Evolution of OEIS



In this challenge, the goal is to recreate the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences one sequence at a time. Similar to the Evolution of Hello World, each answer depends on a previous answer.

Over time, this challenge will create a "family tree" of the OEIS sequences. It is simple to add on to this tree.

  1. Find a previous answer, which can be at any depth N of the tree.
  2. Determine the first N numbers generated by that answer's sequence.
  3. Find a sequence in OEIS which starts with those same numbers and which hasn't been used before.
  4. Write a program to generate this new sequence you just found.
  5. Submit your answer as depth N+1

Since the level of your answer influences scoring, you should always add your answer onto the tree at the deepest level possible. If you cannot fit your answer anywhere on the tree, you can start a new branch of the tree and put your answer as depth 1.

Answer Requirements

There are a few ways to output a sequence.

The first option is to write a program or function that inputs a number (from STDIN or as an argument) and returns the Nth number in your chosen sequence. You can assume that the sequence will be defined for N and that N and S_N are "reasonably sized" (so it won't cause overflows). You can also use any reasonable indexing, such as 0 indexing, 1 indexing, or the indexing listed under "offset" on the sequence's OEIS page, that doesn't matter. The term produced by the first index must match the first term of the OEIS entry.

The second option is to write a program or function that inputs a number and returns the first N terms of the sequence. The first terms of the output must be the first terms of the OEIS entry (you can't leave off the first few terms). Consecutive terms must be delimited by arbitrary strings of non-digit characters, so 0,1 1.2/3,5;8,11 works but 011235811 does not count.

The third option is to create a program that outputs a continuous stream of numbers. Similarly to the second option, there must be delimiters between consecutive terms.

Your answer should contain a header like this to aid Stack Snippet parsing:

 # [language], [number] bytes, depth [number], A[new sequence] from A[old sequence] 

Your answer should contain the code to generate the sequence, along with the first few terms that any descendants will need to contain. These few terms should be preceded by the exact word terms: so that the controller can use them as part of the tree diagram. It is also recommended to write a description of the sequence you chose.

If your post is a depth 1 answer and thus has no ancestor, you should simply omit the from A[number] in your header.

Here is an example answer:

# Perl, 26 bytes, depth 3, A026305 from A084912

    various code here
    and here

The next answer should match the following terms:

    1, 4, 20

This sequence is .... and does ....

Chaining Requirements

In order to make this challenge more fair, there are restrictions on which answers you can chain yours to. These rules are mostly to prevent a single person from creating a whole branch of the tree by themselves or owning a lot of "root" nodes.

  • You cannot chain to yourself.
  • You cannot directly chain two of your answers to the same ancestor.
  • You cannot make more than one "Level 1" answer.

Also, if the ancestor was of depth N, your post must have depth N+1, even if more than the required number of terms agree.


Your score as a user is the sum of the scores of all of your answers. The score of a single answer is determined by the following formula:

Answer Score = Sqrt(Depth) * 1024 / (Length + 256)

This scoring system should encourage users to submit a large number of deeper answers. Shorter answers are preferred over longer answers, but depth has a much larger influence.

Below is a stack snippet that generates a leaderboard as well as a tree diagram of all of the answers. I would like to thank Martin Büttner and d3noob as the sources for a lot of this code. You should click "Full screen" to see the complete results.

function answersUrl(t){return"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/"+QUESTION_ID+"/answers?page="+t+"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter="+ANSWER_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(page++),method:"get",dataType:"jsonp",crossDomain:!0,success:function(t){answers.push.apply(answers,t.items),t.has_more?getAnswers():process()}})}function shouldHaveHeading(t){var e=!1,r=t.body_markdown.split("\n");try{e|=/^#/.test(t.body_markdown),e|=["-","="].indexOf(r[1][0])>-1,e&=LANGUAGE_REG.test(t.body_markdown)}catch(a){}return e}function shouldHaveScore(t){var e=!1;try{e|=SIZE_REG.test(t.body_markdown.split("\n")[0])}catch(r){}return e}function getAuthorName(t){return t.owner.display_name}function decodeEntities(t){return $("<textarea>").html(t).text()}function process(){answers=answers.filter(shouldHaveScore).filter(shouldHaveHeading),answers.reverse();var t={},e=[],r=1,a=null,n=1,s=[];answers.forEach(function(t){var r=t.body_markdown.split("\n")[0],a=getAuthorName(t),n=r.match(SEQUENCE_REG)[0];n=n.trim();var o="from A000000";PARENT_REG.test(r)&&(o=r.match(PARENT_REG)[0]),o=o.substring(5).trim(),"A000000"==o&&(o="OEIS");var i="";SEQDATA_REG.test(t.body_markdown)&&(i=t.body_markdown.match(SEQDATA_REG)[1]);for(var u=!0,c=0;c<e.length;++c)u=u&&!(e[c]===n);for(var l=!0,c=0;c<e.length;++c)l=!(!l||e[c]===n||e[c]===n+a||e[c]===o+a);e.push(n),e.push(n+a),e.push(o+a),u&&data.push({name:n,parent:o,term:i+" : ",author:decodeEntities(a),URL:t.share_link}),l&&s.push(t)}),answers.sort(function(t,e){var r=t.body_markdown.split("\n")[0].match(SEQUENCE_REG),a=e.body_markdown.split("\n")[0].match(SEQUENCE_REG);return a>r?-1:r>a?1:void 0}),answers.forEach(function(e){var o=e.body_markdown.split("\n")[0],i=(o.match(NUMBER_REG)[0],(o.match(SIZE_REG)||[0])[0]),u=parseInt((o.match(DEPTH_REG)||[0])[0]).toString(),c=o.match(SEQUENCE_REG)[0],l="from A000000";PARENT_REG.test(o)&&(l=o.match(PARENT_REG)[0]),l=l.substring(5);var d=o.match(LANGUAGE_REG)[1];d.indexOf("]")>0&&(d=d.substring(1,d.indexOf("]")));for(var p=getAuthorName(e),E=!1,h=0;h<s.length;++h)E=E||s[h]===e;if(E){var f=jQuery("#answer-template").html();i!=a&&(n=r),a=i,++r;var m=1024*Math.pow(parseInt(u),.5)/(parseInt(i)+256);f=f.replace("{{SEQUENCE}}",c).replace("{{SEQUENCE}}",c).replace("{{NAME}}",p).replace("{{LANGUAGE}}",d).replace("{{SIZE}}",i).replace("{{DEPTH}}",u).replace("{{LINK}}",e.share_link),f=jQuery(f),jQuery("#answers").append(f),t[p]=t[p]||{lang:d,user:p,size:"0",numanswers:"0",link:e.share_link},t[p].size=(parseFloat(t[p].size)+m).toString(),t[p].numanswers=(parseInt(t[p].numanswers)+1).toString()}});var o=[];for(var i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i)&&o.push(t[i]);o.sort(function(t,e){return parseFloat(t.size)>parseFloat(e.size)?-1:parseFloat(t.size)<parseFloat(e.size)?1:0});for(var u=0;u<o.length;++u){var c=jQuery("#language-template").html(),i=o[u];c=c.replace("{{RANK}}",u+1+".").replace("{{NAME}}",i.user).replace("{{NUMANSWERS}}",i.numanswers).replace("{{SIZE}}",i.size),c=jQuery(c),jQuery("#languages").append(c)}createTree()}function createTree(){function t(){var t=i.nodes(root).reverse(),e=i.links(t);t.forEach(function(t){t.y=180*t.depth});var r=c.selectAll("g.node").data(t,function(t){return t.id||(t.id=++o)}),a=r.enter().append("g").attr("class","node").attr("transform",function(t){return"translate("+t.y+","+t.x+")"});a.append("a").attr("xlink:href",function(t){return t.URL}).append("circle").attr("r",10).style("fill","#fff"),a.append("text").attr("x",function(){return 0}).attr("y",function(){return 20}).attr("dy",".35em").attr("text-anchor",function(){return"middle"}).text(function(t){return t.term+t.name}).style("fill-opacity",1),a.append("text").attr("x",function(){return 0}).attr("y",function(){return 35}).attr("dy",".35em").attr("text-anchor",function(){return"middle"}).text(function(t){return t.author}).style("fill-opacity",1);var n=c.selectAll("path.link").data(e,function(t){return t.target.id});n.enter().insert("path","g").attr("class","link").attr("d",u)}var e=data.reduce(function(t,e){return t[e.name]=e,t},{}),r=[];data.forEach(function(t){var a=e[t.parent];a?(a.children||(a.children=[])).push(t):r.push(t)});var a={top:20,right:120,bottom:20,left:120},n=3203-a.right-a.left,s=4003-a.top-a.bottom,o=0,i=d3.layout.tree().size([s,n]),u=d3.svg.diagonal().projection(function(t){return[t.y,t.x]}),c=d3.select("body").append("svg").attr("width",n+a.right+a.left).attr("height",s+a.top+a.bottom).append("g").attr("transform","translate("+a.left+","+a.top+")");root=r[0],t(root)}var QUESTION_ID=49223,ANSWER_FILTER="!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe",data=[{name:"OEIS",parent:"null",term:"",author:"",URL:"https://oeis.org/"}],answers=[],page=1;getAnswers();var SIZE_REG=/\d+(?=[^\d&]*(?:&lt;(?:s&gt;[^&]*&lt;\/s&gt;|[^&]+&gt;)[^\d&]*)*,)/,DEPTH_REG=/\d+, A/,NUMBER_REG=/\d+/,LANGUAGE_REG=/^#*\s*([^,]+)/,SEQUENCE_REG=/A\d+/,PARENT_REG=/from\s*A\d+/,SEQDATA_REG=/terms:\s*(?:(?:-)?\d+,\s*)*((?:-)?\d+)/;
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Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 26 739

