Creating a Crossed Square



Creating a Crossed Square

You are to take input of an integer of one or more and output a square made of any printable character of your choice with a diagonal cross through the centre.

The general idea is for the output to be a hollow square that has a diagonal cross through it.:

Input: 7
*#   #*
* # # *
*  #  *
* # # *
*#   #*

In the above example the '*'s represent the outer box and the '#'s represent the diagonal cross.

Note that the above example uses two different characters so that it is easier to see what the output looks like, your program should use one character only.


An integer of 1 or more, it is guaranteed to be odd.


A square that is made up of a character of your choice with a cross through the middle.

  • The cross must be diagonal
  • The square may be output via the function or written to output
  • Trailing newlines are okay
  • Can output as a graphic, diagram or image if you wish too


Input: 1

Input: 3

Input: 5
** **
* * *
** **

Input: 7
**   **
* * * *
*  *  *
* * * *
**   **


  • Functions or full programs are allowed
  • You can get input by your preferred means
  • Standard loopholes are disallowed
  • Programs must work without any additional statements i.e. usings in C#, they must be included in the entry
  • You can output from a function or print the result

This is code golf so the shortest solution wins.


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 6 930

1Could we also index these outputs with 0,1,2,3,...? – flawr – 2016-08-25T11:51:34.873

@flawr I'm not 100% sure what you mean – TheLethalCoder – 2016-08-25T11:52:48.833

@TheLethalCoder He asks whether he can take input n and print a square of size 2n+1. – Martin Ender – 2016-08-25T12:11:39.607

@MartinEnder Oh so in my examples input 1 gives * but for him it will be input 0? – TheLethalCoder – 2016-08-25T12:13:07.057

1@TheLethalCoder Yes, and input 1 would yield your example for 3. – Martin Ender – 2016-08-25T12:13:34.880

@MartinEnder I don't really see why not – TheLethalCoder – 2016-08-25T12:15:37.883

@Pakk One or more that's a typo, thanks for pointing it out – TheLethalCoder – 2016-08-25T15:24:00.713

The Confederate Flag! How very Donald Trump.... – Level River St – 2016-08-25T17:45:22.873



MATL, 20 19 17 bytes


You can try it experimentally in MATL online. You may need to refresh the page if it doesn't work.

Sample run:

enter image description here

ASCII version: 19 bytes


Try it online!

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 87 464

But at least make sure that the lines are parallel & rectangular. :D – flawr – 2016-08-25T13:20:44.393

@flawr Hm? What do you mean? – Luis Mendo – 2016-08-25T13:31:31.413

At least in the middle looks as if the sides of the squares are slanted, but it's just an illusions. Or is it? (Might also be a black hole behind my screen, warping space time.) – flawr – 2016-08-25T15:27:30.613

@flawr Or maybe go to the eye doctor :-P – Luis Mendo – 2016-08-25T15:55:24.763

Doesn't work over MATL online, version 19.0.0. Hmmm... – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-05T22:41:32.470

@EriktheOutgolfer Working again! The server needed some rebooting – Luis Mendo – 2018-04-06T16:32:05.353


VBA Excel, 168 bytes


I find Excel with the help of VBA is an effective and a sufficient tool for this challenge. Set the worksheet of Excel like following

enter image description here

Yes, we use the small, classic square-shaped pixels like the old times by using the cells in a worksheet as the pixels. Ha-ha...

Here I use cell A1 as the input and I change its font color to red. Why red? Because red is three-letter-color so it fits for golfing. Write and run the following code in the Immediate Window:

N=[A1]:Range("A1",Cells(N,N)).Interior.Color=vbRed:Range("B2",Cells(N-1,N-1)).Clear:For i=1To N:Cells(i,i).Interior.Color=vbRed:Cells(i,N+1-i).Interior.Color=vbRed:Next

Ungolfed the code:

Sub A()
    N = [A1]
    Range("A1", Cells(N, N)).Interior.Color = vbRed
    Range("B2", Cells(N - 1, N - 1)).Clear

