The rice and chess problem



An Indian legend tells the story of the alleged inventor of the chess game, who impressed the emperor of India with his game so much that he would get rewarded with anything asked.

The man said he wanted to be paid in rice. He wanted a grain of rice for the first square of the chessboard, two for the second, four for the third, eight for the fourth, and so on, until the 64th square.

The emperor was amazed that the man asked for such a small reward, but as his mathematicians started counting, he ended up losing one of his provinces.


Given the length of the side of a hypothetical chessboard (which is 8 on a default chessboard) and the multiplier between squares (which is 2 in the legend), calculate the number of grains of rice the emperor must pay to the man.


  • The side length will always be a positive integer. The multiplier could instead be any kind of rational number.

  • If your language of choice can't display very large numbers, it's okay as long as your program can correctly process smaller inputs.

  • Also if your language of choice rounds larger values (with exponential notations), it's okay if those values are approximately correct.


Input (side length, multiplier) => Output
8, 2                            => 18446744073709551615
3, 6                            => 2015539
7, 1.5                          => 850161998.2854
5, -3                           => 211822152361
256, 1                          => 65536
2, 2                            => 15
2, -2                           => -5

Please note that the explicit formula

result = (multiplier ^ (side ^ 2) - 1) / (multiplier - 1)

Performs wrong on multiplier = 1, as

1 ^ (side ^ 2) - 1 = 0
1 - 1 = 0
0 / 0 != side ^ 2 (as it should be)


This is code-golf. Shortest answer in bytes wins.


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 775

4You probably want a test case where the multiplier is 1 and another where it is 0 (assuming both are valid). Also "anything" is pretty broad, does the square root of negative one count? How about "potato"? ;) I'd recommend "any real number" or something. – FryAmTheEggman – 2016-05-03T14:58:27.260

4If your language of choose can't display too large numbers, it's ok as long as your program can correctly process smaller inputs Careful, that has caused problems in the past. – James – 2016-05-03T17:11:23.027

24... it must have been a rich province, because even today, the yearly world production of rice is still less than 2^64 grains. – vsz – 2016-05-03T18:36:41.330

So you ask us to implement an explicit formula? f(s,m)=(m^(s^2)-1)/(m-1)? I bet that is a dupe. – flawr – 2016-05-03T19:39:25.640

I thought the formula would make this trivial, but it not working for m=1 means that both summing a list and a recursive/iterative expression seem to be competitive options in non-golfing languages. – xnor – 2016-05-03T19:57:46.870

1@vsz Actually, the guy was killed. The amount added to the king giving away the entire kingdom to the man, so naturally the easier way out was taken. – cst1992 – 2016-05-04T08:13:33.347

1@cst1992 the version I read says the man gave up on his request and got a province as a gift. – user6245072 – 2016-05-04T09:09:39.433

1result = ... / (multiplier - 1), not + – Pavel Mayorov – 2016-05-06T11:21:07.853

This is s^m^2-1, right? – CalculatorFeline – 2017-06-18T16:43:46.413



Jelly, 4 bytes


This uses the approach from @APLDude's clever APL answer.

Try it online! or verify all test cases.

How it works

²b1ḅ  Main link. Arguments: x (side length), y (multiplier)

²     Square; yield x².
 b1   Convert to base 1 (unary), yielding a list of x² ones.
   ḅ  Convert from base y to real number.
      This yields y^(x²-1) + ... + y + 1.


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 196 637


MATL, 6 bytes


Try it online!

2^   % Take implicit input, say N, and square it: N^2
:q   % Generate array [0 1 ... N^2-1]
^    % Take implicit input, M, and compute [M^0 M^1 ... M^(N^2-1)]
s    % Sum of the array. Implicit display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 87 464


APL, 10 bytes


is used to read user input twice. If we store the side length in s and the multiplier in m, we get the following code.


