Palindromizing the strings




For the ones who don't know, a palindrome is when a string is equal to the string backwards (with exception to interpunction, spaces, etc.). An example of a palindrome is:


If you reverse this, you will end up with:


Which is the same. Therefore, we call this a palindrome. To palindromize things, let's take a look at an example of a string:


This is not a palindrome. To palindromize this, we need to merge the reversed string into the initial string at the right of the initial string, leaving both versions intact. The shorter, the better.

The first thing we can try is the following:

^^ ^^

Not all characters match, so this is not the right position for the reversed string. We go one step to the right:


This also doesn't match all characters. We go another step to the right:


This time, all characters match. We can merge both string leaving the intact. The final result is:


This is the palindromized string.

The Task

Given a string (with at least one character) containing only lowercase letters (or uppercase, if that fits better), output the palindromized string.

Test cases

Input     Output

abcb      abcba
hello     hellolleh
bonobo    bonobonob
radar     radar
hex       hexeh

This is , so the submission with the least amount of bytes wins!


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 41 965

3Related. – Zgarb – 9 years ago

6You should specify that the reversed string has to be merged into the original string with the reversed one at the right. If it can go at left, obonobo would be a better solution to the test case. – Level River St – 9 years ago

2Related 2 – Sp3000 – 9 years ago

2@LevelRiverSt +1 just because "obonobo" is such an amazing word – Nathaniel – 9 years ago

1@Nathaniel Thanks but bono b o nob is an entire sentence. What's the difference between God and Bono? God doesn't wander round Dublin pretending to be Bono ;-) – Level River St – 9 years ago

Related 3: revenge of the relations – Mego – 9 years ago

Why is this question so ridiculously long-winded? The whole task can literally be summarised in a sentence, there's no need for such a thorough (and weird) explanation. – theonlygusti – 8 years ago



Jelly, 11 10 bytes


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How it works

ṫỤfU$Ḣœ^;U  Main link. Argument: s (string)

 Ụ          Yield all indices of s, sorted by their corr. character values.
ṫ           Tail; for each index n, remove all characters before thr nth.
            This yields the list of suffixes of s, sorted by their first character,
            then (in descending order) by length.
    $       Combine the two links to the left into a chain:
   U        Upend; reverse all suffixes.
  f         Filter; only keep suffixes that are also reversed suffixes.
            This gives the list of all palindromic suffixes. Since all of them
            start with the same letter, they are sorted by length.
     Ḣ      Head; select the first, longest palindromic suffix.
      œ^    Multiset symmetric difference; chop the selected suffix from s.
         U  Upend; yield s, reversed.
        ;   Concatenate the results to the left and to the right.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 196 637


Pyth (commit b93a874), 11 bytes


Test suite

This code exploits a bug in the current version of Pyth, commit b93a874. The bug is that _IJ+zb is parsed as if it was q_J+zbJ+zb, which is equivalent to _I+zb+zb, when it should (by the design intention of Pyth) be parsed as q_J+zbJ, which is equivalent to _I+zb. This allows me to save a byte - after the bug is fixed, the correct code will be .VkI_IJ+zbJB. I'll explain that code instead.

Basically, the code brute forces over all possible strings until it finds the shortest string that can be appended to the input to form a palindrome, and outputs the combined string.

                z = input()
.Vk             For b in possible strings ordered by length,
       +zb      Add z and b,
      J         Store it in J,
    _I          Check if the result is a palindrome,
   I            If so,
          J     Print J (This line doesn't actually exist, gets added by the bug.
          B     Break.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 39 268

How do you come up with such code? It is barely readable and absolutely not understandable by someone who is not acquainted with Pyth. What is the purpose of such a language. – anukul – 9 years ago

5@momo The purpose of the language is to write short code in, for fun. It's a recreational activity. I can write it because I have a lot of practice, and because I invented the language. I know it's not understandable to someone who doesn't know the language, which is why I included the explanation. – isaacg – 9 years ago


Python, 46 bytes

f=lambda s:s*(s==s[::-1])or s[0]+f(s[1:])+s[0]

If the string is a palindrome, return it. Otherwise, sandwich the first letter around the recursive result for the remainder of the string.

Example breakdown:

b  f(onobo) b
b o f(nobo) o b 
b o n f(obo) n o b
b o n obo n o b


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 115 687

I think you can save a byte if you use the opposite condition (s!=s[::-1]) – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 9 years ago

@aditsu That works but using a multiply is yet shorter. – xnor – 9 years ago


Haskell, 36 bytes

f s|s==reverse s=s|h:t<-s=h:f t++[h]

More readably:

f s
 |s==reverse s = s
 |(h:t)<-s     = h:(f t)++[h]

If the string is a palindrome, return it. Otherwise, sandwich the first letter around the recursive result for the tail of the string.