    For i = 1 To N
        Cells(i, i).Interior.Color = vbRed
        Cells(i, N + 1 - i).Interior.Color = vbRed
End Sub

Step-by-step Explanation:

N = [A1]: Range("A1", Cells(N, N)).Interior.Color = vbRed

enter image description here

Range("B2", Cells(N - 1, N - 1)).Clear

enter image description here

Looping through the diagonal of range cells: Cells(i, i).Interior.Color = vbRed

enter image description here

Final step and output: Cells(i, N + 1 - i).Interior.Color = vbRed

enter image description here

Anastasiya-Romanova 秀

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 1 673

Cells.RowHeight=48:set r=[A1]:r.Resize(r,r).Interior.Color=0:[B2].Resize(r-2,r-2).Clear:For i=1To[A1]:set r=Union(r,Cells(i,i),Cells(i,r-i+1)):Next:r.Interior.Color=0 – Taylor Scott – 2018-06-26T01:52:40.850


JavaScript (ES6), 96 bytes

n=>[...Array(n--)].map((_,i,a)=>,j)=>i&&j&&n-i&&n-j&&i-j&&n-i-j?' ':'*').join``).join`
<input type=number min=1 step=2 oninput=  o.textContent=f(this.value)><pre id=o>


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 95 035


Java 7, 131 130 128 125 124 122 bytes

String c(int n){String r="";for(int i=n,j;n-->0;r+="\n")for(j=0;j<n;r+=i*j<1|n-i<2|n-j<2|i==j|i==n-++j?"*":" ");return r;}

3 bytes saved thanks to @LeakyNun;
1 byte saved thanks to @OliverGrégoire in my answer for the Draw a hollow square of # with given width challenge;
2 bytes saved thanks to @cliffroot.

Ungolfed & test code:

Try it here.

class M{
  static String c(int n){
    String r = "";
    for(int i = n, j; n-- > 0; r += "\n"){
      for(j = 0; j < n;
            r += i < 1      // Responsible for the first horizontal line
               | j < 1      // Responsible for the first vertical line
               | n-i < 2    // Responsible for the last horizontal line
               | n-j < 2    // Responsible for the last vertical line
               | i == j     // Responsible for the top-left to bottom-right diagonal line
               | i == n-++j // Responsible for the top-right to bottom-left diagonal line (and increasing j)
             ? "*"
             : " ");
    return r;

  public static void main(String[] a){




** **
* * *
** **

**   **
* * * *
*  *  *
* * * *
**   **

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 67 575

1String c(int n){String r="";for(int i=-1,j;++i<n;r+="\n")for(j=0;j<n;r+=i<1|j<1|n-i<2|n-j<2|i==j|i==n-++j?"*":" ")return r;} 4 bytes saved – Leaky Nun – 2016-08-25T13:36:32.170

@LeakyNun 3 actually. You'd still need the ; behind the inner for-loop. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2016-08-25T13:48:38.183

1first, i believe it should be i-->0 rather than n-->0 and you can also use i*j<1 instead of i<1|j<1 for 2 bytes – cliffroot – 2016-11-08T13:24:42.433

@cliffroot Of course you had to find something. Hehe, jk, thanks! ;) I remember I've done something like that before in another answer, so pretty bad I forgot to do it here.. :S – Kevin Cruijssen – 2016-11-08T14:30:59.903


Python, 114 110 96 90 bytes

Totally changed:

lambda n:[bin(sum(2**p for p in[range(n),{0,n-1,r,n-1-r}][0<r<n-1]))[2:]for r in range(n)]

Returns a list of strings, characters using 1 and 0.
-6 bytes thanks to TheBikingViking

Test it at ideone

Previous Python 2 @110

def f(n):g=range(n);n-=1;print'\n'.join(''.join((c in(r,n-r,0,n)or r in(0,n))and'#'or' 'for c in g)for r in g)

Test it on ideone

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 67 804

Save 6 bytes by converting to a lambda and restructuring the and-or expression: lambda n:[bin(sum(2**p for p in[range(n),{0,n-1,r,n-1-r}][0<r<n-1]))[2:]for r in range(n)]. – TheBikingViking – 2016-08-25T21:00:23.093

