Is it a stochastic matrix?



A stochastic matrix is a matrix of probabilities used in the context of Markov chains.

A right stochastic matrix is a matrix where each row sums to 1.

A left stochastic matrix is a matrix where each column sums to 1.

A doubly stochastic matrix is a matrix where each row and each column sums to 1.

In this challenge, we will represent the probabilities in percent using integers. A row or column must in that case sum to 100 and not 1.

Your goal is to write a program or function which, given a square matrix of integers as input, outputs one of four values indicating that the matrix is either right stochastic, left stochastic, doubly stochastic or none of those.


You may use any proper representation of a matrix that is natural for your language for the input. For example, a list of lists, a string of comma separated values with rows separated by linebreaks, etc.

The input matrix will always be square and will only contain non-negative integers. The input matrix will always be at least 1×1.

You may pass the input using STDIN, as a function argument, or anything similar.


You must choose four distinct outputs that correspond to right stochastic, left stochastic, doubly stochastic or none of those. Those outputs must be constant regardless of what input is passed. Your program may not return different outputs for the same case, e.g. saying that any negative number corresponds to none of those is not valid.

In short, there must be a 1-to-1 correspondence between your output an the four possible cases. Some examples of those four outputs would be {1, 2, 3, 4} or {[1,0], [0,1], [1,1], [0,0]} or even {right, left, doubly, none}.

Please indicate in your answer the four outputs your program uses.

If a matrix is doubly stochastic, then you must return the output corresponding to doubly stochastic, and not right or left stochastic.

You may print the output to STDOUT, return it from a function, or anything similar.

Test cases

[100]               => Doubly stochastic

[42]                => None of those

[100  0  ]          => Doubly stochastic
[0    100]

[4   8   15]
[16  23  42]        => Left stochastic
[80  69  43]

[99  1 ]            => Right stochastic
[2   98]

[1   2   3   4 ]
[5   6   7   8 ]    => None of those
[9   10  11  12]
[13  14  15  16]


This is , so the shortest answer in bytes wins.


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 32 976

Can I take an input determining the size of the matrix first? – HyperNeutrino – 2016-11-18T18:02:29.023

@AlexL. No, this would be unfair to change the specs at this point. – Fatalize – 2016-11-18T18:05:03.957



05AB1E, 13 11 10 bytes

Right stochastic: [0,1]
Left stochastic: [1,0]
Doubly stochastic: [1,1]
None of those: [0,0]


Try it online!


D            # duplicate input
 ø           # transpose the copy
  2F         # 2 times do (once for each matrix)
    O        # sum of the rows
     TnQ     # is equal to 100
        P    # product
         ˆ   # add to global list
             # implicitly print global list at the end of the program


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 50 798


Haskell, 57 55 bytes

import Data.List
s a=all((==100).sum)<$>[transpose a,a]

Input of type (Eq a, Num a) => [[a]]. Outputs boolean list [left-stochastic, right-stochastic]

Thanks to @proudhaskeller for saving 2 bytes


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 4 825

Couldn't you save some bytes by making the function pointfree? e.g. with [transpose,id]<*> (then you could omit the s a= as anynomous functions are allowed) – flawr – 2016-11-18T09:57:21.127

@flawr possibly, but [transpose,id]<*> has a type of [[[a]]]->[[[a]]], which needs another layer of map and a pure/return/(:[]) or a input of type [[[Int]]], which isn't natural. Best I got is map(all(==100).map sum).(<$>[transpose,id]).flip id – Angs – 2016-11-18T10:20:47.603

Ah right, thank you for the explanation! – flawr – 2016-11-18T10:46:09.457

How about all((==100).sum) instead of all(==100).map sum? – proud haskeller – 2016-11-21T19:21:54.200

@proudhaskeller of course! all does a mapping in itself. – Angs – 2016-11-21T19:25:37.730


R, 55 bytes


Unnamed function where m is assumed to be an R-matrix.


  • [1] TRUE FALSE: Left stochastic
  • [1] FALSE TRUE: Right stochastic
  • [1] TRUE TRUE: Doubly
  • [1] FALSE FALSE: None


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 3 363

any(colSums(m)-100) and likewise for the rowSums will drop you two bytes while inverting all the outputs, so if you'd like to keep those, you can always put a ! in front for net -1 byte. – Giuseppe – 2017-10-14T15:24:00.247


Octave, 35 34 32 31 bytes


Call it like this:

f([4,8,15; 16,23,42; 80,69,43])

Test it here.

