Print This Question ↓



The basic idea of a challenge is to print a set output in the shortest code (though that meaning has changed now). We have had many of them, from Borromean Rings to The Gettysburg Address.

Your Task

This question is similar, except that it requires printing of a special text - the text of this question. Specifically, the very Markdown code that I am typing right now.

To prevent an infinite recursion in the question, the exact text you have to print can be found here.


  • You are not allowed to use any external sources like the internet.
  • This means that the purpose of this question is not to download this question text and parse it, but instead to store it in you program.
  • This is , so shortest code in bytes wins!


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 25 023

70Let this be a reminder not to edit this post. Ever. Or we're all screwed. – ETHproductions – 9 years ago

1@ETHproductions I'm editing it right now before any answers come in with Geobits' link. Let's hope I never have to again. – Maltysen – 9 years ago

Curious: How did you find the revision link for your last edit before you actually made the edit? – DankMemes – 9 years ago


@DankMemes There's a 5 minute grace period in which you can make more edits without adding a separate revision.

– ETHproductions – 9 years ago

5For the record, the full text is 1059 bytes long, including newlines. – ETHproductions – 9 years ago

23"but instead to store it in you program" Are you sure you don't want to fix that typo? :D – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

9@mbomb007 it's not a typo, it's a feature. – h.j.k. – 9 years ago

1@ETHproductions For the record, following the view source link I find 1055 bytes – edc65 – 9 years ago

Compression encoding removes all the fun of such kind of questions! :( – sergiol – 7 years ago



Bash, 608 597 bytes

0000000: 74 61 69 6c 20 2d 6e 36 20 24 30 7c 7a 63 61 74 0a  tail -n6 $0|zcat.
0000011: 1f 8b 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 95 93 d5 b6 e3 3c 0c  ...............<.
0000022: 46 ef fb 14 fa 71 a8 2e f7 d0 d5 30 33 f3 8c 9a 28  F....q.....03...(
0000033: 89 57 13 2b c7 56 0a 6f 3f 56 3d cc 53 6e ec 6c 69  .W.+.V.o?
0000044: ed 4f 7e 58 11 2c 30 d8 0c 6c 4e 08 5c 00 c2 0b c1  .O~X.,0..lN.\....
0000055: f2 68 c9 75 c3 25 7b 5e 99 8c 9b b6 a6 8d 95 ed 2b  .h.u.%{^........+
0000066: c8 2a ac 6b 72 25 81 0d 20 0c ad b7 4e 00 21 90 00  .*.kr%.. ...N.!..
0000077: 77 d2 76 02 d6 81 44 6a a8 d8 0b 05 81 8c 73 82 93  w.v...Dj......s..
0000088: 52 71 57 56 71 05 05 1a 42 67 5d 09 15 06 05 46 5a  RqWVq...Bg]....FZ
0000099: 0e 8e d7 a7 06 f0 84 a0 c2 95 7e e4 d0 a0 db 02 17  ..........~......
00000aa: 0a 6b fa 50 78 6e e0 c5 79 f6 9e f5 76 b8 1f 01 e1  .k.Pxn..y...v....
00000bb: d5 c9 4a a4 3d 1a 0e b5 46 c9 75 31 08 82 d9 92 36  ..J.=...F.u1....6
00000cc: 89 3a 88 9d 0f 8f 3b 0a 62 d9 85 e1 7c 3a 1b ef 0f  .:....;.b...|:...
00000dd: 31 64 d6 9a c5 07 90 f1 0a 3a 05 c2 f0 42 65 5c 21  1d.......:...Be\!
00000ee: 91 6d 58 74 be 84 73 79 ee 29 fc 61 91 f1 7c 7a 38|z8
00000ff: 1f 56 bc 36 1e 5d ce 8d b1 c1 48 45 a6 fc c8 35 98  .V.6.]....HE...5.
0000110: b8 a7 06 bd de 3f ff 3c e3 ce c3 43 0c cb 5e ef 61  .....?.<...C..^.a
0000121: 15 9d 7e 20 a9 df 60 1b 5b a3 ef 43 ac 45 ad 24 79  ..~ ..`.[..C.E.$y
0000132: 56 c0 d3 71 67 23 22 d9 8f fd a7 dc 42 4b 99 c5 1a  V..qg#".....BK...
0000143: 84 36 02 46 bd a5 9f ea f0 73 f4 00 1e e8 ce c2 66  .6.F.....s......f
0000154: 31 cb 6d 7f b7 71 45 7e 0b b7 d0 2f 73 5e bb 14 d9  1.m..qE~.../s^...
0000165: ae da 35 c0 06 64 db 6a 11 6f cb 4a 34 a8 41 ec 55  ..5..d.j.o.J4.A.U
0000176: a3 a7 15 69 f8 0e ac 2b ac b3 42 e0 29 eb 7c d0 f6  ...i...+..B.).|..
0000187: d3 14 7c ac 99 aa d0 06 33 49 4d 6d b9 4b 51 7f 1c  ..|.....3IMm.KQ..
0000198: a2 2c 82 16 04 05 77 2e 87 17 15 79 fa 1d f3 b1 09  .,....w....y.....
00001a9: 1b 92 f9 62 7f 3a 26 9c 9a d1 e1 7c 64 66 8b d1 d4  ...b.:&....|df...
00001ba: 20 1d ce cd 64 56 e0 c1 78 82 87 38 39 18 ae 2c ad   ...dV..x..89..,.
00001cb: 4d 88 ce 33 4a fe 2f 44 c1 3b 15 a2 90 5e cf 40 4c  M..3J./D.;...^.@L
00001dc: 04 d0 13 38 16 88 82 78 4d b9 36 d9 05 02 9d c8 d8  ...8...xM.6......
00001ed: 3c 79 17 35 27 4a 80 da 2e 55 16 81 75 ba 42 32 88  <y.5'J...U..u.B2.
00001fe: 10 cd 72 37 e7 21 79 d4 f5 b6 f3 2d 07 fa 26 0f b0  ..r7.!y....-..&..
000020f: 41 8b 69 11 b5 5f 33 e6 5f 6e 48 c6 30 6a 69 d1 47  A.i.._3._nH.0ji.G
0000220: 80 95 3e 2c 76 27 2d 08 e9 66 86 20 ec 75 41 bd ab  ..>,v'-..f. .uA..
0000231: da d6 73 e9 b1 f9 d8 8a 0d e9 58 ab 49 a3 2a 5f f5  ..s.......X.I.*_.
0000242: 21 f0 97 87 54 ef 3d 7d 7a b1 15 0a a7 4f c3 3a d2  !...T.=}z....O.:.
0000253: ff 7a                                               .z