@TheBikingViking Ah, you are right - I really should have golfed down to bit twiddling (my original intent) before putting the idea out there and sleeping :p. – Jonathan Allan – 2016-08-26T04:16:08.230


Python 2, 65 bytes

while i:print bin((n>i>1or~-n)|n|i|n/i)[2:];i/=2

Uses Jonathan Allan's idea of outputting binary numbers like:


The rows are created with bit arithmetic and displayed in binary. Each part it or'ed into the rest. The part are are produced by powers of 2 n (fixed) and i (falling) via

  1. Left side 1
  2. Right side n
  3. Diagonals i and n/i
  4. Top and bottom by n-1 when i==1 or i==n.

Actually, (1) and (4) are combined by producing 1 when 1<i<n and n-1 otherwise.


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 115 687


Matlab, 68 66 64 58 bytes

Since graphical output is allowed too:


Which outputs e.g.

enter image description here

The ascii only versions would be:

This is using the indexing 0,1,2,3,...


Alternatively with the indexing 1,3,7,...:



Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 40 560

Nice, not only does the graphical output look better imo, it's cool that it's also shorter in terms of bytes. Usually making something more graphical instead of plain ASCII would only increase the byte-count (usually by a lot). – Kevin Cruijssen – 2016-08-25T12:45:54.623


C#, 112 101 bytes

Thanks to TheLethalCoder for reminding me that these anonymous lambda statement-nor-expression things are allowed in C#.

n=>{var r="";for(int y=n--,x;y-->0;r+="*\n")for(x=0;x<n;r+=y%n*x<1|y==x|y==n-x++?"*":" ");return r;};

Who said C# isn't a fun golfing language?


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 466

I know, right? 27591 bytes :p

– Jonathan Allan – 2016-08-25T17:50:01.713


Logo, 155 bytes

Graphical solution, implemented as a function

I retooled my answer for Alphabet Triangle and changed the angles around a bit. As before, r draws a line of characters. This time, the b function draws a box by drawing one straight edge and one diagonal, rotating, and repeating four times. This causes the diagonals to be drawn twice (on top of each other), but it was less code than handling it separately. This answer also properly handles even numbers. I had to add special handling for an input of 1 to prevent it from going forward.

I implemented it as a function, b which takes the size as an argument:

to r:n:b:l repeat:n[rt:b label "A lt:b if repcount>1[fd:l]] end
to b:s
repeat 4[rt 90
r:s 90-heading 20 rt 135
r:s 90-heading 20*sqrt 2 rt 45]

Try it out on's Logo interpreter. To call it, append a line and call b in the following format:

b 7

Sample of size 7

... or try the sampler platter, which draws four samples in sizes 5, 7, 9, and 11, rotating 90 degrees in between:

repeat 4[
  b repcount*2+3
  rt 90

Sample of multiple sizes


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 1 101


R, 102 bytes

    n=scan();for(i in 1:n){for(j in 1:n){z=" ";if(i%in%c(1,n,n-j+1)|j%in%c(1,i,n))z="*";cat(z)};cat("\n")}

Note that it is more efficient to express the condition using %in% than i==1|j==1|...


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 1 135

It is possible to golf away one character if the input is guaranteed to be more than one: n=scan();for(i in n:1){for(j in n:2){z=" ";if(i%in%c(1,n,n-j+1)|j%in%c(i,n))z="*";cat(z)};cat("*\n")} – JDL – 2016-08-25T12:59:12.010

94 bytes – Giuseppe – 2018-04-05T20:22:53.627


Haskell, 102 100 96 91 87 bytes

c s=unlines.f$f.(#)where f=(<$>[1..s]);x#y|elem y[1,s,x]||elem x[1,s,s-y+1]='*'|1>0=' '
  • Saved 2 bytes, thanks to flawr.
  • Saved 4 more bytes by using list comprehensions.
  • 5 bytes saved combining flawr's improvement with any
  • 4 bytes saved by replacing any with elem

Ungolfed version:

cross :: Int -> String
cross s = unlines $ map line [1..s]
    where line y = map (pos y) [1..s]
          pos y x | x == y = '*'
                  | x == s - y + 1 = '*'
                  | y `elem` [1, s] = '*'
                  | x `elem` [1, s] = '*'
                  | otherwise = ' '

I'm sure this can still be improved, but this is what I've come up with for now.