And here's how APL parses this code:

Explanation of algorithm

APL Dude

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 231


Or as a function train: ⊣⊥1⍴⍨⊢×⊢ (8 bytes) As an interactive REPL command, ⎕⊥×⍳⎕*2 (7 bytes) works as well.

– Dennis – 2016-05-04T06:05:48.407


Python, 40 bytes

lambda n,m:eval('1+m*('*n*n+'0'+')'*n*n)

Generates and evaluates a string like


that encodes the sum as a Hornerized polynomial with n*n terms.

A lot of different methods gave very similar byte counts:

#String evaluation
lambda n,m:eval('1+m*('*n*n+'0'+')'*n*n)   #40

#Direct summation
lambda n,m:sum(m**i for i in range(n*n))   #40
lambda n,m:sum(map(m.__pow__,range(n*n)))  #41

#Direct formula
lambda n,m:n*n*(1==m)or(m**n**2-1)/(m-1)   #40

#Iterative sequence
f=lambda n,m,j=0:j<n*n and 1+m*f(n,m,j+1)  #41
def f(n,m):s=0;exec"s=s*m+1;"*n*n;print s  #41

#Recursive expression
#Fails due to float imprecision of square root
f=lambda n,m:n and 1+m*f((n*n-1)**.5,m)    #39*


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 115 687

2Ah right, my bad. Anyway, I really like seeing all the different approaches you took :) – FryAmTheEggman – 2016-05-03T20:57:26.853


Pyth, 6 bytes

1 byte saved thanks to @FryAmTheEggman.


Try it online!

Test suite.

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 45 011


JavaScript (ES2016/ES7), 31 29 28 bytes


Just @Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub and @Kaizo's ES6 version, but with exponentiation operator. :) (I didn't have enough reputation to comment instead.)

Edit: /+(b-1) changed to /--b (thanks @Neil).

Edit: now uses currying (thanks @MamaFunRoll).


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 551

Welcome to PPCG! Your answer is pretty good! – NoOneIsHere – 2016-05-03T18:55:11.203

Welcome! The + operator was a test I forgot to edit out, so you can shave off 1 byte by omitting it :) – Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub – 2016-05-03T19:25:50.797

The formula doesn't work for m = 1 :3 – user6245072 – 2016-05-03T21:55:14.073

@user6245072 are you on chrome canary? Or on node? If on node, enable harmony flag – NiCk Newman – 2016-05-04T05:15:59.003

Would /--b save you a byte or two? – Neil – 2016-05-04T19:29:52.497

@BassdropCumberwubwubwub and Neil thanks, I've made the changes. (Not had a chance to test though.) – gcampbell – 2016-05-05T20:13:28.030

@BassdropCumberwubwubwub seriously though, you should get the credit for this answer :) (well, and @Neil) – gcampbell – 2016-05-05T20:18:40.360

Currying can save you a byte. a=>b=> – Mama Fun Roll – 2016-05-13T03:51:10.797


Haskell, 25 bytes


Sums the list [m^0, m^1, ..., m^(n*n-1)].


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 115 687


Jelly, 6 bytes


Try it online!

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 45 011


Javascript ES6, 59 37 35 34 bytes


Thanks to @Kaizo for shaving off a whopping 19 bytes, @Neil for another 2 and @gcampbell for 1 more!

Try it here


   [2,-2]].map(b=>`${b[0]}, ${b[1]} => ${f(b[0])(b[1])}`).join('<br>')+'</pre>'
<div id=a>

Alternative broken versions

32 bytes


Causes NaN for b==1.

30 bytes


Causes Infinity for b==1.5.

28 bytes


Outputs 1 for some valid testcases.

