Just Another Perl Hacker



Classic code golf challenge. Write the most obscure Perl program to print "Just another Perl hacker". Here's the Wikipedia article on it. Bonus points if it fits in 3 lines / 70 characters each.

Thomas O

Posted 2011-01-27T20:58:32.207

Reputation: 3 044

Question was closed 2016-03-24T04:51:35.023

2Obfuscated instead of obscure? – Josh – 2011-01-27T21:00:07.930

13Code golf has to be about shortest code, not "most obscure". Shortest is objective. "Most obscure" is subjective. – Chris Jester-Young – 2011-01-27T21:00:58.863

2@Chris: Wasn't this also about general programming puzzles? Ok, arguable whether obfuscation falls under that but as far as I understood it this wasn't a pure code golf site. – Joey – 2011-01-27T21:15:06.527

1@Joey: It's not, but, the Stack Exchange platform is much more effective for objective questions, not ones "that the OP likes best". – Chris Jester-Young – 2011-01-27T21:18:28.927



+=@h[$k]<<($j*$k%24);$x%=241;}@H[$j]=$x;}print pack('c*',@H)

I'm not sure whether a newline at the end is required: if so, the addition of ."\n" still doesn't take me up to the limit of 3 lines * 70 chars/line.

If it weren't for encoding issues the initialisation could be much smaller and extracted with unpack, so I expect someone can improve on this. I'm thinking about making a more efficient version - this is O(n^2), and O(n lg n) decoding is possible.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2011-01-27T20:58:32.207

Reputation: 41 901

+1 for <3 at the end of character value of your array! – Ry- – 2011-04-28T19:53:24.203


eval eval '"'.

           ('[')^                   ')').('`'|')').
        ('`'|'.').                ('['^'/').('{'^'['
 ).'\\'.'"'  .('`'^              '*').('['^'.').('['^
'(').('['^'/').('{'^            '[').('`'|'!').(('`')|
'.').('`'|'/').("\["^          '/').('`'|'(').('`'|'%'
  ).('['^')').(('{')^        '[').('{'^'+').('`'|'%').(
       '['^')').('`'|      ',').('{'^'[').('`'|'(').('`'
      |'!').('`'|'#'     ).('`'|'+').('`'|'%').('['^')').
     '\\'.'"'.("\!"^   '+').'"';$:='.'^'~';$~='@'|"\(";$^=
    ')'^'[';$/='`'|   '.';$,='('^'}';$\='`'|'!';$:=')'^"\}";
    $~='*'|"\`";$^=  '+'^'_';$/='&'|'@';$,='['&'~';$\=','^'|'
    ;$:='.'^'~';$~  ='@'|'(';$^=')'^'[';$/='`'|'.';$,='('^'}'
    ;$\='`'|'!';$:  =')'^'}';$~='*'|'`';$^='+'^'_';$/='&'|'@';
        ;$:=')'^'}';$~='*'|'`';$^='+'^'_';$/='&'|'@';$,="\["& '~'
         ;$\=','^'|';$:='.'^'~';$~='@'|'(';$^=')'^'[';$/='`'  |((
          '.'));$,='('^'}';$\='`'|'!';$:=')'^'}';$~ ='*'|'`'  ;$^
            ='+'^'_';$/='&'|'@';$,='['&'~';$\=','^  '|';$:=   '.'
             ^'~'; $~='@'|'(';$^=')'^'[';$/="\`"|   '.';$,=   '('
                   ^'}';$\='`'|'!';$:=')'^'}';$~    =('*')|   '`'
                   ;$^='+'^    '_';$/='&' |"\@";     $,='['   &+
                   '~';$\=     ','^'|';   $:='.'     ^"\~";  $~
                   =('@')|     "\(";$^=   "\)"^       "\[";  (
                   ($/))=      '`'|'.';   ($,)         ='('
                   ^"\}";     $\=('`')|   '!';         ($:)
                    =')'^     "\}";$~=    '*'|         '`';
                    ($^)=     '+'^'_'     ;$/=         '&'|
                    '@';     $,='['       &'~'         ;$\=
                    ','^     '|'          ;$:=         '.'^
                    '~';      $~=         '@'          |((
                    '('        ));       $^=           ')'
                    ^((         '['     ));            $/=
                    '`'          |((   '.'              ))
                    ;(             ($,))=               ((
                    ((              '('))               ))
                    ^+             "\}";$\=             ((
                   '`'            ))|+ "\!";            $:
                  =((           ')'))^  '}';           $~=
                 '*'|         "\`";$^=   '+'          ^'_'
               ;($/)=                                ('&')|
             "\@";$,=                               '['&'~'


