Given a set of letters, output all strings made of those letters. (This is Kleene star of the set.) For example, for {'a','b'}
, the strings are:
'', 'a', 'b', 'aa', 'ab', 'ba', 'bb', 'aaa', 'aab', ...
Input: A non-empty collection of distinct letters a..z
. These may be characters or single-character strings.
Output: All strings in those letters, in any order, without repeats. You may use lists of chars as strings.
This is an infinite list, so you can output it by:
- Running forever writing more and more strings. These strings can be written in any flat separated format, meaning that they you can tell where each string ends, but the strings aren't subdivided into groups.
- Taking a number
as input and outputting the firstn
strings in any flat separated format - Yielding each string in turn from a generator object
- Producing an infinite object
Be sure that your method eventually produces every string in the output, since it's possible to produce infinitely many strings from the set while never getting to some strings.
You may not output it by
- Producing the
th string givenn
- Providing a membership oracle that decides if a given string belongs to the set
Built-ins are allowed, but I ask voters to give attention to answers that implement the operation themselves over ones that mostly rely on a built-in.
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@Cyoce Not sure what you mean. I clarified that the strings must be separated, so you can tell the empty string from nothing. – xnor – 2016-02-26T20:54:47.890
Please explain why "producing the Nth string given N" is not allowed. – CalculatorFeline – 2016-02-26T21:02:31.640
4@CatsAreFluffy It was a judgment call. I think producing the Nth string would be too easy compared to the alternatives and make the challenge less interesting, especially because some languages have built-in arbitrary-base conversion. Also, I didn't think it captured the idea of generating an infinite set rather than querying it. – xnor – 2016-02-26T21:04:34.077
Can you explain "producing an infinite object"? Does that mean we can for example push each string onto the stack (for stack languages) and let it run "forever", even if no output will ever be produced because the program won't finish? – Luis Mendo – 2016-02-26T21:55:19.507
@DonMuesli Is output to the stack an accepted output method for such languages? And, will the stack contain only these strings at any point in time? – xnor – 2016-02-26T21:58:10.380
@xnor The stack will only contain those strings at the end of each iteration. Each iteration k does intermediate computations to generate all k-length strings, but the intermediate objects are consumed. I think output to the stack is acceptable, because it's like a function output, and most stack languages display the stack at the end anyway. The problem is, this program has no end... – Luis Mendo – 2016-02-26T22:00:57.817
@DonMuesli It's not OK that the stack holds other things while running, since then it cannot be taken as an output of all strings. If your language has a separate output stack onto which only output strings are pushed, that would be fine. – xnor – 2016-02-26T22:03:44.380
@xnor Ok. Anyway my current version produces the strings dynamically to stdout, so it fulfills the challenge requirements. Another thing: MATL "displays" the empty string by producing no output. So it's not seen at stdout. Is that acceptable? – Luis Mendo – 2016-02-26T22:05:55.427
@DonMuesli Unfortunately, also no. The empty string needs to be apparent. – xnor – 2016-02-26T22:06:41.803
@xnor Ok. I'll add it explicitly as an empty line – Luis Mendo – 2016-02-26T22:07:11.880
How about a language like JavaScript working in theory, but being limited due to, say, browser freezing? – Conor O'Brien – 2016-02-27T15:56:54.433