The string s is split into h:t in the second guard, obviating a filler 1>0 for this case. This is shorter than doing s@(h:t) for the input.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 115 687


Pyth - 16 12 bytes

4 bytes saved thanks to @FryAmTheEggman.

FGITW, much golfing possible.


Test Suite.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 25 023


Brachylog, 16 6 5 bytes (Non-competing)


Try it online!

When I posted my initial answer, it was still on the old implementation in Java. Since I have reprogrammed everything in Prolog, it now works as it should have in the first place.


(?):Ac.        Output is the concatenation of Input with another unknown string A
      .r(.)    The reverse of the Output is the Output

Backpropagation makes it so that the first valid value for A it will find will be the shortest that you can concatenate to Input to make it a palindrome.

Alternate solution, 5 bytes


This is roughly the same as the above answer, except that instead of stating "Output is the concatenation of the Input with a string A", we state that "Output is a string for which the Input is a prefix of the Output".


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 32 976


Retina, 29 25


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Big thanks to Martin for 11 bytes saved!

This just creates a reversed copy of the string and smooshes them together. The only really fancy part of this is the reversing method: O^#r`.\G, which is done by using sort mode. We sort the letters of the second string (the ones that aren't newlines and are consecutive from the end of the string, thanks to the \G) by their numeric value, which, since there are no numbers, is 0. Then we reverse the order of the results of this stable sort with the ^ option. All credit for the fancy use of \G belongs to Martin :)


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 16 206


JavaScript (ES6), 92 bytes


Computes and slices away the overlap between the original string and its reversal.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 95 035


CJam, 18


Try it online


q         read the input
__        make 2 copies
,,        convert the last one to a range [0 … length-1]
{…}#      find the first index that satisfies the condition:
  1$>     copy the input string and take the suffix from that position
  _W%=    duplicate, reverse and compare (palindrome check)
<         take the prefix before the found index
W%        reverse that prefix
          at the end, the stack contains the input string and that reversed prefix

aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 22 326


Octave, 78 75 bytes

Saved 3 bytes thanks to Eʀɪᴋ ᴛʜᴇ Gᴏʟғᴇʀ!

function p=L(s)d=0;while~all(diag(s==rot90(s),d++))p=[s fliplr(s(1:d))];end

ideone still fails for named functions, but here is a test run of the code as a program.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 2 349


Lua, 89 88 Bytes

I beat the Javascript! \o/ Saved 1 byte thanks to @LeakyNun ^^

It's a full program, takes its input as command-line argument.

i=1s=...r=s:reverse()while s:sub(i)~=r:sub(0,#r-i+1)do i=i+1 end print(s..r:sub(#r-i+2))


i=1                             -- initialise i at 1 as string are 1-indexed in lua
s=...                           -- use s as a shorthand for the first argument
r=s:reverse()                   -- reverse the string s and save it into r
while(s:sub(i)~=r:sub(0,#r-i+1))-- iterate while the last i characters of s
do                              -- aren't equals to the first i characters of r
  i=i+1                         -- increment the number of character to skip
print(s..r:sub(#r-i+2))         -- output the merged string


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 2 857

I believe the parentheses near while can be removed? – Leaky Nun – 9 years ago

@LeakyNun sure they can ^^ – Katenkyo – 9 years ago

Can't do i=i+1end? – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

1@EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ Sadly, I can't. It would try to evaluate 1end as an hexadecimal number. Generally, you can't use [abcdef] directly after a number without it being considered an hexadecimal. There's one more exception being 0x. – Katenkyo – 9 years ago


Prolog, 43 bytes


This expects a codes string as input, e.g. on SWI-Prolog 7: a(`hello`).


This is basically a port of my Brachylog answer.

a(S) :-               % S is the input string as a list of codes
    append(S,_,U),    % U is a list of codes resulting in appending an unknown list to S
    reverse(U,U),     % The reverse of U is U
    writef(U).        % Write U to STDOUT as a list of codes


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 32 976


Perl, 37 bytes

Based on xnor's answer.

Includes +2 for -lp

Run with input on STDIN, e.g. <<< bonobo

#!/usr/bin/perl -lp

Ton Hospel

Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 14 114


05AB1E, 18 bytes



Uses CP-1252 encoding. Try it online!


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 41 965


Pyke, 15 bytes


Try it here!


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 26 661


J, 20 bytes


This is a monadic verb. Try it here. Usage:

   f =: ,[|.@{.~(-:|.)\.i.1:
   f 'race'


I'm using the fact that the palindromization of S is S + reverse(P), where P is the shortest prefix of S whose removal results in a palindrome. In J, it's a little clunky to do a search for the first element of an array that satisfies a predicate; hence the indexing.