Old version:

c s=unlines.f$f.(#)where f=(<$>[1..s]);x#y|any(==y)[1,s,x]||any(==x)[1,s,s-y+1]='*'|1>0=' '


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 551

2You're using [1..s] twice, I think you could define that in where. – flawr – 2016-08-25T15:32:19.330

It would result in 102 bytes too, since we'd have to add an extra space before the where keyword.
c s=unlines$(\m->(m#)<$>z)<$>z where z=[1..s];m#n|or((==)<$>[n,m]<*>[1,s])||n==m||n==s-m+1='*'|1>0=' '
– sudee – 2016-08-25T21:02:33.123

1Ah right, but you can pack <$>[1..s] into a function, right? Like c s=unlines$f(\m->f(m#))where m#n|or((==)<$>[n,m]<*>[1,s])||n==m||n==s-m+1='*'|1>0=' ';f=(<$>[1..s]) – flawr – 2016-08-25T22:03:20.983

Good point, that does work indeed. :) – sudee – 2016-08-25T22:33:48.720

I didn't even know you could use let to define functions with guards within a list comprehension! Great job! (It seems this isn't already present here yet, it might be worth adding!)

– flawr – 2016-08-26T08:33:00.340

1PS: c s=unlines$f$f.(#)where f=(<$>[1..s]);m#n|or((==)<$>[n,m]<*>[1,s])||n==m||n==s-m+1='*'|1>0=' ' – flawr – 2016-08-26T08:38:30.397

I was about to post a 92 byte solution with list comprehensions but combining it with yours gets down to 91. – sudee – 2016-08-26T09:29:37.890


C, 140 121 114 bytes

19 bytes thanks to Quentin.

7 bytes saved by switching from a double-nested loop to one loop.

main(a){scanf("%d",&a);for(int i=0;i<a*a;i++,i%a||puts(""))putchar(i/a&&i/a^a-1&&i%a&&-~i%a&&i%-~a&&i%~-a?32:42);}

Golfing suggestions welcome.

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 45 011

I never program in C, but isn't it possible to place the int in the first for-loop like in Java? I.e. int i,j;for(i=0; to for(int i=0,j; – Kevin Cruijssen – 2016-08-25T12:18:40.147

1The last time I used C you couldn't even put the int i,j; after the scanf! – Neil – 2016-08-25T12:21:13.307

Try n+~i-j etc. – Neil – 2016-08-25T12:30:12.190

GCC is fine with removing the #include completely. – Quentin – 2016-08-25T12:55:19.700

@Neil What do you mean by you couldn't put that after that? – Leaky Nun – 2016-08-25T13:00:44.303

Back in my day you had to put all of your declarations at the start of your block before any statements. – Neil – 2016-08-25T13:02:03.337

Does it work?

– YSC – 2016-08-25T15:13:13.997

@YSC The input is supposed to be odd. – Leaky Nun – 2016-08-25T17:14:39.093


Java, 130 bytes

s->{for(int i=0;i<s;i++)for(int j=0;j<s;j++)System.out.print((s-1-i==j||i==j||i==0||j==0||i==s-1||j==s-1)?j==s-1?"*\n":"*":" ");};

Test Program

Consumer<Integer> consumer = s -> {
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < s; j++) {
                System.out.print((s - 1 - i == j || i == j || i == 0 || j == 0 || i == s - 1 || j == s - 1) ? j == s - 1 ? "*\n" : "*" : " ");


Shaun Wild

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 2 329

+1! I would specify that it's Java 8, btw. Also, you can golf it a bit by removing the int before j and use int i=0,j; instead. You can also replace all || with | and remove the parenthesis in the ternary-check. Also, you use s-1 four times, so I would put this in a variable. Also, you can change the ==0 to <1. So in total it becomes s->{for(int i=0,j,x=s-1;i<s;i++)for(j=0;j<s;j++)System.out.print(x-i==j|i==j|i<1|j<1|i==x|j==x?j==x?"*\n":"*":" ");} (116 bytes) Quite a bit shorter than my Java 7 answer, so nice approach!