Saved 2 bytes thanks to flawr initially, but went for another approach that was 1 byte shorter.

This outputs the following for the different cases:

0    Doubly

1    None

0    Left

1    Right

The last ,2 would be unnecessary if single digits weren't included. Also, if this summed to 1 instead of 100 (as it could have), it would save another 4 bytes.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 43 471


k, 21 19 bytes



  • 00b none
  • 10b left
  • 01b right
  • 11b both


k)f:{min'100=+/'(x;+x)} //store function as f
k)f(100 0;98 2)

edit: reduce byte count by 3 - function does not need to be enclosed in a lambda

edit: reduce bytecount by 2 - H/T @Simon Major


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 4 139

1You can actually save a byte by enclosing in a lambda: {min'100=+/'(x;+:x)} – Simon Major – 2016-11-20T21:51:37.667


Mathematica 29 Bytes


substituting the =U+F3C7=[\Transpose] character. This code snippet will paste correctly into Mathematica.

Same truthiness convention with {lefttruth, righttruth} as output

Kelly Lowder

Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 3 225

{}⋃ saves one byte over Union@ – A Simmons – 2016-11-21T14:02:17.800

@ASimmons, thanks for the tip! Put it in and corrected an error in my byte total. – Kelly Lowder – 2016-11-21T16:39:17.570

Also I think if you make your output {righttruth, lefttruth}, then replacing Total@ with Tr/@ will save a further 2 bytes. – A Simmons – 2016-11-21T16:47:12.567

Or equivalently reverse the two matrices so the solution becomes {}⋃Tr/@#=={100}&/@{#,#}& – A Simmons – 2016-11-21T17:00:27.780

@ASimmons, Yes, that saved another 2. Thanks! – Kelly Lowder – 2016-11-21T17:09:29.673


MATL, 12 bytes


Output is two zero/one values. First indicates if the matrix is left-stochastic, second if it is right-stochastic.

Try it online! Or verify all test cases

s      % Implicitly input N×N matrix. Sum of each column. Gives a 1×N vector
G!     % Push input transposed
s      % Sum of each column. Gives a 1×N vector
v      % Concatenate vertically. Gives a 2×N matrix
!      % Transpose. N×2
100=   % Does each entry equal 100?
XA     % True for columns that contain only "true". Gives 1×2 vector. Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 87 464

Man that 100 was expensive, good answer though. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2016-11-18T15:16:33.227


Mathematica, 46 43 bytes


As with other answers, the outputs are

{False, False} for non-stochastic

{True, False} for left-stochastic

{False, True} for right-stochastic

{True, True} for doubly stochastic

Saved 3 bytes by switching to the operator form of AllTrue

A Simmons

Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 4 005

Use U+F3C7 (private use) for \[Transpose] – for Monica – 2016-11-18T12:55:43.913

I considered it but thought that was less enlightening – A Simmons – 2016-11-18T13:15:13.120

Also there's an extra @ at the end – for Monica – 2016-11-18T13:17:47.677


C#, 205 203 183 bytes


int F(int[,]m){int x,i,j,r,c,e,w;x=m.GetLength(0);e=w=1;for(i=0;i<x;i++){r=c=0;for(j=0;j<x;j++){r+=m[i,j];c+=m[j,i];}if(r!=100)e=0;if(c!=100)w=0;}return e==1&&w==1?3:e==1?1:w==1?2:4;}

Ungolfed with comments:

    int F(int[,] m)
        //x - matrix size
        //i, j - loop control variables
        //r, c - row/column sum
        //e, w - east/west, pseudo-bool values indicate right/left stochastic
        int x, i, j, r, c, e, w;
        x = m.GetLength(0);
        e = w = 1;

        for (i = 0; i < x; i++)
            r = c = 0;

            for (j = 0; j < x; j++)
                r += m[i, j];
                c += m[j, i];

            if (r != 100)
                e = 0;

            if (c != 100)
                w = 0;

        return e == 1 && w == 1 ? 3 : e == 1 ? 1 : w == 1 ? 2 : 4;

Output key: 1 - right stochastic 2 - left stochastic 3 - double stochastic 4 - none

Try it:

EDIT1: r=0;c=0; => r=c=0;

EDIT2: Nested ternary operators. Credits goes to @Yodle.