This page might help if you're looking for specific types of sequences, e.g. easy-to-compute ones. – Sp3000 – 2015-04-26T17:23:58.783

5You know, I think this is might just be the single coolest codegolf.sx question I've ever seen asked. It's not just cool, but actually useful as an archive. – Todd Lehman – 2015-04-26T19:08:45.653

3Given the OEIS is online, takes N terms of a sequence as a search term, and contains mathematica or maple code for many of the sequences, it would be possible to write a meta-entry which searched for the best scoring entry for which code exists in OEIS which is a descendent of any given entry here and posted it. – abligh – 2015-04-26T19:10:53.643

2Can I recommend some way of marking on the graph the snippet generates that a node is terminal, ie there are no unused sequences of a greater depth available on the OEIS? – Claudiu – 2015-04-27T05:52:52.820

1I think the only way to keep this challenge going would be to provide something where you give your username, and it lists the OEIS problems you could do, in order from highest depth to lowest. Otherwise it takes too long to find the next sequence to post. – Claudiu – 2015-05-04T22:38:06.987

Any score penalty for using a language created after this challenge? Is the answer simply non competing? – Luis Mendo – 2016-02-01T17:25:02.860

Can you use a sequence created after this challenge? – LegionMammal978 – 2016-03-09T21:34:12.263

What are the numbers on each node in the snippet's tree? [thisNum?] : A[seq] – mbomb007 – 2016-03-09T21:47:09.313

@mbomb007 The left number is the term added to the tree by that particular answer. For example, if you start at the root and follow the path 1: -> 2: -> 4: then every "child" sequence of the 4: node starts with 1 2 4. – PhiNotPi – 2016-03-09T21:57:43.020

@PhiNotPi In that case, shouldn't this answer be depth two, because there's already a level 1 node starting with a 1?

– mbomb007 – 2016-03-09T21:59:38.140

you should always add your answer onto the tree at the deepest level possible. – mbomb007 – 2016-03-09T22:27:04.907

In this challenge, your goal is to recreate all of Wikipedia – phase – 2016-03-19T13:57:18.737

What's the OEIS for 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,11 Base 12 Fibonacci? – CalculatorFeline – 2016-04-08T01:08:20.157

1The SVG is slightly too narrow. – CalculatorFeline – 2016-04-08T01:17:07.593



Parenthetic, 150 bytes, depth 4, A000292 from A000290


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 4, 10

This is the sequence of tetrahedral numbers, the 3D generalisation of triangular numbers. The formula for this is

T(n) = n*(n+1)*(n+2)/6

Parenthetic is a Lisp-like language which uses parentheses to define everything. The above is a function ()()() which takes in n and outputs T(n). Call like:



  (() ()())

  f [][][]
  (() ()()())

    (() ())

      n [[][]]
      (() (()()))

      (() (())())

        (() ()(()))

        (() (()()))

          (() (()))

          (() (()()))

          ((()) ())

          (() (()))

          (() (()()))

          ((()) ()())

      ((()) ()()()()()())

Test call:

  (() ()()())

  ((()) ()()()()()())


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729

19What in the world is this language? It's like a meaner version of Lisp. – Alex A. – 2015-04-26T19:39:27.057

10@AlexA. That's not a Lisp! It's a full-blown Speech Impediment! – CJ Dennis – 2015-05-30T05:34:45.153


Pancake Stack, 118 bytes, depth 1, A000012

Put this kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamheden pancake on top!
Show me a pancake!
Eat all of the pancakes!

The next answer should match the following terms:


This prints the smallest divisor of n. Tested with the Python interpreter on the esolang wiki page. The interpreter expects a ~ on the line after to denote end of program, after which comes STDIN input (which will be ignored anyway).

Relevant instructions:

Put this <blah> pancake on top!                # Push length of <blah> 
Show me a pancake!                             # Output top of stack as char
Eat all of the pancakes!                       # Terminate the program

Previous answer

Put this  pancake on top!
Put this kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamheden pancake on top!
Show me a pancake!
Put this delectable pancake on top!
Show me a pancake!
If the pancake is tasty, go over to "".

This one prints in an infinite loop. Additional instructions:

[<blah>]                                       # Define the label <blah>
If the pancake is tasty, go over to "<blah>".  # If top of stack nonzero, go to label

There are other instructions, but even so Pancake Stack is very cumbersome to use normally, thanks to a lack of numeric output and access to only the top two elements of the stack.

Unfortunately, the first line of this program seems necessary to prevent a bug concerning labels in the Python interpreter.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Python, 31 bytes, depth 4, A010060 from A000045

lambda n:sum(map(ord,bin(n)))%2

The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 1, 0

This one's a favourite of mine, and it's the Thue-Morse sequence. There are at least two definitions of it:

  • The parity of ones in the binary expansion of n (used above), and
  • The sequence obtained by starting with 0, then repeatedly appending the bitwise complement of the sequence so far (i.e. 0 -> 01 -> 0110 -> 01101001 -> ...)

One of many cool things about this sequence is if we grab a turtle and do:

import turtle

n = 12

# Calculate first 2^n of Thue-Morse
tm = map(lambda n:sum(map(ord,bin(n)))%2, range(2**n)) 

# Move to top left

# For each num, go forward a unit if 0, or turn left 120 degrees if 1
for m in tm:
    if m == 0:

    elif m == 1:


we get this:

enter image description here

Look familiar?


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


MarioLANG, 265 bytes, depth 3, A016957 from A006370

               (((+)< ))+(<
              ======" ===="
               >-))+!  >-(!
               "====#  "==#
          >-(>[!))   >[!(  !

The next answer should match the following terms:

4, 10, 16

The sequence is merely the arithmetic progression 6n + 4.

MarioLANG is an esoteric programming language based on, well, Super Mario. Calculations are done in a Brainfuck-like way — there is a tape of cells which you can increment/decrement.

The relevant BF-like commands here are:

+      Increment current memory cell
-      Decrement current memory cell
(      Move memory pointer left
)      Move memory pointer right
;      Numeric input
:      Numeric output
[      Skip next instruction is current cell is zero

So where's the Mario? Well Mario is your instruction pointer, and he starts on the left (where ; is). Mario keeps executing instructions as long as he's on the ground =, and when he falls the program terminates.

The relevant instructions for this are:

=      Ground for Mario to stand on
<      Make Mario move leftward
>      Make Mario move rightward
!      Make Mario stop moving
#      Elevator start
"      Elevator end

All in all, the program does this:

Put input (n) in cell 0
Increment cell 1 to 6
While cell 1 is not zero...
    Decrement cell 1
    Move n from cell 0 to cells 2, 3
    Move n from cell 2 to cell 0
Increment cell 3 by 4
Output as num

Tested with the Ruby interpreter. Note that the language has a lot of undefined behaviour, such as what happens to instructions Mario meets as he falls, so I tried to avoid any of that.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Brainfuck, 2 bytes, depth 2, A000030 from A001477


A000030 is the sequence of the initial digits of the non-negative integers, so this simply reads the first digit character and writes it back. The next sequence should start with the terms:

0, 1

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 184 808

12This may be the shortest useful Brainfuck program I've ever seen. – Alex A. – 2015-04-26T19:41:13.383


Piet, 16 bytes, depth 3, A000035 from A000030

enter image description here

The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 0

This is Piet, so the "bytes" are really codels. Here it is at a larger codel size:

enter image description here

The program simply reads in n and outputs n modulo 2.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Marbelous, 7 bytes, depth 3, A011760 from A000027

It's been a while since this site has seen a Marbelous answer!