Posted 2011-01-27T20:58:32.207

Reputation: 2 506


use Time'HiRes"usleep";$|=@q=(a..z,' ');@w=('just another perl hacker'

animated version :)

chinese perl goth

Posted 2011-01-27T20:58:32.207

Reputation: 1 089


Less than 70 character on 3 lines:

HvÂláµöÂ");s/(.)/" "x(hex$1<3).substr

Care: It's ISO-8859-1 encoded.

perl -E '$_=unpack("H21","9Ø
HvÂláµöÂ");s/(.)/" "x(hex$1<3).substr

Just Another Perl Hacker 

More than 70 chars at all, but less than 100!

wc -clL <<< '$_=unpack("H21","9Ø
HvÂláµöÂ");s/(.)/" "x(hex$1<3).substr

  3 92  37

And a little obfuscated!

A little away?!

There is a <1'000 perl script with a full help and some features:

(It's ISO-8859-1 encoded too ;)

#!/usr/bin/perl -s
q;?02:;)=~y+0-@+a-q+;$. =~s/^/&a?"un].q[":""/mxe;$..=' "b';$..=do{$.].q[=~m+^u+?&a:1
}<<3;$..='","';$..=do{$.].q[=~m+^u+?"\44_":&a};eval $.."\42"}s].q[ub'a{pop}sub'b{$.=
"Hauri Félix, ";$v?do{$_=$.;y+?-^+_-~+;].q[s/\s.*/.ch/mgx;$_=do{$0=~m-j\w+-?$&.q.@.:
(q.w.x3).q,.,}.q qf-q].q[.$_;$..$_}:sub].q[str("lockpents ".$.,&a,1)}sub'p{pr]."in".
q<t do{$#_+1?&a."\n":do{/\n/?$_:$_.".\n"}}};sub'x{e>.pack("v",27000).q<t}sub't{sel>.
"ec".q<t O,&O,O,&a};$v&&{p $0." \251".(30*67)." ".b}&&x;$j&&do{$_="Îx¹\26§ÕIÕ\220º".
"2Õ";$_=>.q<u 12,1;s/.{4}/b ord u O,"$&",O/meg;tr+@-[+`-{+;s/./($.=$&)=~y.^-{.?-\\>.
q<\\.;$./xe;p;$c&&do{$c!=1&&do{$_=$c." ";p};fo>."reac".q<h$=(1..2*l){s/.//m;$_.=$&;p
len$p,$p;p<$p>;x};$h&&do{$_="Usal.q lge: ".$0." [ -v | -h | -j [-c[=string]] | -k |l
.q+ -p=file.pl ]";p;x};1+;eval||die+No.$;;

There are some features:

./japh.pl -h
Usage: ./japh.pl [ -v | -h | -j [-c[=string]] | -k | -p=file.pl ].


  • -v signature
  • -h help string
  • -j prompt Just another perl hacker.
  • -c animate the japh string or a submited string if any
  • -k dump the script himself
  • -p polute another script


./japh.pl -j
Just another perl hacker.

./japh.pl -k | wc -lcL
     14     998      84

./japh.pl -p=$(which perldoc) >japhedPerldoc
chmod +x japhedPerldoc 

./japhedPerldoc perl | head
PERL(1)               User Contributed Perl Documentation              PERL(1)

   perl - The Perl 5 language interpreter

       perl [ -sTtuUWX ]      [ -hv ] [ -V[:configvar] ]
            [ -cw ] [ -d[t][:debugger] ] [ -D[number/list] ]

./japhedPerldoc -j -c
Just another perl hacker.

(The last string is animated:)

Trying to de-obfucate

There is a nice B::Deparse module available on CPAN:

perl -MO=Deparse japh.pl    
$; = $/;
$_ = qq[sub'O{undef}sub'l{\$#_==-1?length:length&a}sub'u{(\$.=\nq;?02:;)=~y+0-\@+a-q+;\$. =~s/^/&a?"un":""/mxe;\$..=' "b';\$..=do{\$.=~m+^u+?&a:1\n}<<3;\$..='","';\$..=do{\$.=~m+^u+?"\\44_":&a};eval\$.."\\42"}sub'a{pop}sub'b{\$.=\n"Hauri F\351lix, ";\$v?do{\$_=\$.;y+?-^+_-~+;s/\\s.*/.ch/mgx;\$_=do{\$0=~m-j\\w+-?\$&.q.\@.:\n(q.w.x3).q,.,}.q qf-q.\$_;\$..\$_}:substr("lockpents ".\$.,&a,1)}sub'p{print do{\$#_+1?&a."\\n":do{/\\n/?\$_:\$_.".\\n"}}};sub'x{e] . pack('v', 27000) . q[t}sub't{sel] . 'ec' . qq[t O,&O,O,&a};\$v&&{p \$0." \\251".(30*67)." ".b}&&x;\$j&&do{\$_="\316x\271\\26\247\325I\325\\220\272".\n"2\325";\$_=] . 'u 12,1;s/.{4}/b ord u O,"$&",O/meg;tr+@-[+`-{+;s/./($.=$&)=~y.^-{.?-\\' . '\\.;$./xe;p;$c&&do{$c!=1&&do{$_=$c." ";p};fo' . 'reac' . qq(h\$=(1..2*l){s/.//m;\$_.=\$&;p\n"\\33[A\\r".\$_;t.1}};x};\$/=O;o) . 'p' . 'en$_,$0;$_=<$_>;$k&&p&&x||$p&&do{p;op' . 'en$p,$p;p<$p>;x};$h&&do{$_="Usa' . 'ge: ".$0." [ -v | -h | -j [-c[=string]] | -k |' . ' -p=file.pl ]";p;x};1';
die 'No' . $; unless eval $_;
japh.pl syntax OK

Well, this is more readable, but...

Ok, there is a pack('v', 27000), what it mean:

perl -E "say pack('v', 27000)";

Hmm. so we could try to simplify deparser's work:

perl -MO=Deparse <(sed -e <japh.pl 's/pack("v",27000)/"xi"/')
$; = $/;
$_ = qq(sub'O{undef}sub'l{\$#_==-1?length:length&a}sub'u{(\$.=\nq;?02:;)=~y+0-\@+a-q+;\$. =~s/^/&a?"un":""/mxe;\$..=' "b';\$..=do{\$.=~m+^u+?&a:1\n}<<3;\$..='","';\$..=do{\$.=~m+^u+?"\\44_":&a};eval \$.."\\42"}sub'a{pop}sub'b{\$.=\n"Hauri F\351lix, ";\$v?do{\$_=\$.;y+?-^+_-~+;s/\\s.*/.ch/mgx;\$_=do{\$0=~m-j\\w+-?\$&.q.\@.:\n(q.w.x3).q,.,}.q qf-q.\$_;\$..\$_}:substr("lockpents ".\$.,&a,1)}sub'p{print do{\$#_+1?&a."\\n":do{/\\n/?\$_:\$_.".\\n"}}};sub'x{exit}sub't{select O,&O,O,&a};\$v&&{p \$0." \\251".(30*67)." ".b}&&x;\$j&&do{\$_="\316x\271\\26\247\325I\325\\220\272".\n"2\325";\$_=u 12,1;s/.{4}/b ord u O,"\$&",O/meg;tr+\@-[+`-{+;s/./(\$.=\$&)=~y.^-{.?-\\\\.;\$./xe;p;\$c&&do{\$c!=1&&do{\$_=\$c." ";p};foreach\$=(1..2*l){s/.//m;\$_.=\$&;p\n"\\33[A\\r".\$_;t.1}};x};\$/=O;open\$_,\$0;\$_=<\$_>;\$k&&p&&x||\$p&&do{p;open\$p,\$p;p<\$p>;x};\$h&&do{\$_="Usage: ".\$0." [ -v | -h | -j [-c[=string]] | -k | -p=file.pl ]";p;x};1);
die 'No' . $; unless eval $_;
/dev/fd/63 syntax OK

Well, now it is clear that whole script is contained in qq(...) on line 2 and have to be submited to eval. We could now:

perl -MO=Deparse <(sed -e <japh.pl 's/pack("v",27000)/"xi"/') |
    sed -ne 's/$_ = \(qq(.*)\);/print \1/p' |
/dev/fd/63 syntax OK
q;?02:;)=~y+0-@+a-q+;$. =~s/^/&a?"un":""/mxe;$..=' "b';$..=do{$.=~m+^u+?&a:1
}<<3;$..='","';$..=do{$.=~m+^u+?"\44_":&a};eval $.."\42"}sub'a{pop}sub'b{$.=
"Hauri Félix, ";$v?do{$_=$.;y+?-^+_-~+;s/\s.*/.ch/mgx;$_=do{$0=~m-j\w+-?$&.q.@.:
(q.w.x3).q,.,}.q qf-q.$_;$..$_}:substr("lockpents ".$.,&a,1)}sub'p{print do{$#_+1?&a."\n":do{/\n/?$_:$_.".\n"}}};sub'x{exit}sub't{select O,&O,O,&a};$v&&{p $0." \251".(30*67)." ".b}&&x;$j&&do{$_="Îx¹\26§ÕIÕ\220º".
"2Õ";$_=u 12,1;s/.{4}/b ord u O,"$&",O/meg;tr+@-[+`-{+;s/./($.=$&)=~y.^-{.?-\\.;$./xe;p;$c&&do{$c!=1&&do{$_=$c." ";p};foreach$=(1..2*l){s/.//m;$_.=$&;p
"\33[A\r".$_;t.1}};x};$/=O;open$_,$0;$_=<$_>;$k&&p&&x||$p&&do{p;open$p,$p;p<$p>;x};$h&&do{$_="Usage: ".$0." [ -v | -h | -j [-c[=string]] | -k | -p=file.pl ]";p;x};1

In the hope deparser could better understand, now:

perl -MO=Deparse <(sed -e <japh.pl 's/pack("v",27000)/"xi"/') |
    sed -ne 's/$_ = \(qq(.*)\);/print \1/p' |
    perl |
    perl -MO=Deparse
/dev/fd/63 syntax OK
sub O {
sub l {
    $#_ == -1 ? length $_ : length &a;
sub u {
    ($. = '?02:') =~ tr/0-@/a-q/;
    $. =~ s/^/&a ? 'un' : '';/emx;
    $. .= ' "b';
    $. .= do {
        $. =~ /^u/ ? &a : 1
    } << 3;
    $. .= '","';
    $. .= do {
        $. =~ /^u/ ? '$_' : &a
    eval $. . '"';
sub a {
sub b {
    $. = "Hauri F\351lix, ";
    $v ? do {
        $_ = $.;
        $_ = do {
            $0 =~ /j\w+/ ? $& . '@' : 'w' x 3 . '.'
        } . 'f-' . $_;
        $. . $_
    } : substr('lockpents ' . $., &a, 1);
sub p {
    print do {
        $#_ + 1 ? &a . "\n" : do {
            /\n/ ? $_ : $_ . ".\n"
sub x {
sub t {
    select O(), &O, O(), &a;
x  if $v and {p($0 . " \251" . 2010 . ' ' . b())};
if ($j) {
    $_ = "\316x\271\cV\247\325I\325\220\2722\325";
    $_ = u(12, 1);
    s/.{4}/b ord u(O(), "$&", O());/egm;
    s[.][($. = $&) =~ tr/^-{/?-\\/;
    p ;
    if ($c) {
        if ($c != 1) {
            $_ = $c . ' ';
            p ;
        foreach $= (1 .. 2 * l()) {
            $_ .= $&;
            p "\e[A\r" . $_;
            t 0.1;
    x ;
$/ = O();
open $_, $0;
$_ = <$_>;
$p and do {
    p ;
    open $p, $p;
    p <$p>;
} unless $k and p  and x ;
if ($h) {
    $_ = 'Usage: ' . $0 . ' [ -v | -h | -j [-c[=string]] | -k | -p=file.pl ]';
    p ;
    x ;
- syntax OK

Well! We got something near readable, now. Do this alway give same result?

perl -MO=Deparse <(sed -e <japh.pl 's/pack("v",27000)/"xi"/') |
    sed -ne 's/$_ = \(qq(.*)\);/print \1/p' |
    perl |
    perl -MO=Deparse |
    perl -s /dev/stdin -j -c="That's all folks"
/dev/fd/63 syntax OK
- syntax OK
Just another perl hacker.
That's all folks .

(And the last line is animated:)

F. Hauri

Posted 2011-01-27T20:58:32.207

Reputation: 2 654


use strict;*1=*CORE'die,*!=*=,@=='hacker',s??'&1(@!,$/)'?ee;s;;%ENV=~m

It works with strictures enabled. Although it does not work on all machines/perls, because of CORE'die and ~~%ENV.

$ perl
use strict;*1=*CORE'die,*!=*=,@=='hacker',s??'&1(@!,$/)'?ee;s;;%ENV=~m
Just another Perl hacker


Posted 2011-01-27T20:58:32.207

Reputation: 222