Old version for 59 bytes


Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 5 707

Why haven't you just treated the b==1 case in the 32 bytes case? 40 bytes: (a,b)=>b-1?(Math.pow(b, a * a)-1)/(b-1):a*a – Kaizo – 2016-05-03T16:20:30.120

@Kaizo you're right, I'm an idiot :D – Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub – 2016-05-03T17:08:59.870

/~-b is obviously no good for fractional b, but /--b should work, no? – Neil – 2016-05-04T19:30:30.107

By the way, I golfed the old version down to 47 bytes: (a,b)=>[...Array(a*a-1)].reduce(s=>s+=p*=b,p=1) – Neil – 2016-05-04T19:33:34.563

@Neil you're right, ofcourse. That's what you get when you rush your answers :p Thanks! – Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub – 2016-05-04T20:17:44.447

@BassdropCumberwubwubwub you can curry it to save a byte (thanks @MamaFunRoll). – gcampbell – 2016-05-15T13:00:46.873


MATLAB, 23 bytes


Test it here!

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 43 471


Java, 132 bytes

import java.math.*;Object e(int n,BigDecimal m){BigDecimal r=BigDecimal.ONE,a=r;for(n*=n;n>1;n--)r=r.add(a=a.multiply(m));return r;}


import java.math.*;

Object e(int n, BigDecimal m) {
    BigDecimal r = BigDecimal.ONE, a = r;
    for (n *= n; n > 1; n--)
        r = r.add(a = a.multiply(m));
    return r;


  • This will work for arbitrarily big outputs as required by OP (Too bad Java supports big numbers, this would be shorter otherwise).


Input:      8 2.0
Expected:   18446744073709551615
Actual:     18446744073709551615

Input:      3 6.0
Expected:   2015539
Actual:     2015539

Input:      7 1.5
Expected:   850161998.2854
Actual:     850161998.285399449204543742553141782991588115692138671875

Input:      5 -3.0
Expected:   211822152361
Actual:     211822152361

Input:      256 1.0
Expected:   65536
Actual:     65536

Input:      2 2.0
Expected:   15
Actual:     15

Input:      2 -2.0
Expected:   -5
Actual:     -5

Input:      263 359.9
Expected:   ?
Actual:     9709...[176798 digits]...7344.7184...[69160 digits]...6291


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 839


R, 18 bytes



sum(               # Calculate sum
    m              # Multiplier
     ^             # Exponentiate
      (1:s^2-1))   # Generate sequence from 1 to s(ide)^2-1


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 417


05AB1E, 5 bytes




n      # Compute i ** 2
 L     # Push the list [1, ..., i ** 2]
  <    # Decrement by 1, [0, ..., i ** 2 - 1]
   m   # Power function with implicit input, [0 ** j, ..., (i ** 2 - 1) ** j]
    O  # Sum that all up

Try it online!.


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 41 965


Haskell, 30 bytes


or equally long


The first version starts with 1 repeatedly multiplies with m. Then it sums the first n^2 numbers of this sequence. The second version is the explicit formula as seen in other answers.


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 34 639

Can't you just do n#m=sum$(m^)<$>[0..n*n-1]? – xnor – 2016-05-03T19:41:34.223

@xnor: oh, that's nice. I think it's different enough for a separate answer. Please post it yourself. – nimi – 2016-05-03T20:21:25.517


J, 10 bytes



I mark some integers with the x suffix to use extended integers to get exact results.

   f =: +/@:^i.@*:
   2x f 8
   3x f 6
   6x f 3
   1.5 f 7
   _3x f 5
   1 f 256
   2 f 2
   _2 f 2


        *:  Square the value s to get s^2
     i.@    Make a range from 0 to s^2 exclusive, [0, 1, ..., s^2-1]
    ^       Using m as the base, calculate the power with the range
            [m^0, m^1, ..., m^(s^2-1)]
+/@:        Sum the entire list and return it


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 15 654

6 bytes #.*:$* as per APL Dude. – FrownyFrog – 2018-03-26T13:04:54.287


PostgreSQL, 67 66 bytes

SELECT SUM(m^v)FROM(VALUES(3,6))t(s,m),generate_series(0,s*s-1)s(v)


Input: VALUES(side, multiplier)


Input moved to table, all cases at-once:

SELECT s,m,SUM(m^v)FROM i,generate_series(0,s*s-1)s(v)GROUP BY s,m



║  s   ║  m   ║         sum          ║
║   7  ║ 1.5  ║ 850161998.2853994    ║
║   2  ║ 2    ║ 15                   ║
║   2  ║ -2   ║ -5                   ║
║ 256  ║ 1    ║ 65536                ║
║   5  ║ -3   ║ 211822152361         ║
║   8  ║ 2    ║ 18446744073709552000 ║
║   3  ║ 6    ║ 2015539              ║


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 379


Mathcad, [tbd] bytes (~11)

enter image description here

Uses Mathcad's built in summation operator. Also demonstrates symbolic processor simplification to generate exact formula.

Mathcad effectively runs two processing engines in parallel - one a standard IEEE 64/80 bit floating point, and the other an arbitrary number length symbolic process (MuPad). Standard numerical evaluation is indicated by equals sign (=), whilst a right arrow indicates symbolic evaluation.

Mathcad counting scheme yet to be determined so no byte count given.

ctl-$ enters the summation operator (Sigma), including empty placeholders to put the summation variable, initial value, final value and expression. Approximate byte-equivalent count = 11.

Stuart Bruff

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 501

where is the code ? – Abr001am – 2016-05-04T11:09:18.520

1The "code" for the actual challenge is the first summation sign (capital Sigma) you see under the heading "Challeng Solution". The other bits of "code" are given under the heading "Solution Variants". What you see in the image is exactly what gets written down on a Mathcad worksheet - Mathcad uses mathematical symbols for various operations, such as a vector sum or product, function integration or differentiation, or logical operations. Most operators can be input with a key combination (for example, ctl-4 for an implicit vector sum or ctl-& for an iterated sum), or via a menu or toolbar. – Stuart Bruff – 2016-05-04T15:26:33.030


Python, 40 bytes

lambda l,m:sum(m**i for i in range(l*l))


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 37 067

1lambda l,m:(m**(l*l)-1)/(m-1) – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-03T14:50:44.737

In regular languages using formula would be shorter. I used map because in esolangs maps would be shorter. – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-03T14:51:12.287

Where's the strikethrough? – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-03T14:52:29.513

@KennyLau I was still working on my answer, I posted this before seeing your comment. – orlp – 2016-05-03T14:52:48.717

Alright, (7 more to go...) – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-03T14:54:06.287

Wouldn't work if m==1... – Leaky Nun – 2016-05-03T14:56:07.360


TI-Basic, 19 bytes

S is side length, and M is the multiplier.

Prompt S,M:Σ(M^I,I,0,S²-1


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 12 038


Ruby: 39 bytes



f = ->s,m{(0...s*s).reduce(0){|a,b|a+m**b}}

f[8,2]   # 18446744073709551615
f[3,6]   # 2015539
f[7,1.5] # 850161998.2853994
f[5,-3]  # 211822152361
f[256,1] # 65536
f[2,2]   # 15
f[2,-2]  # -5
f[1,1]   # 1


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 161

When did Ruby get a sum function??? This is gamechanging – Value Ink – 2016-05-13T03:18:21.253

Oh no! What I thought was a ruby core method is in fact a rails method sad face. I've updated the answer.

– br3nt – 2016-05-13T03:27:13.343

Can you just change your language to Rails? I don't know about any imports you might need for that – Value Ink – 2016-05-13T04:16:14.243


Python, 41 Bytes

Totally new at this golfing thing, criticism welcome!

lambda n,m:sum(m**i for i in range(n**2))

Lang Tran

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 31

It's actually quite good ; ) – user6245072 – 2016-05-23T21:23:14.750

Haha, thanks. I had to google how to do lambdas in python again, since I haven't touched python in a while. – Lang Tran – 2016-05-23T21:34:07.473

Welcome to Programming Puzzles & Code Golf! This is a nice answer, but it's rather similar to this one.

