Fully parenthesize expressions


Today your challenge is to produce all possible full parenthesizations of an expression.

Your input is a single line of printable ASCII containing one or more terms separated by operators. The input might also contains spaces - you must ignore these. A term is [a-zA-Z0-9], an operator is [^ ()a-zA-Z0-9]. You may assume that the input is always valid.

Output all possible ways to fully parenthesize the given expression, separated by newlines with an optional trailing newline.

Do not:

  • Parenthesize terms - only parenthesize around operators.
  • Reorder the terms.
  • Output any spaces.

Example input/output:


a * b


a * b|c|d

Smallest code in bytes wins.


Posted 2015-11-29T10:24:04.717

Reputation: 37 067

You have to list down the exact operators we have to consider. Is ! an operator? What about ? – Optimizer – 2015-11-29T10:31:32.343

@Optimizer I listed the exact regular expression of what is considered an operator. ! fits the regex, so does , however can not be part of the input because it is not printable ASCII. – orlp – 2015-11-29T10:34:56.040

Ah okay. So anything except a term is an operator... – Optimizer – 2015-11-29T10:37:29.177

So both terms and operators are always one character long? – user81655 – 2015-11-29T11:05:56.190

@user81655 Correct. – orlp – 2015-11-29T11:19:56.477

Can we optionally assume a trailing newline in the input? – Martin Ender – 2015-11-29T11:21:36.970

@Optimizer and except spaces and parentheses. – Martin Ender – 2015-11-29T11:23:46.330

@MartinBüttner Sure, you may assume a trailing newline in the input. – orlp – 2015-11-29T11:38:57.267

This means that you can't write a function? – LegionMammal978 – 2015-11-29T12:17:53.830

@LegionMammal978 The default rules apply.

– orlp – 2015-11-29T12:22:50.520

1insert obligatory LISP-related pun here – cat – 2015-11-29T12:27:42.093



Pyth, 38 bytes


Try it online.

It defines a recursive function that:

  • returns the input if its length is 1
  • takes all two-splits of the input on operators, and for each split:
    • calls itself recursively on each of the halves
    • takes the Cartesian product of the results of each half
    • joins each result by the operator at the split
    • parenthesizes the joined result
  • and finally concatenates the resulting arrays.

The function is then called with the input string with spaces removed and the results are joined by newlines.


Posted 2015-11-29T10:24:04.717

Reputation: 16 699


JavaScript (ES6), 208 197 bytes

s=>((q=x=>x.map((_,i)=>(a=[...x.slice(0,i*=2),p="("+x[i]+x[++i]+x[++i]+")",...x.slice(i+1)],x[i]?a[1]?q(a):r.push(p):0)))([...s.replace(/ /g,o="")],r=[]),r.map((l,i)=>r.indexOf(l)<i?0:o+=l+`


Uses a recursive function that takes an array of [ t, o, t, o, etc... ] and parenthesises each consecutive pair of two terms together like [ (tot), o, etc... ] and repeats this process until there is only one element in the array, then filters out the duplicate values.

s=>(                                  // s = input string
  (q=x=>                              // q = parenthesise array function
      a=[                             // a = p with parenthesised pair of terms
        p="("+x[i]+x[++i]+x[++i]+")", // parenthesise and join 2 terms and an operator
      x[i]?a[1]                       // make sure the loop is not over
        ?q(a)                         // check next level of permutations
        :r.push(p)                    // add the permutation to the results
  )([...s.replace(/ /g,               // remove spaces and parenthesise all expressions
    o="")],                           // o = output string
    r=[]),                            // r = array of result strings
  r.map(                              // filter out duplicates
  ),o)                                // return o


Input = <input type="text" id="input" value="a * b|c|d" /><button onclick='results.innerHTML=(

s=>((q=x=>x.map((_,i)=>(a=[...x.slice(0,i*=2),p="("+x[i]+x[++i]+x[++i]+")",...x.slice(i+1)],x[i]?a[1]?q(a):r.push(p):0)))([...s.replace(/ /g,o="")],r=[]),r.map((l,i)=>r.indexOf(l)<i?0:o+=l+`

)(input.value)'>Go</button><pre id="results"></pre>


Posted 2015-11-29T10:24:04.717

Reputation: 10 181