The above is a reversible hexdump. To create the file, execute

xxd -r -c 17 >

paste the hexdump and press Enter, then Ctrl + D.

To run created file, execute

bash 2>&-

Any other filename that contains no whitespace, doesn't start with a dash or contains shell expansion characters (e.g. *) will do.

I chose zopfli as the compressor since it is compatible with the Coreutils program zcat and achieves better compression than gzip, bzip2 and xz.

tail -n6 $0|zcat reads the last six lines of the source file and pipes them to zcat. The following lines are full of syntax errors and produce no output.

Note that zcat will print a warning (since I stripped the checksum of the compressed file), as will bash (because of the syntax errors). These warnings are printed to STDERR (suppressed by 2>&-), which is allowed by default per consensus on Meta.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 196 637


Javascript (ES6), 977 964 902 bytes

Used the find-and-replace method to save 95 bytes overall, then converted the entire program to Base64, which saved another 62. (Converting the entire thing took me two whole hours!)

Ïvv·¬³>³íÀÌ(º¿jÉLO¢³ë")Z¯?>{¦ß­«~ß«z«¢­ë>>)àúþkë)yÈ\\÷úØ^þ´Lûù*^r'âq©eË?\r½êòøÆ«Ú0ç(uï­«~#æ¦úÜ©x>®(!·éèÃ>ÐN©­ëÞßè§~)âµï«yË«²*'ú)Í'?\r{´\\¨»èZ½ãùƧù·¾~§wìõêÞ·¯È¨Ïõ½õy­óßOyÓ=øoMóݧ½ç=öáö¼×f½ko?¾'°Ï{(º·Ï¬ûC03\0)Z®'âq«b¢{Ï¢ï­ï§¢ßZ0yÓ®±ï/Æ׫©~²«që>)6)íz¹Þ´yj{>¶­6«¦úþ´O¢³éè´çhÂyhiß­V§wêZ®Ç¾Üüù»­ú)ìµæ:Ëh­ï¢·è§û*.ú趦+r^Ïx(üøÏϬ£ë!¢»^²ß¡×¾³0[Ê׬ÌÁû§³0³?3×>óï>ÜÌÉ@14ãÕÌøϹ§>qÌÊk2ϺަV{>^½©sç0ÿÌ\\ÆÇ1ÿ0óë?3?sõøÏm¶öÿ÷(uè(üû²Öì\\©à{>Ü¢oÙ+>%­{~g>ó÷=þN¬ù®zËb¢v^¶Ü¬nêàfë¢g­ïúÚ>fâÖ~Ï[Z=³>ì¦X­Ì6s=\\ϸ§uìN>qϬøϬúÏÆ¥z»så¬ú`.replace(/z(.)/g,y=>' [:-]().,\r#*!`\\${}=\'>'[parseInt(y[1],36)]).replace(/\+/g,' '))