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 2, 3

You can try the code in es1024's Stack Snippet interpreter. In put is given via command-line argument, and you should choose "Display output as decimal numbers". Otherwise, the result will be output as a byte value, which is technically also fine.

The sequence is the sequence of "elevator buttons in U.S.A.", i.e. all positive integers except 13. Note that Marbelous is limited to 8-bit numbers, but as far as I'm aware there are no buildings with anywhere near 256 floors. :)

Marbelous is a 2D language where data flows through the code in the form of marbles (byte values) falling down the grid. }0 gets replace with the first command-line argument. <D is a switch which acts as an empty cell to marbles less than 13 (the D is in base 36), so that inputs 1 to 12 pass through unaffected. If the marble is equal to or greater than 13, the marble is deflected to the right and passes through the ++ which increments the value by 1. In either case the marble then falls off the board, which prints its value.

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 184 808


Starry, 22 bytes, depth 4, A008619 from A000142

      + + +*,  +   **.

The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 2

The sequence consists of the positive integers repeated twice. The program reads in a number from STDIN and calculates 1 + floor(n/2).

Starry is an esoteric language implemented in Ruby which was part of a book on... making esoteric languages in Ruby. Each instruction is determined by the number of spaces before one of +*.,`'. All other characters are ignored, so the above is equivalent to

 + +*,
  +   *

which looks a lot more starry! (note the trailing spaces)

The relevant commands are:

Spaces     Final      Instruction
------     -----      -----------
n >= 5     +          Push n-5 to stack
1          +          Duplicate top of stack
0 mod 5    *          Add
0 mod 2    ,          Input num
2          +          Swap top 2
3 mod 5    *          Divide
0 mod 2    .          Output num

Previous answer, 53 bytes

      +` +.               + + .  + +.  + .      +* +'

This generates the sequence ad infinitum instead. Some additional commands are:

Spaces     Final      Instruction
------     -----      -----------
1 mod 2    .          Output as ASCII char
n          `          Mark a label n
n          '          Pop and if nonzero, jump back to label n


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Rail, 56 bytes, depth 4, A033547 from A002378


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 2, 6, 14

The program reads in n from STDIN and outputs n*(n^2+5)/3, which was a guess at the magic numbers for the nuclear shell model from the 1940s.

Rail is a 2D language which is themed around train tracks. The above code is golfed using @ reflectors which reverse the direction of the train, in order to reduce the number of newlines. Here it is ungolfed:

$ 'main'
   \ /--aima19--\
    |           |

Note how Rail starts at the top left and begins moving vertically down-right.

The stack manipulation commands used are:

0-9       Push 0-9 respectively
e         Push t (true) if EOF, else f (false)
i         Input char
o         Output
a         Add
m         Multiply
(!n!)     Store top of stack as variable n
(n)       Push variable n to stack
#         Halt program

The train branches at junctions >v<^, turning right if the top of the stack is true, otherwise left if false.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Mathematica, 20 bytes, depth 6, A037965 from A104631


This is an unnamed function which simply computes the definition of the sequence. The next sequence should start with the terms:

0, 1, 4, 18, 80, 350

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 184 808

Leaf node (no other sequences) – CalculatorFeline – 2016-04-08T01:11:11.890


CJam, 34 bytes, depth 14, A157271 from A238263


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7

but there aren't any left which haven't been done already.

Let D(n) be the set of the first n 3-smooth numbers: that is, integers whose prime factors are a subset of {2, 3}. Let S(n) be the largest subset of D(n) which doesn't itself contain any subset of the form {x, 2x} or {y, 3y}. Then A157271 is the size of S(n).

Peter Taylor

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 41 901

1Ah nice, I was looking at this one but wasn't quite clear what their explanation meant. Yours is much clearer. – Claudiu – 2015-04-28T04:06:00.307


Golfscript, 3 bytes, depth 3, A000290 from A000030


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 4

This sequence is simply the square numbers, so the program takes a number and outputs its square.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 68 138


Prelude, 16 bytes, depth 1, A000211

3(v!  v)
4 ^+2-^

I thought I'd start a tree with a less obvious initial number. This is a generalised Fibonacci sequence with definition a(0) = 4, a(1) = 3, a(n) = a(n-1) + a(n-2) - 2. Consequently, this is mostly a simple adaptation of my Prelude Fibonacci solution. The above is a program which prints an infinity stream of the numbers. It assumes the Python interpreter which outputs numbers instead of individual characters.

The next answer should start with the terms:


Martin Ender

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 184 808


Clip, 0 bytes, depth 2, A000027 from A000012

Given a number n, prints the nth number in the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4...

The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 2


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 10 485


J, 4 bytes, depth 4, A001563 from A000290


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 4, 18

This sequence is the number multiplied by its factorial. In J (fg)x is f(x,g(x)) here x*factorial(x).


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 19 909

You could leave out the parentheses for 2 bytes: *! – ɐɔıʇǝɥʇuʎs – 2015-04-27T07:28:53.880

@ɐɔıʇǝɥʇuʎs I will not going to argue with anyone who says I can't leave them out for ~1/128 part of the score. :) – randomra – 2015-04-27T07:37:52.600


Mathematica, 48 bytes, depth 5, A104631 from A001563


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 4, 18, 80

Barring the long function names, Mathematica absolutely rocks at this challenge. This one is simply the coefficient of x^(2n+1) in the expansion of

(1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + x^4)^n


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Element, 13 bytes, depth 3, A000045 from A000030


A000045 represents the Fibonacci numbers. Each term in the sequence is the sum of the previous two terms. It is notable because the ratio between consecutive terms approaches the golden ratio, also known as phi. Somewhat interestingly, the OEIS entry starts with 0, 1 instead of the common 1, 1. The next answer should match the terms:

0, 1, 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 26 739


Prelude, 1 byte, depth 2, A000004 from A001477


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 0

This program takes in n as input, completely ignores it, and outputs the zero constant. It requires NUMERIC_OUTPUT = True in the Python interpreter.

The nice thing about Prelude is that it has an infinite supply of zeroes at the bottom of the stack, so all that was needed was a single output command.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Perl, 10 bytes, depth 1, A001477

To kick things off, here is a simple sequence.


This represents the non-negative numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. by printing the input number. The next sequence should start with the terms:



Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 26 739


GolfScript, 9 bytes, depth 4, A051682 from A002275


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 11, 30

This simply uses the formula for hendecagonal numbers found on the OEIS page.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 68 138


Deadfish, 4 bytes, depth 2, A005563 from A001477


This sequence is defined as (n+1)^2-1, which is exactly what this program does. Since Deadfish has no input, it assumes the accumulator is at the desired input number. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 3


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 9 925


APL, 13 bytes, depth 4, A000108 from A000142


Catalan numbers! Indexing starts at zero for these. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 5


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 465


GolfScript, 31 bytes, depth 11, A029030 from A242681


The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7

but it won't be able to: this is a leaf of the tree. This sequence is the number of ways of giving change with coins of value 1, 2, 10, and 11.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 41 901

3A258000: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 42 - Some strange sequence they asked for at codegolf.stackexchange.com – schnaader – 2015-04-27T11:19:32.043


Retina, 1 byte, depth 3, A055642 from A001333


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 1

I think this is the first time I used Retina in something else than Replace mode. If only a single file is given without any options, Retina assumes Match mode, which by default counts the number of matches of the given regex in the input. This regex is . and matches any character. Therefore, this program returns the number of digits of the input which is A055642.

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 184 808


TI-BASIC, 10 bytes, depth 5, A181857 from A001563

Input X

A181857 represents the least common multiple of the squares and factorials. The code length for TI-BASIC is always confusing, because it uses tokens, so most tokens are fewer bytes than their Unicode byte count. The next sequence should start with the terms:

0, 1, 4, 18, 48


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 9 925

Input X \n lcm( X ² , X – CalculatorFeline – 2016-04-08T01:11:59.017

@CatsAreFluffy Not understanding what you're saying... – NinjaBearMonkey – 2016-04-08T01:16:48.840

Aren't those the 9 bytes? Oh wait, missed the ! – CalculatorFeline – 2016-04-08T01:19:45.077

Oh wait you're right, lcm is 2 bytes. – NinjaBearMonkey – 2016-04-08T01:21:10.550


Clip, 24 bytes, depth 4, A049666 from A002275


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 11, 122

The sequence is just Fibonacci(5n)/5. See the examples page for an explanation.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 10 485


Clip, 37 bytes, depth 5, A227327 from A000292


Possible ways to choose two points on a triangular grid of side n, excluding rotations and reflections. The example given is: for n = 3, there are 4 ways:

  X        X        X        .
 X .      . .      . .      X X
. . .    X . .    . X .    . . .

