'password' and the length of that string, set t to 20

' loop from 1 (implicitly) to (#chars-1) * 20 cracks per char

'have our crack-display start with the first N chars of
'the password, where N is the number of seconds passed   

' loop to add the 'crack-visual'
' It's too long, but we'll trim it down to the original length

' if we've done 20 cracks, sleep for 1 second
~b%20=0|$sleep 1|}

' We've cracked it!

Output (a piece of the middle section on 'helloworld')

hel`kdy ;b
hel Vr6Z}s


Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 7 772


Kotlin, 188 bytes


val x=readLine()!!;val n=System::currentTimeMillis;val t=n();do{val s=(n()-t)/1000;x.mapIndexed{i,c->print(if(i<s)c else((Math.random()*(126-32))+32).toChar())};println()}while(s<x.length)


val input = readLine()!!
val time = System::currentTimeMillis
val startTime = time()
do {
    val crackIndex = (time() - startTime) / 1000
    input.mapIndexed{ i, letter ->
            if (i < crackIndex) letter else ((Math.random()*(126-32))+32).toChar()
} while(crackIndex < input.length)

enter image description here

Renaming System.currentTimeMillis saved quite a few bytes!

Tyler MacDonell

Posted 2016-11-21T22:57:40.923

Reputation: 701