There are a ton of unprintable characters in this, so here's the raw data:

And the original encoded text:

a=`The basic idea of aVkolmogorov-complexity] challenge isOP a set output inNshortest code (though that meaning has changed now). We have had many of them, from [BL Rings](DJ/53417/ascii-bL-rings)O[The GK Address](DJ/15395/how-random-is-the-gK-address).Q##Your TaskQTE is similar, except that it requires Ping of a specialF- theFof tE. Specifically,Nvery Markdown code that I am typing right now.QTo prevent an infinite recursion inNJ,NexactFyou haveOP can be found [here](Drevisions/1f731ea3-0950-4b03-ae95-24fa812a9a28/view-source).Q##ClarificationsQ- You are not allowedOuse any external sources likeNinternetHmeans thatNpurpose of tE is notOdownload tEFand parse it, but insteadOstore it in you programHisVcode-golf], so shortest code in **bytes** wins!`,[...c='QDEFHJKLNOPV'].map(x=>a=a.replace(eval(`/${x}/g`),`

Z JZ text Z.
- This ZquestionZettysburgZorromeanZ the Z to ZprintZ [tag:`.split`Z`[c.indexOf(x)])),alert(a)

More explanation coming soon!

EDIT 1: Shaved off 13 bytes.

EDIT 2: Converted to Base64.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 47 880

I may try to decode the entire program to Base64 (encoding actually increases the length a lot), but the problem with that is there are a lot of characters that are not Base64 compatible (A-Za-z0-9+/). I could replace the spaces with +, which isn't used anywhere else. Any other suggestions? – ETHproductions – 9 years ago


Roughly compressing with atob save 25%, so near 250 bytes in this case. There are 13 non-base64 characters in the text: " :-.,\n#!" that can be replaced with valid base64 characters not present (many uppercase letters). Something like `replace(/[\S\s]/g,c=>" :-.,\n#!"['DEFHJKLNOPQUV'.indexOf(c)]||c)"` That said, for some reason I did not manage to do it right.

– edc65 – 9 years ago

There are a lot more replacements you can use to shave off more bytes (as in my second answer)

– DankMemes – 9 years ago

@edc65 Thanks for the suggestion! I used a similar technique, which I will explain in more detail later. – ETHproductions – 9 years ago

@ETHproductions. This answer is two years old, so I don't know if some rules were changed in meanwhile, but I think this tool can golf it to 820 bytes (and it is consistent even with ES6).

– None – 7 years ago


Linux Shell 843 bytes

base64 -d <<M|zcat

All the code in is in the second line.

  • base64 -d decodes base64 data from stdin
  • <<M directs stdin from the script itself with end-of-file at the first line containing only M
  • | is a pipe directing the output to
  • zcat a gzip decompressor that reads from stdin.
  • this followed by the message first gzip compressed and then base64 encoded.

Could probably be further golfed by removing line line breaks from the data and using echo instead og heardoc to store it.

I feel like I'm missing something important...


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 413

I had a PHP version of this ready to post when I saw this answer. GG WP – DankMemes – 9 years ago

You should be able to save ~20 bytes, by getting rid of the newlines, and rewriting the pipeline using a herestring, like that base64 -d<<<BASE64DATA|zcat – zeppelin – 8 years ago

I think Dennis found what I missed in his answer. – Jasen – 8 years ago


Bash (+ppmd), 588 bytes

This one beats @Dennis answer by 9 bytes, by utilizing the Prediction by partial matching compression, as implemented by the ppmd package (available in the official Debian/Ubuntu repositories).