The next sequence must start with the following terms:

0, 1, 4, 10, 22


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 10 485


APL, 24 bytes, depth 6, A025581 from A182712


The sequence A025581 is the sequence of... Im not quite sure to be honest. It scares me.

Indexing starts at 0 and the function just calculates the sequence by definition.

The next sequence should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 465

Decreasing integers m to 0 followed by decreasing integers m+1 to 0, etc. That might help. – CalculatorFeline – 2017-06-05T15:52:47.497


><>, 25 bytes, depth 2, A001333 from A002522

301-v >rn;

These are the numerators of the continued fraction convergents to sqrt(2). The code needs the user to prepopulate the stack with the index of the convergent that should be returned. Indexing starts at 1. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 465


J, 44 bytes, depth 10, A242681 from A026233


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5

Something closer to everyday life: "the number of ways that a score of n can be obtained using two darts on a standard dartboard". Only the unordered score-pair matters. Starting offset is two as in the OEIS page. Usage:

f 2 => 1
f 72 => 12


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 19 909


R, 20 bytes, depth 11, A194964 from A242681


The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5

The sequence A194964 gives for each n the result of 1+[n/sqrt(5)] where [ means "floor". The R function takes input as stdin.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


3var, 15 bytes, depth 5, A004523 from A002620


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 0, 1, 2, 2

This simply prints a stream of two even numbers followed by an odd, i.e. 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, ...

3var is essentially a much better version of Deadfish that has three variables A, B, R. Here we only use the first two.

i        Increment A
p        Print A as num
a        Increment B
m        Square B
O        Print B as ASCII
{}       Infinite loop

If it wasn't for the fact that we had to separate the numbers in the output, {ppipi} would have been a lot shorter.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Piet, 56 bytes, depth 4, A000124 from A000079

Piet program

with size 10 codels for legibility. The next sequence should start with the terms:

1, 2, 4, 7

This sequence is the "maximal number of pieces formed when slicing a pancake with n cuts" (i. e. sum(1:n) + 1 ). The sequence was so simple so i thought i could increase the difficulty a little by doing it in Piet. I tested it on PietDev.

It pushes 1 on the stack 1, then the number provided with stdin 1 n, duplicate the latter 1 n n [here the loop begins = bright green codel], pushes 1 1 n n 1, substracts it 1 n n-1, duplicates the result twice 1 n n-1 n-1 n-1 (the deeper one will be then one we ll add to n, the second one the one we ll compare to zero and the third one the loop counter), pushes 4 and then 1 1 n n-1 n-1 n-1 4 1 uses the last two to roll the "loop counter" to the bottom 1 n-1 n n-1 n-1, check if n-1 is equal to 0: if no the stack becomes 1 n-1 n n-1 0, which we negates 1 n-1 n n-1 1 and uses the 1 to change the pointer direction 1 n-1 n n-1, adds n-1 to n 1 n-1 (n+n-1) which we roll to the bottom with a 2 and 1 that we just pushed on the stack thus leaving the stack in this state 1 (n+n-1) n-1 when it starts the loop over. When the counter indeed reaches 0, it exits the loop with a stack looking like this 1 0 Sum(1:n) 0, it then pops the first number, adds the rest and outputs as a numeric.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


Python, 87 bytes, depth 1, A000040

def b(n):
 while n>0:
  if all(t%a for a in p):
   p+=[t];n-=1;yield t

The prime numbers. The next answer should match the following terms:



Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 10 855


Pyth, 6 bytes, depth 3, A002275 from A000030


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 11

A002275 is the sequence of repunits. The n-th sequence number is (10^n - 1)/9, which consists of n 1s.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 21 462


Python, 41 bytes, depth 6, A090017 from A104631

a=lambda n:n if n<2else 4*a(n-1)+2*a(n-2)

This is the lucas sequence U(-4, 2) The next sequence should start with the terms:

0, 1, 4, 18, 80, 356


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 10 855


Mathematica, 25 bytes, depth 6, A181860 from A181857


This is an unnamed function which simply computes the definition of the sequence. The next sequence should start with the terms:

0, 1, 4, 18, 48, 150

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 184 808


Clip, 14 bytes, depth 4, A007814 from A000035


The count of the terminal zeroes in the binary from of a number. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 2


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 10 485

."binary from". – CalculatorFeline – 2017-06-05T15:51:43.293


Mathematica, 29 bytes, depth 5, A129953 from A000292


The next sequence must start with the following terms:

0, 1, 4, 10, 24


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 23 988


CJam, 20 bytes, depth 7, A218254 from A025581


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3

My first CJam program! This is such a far superior language to GolfScript. It is like somebody re-did Golfscript, but properly.

A218254 itself is a cute sequence where you iterate the non-negative integers, and for each one, you print it out, then subtract the popcount (number of 1s in the binary expansion) of it, and iterate 'till you reach zero.

The program loops forever so you will have to run it locally.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


CJam, 27 bytes, depth 8, A022336 from A218254


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2

Exponent of 3 of every integer in the form of 3j5k.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042


Nagato Yuki, 225 bytes, depth 4, A063524 from A000035

…………………「・………。………………… …………。」………。・………………。・………………。…… ………………。・「・………………。… ………………。」

The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 0

Characteristic function of n=1, separated by slashes.

I don't know who invented the Nagato Yuki programming language. But I found an interpreter. I don't know Scala and don't know what's the correct way to run the interpreter. So I just replaced the sample Hello World program with my code, and ran sbt at the root directory, run and selected NagatoApp.

The interpreter seemed to only read one character per line. So I chose the format without input.

Brainfuck translation:



Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042

1Nice Haruhi reference :) – Sp3000 – 2015-04-27T02:20:49.950


Pyth, 4 bytes, depth 5, A070939 from A008619


A070939 is the length of n in binary. The approximation Python translation is


Try it online here. The next answer should start with the terms:



Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 9 925


J, 4 bytes, depth 2, A033999 from A000012


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, -1

No negative numbers yet?

It is a function that may return the number -1, which is displayed as _1.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042


Racket, 86 bytes, depth 8, A084054 from A000006

#lang racket
(lambda(n)(modulo(string->number(substring(number->string(* 5 n))0 1))5))

The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4

The sequence is "5n digit-reversed mod 5", which is another way of saying "first digit of 5n, mod 5".

I'm no expert at Racket/Scheme but it appears that first only works on lists, hence the use of substring.

Test like:

#lang racket
    (lambda(n)(modulo(string->number(substring(number->string(* 5 n))0 1))5))
    (range 0 100)


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


CJam, 14 bytes, depth 9, A026233 from A084054


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5

Return k where the input (>=1) is the kth prime or non-prime.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042


CJam, 14 bytes, depth 11, A025766 from A242681


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6

The sequence which has the generating function 1/((1-x)(1-x^2)(1-x^11)).

I'm not sure why it is useful.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042

3Don't worry. Somewhere out there, some day, a researcher will be tearing their hair out, trying to work out the pattern behind a sequence. Then they'll recall that OEIS exists, plug it in, and exclaim "Of course, it's the generating function for 1/((1-x)(1-x^2)(1-x^11))!". And all will be good. – Sp3000 – 2015-04-27T07:50:07.333

@Sp3000 The problem was I didn't find 1/((1-x)(1-x^2)(1-x^13)). But well, 1/((1-x)(1-x^2)(1-x^9)) is there, A025765. – jimmy23013 – 2015-04-27T07:56:45.860


GolfScript, 12 bytes, depth 12, A135020 from A025766


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6

Each natural number is followed by its reversal. Indexed from 1. Gets interesting at A(20) = 1.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 41 901


CJam, 17 bytes, depth 5, A000010 from A008619


Euler's totient function - count of numbers <= N and relatively prime to N.

The next sequence must start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 4


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 10 485


CJam, 70 bytes, depth 6, A134452 from A179081


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1

This is the digital root of n in balanced ternary.

Balanced ternary is a ternary base system where the digits can be -1, 0, or 1. E.g. 4 is ++ = 3 + 1, 5 is +-- = 9 - 3 - 1, 6 is +-0 = 9 - 3 + 0.

The digital root is the digit you get when you keep adding the digits together. e.g. in base 10:

9685 --> 9 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 28
28   --> 2 + 8 = 10 
10   --> 1 + 0 = 1

Thus the digital root in base 10 for 9685 is 1.

T recursively converts a number to balanced ternary. R recursively computes the digital root.