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2016-08-25T12:59:57.247

1@KevinCruijssen I always end up with a shorter answer, but with more room for improvement than you LMAO. Well golfed my friend. – Shaun Wild – 2016-08-25T13:17:27.437

Hehe. xD Feel free to use the 116 byte version btw. It's your code, just golfed down some more. ;) My Java 7 answer (which is unfortunately longer) uses a slightly different approach. If I would edit it into the 116 byte version I would basically steal your answer, which I don't want to. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2016-08-25T13:24:03.487

No point just copying and pasting your golfs, I normally post a quick mock up and then come back to it later on to see if I missed anything that could be golfed. But you RUINED IT FOR MEE :( haha jk – Shaun Wild – 2016-08-25T13:33:08.670

Ah sorry. Most of the tips I gave are actually present in the Tips for golfing in Java. I guess I'm just 2quick4u. ;)

– Kevin Cruijssen – 2016-08-25T13:39:18.237

@KevinCruijssen Hahaha I guess so >:( – Shaun Wild – 2016-08-25T14:58:32.013


PowerShell (133)

filter s($x){1..$x|%{$o="";$r=$_;1..$x|%{if($_-eq1-or$r-eq1-or$_-eq$x-or$r-eq$x-or$r-eq$_-or$r-1-eq$x-$_){$o+="*"}else{$o+="_"}};$o}}

Clunky, but it works well enough.


Golfing suggestions definitely welcome, it's been too long since I've PowerShell'd.


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 309


S.I.L.O.S, 212 bytes

a = i
a - 1
t = a
t + 1
t % i
t * a
b = i
b - 1
u = b
u + 1
u % i
u * b
u * t
v = a
v - b
u * v
v = a
v + b
v + 1
v % i
u * v
u |
if u c
print #
print .
if b b
if a a

Try it online!

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 45 011

:) thanks for bringing more attention to this language – Rohan Jhunjhunwala – 2016-08-27T04:57:49.473

1@RohanJhunjhunwala I enjoyed programming in it, thank you for creating such a brilliant language. – Leaky Nun – 2016-08-27T04:58:10.883


GNU sed, 117 114 + 1(r flag) = 115 bytes

h;s/./ /3g;s/  $/00/
:f;/ 00 /!{G;h;s/\n.*//p;t;:}
s/^(0 *)0  ?( *)0/\1 0\20 /

Since sed has no native support for numbers, the input is given in unary based on this consensus. The second half of the square is the first half that was stored in reverse order in hold space.


sed -rf crossed_square.sed <<< "00000"


00 00
0 0 0
00 00


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 2 878


Python, 89 bytes

This was a throwback! I used python's turtle module.

from turtle import*
for i in[(n,n),(n,0),(0,n),(0,0),(n,0),(0,n),(n,n)]:goto(i)

Here's the result when n=200:

enter image description here


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 189

1+1 for creativity – mbx – 2018-04-05T20:14:19.497


Scala, 141 137 bytes

val s=args(0).toInt-1;val t=0 to s;print({x=>{y=>if(x==0||x==s||y==0||y==s||x==y||x==s-y)"*" else " "}.mkString+"\n"}.mkString)


$ scala cross.scala 10

Technically I could remove the print stuff and go to something like

def c(n:Int)={val (s,t)=(n-1,0 to n-1);{x=>{y=>if(x==0||x==s||y==0||y==s||x==y||x==s-y)"*" else " "}.mkString+"\n"}.mkString}

This would make it 135 or 121 bytes depending on whether you count the function syntax stuff.