Golfed (hex dump)



Please take care to pre-install ppmd and m4 packages (if not installed) before running this

#Decode into "C"
xxd -p -r <<EOF>C

bash C 2>/dev/null

rm -f C D


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 7 884


PHP, 812

Very naive solution. I might come up with something better later.



Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 2 769

ah, yes using raw "flate" withouth the gzip wrapper saves a few bytes in the data – Jasen – 9 years ago


PHP, 890 bytes (no built in compression)

I promised a solution less naive than gzipping (which feels too much like cheating even though it's legal here), so here it is.

<?php @$e=explode;$s='Thzbasic ideaKEkolmogorov-compl#ity] c:llengz`Da sejQtpuj_L^(thQgh<meX6 :s chXgeHnF). Wz:vz:HmXy of{emxfrom [BO R6@53417/ascii-bO-r6s) Z[ThzGU A&@15395/hF-rXdom-is-the-gU-a&sJYQr Task

Th`} `simil+x#cept<ijPquiPs pr_t6Kspecial V-LV?. Spec>lly,Lvery M+kdFn %<I am typ6 righjnF.

To pPvenjX _f_itzPcurs; _L},L#acjVyQ :vzDcX bzfQnH[heP~Pvis;s/1f731ea3-0950-4b03-ae95-24fa812a9a28/view-=JCl+>t;s

- YQ +znojallFeHZuszXy #$al =s likeL_$etNmeXs{atLpurposz? `nojZdFnload{`} VXHp+szitxbuj_steaHZstorzij_ yQ programN`E%-golf]xso ^_ **bytes** w_s!';$m=$e('|',', |ex|tern|code|ddPs|ar|_g|ha|ion|{aj|sQrce|ifica|of{`}|s~}s/|Zpr_j|[tag:|ow|d |).

##| of a |{z|.
- Th`|orromeX|re|ou|ettysburg|texj|an|to |shortesjcodz|in|is |t |e | th|question|](');foreach(str_split('x#$%&+6:;<=>?@DEFHJKLNOPQUVXZ^_`jz{}~')as$i=>$l)$s=implode($m[$i],$e($l,$s));echo$s;


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 2 769


Husk, 543 bytes

¨ë⁶ḂcΔȦ₀fα [ȧġ:ko¦Ṁġċov-ẋΞ1y]ŀḣ˹∫⁰ Ṗn↑a₂sẏ_†¹¬Ëβḟ…cÖ¿(σ‼Ä ẏġ¬Ȧ,χg∂ηw).ẆW√ ÷hṀẏ₀fεm,ḟm [ÿ→Ȯṁ¬¥Ż'](⁸ẋ…://cθ)£⌈g.ẋKżxχg.ςm/□os/53417/⁸ÿ:-ÿ→⁰ṁ¬-►gs)†o [ëGγ⁸?Ÿ÷D](⁸ẋ…://cθ)£⌈g.ẋKżxχg.ςm/□os/15395/ȯw-ŸṙÖ-is-´-γ⁶Ÿg-Ÿ∂Δ).¶¶##γYTψ<ıT□N¹∫₇>,ẊΠȦ…¹↑ṙṘ∫ḃρ!θ a⁹←£x -ε£x₀fı≤□N.πΓÄl,ε√Yṁ⌐÷ΦcÖ¿Ä Iαmẏẏġṙ↔Ṅ¤.¶…o□√Ėα¬ΓŸïβγx↕ε□N,ε×Ẋ3£xẏo√ †oΠN↑ċnb₃‡÷[½→](⁸ẋ…://cθ)£⌈g.ẋKżxχg.ςm/Ω∟ṡ/1f731ea3-0950-4b03-ae95-24fa812a9a28/√w-Ȯ().¶¶##Ŀ=Cσ¶¶-ẏuα→⁰tα◄₇⁰ Üu▲ΨΞẊėŻ⁵←↕Ëλ;≠.¶-ïTÄẋȦ…εṗ↑₀fı≤□N¹∫ṅ ⁰ ⌉⌋ḋṡ □,ẋ'▲∂ȷ₉'it,⁸t□ḋ≠†oȮR₃i↑↕ẏo⁹ṙ.¶-ïT¹∫[ȧġ:cθ)-£⌈g],⁵o⁶‡+□{Φ¹¬**ḃŸy**Ẇ≠s!