See history for the original Python version. This is a straightforward translation of that. CJam golf tips are welcome! This one has that look like it could be golfed but I am not sure..


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870

1On a side note, some golfs: 1) You can check len(t) >= 2 by t[1:], 2) (n+1)/3 ==> -~n/3, 3) I think the latest Python 2 allows 2else, but maybe you could work in x and y or z instead of y if x else z? (this requires y to never be falsy) – Sp3000 – 2015-04-28T04:04:32.117

@Sp3000: Thanks! Didn't know about tips #1 and #2. About #3, I tried 2else but I got an invalid token - it seems to work in regular statements (like if x<2and y:) but not in if/else expressions. Good point about the and/or though, that should end up being shorter. – Claudiu – 2015-04-28T04:48:01.760


Befunge, 7 bytes, depth 4, A002620 from A172275


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 0, 1, 2


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 16 699


A:;, 63 bytes, depth 3, A010052 from A001333


The next sequence should match the terms:

1, 1, 0

The sequence generated here returns 1 if the input is a square and 0 if not. I wanted to try this language out of curiosity. The algorithm is dead simple so I don't think I made a mistake but if anyone sees one, please tell me!


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


Python, 173 bytes, depth 5, A090245 from A014137

from itertools import*
f=lambda n:max(i for i in range(3**n+1)if any(all(any(sum(x)%3for x in zip(*s))for s in C(b,3))for b in C(product(*tee([0,1,2],n)),i)))

Call like f(2). The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 2, 4, 9, 20

This is the maximum number of cards you can have in n-attribute Set such that there is no set amongst the cards you chose.

For those who are unfamiliar with Set, a "set" in the game is a collection of three cards such that, for each attribute (e.g. colour, number, shape, shading) the cards are either all different or all the same. You can check out this paper which gives a very good explanation of the rules in the first two pages, as well as an example of 20 cards for the case n = 4 (i.e. regular Set) on the third page. Then proceed to buy the cards as an excellent timekiller with your nerdy friends.

Since the algorithm is brute force, it only solves up to n = 2 in a reasonable amount of time. Here's an ungolfed version with early exiting which manages to complete n = 3 within a few minutes, and outputs the boards it finds as it goes:

from itertools import *

def f(n):
    cards = list(product([0,1,2], repeat=n))

    for board_size in range(3**n+1):
        for board in combinations(cards, board_size):
            for three_cards in combinations(board, 3):
                if any(sum(attr)%3 != 0 for attr in zip(*three_cards)):


                print("Board size {}: {}".format(board_size, board))


For n = 3 the final output is

Board size 9: ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 2), (1, 2, 2), (2, 1, 2))

which can be visualised as

enter image description here

The program makes use of the fact that, when representing an attribute by 0, 1, 2, "all the same or all different" is equivalent to the sum of the three cards' attributes being divisible by 3 (0+0+0 = 1+1+1 = 2+2+2 = 0+1+2 = 0 mod 3).


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Mathematica, 11 bytes, depth 15, A086388 from A157271


A086388 is just a duplicate of A008619. However, the question didn't disallow dead sequences, so I assume that this is valid. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 53 bytes, depth 5, A182712 from A007814


A182712 is the set of the total number of 2's in the last section of the partitions of n (the ones that don't contain 1.) The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 2, 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 58 bytes, depth 6, A106391 from A104631


Will add explanation later. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 4, 18, 80, 365


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731

waits two years Is now later enough? – CalculatorFeline – 2017-06-05T15:53:09.850


Mathematica, 30 bytes, depth 7, A051122 from A025581


A051122(n) = Fib(n) AND Fib(n + 1). The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 8


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 8 bytes, depth 4, A003462 from A000290


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 4, 13


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 4 bytes, depth 3, A000079 from A000027


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 2, 4


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 20 bytes, depth 2, A006370 from A000211


The mapping of n to the next term in its Collatz sequence. The next answer should start with the terms:

4, 1, 10


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


J, 27 bytes, depth 4, A014137 from A000079


Interesting idea! These are the partial sums of the Catalan numbers:

   f 4
1 2 4 9

The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 2, 4, 9


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 4 449


Mathematica, 15 bytes, depth 5, A018001 from A014137


These are the powers of the cube root of 9 rounded to the nearest integer. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 2, 4, 9, 19


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


J, 13 bytes, depth 6, A018099 from A018001

Powers of the fourth root of 19 rounded down


(OP: I'm not clear if we should provide the full series with our functions up to term N or just term N for any input N)

   f i. 6
1 2 4 9 19 39

The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 2, 4, 9, 19, 39


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 4 449

You can choose between outputting term N, all terms up to N, or an infinite stream of the numbers of the sequence (without taking any input). That's the first half of the "Answer Requirements" section. – Martin Ender – 2015-04-26T20:24:24.520


Mathematica, 16 bytes, depth 3, A065134 from A000030


The remainder of n over the number of primes <= n. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 46 bytes, depth 4, A001590 from A000035


"Tribonacci" numbers. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731

6You know, you're on the best way to winning this challenge, but as it stands I don't think any of these answers are particularly interesting in either choice of sequence, programming language or solution. No offence, but maybe you'd want to spend some more time on answers that are also upvote-worthy rather than just mindlessly churning out answers to secure your top spot on the leaderboard? – Martin Ender – 2015-04-26T20:33:53.317


J, 3 bytes, depth 3, A002378 from A005843


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 2, 6


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 4 449


CJam, 4 bytes, depth 3, A000142 from A001333


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2



Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042


CJam, 61 bytes, depth 6, A182094 from A129953


The next sequence must start with the following terms:

0, 1, 4, 10, 24, 47

This is the sum of the area of the "bounding boxes" for all integer partitions for n. For example, the partitions of 4 are:

[1,1,1,1] = 4 * 1
[1,1,2]   = 3 * 2
[2,2]     = 2 * 2
[1,3]     = 2 * 3
[4]       = 1 * 4

Eventually I figured out by "bounding box", the author meant the length of the list times the max of the list.

I'm quite proud of this Python -> CJam conversion, mostly because it works at all. It's my first fairly intricate recursive function implementation, either in CJam or Golfscript. These are the only languages where I actually have to think in terms of invariants, namely, what I expect the stack to look like at the start of each loop and function call.

Basically I define a recursive function P(N) which returns a list of all the unique partitions of N. I then sum the length times the max of each partition.

I saved 7 bytes by not appending to an array, instead setting an array marker and collecting the intermediate results all together. Here's the old version along with ungolfed explanation:


Here is the ungolfed version with an explanation:

                     # pseudocode             |  stack view
                     # -----------------------+------------------------
{                    # def P(N):              |  N                   (at func start)
  _!                 #  if N==0:              |    N
  {;[[]]}            #   X = [[]]             |    X                 (return value)
  {                  #  else:                 |  N
    _),(;            #   G = range(1, N+1)    |    N (1..N)
    []\              #   X = []               |    N X (1..N)        (X is return value)
    {                #   for i in G:          |      N X i           (at loop start)
     2$1$-P          #    R = P(N-i)          |      N X i P(N-i)
     {               #    for r in R:         |        N X i r       (at loop start)
       \_a@+a        #     p = [[i]+r]        |        N X i [[i]+r]
       @+\           #     X += p             |        N X i         (X updated)
     }/;             #    endfor              |      N X
    }/\;             #   endfor               |    X
  }?                 #  endif                 |    X
  :$                 #  map(sort, X)          |    X
  _&                 #  X = X & X             |    X                 (remove duplicates)
}:P;                 # enddef                 |
riP                  # Y = P(input()) 
{                    # Y = [          
 _,\0+:e>*           #   len(r)*max(r)
}%                   #   for r in Y]  
:+                   # print sum(Y)   

Some questions: before I had ri<define P>;P. Is there any way to execute a block in CJam without having to pop it and push it back? I could do 1* but that's the same number of characters as ;P.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


Bounding box makes more sense if you represent the partitions as Ferrers diagrams

– Sp3000 – 2015-04-27T00:59:43.520


CJam, 8 bytes, depth 6, A017980 from A070939


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3

2^(n/3) rounded.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042


PARI/GP, 20 bytes, depth 7, A000006 from A017980


The integer part of the square root of the n-th prime.

The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 23 988


Pyth, 16 bytes, depth 7, A056186 from A018099


Takes input via STDIN and outputs the Nth number.


t                   decrement 1 from
 h                   the first item of
  f            0      filter integers T by
   >          Q        N is less than
    s                   sum of
     m       T           map d over 0..T-1
      c1^hd.9             1 / d^(9/10)

The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 2, 4, 9, 19, 39, 77


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 16 699

+1 for the explanation, which also has a depth of 7 ;) – Ypnypn – 2015-04-27T16:03:32.277


Mathematica, 22 bytes, depth 6, A090091 from A000110


The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 67

Number of groups of order 3^n.