Readable version:

def cross(n: Int) = {
   // Declares both s and t as variables with tuple expansion
   // s is the zero-based size and t is a range from 0 to s
   val (s,t) = (n-1, 0 to n-1)

   // Maps all rows by mapping the columns to a star or a space { x => { y =>
        if (x == 0 || x == s || y == 0 || y == s || x == y || x == s-y) "*" 
        else " "
      }.mkString+"\n" // Concatenate the stars and spaces and add a newline
   }.mkString         // Concatenate the created strings


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 281


Pyth, 27 25 bytes

jmsm?|qFKaLJ/Q2,dk}JKN\ Q

Try it online!

Probably golfable.


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 16 699


Python 2, 83 bytes

while i:l=['* '[1<i<n]]*n;i-=1;l[0]=l[~0]=l[i]=l[~i]='*';print`l`[2::5]

Modifies a list of the row's characters to put a * into the first, last, i'th, and i'th-to-last place. The first and last row start as all *, and the rest as all spaces. Works for evens too. A lambda expression is probably shorter than modification, but I like this method.


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 115 687


Pyke, 28 24 23 bytes


Try it here!


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 26 661


Mathematica, 81 bytes

""<>#&/@Table[If[i^2==j^2||i^2==#^2||j^2==#^2,"*"," "],{i,-#,#},{j,-#,#}]&[(#-1)/2]&

Creates a coordinate system with the origin in the center, and computes where the *s should go. Outputs an array of strings, one per row.

Greg Martin

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 13 940


Javascript (289 270 bytes)

function s(a){b=[];for(i=0;i<a;i++)if(b.push([]),0==i||i==a-1)for(j=0;j<a;j++)b[i].push("*");else for(j=0;j<a;j++)0==j||j==a-1?b[i].push("*"):j==i||a-1-j==i?b[i].push("*"):b[i].push(" ");c="";for(i=0;i<b.length;i++){for(j=0;j<b[i].length;j++)c+=b[i][j];c+="\n"}return c}


function square(size){

            }else if(j==i||size-1-j==i){
                str[i].push(" ");

return out;

EDIT: Saved 19 bytes thanks to Philipp Flenker.

Paul Schmitz

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 1 089

Since trailing newlines are okay, I think you don't need the check for size==1 – Philipp Flenker – 2016-11-08T14:45:55.373

1@PhilippFlenker Correct. – Paul Schmitz – 2016-11-09T14:04:59.620


SmileBASIC, 46 bytes


(No, SB does NOT use 1-indexed graphics...)


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 6 110


Charcoal, 8 bytes (noncompeting; language postdates challenge)


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: When used as a parameter to the PolygonHollow command, + draws a box, and the arrows then create the diagonals. There are some other shortcut characters but they would need to be redefined to be useful e.g. Y is equivalent to ↖↗↓ but if it was eqivalent to ↗↓↖ then Y+ would suffice.


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 95 035


SHELL ( 135 Bytes):

 C(){ j=$(($1-1));for i in $(seq 0 $j);do dc<<<2o10i`echo $((1|2**$i|2**($j-$i)|2**$j|(($i==0||$i==$j))*(2**$j-1)))`p;done|tr 01 ' X';}


 C 1

 C 3

 C 5
 X X X

 C 7
 XX   XX
 X X X X
 X  X  X
 X X X X
 XX   XX

 C 9
 XX     XX
 X X   X X
 X  X X  X
 X   X   X
 X  X X  X
 X X   X X
 XX     XX


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 211


Kotlin, 123 116 bytes

change if with \n to println

{s:Int->val n=s-1
for(r in 0..n){for(c in 0..n)print(if(n-r==c||r==c||r<1||c<1||r==n||c==n)"#"
else " ")

Try it online!


Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 611


Perl, 83 +1 = 84 bytes

Run with the -n flag.


The literal newline saves 1 byte over \n or $/.



The code prints the top line and saves it in $c, then prints a bunch of spaces with the appropriate slots replaced with as, then prints the top line again.

The assignment to the $\ variable tells the interpreter to print the contents (an asterisk, a newline, and another asterisk) after every print, but this does NOT occur after a say.

Gabriel Benamy

Posted 2016-08-25T11:38:01.683

Reputation: 2 827