– Dennis – 2016-05-23T21:40:04.867

Ah, I didn't see if there were any other solutions. Did he save a byte by doing l**l instead of what I did? – Lang Tran – 2016-05-23T21:45:40.597

l*l actually, which is shorter than l**2. – Dennis – 2016-05-24T18:06:12.967


Jolf, 18 15 10 bytes

Thanks to Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ for saving 3 bytes and pointing me towards mapping


Try it here!

 ΜzQj       Map over an array of 1 -> square(side length)
     d^JwH  Set the current array value to multiplier^(current value - 1)
u           Sum the array


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 221

Nice work! You can remove the a before the zeta, as that is implicitly outed. You can also use Mu (map) instead of for each, and I think you can replace the D with a d and remove the ending }. – Conor O'Brien – 2016-05-03T17:29:54.193

1@Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ Neat, keep forgetting about the implicit parts of Jolf, they are certainly some of the best ways to shave off a few bytes. – swells – 2016-05-03T17:41:41.620


Mathematica, 22 bytes


Creates a range of {1, 2, ... s^2}, subtracts 1 over it to make {0, 1, ..., s^2-1}. Then raise each to the power of m making {m^0, m^1, ..., m^(s^2-1)} and return the sum of it.

Alternatively, Mathematica can use the explicit formula by taking its limit. This requires 29 bytes.



Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 15 654

You could write your first version as Tr[#^Range[#2^2]/#]& – Simon Woods – 2016-05-07T10:48:04.403


CJam, 9 bytes


Inputs are in reverse order separated by a newline or a space.

Try it online!

q~    e# Read input. Evaluate: pushes the two numbers, M and N, onto the stack
2#    e# Square: compute N^2
,     e# Range: generates array [0 1 ... N^2-1]
f#    e# Compute M raised to each element of the array [0 1 ... N^2-1]
:+    e# Fold addition: compute sum of the array [M^0 M^1 ... M^(N^2-1)]

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 87 464


PHP, 58 54 bytes

<?function a($n,$m){$n*=$n;echo(1-$m**$n)/(1-$m)?:$n;}

This just uses the summation formula to show the value, after checking if the multiplier is 1 (which returns NAN in the formula).


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 1 236


MathGolf, 4 bytes


Try it online!


Basically a port of Luis Mendo's MATL answer, but uses some implicit operating magic of MathGolf.

²      Square the first input
 r     Create range [0, 1, ..., N^2-1]
  #    Map (2nd input)^i for i in the array
   Σ   Sum the array


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 5 754


PARI/GP, 25 bytes


Longer but faster (35 bytes):


Cute (30 bytes):



Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 2 435


Lua, 54 47 bytes

r=0l,m=...for i=0,l^2-1 do r=r+m^i end print(r)

Run from the command line with the board side length as the first argument and the multiplier as the second.

Thanks to user6245072 for saving 6 bytes, and Katenkyo for saving an additional 1.

Original 54 byte version:

a,b=...c=1 d=1 for i=2,a^2 do c=c*b d=d+c end print(d)


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 11

Hello, and welcome to PPCG! Great answer! – NoOneIsHere – 2016-05-04T01:37:53.173

l,m=...r=0 for i=0,l^2 do r=r+m^i end print(r) – user6245072 – 2016-05-04T04:27:32.483

This should save some bytes. – user6245072 – 2016-05-04T04:27:54.693

renaming d saves one byte because it allows to skip the space in c=1 d=1 => a,b=...c=1g=1 for i=2,a^2 do c=c*b g=g+c end print(g). if @user6245072 's suggestion works, you could save a byte on the same principle => r=0l,m=...for i=0,l^2 do r=r+m^i end print(r) – Katenkyo – 2016-05-04T11:56:56.023

The whitespace between r=0 and l,m=... is anyway compulsory, so it doesn't change. Also the loop should be for i=0,l^2-1 but this is my fault lol. – user6245072 – 2016-05-04T12:45:54.133