I think this is the first answer with keyword "hard" on its OEIS page. It's not easy to calculate the number of finite groups of a given order. In fact, Mathematica can only calculate the first eight terms in this sequence.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 23 988


CJam, 17 bytes, depth 5, A136859 from A000292


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 4, 10, 40

Integers n such that n and the square of n use only the digits 0, 1, 4 and 6, indexed from 1.

The final i is needed to avoid outputting 0.4 for input 1.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 41 901


Mathematica, 13 bytes, depth 4, A110654 from A000045


The OP said that it could be 0- or 1-indexed. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 1, 2


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


GolfScript, 11 bytes, depth 8, A103181 from A037888


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1

"Replace all even digits by 0 and all odd digits by 1." Then the .1`?> removes leading zeroes.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 41 901


PARI/GP, 25 bytes, depth 3, A027641 from A033999


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, -1, 1

Numerator of Bernoulli number Bn.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 23 988


Java, 30 bytes, depth 6, A016116 from A000010

int f(int n){return 1<<(n/2);}

This sequence is the powers of two, twice. This is a zero-indexed function. The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 2 442


CJam, 5 bytes, depth 3, A005408 from A000244


The odd numbers. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 3, 5


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 10 485


Java, 29 bytes, depth 5, A000325 from A000108

int f(int n){return(1<<n)-n;}

This sequence is 2n-n for all n >= 0. This is a zero-indexed function. The next answer should start with the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 5, 12


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 2 442


Pyth, 18 bytes, depth 10, A083889 from A083912


The next sequence should match the following terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1

Number of divisors of n with largest digit = 2 (base 10)


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 21 462


Mathematica, 92 bytes, depth 11, A116372 from A083889


The number of partitions of n composed of numbers with a digital root of 2. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


CJam, 19 bytes, depth 12, A113217 from A116372

0p{"10"4*" "*p1p1}h

The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0

This is the parity of the decimal digital root of n. The sequence is periodic so I took the shortcut way of producing it. Output looks like:

"1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0"
"1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0"

etc... which from the rules I understand is ok.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


CJam, 26 bytes, depth 10, A096972 from A083912


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1

This is a cute one. You have a hash function, h(i) = i + product of non-zero digits of i. The nth number is the number of inputs into h which result in n.

Python seemed especially ill-suited for this one: having to do lambda x,y:x*y instead of just x, and a very lengthy filter(None,map(int,``k``)) to get the non-zero digits as ints. I was right - changing the answer to CJam got it down to 26 bytes. I was a little sad I had to do '{i48-}% to convert a number to a list of its digits as integers, instead of just ':i.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


Java, 41 bytes, depth 6, A028391 from A004523

int f(int n){return n-(int)Math.sqrt(n);}

This sequence is n minus the square root of n rounded to the lower integer for all n >= 0. This is a zero-index function. The next answer should start with the following terms:

0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 2 442


CJam, 21 bytes, depth 11, A216188 from A083889


The next answer should start with the following terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0

This is a cute one. They define an "anagrammatic pair of integers" as two integers which have the same number of each of the digits, e.g. 123 is anagrammatic to 132 and 321. A(n) is the number of unordered anagrammatic pairs that add up to n. Takes a bit to get more interesting. It's easily checked by sorted(repr(i))==sorted(repr(n-i)) in Python or


in CJam. Got it down from 76 bytes in Python to 21 bytes in CJam. CJam version takes n as input.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


R, 34 bytes, depth 12, A125122 from A216188


The following sequence should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1

It is the sequence of first differences between the number of digits of 3n.
0:n+1 is equivalent to 1:(n+1) because : has precedence over +. The rest is relatively self-explanatory.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


Pyth, 12 bytes, depth 2, A001358 from A000211


The next answer should match the following terms:

4, 6

This is the sequence of semiprimes, i.e. product of two (not necessarily distinct) prime factors.

                     Z = 0
#                    while True:
 IqlPZ2                if len(prime_factorisation(Z)) == 2:
       Z)                print(Z)
 ~Z1                   Z += 1

Note that this prints an infinite stream of numbers, so it's best to try this locally.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


R, 59 bytes, depth 3, A058199 from A001358


The following sequence should start with the terms:

4, 6, 12

It is the sequence of integers whose number of divisors is larger than the number of divisors of the next integer by at least n.
The outer(1:1e4,1:1e4,`%%`) construct is such that the resulting matrix contains for i in 1 to 1e4 and j in 1 to 1e4 the results of i%%j. The sum of all zeroes in each row i thus gives the number of divisor for i. I limited to 1e4 so that it could be computed this way without overflow and fairly quickly and still work for all the values given on the A058199 page.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


Java, 27 bytes, depth 8, A057359 from A049472

int f(int n){return 5*n/7;}

This sequence is 5 times n divided by 7, rounded to the lower integer. This is a zero-indexed function. The next answer should start with the following terms:

0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 2 442


CJam, 30 bytes, depth 10, A226190 from A026233


The next sequence should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6

A(n) is the least positive integer k such that 1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/k >= log(n). My answer uses the fact that n >= k. This is because:


So, k will never have to be greater than n.

I think this also sheds light on what the significance of this sequence is: it's a relation between the discrete sum of 1/m and the integral of 1/m.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870

1I think you can prove it by looking at the graph y=1/x, specifically the integral of 1/x from 1 to n (which is log(n)). Then look at the rectangles of width 1, height 1/k at each k from 1 to n, which will always go above the graph. – Sp3000 – 2015-04-28T18:42:55.487


Python, 241 bytes, depth 13, A249699 from A125122

from fractions import*
F=lambda n:n<2and 1or n*F(n-1)
def B(n):
 for m in R(n):
  for j in R(m,0,-1):A[j-1]=j*(A[j-1]-A[j])
 return A[0]/((n-1)*F(n))
print 0,1,0
while n:print abs(B(n).numerator);n+=1

The next sequence should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0

Sadly this isn't on depth 14 because the next number in the sequence is 691! It quickly grows wild from there:


I could have gotten more points on a lower depth with fewer bytes, but this one was very weird and I wanted to try it out. The description is:

Numerators of coefficients in series expansion of Cl_2(x)+x*log(x), where Cl_2 is the Clausen function of order 2.

But I used the formula:

Numerators of BernoulliB(n - 1)/((n - 1)*n!), except the first 3 terms.

It actually ended up being the absolute value of the numerators.

I used the Akiyama–Tanigawa algorithm from the linked Wikipedia page to generate the Bernoulli numbers.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


CJam, 3 bytes, depth 2, A000007 from A002522


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 0

The sequence consists of 1 followed by only 0's.

There are a lot of interpretations (see the website's page), such as the decimal expansion of 1.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 10 485

This gives 0 -> 0, 1 -> 1, 2 -> 0 ..., shouldn't it be 0 -> 1 and the rest 0? – Claudiu – 2015-04-28T22:56:35.147

@Claudiu The page says that a(1) = 1, a(n) = 0 for n > 1

– Ypnypn – 2015-04-29T00:22:54.330

I think that's "changing the offset to 1". But if you don't then you get this table (linked from the page): http://oeis.org/A000007/b000007.txt

– Claudiu – 2015-04-29T01:50:22.460

1@Claudiu Well in that case, I'll change the answer (and save a byte :) – Ypnypn – 2015-04-29T02:53:38.027


Java, 186 bytes, depth 10, A073719 from A072490

int f(int n){return g(1<<n,0)/g(1<<n,1);}int g(int n,int o){int k=2,c=1;while(c<n)if(h(++k)>0&&o<1||h(k)<1&&o>0)c++;return k;}int h(int n){for(int k=2;k<n;)if(n%k++<1)return 0;return 1;}

Long version:

int f(int n) {
    return g(1<<n,0) / g(1<<n,1);

int g(int n, int o) {
    int k=2, c=1;
        if (h(++k)>0 && o<1 || h(k)<1 && o>0)
    return k;

int h(int n) {
    for (int k=2; k<n;)
        if (n % k++ < 1)
            return 0;
    return 1;

This is the sequence of the 2nth prime numbers divided by the 2nth composite numbers for all natural numbers greater than 1, rounded down. Method g finds the 2nth prime or composite number while method h checks if numbers are prime or composite. Due to the inefficiency of the algorithm, lag becomes apparent at n = 12.