Try it online!

I have just revamped the compression algorithm in Husk, making it quite a lot faster. I wanted to try it on a question with a long text to compress, and here was my occasion. This took less than two seconds to compress, so I'm happy about my revamping. It's also currently shorter than any other answer to this challenge (which I realize is quite old, but I'm happy about my compression system all the same ^^).


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 8 482


Fourier, 3359 bytes


Uses isaacg's program to golf the program. This can likely be shortened even more using variables.

Beta Decay

Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 21 478


Java, 1083 1081 1060 bytes

class T{public static void main(String[]a){System.out.println("The basic idea of a [tag:kolmogorov-complexity] challenge is to print a set output in the shortest code (though that meaning has changed now). We have had many of them, from [Borromean Rings](_%s/53417/ascii-borromean-rings) to [The Gettysburg Address_%s/15395/how-random-is-the-gettysburg-address). \n##Your Task\nThis % is similar, except that it requires printing of a special text - the text of this %. Specifically, the very Markdown code that I am typing right now. \nTo prevent an infinite recursion in the %, the exact text you have to print can be found [here_revisions/1f731ea3-0950-4b03-ae95-24fa812a9a28/view-source). \n##Clarifications\n- You are not allowed to use any external sources like the internet. \n- This means that the purpose of this % is not to download this % text and parse it, but instead to store it in you program. \n- This is [tag:code-golf], so shortest code in **bytes** wins!".replaceAll("_","])").replaceAll("%","question"));}}

By using replaceAll for some of the long strings, I saved a few bytes.

Golfed 2 bytes by putting "](" before "_" into the replace part.

Thanks to @FlipTack for golfing 19 bytes by taking out unnecessary whitespace and unnecessary stuff! (This was a really long time; I've learned a lot since then)


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 26 575

You have a lot of unneeded whitespace here. You don't gaps in T {, ) {System, "_", "]..., etc. And can't String[] args be written as String[]a? – FlipTack – 8 years ago

For a shorter byte count, you could also make a function which returns the string. – FlipTack – 8 years ago

You can use a Java 8 interface T{static void main instead of class T{public static void main to save 1 byte; you can change println to print to save 2 bytes; You can remove the spaces at "_", "[... and "%", "question" to save 2 bytes; You could replace print with printf so you won't need the replaceAll (not sure if, and how many this saves). – Kevin Cruijssen – 8 years ago


///, 976 961 bytes

/?/ code //_/shortest?//^/text //@/the//$/ the //&/ to //`/question//~/ basic idea of a [tag:kolmogorov-complexity] challenge is&print a set output in$_(though that meaning has changed now). We have had many of @m, from [Borromean Rings](http:\/\/~\/questions\/53417\/ascii-borromean-rings)&[The Gettysburg Address](http:\/\/~\/questions\/15395\/how-random-is-@-gettysburg-address).

##Your Task

This ` is similar, except that it requires printing of a special ^-$^of this `. Specifically,$very Markdown?that I am typing right now.

To prevent an infinite recursion in$`,$exact ^you have&print can be found [here](http:\/\/~\/revisions\/1f731ea3-0950-4b03-ae95-24fa812a9a28\/view-source).


- You are not allowed&use any external sources like$internet.
- This means that$purpose of this ` is not&download this ` ^and parse it, but instead&store it in you program.
- This is [tag:code-golf], so _in **bytes** wins!

-15 bytes thanks to steenbergh

Try it online!


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 3 728

Got it down to 961 by prepending /?/ code //_/shortest?//^/text / and adding ?, _ and ^ in the right places. – steenbergh – 8 years ago


HTML, 1082 1072

With the same text font :P The end tag </pre> is not necessary.

<pre>The basic idea of a [tag:kolmogorov-complexity] challenge is to print a set output in the shortest code (though that meaning has changed now). We have had many of them, from [Borromean Rings]( to [The Gettysburg Address](

##Your Task

This question is similar, except that it requires printing of a special text - the text of this question. Specifically, the very Markdown code that I am typing right now.

To prevent an infinite recursion in the question, the exact text you have to print can be found [here](


- You are not allowed to use any external sources like the internet.
- This means that the purpose of this question is not to download this question text and parse it, but instead to store it in you program.
- This is [tag:code-golf], so shortest code in **bytes** wins!