,[|.@{.~(-:|.)\.i.1:  Input is S.
        (    )\.      Map over suffixes of S:
         -:             Does it match
           |.           its reversal? This gives 1 for palindromic suffixes and 0 for others.
                i.1:  Take the first (0-based) index of 1 in that array.
 [   {.~              Take a prefix of S of that length: this is P.
  |.@                 Reverse of P.
,                     Concatenate it to S.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 39 083


MATL, 17 16 bytes

Loosely inspired in @aditsu's CJam answer.


Try it online!


`        % Do...while loop
  x      %   Delete top of stack, which contains a not useful result from the
         %   iteration. Takes input implicitly on first iteration, and deletes it
  G      %   Push input
  t      %   Duplicate
  @q:    %   Generate range [1,...,n-1], where n is iteration index. On the  first
         %   iteration this is an empty array
  )      %   Use that as index into copy of input string: get its first n elements
  Ph     %   Flip and concatenate to input string
  t      %   Duplicate. This will be the final result, or will be deleted at the
         %   beginning of next iteration
  tP     %   Duplicate and flip
  =A~    %   Compare element-wise. Is there some element different? If so, the
         %   result is true. This is the loop condition, so go there will be a 
         %   new iteration. Else the loop is exited with the stack containing
         %   the contatenated string
         % End loop implicitly
         % Display stack contents implicitly

Luis Mendo

Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 87 464


Haskell, 68 bytes

import Data.List
f i=[i++r x|x<-inits i,i++r x==x++r i]!!0

Usage example: f "abcb" -> "abcba".

Search through the inits of the input i (e.g. inits "abcb" -> ["", "a", "ab", "abc", "abcb"]) until you find one where it's reverse appended to i builds a palindrome.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 34 639

Doesn't r=reverse have to go before f i=...? – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

@EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ: No, you can use any order. – nimi – 9 years ago

I managed in 46 bytes. I bet it can be done even better. – theonlygusti – 8 years ago

@theonlygusti: see xnor's answer.

– nimi – 8 years ago


Ruby, 44 bytes

This answer is based on xnor's Python and Haskell solutions.

f=->s{s.reverse==s ?s:s[0]+f[s[1..-1]]+s[0]}


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 11 664

Can't do ==s?s:? – Erik the Outgolfer – 9 years ago

@EʀɪᴋᴛʜᴇGᴏʟғᴇʀ irb throws a fit if I try it. Must be something to do with how it parses ? between ?: for ternary and the ?x == 'x' substitution used since Ruby 1.9 – Sherlock9 – 9 years ago


Oracle SQL 11.2, 195 bytes



       FROM   DUAL 


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 1 601


Seriously, 34 bytes


The last character is a non-breaking space (ASCII 127 or 0x7F).

Try it online!


╩                                        push inputs to registers (call the value in register 0 "s" for this explanation)
 ╜lur                                    push range(0, len(s)+1)
     `              `M                   map (for i in a):
      ╜╨                                   push all i-length permutations of s
        "        "£M                       map (for k in perms):
         Σ╜+                                 push s+''.join(k) (call it p)
            ;;R=                             palindrome test
                *                            multiply (push p if palindrome else '')
                      Σ                  summation (flatten lists into list of strings)
                       ;░                filter truthy values
                         p               pop first element (guaranteed to be shortest, call it x)
                          ╜;;R=I         pop x, push s if s is palindromic else x
                                .<NBSP>  print and quit


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 32 998


C#, 202 bytes

I tried.

class P{static void Main(string[]a){string s=Console.ReadLine(),o=new string(s.Reverse().ToArray()),w=s;for(int i=0;w!=new string(w.Reverse().ToArray());){w=s.Substring(0,i++)+o;}Console.WriteLine(w);}}


class P
    static void Main(string[] a)
        string s = Console.ReadLine(), o = new string(s.Reverse().ToArray()), w = s;
        for(int i = 0; w!=new string(w.Reverse().ToArray());)
            w = s.Substring(0, i++) + o;


Can anyone provide me with any ideas to group the two calls to .Reverse().ToArray() ? A separate method is more bytes.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 109


Haskell, 46 bytes

f l|l==reverse l=l|(h:t)<-l=l!!0:(f$tail l)++[l!!0]

I'm wondering if there's a way to remove the parenthesis in (f$tail l)++[l!!0]...


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 1 221


QBIC, 41 bytes



;_FA|    Read A$ from the cmd line, then flip it to create B$
C=A      Set C$ to be A$
{        Start an infinite DO-loop
a=a+1    Increment a (not to be confused with A$...)
~C=_fC|  If C$ is equal to its own reversed version
|_XC     THEN end, printing C$
\C=A+    ELSE, C$ is reset to the base A$, with
right$(B the right part of its own reversal
,a)      for length a (remember, we increment this each iteration
         DO and IF implicitly closed at EOF


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 7 772