This is a one-indexed function (n starts at 1). The next answer should start with the following terms:

0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 2 442

Oh that's what prime(2^n) meant... really had trouble figuring that out for some reason. – Claudiu – 2015-04-29T02:40:17.750

I was also confused by that at first. What really hung me up was the formula for composite numbers; the denominator of the first one made no sense. :P – TNT – 2015-04-29T03:13:48.123


Haskell, 32 bytes, depth 4, A015919 from A011760


The next sequence should start with the following terms:

1, 2, 3, 5

It outputs an infinite list:


It looks like it's just the sequence of 1 together with the prime numbers. In fact, the first composite number in the sequence is 341, and the first composite even number is 161038.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 23 988


Piet, 96 bytes, depth 5, A209229 from A010060

Piet program

with size 10 codels for legibility. Tested on PietDev. The next sequence should start with the terms:

0, 1, 1, 0, 1

This is the characteristic function of powers of 2 (i. e. it outputs 1 if n is a power of 2 and 0 if not). It starts on the red codel in the first row: it takes input as stdin and pushes it to the stack n, it then duplicates it twice n n nand pushes 1 to the stack n n n 1 [the loop starts on the red codel at the end of the second row] that it also duplicates twice n n n 1 1 1 it then rolls the first one near the bottom n 1 n n 1 1 and again n 1 1 n n 1 then check if the first two are equal (if yes than it is a power of 2 so it change direction and outputs 1), then check if the first number of the stack (on first iteration, 1) is smaller than the second. If yes it stops and output 0 and if no it continues on the loop (at that point the stack only contains n 1 as the first two pairs of n 1 were used for the comparisons). It pushes 2 on the stack and multiply n 1 2->n 2 then rolls it at the bottom, 2 n, duplicates twice 2 n n n rolls the bottom number on top of the stack n n n 2 and reaches back the beginning of the loop.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


R, 79 bytes, depth 3, A000945 from A000043


The next sequence should contain the following terms:

2, 3, 7

The sequence is such that a(n+1) is the smallest prime factor of prod(a(k) for k in 1:n)+1. f=function(n)if(n-1){m=prod(sapply(1:(n-1),f))+1;p=(2:m)[!m%%2:m];p[1]}else{2} would be one character shorter but can't perform f(9) because it can't create of vector of length 38 709 183 810 570.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


Ruby, 75 bytes, depth 2, A125710 from A000211

def r n;n==2??0:n%2==0??0+r(n/2):?1+r(n*3+1);end;p (r 2*gets.to_i+1).to_i 2

The next sequence should contain the following terms:

4, 80

This is a complicated sequence so I will just quote OEIS:

In the "3x+1" problem, let 0 denote a halving step and 1 denote an x->3x+1 step. Then a(n) is obtained by writing the sequence of steps needed to reach 1 from 2n+1 and reading it as a decimal number.

My code is not short; but It was fun to make.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 787


Ruby, 35 bytes, depth 6, A008998 from A014137


The next sequence should contain the following terms:

1, 2, 4, 9, 20, 44

Defined recursively as:a(n) = 2*a(n-1) + a(n-3).


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 787


Ruby, 26 bytes, depth 4, A006882 from A000142


The next answer should start with the terms:


The Double factorial sequence.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 787


Ruby, 30 bytes, depth 6, A010051 from A209229


The next answer should start with the terms:



Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 787


Mathematica, 51 bytes, depth 11, A025765 from A226190


Just another infinite series. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Python, 14 bytes, depth 3, A010872 from A000030

x=lambda x:x%3

The next sequence should start with the following terms:

0, 1, 2


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753



Haskell, 32 bytes, depth 7, A018819 from A016116


This defines an infinite list containing all the values.

As more easily readable function that (could be golfed some more and) is much less efficient the sequence can be defined by

a 0=1; a m|odd m=a(m-1); a m=a(m-1)+a(m`div`2)

So it starts with 1, and then we always take the previous value and, in the even case, add the value from m/2. The list definition uses l>>=(:[0]) to create a list that alternates between values from l and zeroes ([l0,0,l1,0,l2,0,...]) to achieve the same effect.

The sequence is the binary partition function, giving the number of partitions of a number into powers of 2, for example for 5 it is 4, because 5 can be written in four ways: as 1+1+1+1+1, 1+1+1+2, 1+2+2 and 1+4.

The next sequence should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6

Christian Sievers

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 6 366


Mathematica, 6 bytes, depth 1, A002522


The next answer should start with the terms:



Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 4 bytes, depth 2, A000244 from A000012


Powers of 3. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 3


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 3 bytes, depth 2, A005843 from A001477


Even numbers. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 2


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


CJam, 21 bytes, depth 7, A095884 from A025581


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3

My second CJam program! I wonder if there's a better way to get n (n-k)^k from n k than _@_@-@# - any tips?

This sequence is simply "Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) = (n-k)^k, n>=1, 1<=k<=n.".


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870

Since this violates the chaining requirement of "You cannot directly chain two of your answers to the same ancestor" this answer does not count towards your score, although it will still appear on the diagram. – PhiNotPi – 2015-04-26T22:22:44.843

Oops, I seem to have forgotten that rule. Thanks for the reminder. – Claudiu – 2015-04-26T22:59:32.270


CJam, 5 bytes, depth 5, A179081 from A001590


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0

Parity of decimal digit sum.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042


CJam, 9 bytes, depth 3, A025192 from A000027


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 2, 6

2*3^(n-1) with a special case.

For that sequence.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042


PARI/GP, 19 bytes, depth 4, A056486 from A016957


It's just (9*2^n+(-2)^n)/4. The old name was "Number of periodic palindromes using a maximum of four different symbols", but I don't know what it means.

The next answer should match the following terms:

4, 10, 16, 40


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 23 988


Octave, 28 bytes, depth 6, A196564 from A179081


Number of odd digits in decimal representation of n.

The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 23 988


CJam, 13 bytes, depth 7, A037888 from A196564


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0

How many bits to change to make a palindrome binary number.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042


R, 100 bytes, depth 5, A000110 from A000108

n=scan();a=0;for(k in 1:n){K=0:k;J=factorial(K);a=a+sum(rep(c(1,-1)*(-1)^k,l=k+1)*K^n/(J*rev(J)))};a

The next sequence should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 5, 15

This sequence is the Bell numbers, i. e. the number of ways to partition a set of n labeled elements. My code, with indents and newlines:

for(k in 1:n){

What's inside the loop is an implementation of the "Stirling numbers of second kind", which happens to have been implemented also in R in package gmp, so the code could be golfed to 68 chars:



Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


Pyth, 16 bytes, depth 3, A006521 from A000244


Takes input via STDIN and outputs the Nth number.


@              Q   Nth item of
 f                  filter by
  !%+^2T1T           (2^Z + 1) mod Z is 0
          r1^3Q      integers 1..3^(N-1)

The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 3, 9


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 16 699


CJam, 25 bytes, depth 13, A238263 from A135020


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7

Number of ways of n=2^k1*p1^k2+2^k3*p2^k4, starting from n=2.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 34 042


R, 36 bytes, depth 9, A083912 from A103181


The next sequence should match the following terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0

It is the sequence containing the number of divisors of n that are congruent to 2 modulo 10.


> f(1)
[1] 0
> f(9)
[1] 0
> sapply(1:40, f)
[1] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


Pyth, 34 bytes, depth 13, A075355 from A135020



L                  define function y(b): return
  *bytb              b * y(b - 1)
 ?     b            if b is not 0, else
        1            1
VQ                 iterate N over 0..input-1
  ~Z1              increment Z (initialized to 0)
  J]Z               set J to array of Z
  W                 while
    .xJ               product of J
   <                 is less than
       yhN            factorial of N+1
          ~Z1          increment Z
          aJZ          add Z to J
lJ                 print length of J

The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 16 699

You should change to be from A135020, because the submission for A110654 is wrong. – Peter Taylor – 2015-04-27T11:53:00.327

And if your code works, it's surely A075355? – Peter Taylor – 2015-04-27T11:55:30.510

@PeterTaylor Yep, I calculate the sequence exactly how it's defined. – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-04-27T11:56:46.683

A075352 begins 1, 2, 12, 30, 504, 1320, ... The only one which begins 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,6 is A075355. – Peter Taylor – 2015-04-27T11:57:29.453

@PeterTaylor Whoops, that's what I meant. I apparently screwed up when naming my code file. Edited post. – PurkkaKoodari – 2015-04-27T11:58:52.120


Julia, 20 bytes, depth 6, A017910 from A000010


Note the use of ifloor instead of floor to force the conversion to integer. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


Pyth, 23 bytes, depth 6, A136855 from A136859


The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 4, 10, 40, 100

My program prints an infinite stream of numbers, which where n and n^2 only use the digits 01456.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 21 462