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 181


Octave, 1017

Strightforward with two substitutions, I do not think it is possible to reduce even more.

 q='question';s='';disp(['The basic idea of a [tag:kolmogorov-complexity] challenge is to print a set output in the shortest code (though that meaning has changed now). We have had many of them, from [Borromean Rings](',s,q,'s/53417/ascii-borromean-rings) to [The Gettysburg Address](',s,q,'s/15395/how-random-is-the-gettysburg-address).\n\n##Your Task\n\nThis ',q,' is similar, except that it requires printing of a special text - the text of this ',q,'. Specifically, the very Markdown code that I am typing right now.\n\nTo prevent an infinite recursion in the ',q,', the exact text you have to print can be found [here](',s,'revisions/1f731ea3-0950-4b03-ae95-24fa812a9a28/view-source).\n\n##Clarifications\n\n\n- You are not allowed to use any external sources like the internet.\n- This means that the purpose of this ',q,' is not to download this ',q,' text and parse it, but instead to store it in you program.\n- This is [tag:code-golf], so shortest code in **bytes** wins!'])


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 430

Really old answer, I know, but you could save 4 bytes with this (link to TIO)

– Tom Carpenter – 8 years ago

And a further byte with this

– Tom Carpenter – 8 years ago


SOGL 0.8, 571 bytes (non-competing)

""%I│Γ"J∞‛█Τ∙‚+∑(4░║ρ│oΛe2ρ′╗m↔←A<¡►&ŗNō▼ΥικVf÷!╗‼ξ┐Wο1 sY¬ƨ⁾¡»╬j§4¡η╬Σεxτ§¼rķ(Λ‽Kp√½ΗφW≡fC╚⁹≠╬Βηs0θ⅓I+žπƨΒY³Pu⁽šnχ~░5u►℮O¹o│≈+Δ┐š;ΜTV)wm⌠⁄υ∞1;gγ¼τωΚ■FR░ŗΤ`∞‰ŗ⌡šZž█GνhΗ)Δo▲`℮↔uξxKΤ4└χ…⁄ŗ╝cJē∙ΒΤi%⁽Σσk÷YΨ►l"βj;σoƨΩ╚↔f5$φvhē≠¦jO⌠T[±žν⅛◄bk⅜³β⅜UEΙ′Η--<~Y′¦!πƧ⁾=╥ν#○∙2¡TFpπō┌↑# ±⌠℮¬‰Τ>⌠t⅝>ķ'¶↓+w(½⁷↑ø#Ξ%:║θ↕↑DƧ⅞℮5Rr⁴,«xģΜ5Χ▓#⁸\‼∞f.xΣ╬≤∑ΛB;Ο/Sšδ‚^Λ½0S/≥E=÷℮YεDHψκhψB~ν⅓┌e>#∙0℮|θR⁸½N…1─ķφ∙Y⁵№Χ$gx:χZō┐Δ=░⁄κ§o□π|÷øΣxē′↓Κηπε\╤⁽Ιβiμ^ņμΦƧK℮Δnε{ΩA7≠ΓIw¶¤╥γ╝δΞ▼□╚¼Uf↔mK←G▓a⁴ηē¦CΓ°⁵⁄χwƧB2h⌠↓■ņ-AΛ∆Y⅟VYK0○4Gx↕┐ķk#ž6æ3►ΘšXΤΕ█Rtε{►n‰6mI-υō⁰┼¶BķT³‘ ^"≠‚z|√λ⅜…w╝_└b′℮Χ]υ:.▒█m≤↔t§)U█ā⅛□⁸S$/‘ŗ

Expect this to be golfed some more.

Basically a compressed string (english words and characters) with s]( replaced with ^ and replaced back.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 19 048

Hmm, looks like SOGL is newer than this challenge ? If this is true, you should mark you question accordingly (i.e. "Non-Competitive") – zeppelin – 8 years ago

@zeppelin yep. Missed the date somehow. – dzaima – 8 years ago


Dyalog APL, 638 bytes

Requires ⎕IO←0. For ⎕IO←1 just change ¯128 to ¯129.