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 109

2if(e==1&&w==1)return 3;if(e==1)return 1;return w==1?2:4; Since e and w can only be 1 or 0, it can be changed to return w<<1|e; and redefine none==0. – Link Ng – 2016-11-18T14:08:40.503

1You can shorten yours by 30 if you turn some of those if statements into ternary operations and just return an integer at the end. Idunno if I should post my solution since it's so similar. – Yodle – 2016-11-18T19:23:24.397

@LinkNg Very nice. I don't want to write code without understanding. I'm not familiar with binary operators. – paldir – 2016-11-20T19:52:29.867

@Yodle Thank you, I changed my solution. Feel free to post your even if it is very similar. – paldir – 2016-11-20T19:53:31.673


PHP, 104 bytes


An anonymous function that echos 0 => both, 1=> left, 2=> right, 3=> neither.
Use like:

php -r "$c=function($a){for($s=array_sum;$a[+$i];)$o|=$s($a[+$i])!=100|($s(array_column($a,+$i++))!=100)*2;echo$o;};$c(json_decode($argv[1]));" "[[4,8,15],[16,23,42],[80,69,43]]"

A command line program version at 114 bytes:


Used like:

 php -r "for($a=json_decode($argv[1]);$a[+$i];)$o|=($s=array_sum)($a[+$i])!=100|($s(array_column($a,+$i++))!=100)*2;echo$o;" "[[4,8,15],[16,23,42],[80,69,43]]"


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 1 007


Python 2, 70 64 Bytes

Nothing crazy here, just making use of splatting in zip to transpose the matrix :) The outputs are as follows:

0 - not stochastic
1 - right stochastic
2 - left stochastic
3 - doubly stochastic

And here's the code :)

k=lambda m:all(sum(x)==100for x in m)
lambda n:k(n)+2*k(zip(*n))


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 7 463

Is the star in (*n a mistake? – hhh – 2016-11-18T19:02:44.453

1@hhh No, that's the splat operator :) Essentially that's what is letting me transpose the matrix :) – Kade – 2016-11-18T19:12:56.737


JavaScript (ES6), 83 bytes


Just to be contrary, not only does this output the right stoachistic result on the left, but the booleans are also inverted, so an output of [false, true] still means right stoachistic.


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 95 035


C#6, 130 bytes

using System.Linq;bool[]F(int[][]a)=>new[]{a.Where((_,i)=>a.Select(x=>x[i]).Sum()==100).Count()==a.Length,a.All(x=>x.Sum()==100)};

{False, False} for non-stochastic
{True, False} for left-stochastic
{False, True} for right-stochastic
{True, True} for doubly stochastic demo


    // Return new array of two bools. Array type is inferred from arguments
        // Left:
        // Count the no. of columns which sums up to 100
            // Then check if no. of such columns equal to total column count
        // Right: Do all rows sum up to 100?
        // Can't use this trick for left because no overload of All() accept Func<TSource,int,bool> like Where() does

Link Ng

Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 593


Groovy, 57



[0,0] if neither.

[1,0] if right.

[0,1] if left.

[1,1] if both.

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 19 422


Pip, 17 bytes

In an unexpected twist, this submission is a function.


Returns a list of two 0/1 values: [0 0] = not stochastic, [0 1] = left stochastic, [1 0] = right stochastic, [1 1] = doubly stochastic. Try it online!


{               }  A function:
              a    Function argument (nested list)
           [Za ]   Create a list containing a's transpose and a
          M        Map this function to each of the above:
       $+_           Sum down the columns
     UQ              Get unique elements
 [h]=                If stochastic, the result should be [100]


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 21 213


Dyalog APL, 16 bytes


{ } direct function definition (aka "dfn"), is the argument

⍵(⍉⍵) the matrix alongside its transposition

mix them into a single 2×n×n array

+/ sum along last axis, get a 2×n matrix

100= which elements are 100 (booleans are 0 1)

∧/ "and"-reduction along last axis, get 2 booleans for left,right stochastic


Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 11 449


C++14, 139 136 133 130 bytes

-3 bytes for s=M.size(), -3 bytes for returning by reference parameter, -3 bytes as a unnamed lambda

[](auto M,int&r){int a,b,i,j,s=M.size();r=3;for(i=-1;++i<s;){for(j=-1,a=b=0;++j<s;a+=M[i][j],b+=M[j][i]);r&=(a==100)+2*(b==100);}}

Assumes input to be like vector<vector<int>>. Returns 3,2,1,0 for doubly, left, right, none stochastic.


auto f=
[](auto M, int& r){
  int a,b,i,j,s=M.size();

Karl Napf

Posted 2016-11-18T09:17:25.650

Reputation: 4 131