Mathematica, 57 bytes, depth 5, A145132 from A000292


The nth coefficient of the expansion of x/((1-x-x^4)(1-x)^3). The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 4, 10, 20


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 25 bytes, depth 3, A172275 from A000004


Simply {0, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 0, 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Pyth, 7 bytes, depth 4, A001317 from A005408



u    Q     reduce to do N times
      1     start with 1
 x          xor
  G          previous value
   yG        double previous value

The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 3, 5, 15


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 16 699


Pyth, 26 bytes, depth 7, A136860 from A136855



L                         define function y(b): returns
 {                         set of
  jbT                       base-10 digits of b
@                   Q     take Nth item
 f                         filter
                U^5Q        integers T in 0..(5^N)-1
   +                         union of
    yT                        digits of T
      y*TT                    digits of T^2
  <                         is subset of
          y10467             digits of 10467

The Nth value will always be less than 5^N, since:

  1. All powers of 10 are in the sequence, as numbers of form 10^k and (10^k)^2 = 10^2k will always contain only digits 1 and 0.
  2. All powers of 10 multiplied by 4 are in the sequence, as numbers of form 4*10^k and (4*10^k)^2 = 16*10^2k will always contain only digits 4, 1, 6 and 0.
  3. Therefore there are at least two values in the sequence for each power of 10. For each value, we do the next power of 5, which means the next power of 25 for each value. This will always contain at least two values per power, since 25^m >= 10^m whenever m >= 0.

The next answer should match the following terms:

0, 1, 4, 10, 40, 100, 400


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 16 699


PARI/GP, 22 bytes, depth 4, A004601 from A010052


Binary expansion of π.

The next sequence should start with the terms:

1, 1, 0, 0


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 23 988


Julia, 27 bytes, depth 5, A010057 from A004601


Next sequence should start with the terms:

1, 1, 0, 0, 0

This sequence gives 1 if n is a cube and 0 if not.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610

1I think A?1:0 is valid, and it saves one char over int(A). It also allows flipping the condition and testing < rather than == for another char. – Peter Taylor – 2015-04-28T09:03:26.997

@PeterTaylor thanks! indeed it worked. – plannapus – 2015-04-28T09:08:33.180


Python, 21 bytes, depth 7, A049472 from A028391

lambda n:int(n/2**.5)

Next sequence on that branch should start with the terms:

0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


R, 26 bytes, depth 4, A014684 from A000142


List of natural integers minus one if the integer is a prime. The next sequence should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 4


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 8 610


CJam, 64 bytes, depth 9, A072490 from A057359


The next sequence should start with the terms:

0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5

Here's an easy-to-understand sequence: the number of squarefree numbers less than n. A squarefree number is one whose prime decomposition contains no repeated factors.

I am betting this can be golfed more. I figure out whether a number k is squarefree by iterating j from 2 to k and dividing the number by j as many times as it fits, then storing this in A. Then I keep track of the max As in M, so M is the max number of repeated prime factors. If M==1, the number if squarefree. Then I apply this to all the numbers in the range and sum. But there must be a cleaner way. On the other hand I like that gAMe accidentally appears in the code.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


Mathematica, 66 bytes, depth 3, A000002 from A000027


The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 2, 2

The Kolakoski Sequence.

A longer, but more interesting solution:

k[n_] := StringTake[
   StringReplace[#, {"1 1" -> "2 1", "1 2" -> "2 1 1", 
      "2 1" -> "2 2 1", "2 2" -> "2 2 1 1"}] &, "1,2 2", 
   StringLength@# < 2 n &], 2 n] 

Related question: Generate a Kolakoski sequence


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 23 988


CJam 0.6.5, 52 bytes, depth 9, A045841 from A103181


The next sequence should start with the following terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0

This is the "number of distinct odd numbers formed from the digits of n". e.g A(37) is 4 because you have 3, 7, 37, and 73, while A(33) is 2 because you have 3 and 33.

e! gets permutations, but without choosing a subset. So for all permutations I take the first 1 through d digits in turn, see if they are odd, and if so add it to R. RR& at the end removes duplicates and then I output the length. I saved a bunch of bytes by leaving the stack littered with garbage and wiping it all out at the end with ];.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


CJam, 28 bytes, depth 9, A098388 from A084054


The next sequence should start with the following terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4

This is the floor of the binary logarithm of the nth prime. 1U{\)_mp@+_N=!}g; computes the Nth prime, and 2mLm[p prints the floor of the binary logarithm.

This uses built-in primality testing mp, so if that is considered cheating let me know and I will use a non-built-in primality tester.

I wonder if this could be golfed a bit more.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


CJam, 17 bytes, depth 8, A194175 from A049472


The next sequence should start with the following terms:

0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4

This one seemed like a nice and short one. It's simply:


where frac is the fractional part. Very well-suited to CJam.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 3 870


Python 3, 66 bytes, depth 2, A000043 from A000040

while n:k=2**n-1;any(k%d<1for d in range(2,k))or print(n);n+=1

The next answer should match the following terms:

2, 3

These are the positive integers n such that 2^n - 1 is prime, i.e. n is the exponent of a Mersenne prime. It's easy to see that n itself must be prime, since if d divides n then 2^d - 1 is a divisor of 2^n - 1.

Equivalently, by the Euclid-Euler theorem, these are also the integers n such that 2^(n-1) (2^n - 1) is an even perfect number (sum of divisors equals itself).

This Python program uses trial division, so it only manages to get up to 19 before it starts taking a while. For comparison, simply replacing the primality check with the probabilistic Miller-Rabin manages up to 607 in a reasonable amount of time.


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 58 729


Seriously, 14 bytes, depth 3, A000125 from A000027


Try it online!

The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 2, 4


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 32 998

@ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ It's not required to chain off of the most recent answer. – Mego – 2016-02-01T04:59:34.827


, noncompeting, depth 4, A001614 from A000125

17 chars / 25 bytes:

2*ï-⌊ ½+½*√ 8*ï-7

Try it here (Firefox only).

The next answer should match:

1, 2, 4, 5

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 7 234

Language made after this challenge. – Mama Fun Roll – 2016-03-09T21:34:10.447

1I think that non-competing answers shouldn't be posted for this. At the very least, it's messing up the snippet/tree. Also, you'd need to move "noncompeting" somewhere else. Your answer has to follow the format. – mbomb007 – 2016-03-09T22:29:30.103


Mathematica, 14 bytes, depth 5, A129323 from A001563


Derived from the Mathematica program given with the sequence. Ignore any messages. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 4, 18, 88


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Python 2, 59 bytes, depth 4, A000123 from A000125

while 1:print s[-1];s+=(s[-1]+s[i],);i+=j;j^=1

Try it online. Uses a modified version so you can actually read the output, since infinite output is hard to read.

The next answer should match the following terms:

1, 2, 4, 6


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 21 944

Haha. My score is 0... – mbomb007 – 2016-03-09T22:36:28.653

This is because it has a link in the answer title. This would be one aspect of the parser to improve if a similar challenge is ever posted in the future. – PhiNotPi – 2017-03-19T15:22:56.687


Mathematica, 11 bytes, depth 4, A004188 from A002275


The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 11, 39


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 58 bytes, depth 12, A029031 from A025766


Just uses the definition of the series. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 68 bytes, depth 11, A096088 from A096972


Outputs terms, followed by newlines. The sequence definition is pretty complicated, so I won't go into it here. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 40 bytes, depth 10, A096125 from A026233


Just increments k until the condition is met. See the sequence definition for more information. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 34 bytes, depth 10, A173923 from A045841


Uses a definition given with the sequence. Requires Mathematica 10.3 or higher to run. Starts at index 8. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 98 bytes, depth 10, A175835 from A083912


Pretty random sequence definition. Makes more sense if you read the sequence page. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 20 bytes, depth 10, A225545 from A098388


Does what it says on the tin (takes ⌊eW(n)⌋). LambertW appears to be an alias for ProductLog. The next answer should start with the terms:

1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 48 bytes, depth 9, A025640 from A022336

SortBy[0~Range~#~Tuples~2,3^# 4^#2&@@#&][[#,1]]&

Exponent of 3 (value of i) in nth number of form 3i∙4j. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731


Mathematica, 30 bytes, depth 9, A038668 from A057359


An = ⌊n/L(2)⌋ + ⌊n/L(3)⌋ + ⌊n/L(4)⌋ + ⌊n/L(5)⌋ + ⋯, where L(n) denotes the nth term in the Lucas sequence. The next answer should start with the terms:

0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Posted 2015-04-26T14:28:48.753

Reputation: 15 731