`⌹v∨P\X,Ô4─9à   AâäàZ¨ɫz¶┤Úà∊Ø⍴81⍱ýHâ⍳⋄ ⍋kññÝ;⍪T⍟↑ã)(¶>ääÁw âMîà    #∇
hPVðü$┌·┴Ì߯ö⊣>t┘åà$ÐÄ%⍵D∩õ§:⌈¥×⌹⍉⊣⊤ɫ?WM⊂^Ð≡(*uÒdã⍟⊂⍪þ3.Bt (o!NO¢AAë}⍞⍳Y⌊BÝ⊖+ÕþS∊ï⌽∊Î(ASà⍺\É∊ç  ⍞<ï¡Û∪êñ´┼⊂↓xî,€[ï⊣≤∪⍬Á┴ußI¿lE

'...' the string consisting of the following bytes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

⎕AV⍳ indices of the characters in the Atomic Vector (the character set)

¯128+ subtract 128 to get 8-bit signed integers

¯2(219⌶) zlib decompress

0(220⌶) deserialize array


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 37 779

Didn't they recently change ⎕AV in Dyalog v16? (I think it was @ or something) – Zacharý – 8 years ago

@Zacharý No, ⎕AV doesn't change anymore. @ has always been in, but was first assigned meaning in 16.0. – Adám – 8 years ago


Javascript (ES6), 887 bytes

s=`Th"basic=dea ¢¦kolmog>ov-complexDy] c&lleng"H<z a se$outputEJ§(though%&$me6O&s c&nge?now). W"&v"&?m6y of%hemLfrom [B_ R+gsZ53417/ascii-b_-r+gs)<[Th"GV AjZ15395/how-r6dom-H-the-gV-aj{Your Task

TUPsimilFLKcept%&t=$@quir' zO¢sXalN-JtK$¡. SXfically,Jvery MFk£ Q"t&$I am%ypOrigh$now.

To preven$6Ef+D"@cursionEJqu'|,JKactN¤&v"to pr+$c6 b"foun?[he@^@vHions/1f731ea3-0950-4b03-ae95-24fa812a9a28/view-}ce{ClFifica|s

- You F"no$allowed<us"6y K~al }c' lik"th"+~et¥hH me6s%&tJpurpos"¡Pnot<£load%UN6?pFs"DLbutEstead<st>"DE ¤program¥hHP¦Qe-golf]Lso §+ **byt'** w+s!`
for(i in a=`§¦¥¤£P¡~}|{N@DEFXUJK¢OzLjVHZ^<_'Q6?+&$>%="`)s=s.split(a[i]).join(`sh>t'$Q";[tag:;.
- T;you ;down;=s ;of%U;tern;sour;tion;).

##;%K$;re;it;=n;ar;peci;hH qu'tion;%h";ex;of a ;+g ;pr+t;, ;ddr's;ettysburg;is;^qu'tions/;](http://Qegolf.stackexc&;%o ;>rome6;es;cod;an;d ;in;ha;t ;or; t; i;e `.split`;`[i])

String replacement taken to the extreme.


s=`...`                     // The compressed string
a=`...`                     // List of characters to replace
b=`...`.split`;`            // List of replacements
for(i in a)                 // For every index in a
  s = s.replace(a[i], b[i]) // Replace every occurence of a[i] in s with b[i]
alert(s)                    // Print the result

Herman L

Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 3 611


Python 2, 988 bytes

I use a simple string substitution. Still golfable...

print"""The basic idea of a [tag:kolmogorov-complexity] challenge is to print a set output in the shortest code (though that meaning has changed now). We have had many of them, from [Borromean RingsZQs/53417/ascii-borromean-rings) to [The Gettysburg AddressZQs/15395/how-random-is-the-gettysburg-address).

##Your Task

This Q is similar, except that it requires printing of a special text - the text of this Q. Specifically, the very Markdown code that I am typing right now.

To prevent an infinite recursion in the Q, the exact text you have to print can be found [hereZrevisions/1f731ea3-0950-4b03-ae95-24fa812a9a28/view-source).