C#, 56 bytes

double f(int n,double q){return(Math.Pow(q,n*n)-1)/--q;}


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 1 152

Testcase 256, 1? – user6245072 – 2016-05-04T07:40:34.167

Is it not 256^2? – downrep_nation – 2016-05-04T08:53:28.603

1(Math.Pow(1, 256 * 256) - 1) / --1 = 0/0. – user6245072 – 2016-05-04T09:11:58.397

1You need either using System; or System.Math.Pow. And your code doesn't work, when q=1, as stated by @user6245072. – Horváth Dávid – 2017-06-18T15:47:51.417


J, 17 bytes

A non-tacit solution, by defining a dyad:

f=:4 :'+/y^i.x^2'


8x f 2



Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 161


, 11 chars / 14 bytes

⨭⩥ î²)ⓜⁿ⁽í$

Try it here (Firefox/WebKit Nightly only).

Yes, now works in WebKit Nightly! Chrome support is next.


⨭⩥ î²)ⓜⁿ⁽í$ // implicit: î = input1, í = input2
   ⩥ î²)       // generate a range [0..î^2)
                     ⓜ      // map over range ($ is mapitem):
        ⁿ⁽í$  //   í^$
⨭            // sum resulting range
              // implicit output

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 7 234


RETURN, 32 bytes


Try it here.

Anonymous lambda that leaves result on Stack2. Usage:

8 2[a:2^0\


[                              ]!  lambda
 a:                                store multiplier to a
   2^                              square side-length
     0\␊                           create range [0..result)
        {                          set current stack to range
         [  ][     ]#              while loop
          $¥                         check if TOS is truthy
              a;\^␌                  if so, push a^TOS to Stack2
                     ␁            set current stack to Stack2
                       [¤¥][+]#    sum Stack2

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 7 234


Actually, 9 bytes


Takes input as side length first, then multiplier.

Try it online!


╗          save m to reg0
 ²r        range(s**2) ([0, s**2-1])
   `  `M   map (for n in list):
    ╜ⁿ       m**n (m is pushed from reg0)
        Σ  sum


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 32 998


Pyke, 5 bytes


Try it here!

X     - input()**2
 U   - range(0,^)
  m^  - map(^,^)
    s - sum(^)


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 26 661


C#, 48 bytes


Where x is the multiplier, y is the side length. It uses the explicit formula for the sum of the geometric series, which is a1*(q^n-1)/(q-1), if q!=1, n*a1, if q==1.

Horváth Dávid

Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 679


k, 16 11 bytes

Bytes shaved using the technique from a clever answer.


Try it online! (There seems to be some sort of rounding happening for large numbers.)


{         } /function, x is board length, y is multiplier
   (x*x)#1  /make a list with as many 1s as there are board squares
 y/         /read as base y number


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 1 291


Powershell, 48 bytes


Test script:

$f = {

    ,(8, 2    ,18446744073709551615)
    ,(3, 6    ,2015539)
    ,(7, 1.5  ,850161998.2854)
    ,(5, -3   ,211822152361)
    ,(256, 1  ,65536)
    ,(2, 2    ,15)
    ,(2, -2   ,-5)
) | %{
    $x,$n,$e = $_
    $r = &$f $x $n
    "$($e-eq$r): $r $e"


False: 1.84467440737096E+19 18446744073709551615
True: 2015539 2015539
False: 850161998.285399 850161998.2854
True: 211822152361 211822152361
True: 65536 65536
True: 15 15
True: -5 -5

Differences from rounding are permitted by rules.

$r is a local parameter. If a parameter omitted in a caller then $r will have the value $null.


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 4 832


Japt -x, 5 bytes


Try it


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 24 623


F#, 51 bytes

let c s m=Seq.init(s*s)(fun x->m**float x)|>Seq.sum

Fairly straight-forward. Works as well when m is 1.

Try it online!


Posted 2016-05-03T14:28:23.853

Reputation: 689