- You are not allowed to use any external sources like the internet.
- This means that the purpose of this Q is not to download this Q text and parse it, but instead to store it in you program.
- This is [tag:code-golf], so shortest code in **bytes** wins!""".replace('Z',"](").replace('Q',"question")


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 21 944

You can add a space in front of the replacement text of "Q", this saves a few characters (but decreases readability). – heinrich5991 – 9 years ago

@heinrich5991 I cannot, since question is used in two of the URLs, causing more to be lost than gained with that adjustment. – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

You can try str.translate for multiple replacements – Sp3000 – 9 years ago

@Sp3000 doesn't translate require the entire list of alphanumeric characters, though? ... translate the characters using table, which must be a 256-character string giving the translation for each character value, indexed by its ordinal. – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

@mbomb007 Not if you use Unicode strings, like u"abc".translate({97:u"x"}) although at that point Python 3 might possibly be better – Sp3000 – 9 years ago


bash, 870 chars

echo "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
=g2Th"|gpg -d 2>&0

Message was produced with gpg --store file and some extra stuff was shaved off. Kind of just wanted to see if it could be done.

James Brown

Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 663


Python 2, 826 bytes


Try it online!

Very boring, just a zip, base64encoding.


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 19 246


Windows Batch, 1103 1061 1040 bytes

@echo off
set _=question
set l=](
set e=echo(
%e%The basic idea of a [tag:kolmogorov-complexity] challenge is to print a set output in the shortest code (though that meaning has changed now). We have had many of them, from [Borromean Rings%l%%_%s/53417/ascii-borromean-rings) to [The Gettysburg Address%l%%_%s/15395/how-random-is-the-gettysburg-address).
%e%##Your Task
%e%This %_% is similar, except that it requires printing of a special text - the text of this %_%. Specifically, the very Markdown code that I am typing right now.
%e%To prevent an infinite recursion in the %_%, the exact text you have to print can be found [here%l%revisions/1f731ea3-0950-4b03-ae95-24fa812a9a28/view-source).
%e%- You are not allowed to use any external sources like the internet.
%e%- This means that the purpose of this %_% is not to download this %_% text and parse it, but instead to store it in you program.
%e%- This is [tag:code-golf], so shortest code in **bytes** wins!


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 539


Java 1130 bytes

import*;import java.util.*;import*;public class P{public static void main(String[]a)throws Exception{InputStream s=new InflaterInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.getDecoder().decode("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".getBytes())));int i=0,n=1067;byte[]r=new byte[n];for(;i<n;i++){r[i]=(byte);}System.out.println(new String(r));}}

An InflaterInputStream that reads the bytes from a hard-coded String that contains the Base64-encoded, ZIPped data of the post.

Not very impressive, but at least that's 15 bytes less than the naive version that just prints the string:

public class Q{public static void main(String[]args){System.out.println("The basic idea of a [tag:kolmogorov-complexity] challenge is to print a set output in the shortest code (though that meaning has changed now). We have had many of them, from [Borromean Rings]( to [The Gettysburg Address](\n\n##Your Task\n\nThis question is similar, except that it requires printing of a special text - the text of this question. Specifically, the very Markdown code that I am typing right now.\n\nTo prevent an infinite recursion in the question, the exact text you have to print can be found [here](\n\n##Clarifications\n\n- You are not allowed to use any external sources like the internet.\n- This means that the purpose of this question is not to download this question text and parse it, but instead to store it in you program.\n- This is [tag:code-golf], so shortest code in **bytes** wins!");}}


Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 1 131

You should try a find/replace like I did and see if that is shorter. Try String.replaceAll(). – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

@mbomb007 Yes, I considered this. In fact, I analyzed the word frequencies to see whether it could be worthwhile. But there are few repeated words in the text, with "question" being one of the longest ... and having to call, for example, s.replaceAll("X","the") would only be beneficial if there were > 11 occurances of the, which is not the case... – Marco13 – 9 years ago

The URL is actually what saves the most, I think. I bet it's shorter than what you have with only subbing for question and the URL. – mbomb007 – 9 years ago

@Marco13 Take a look at my answer. It uses substituting for a few things and has 52 bytes less than yours :P – HyperNeutrino – 9 years ago

@James Smith I'd consider combining both approaches, but likely, the ZIP compression also does a similar "replacement". Maybe I'll try it out later. – Marco13 – 9 years ago


Python 2.7 - 843 bytes

Nothing interesting here. Just a base64-encoded gzip of the string. I'm sure there are better ways to encode it, but I couldn't figure out how to put it into a file in a way that python can later read it.

import zlib
print zlib.decompress("#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".decode('base64'))

Yonatan N

Posted 9 years ago

Reputation: 497