Count the number of ones in an unsigned 16-bit integer



Write some statement(s) which will count the number of ones in an unsigned sixteen-bit integer.

For example, if the input is 1337, then the result is 6 because 1337 as a sixteen bit binary number is 0000010100111001, which contains six ones.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 929

Related but not dupe: 1 2

– Sp3000 – 10 years ago

3 4 – jimmy23013 – 10 years ago

2Tip: just as the some of digits in a number is congruent to the number mod 9, the some of bits equals the number mod 1. – PyRulez – 10 years ago

8@PyRulez Any number is zero modulo 1. – Thomas – 10 years ago

1Hi, you have chosen a wrong answer as accepted answer (by default tie breaker logic of earliest post). – Optimizer – 10 years ago

4@Thomas I never said it was a helpful tip. – PyRulez – 10 years ago

2Why is this question attracting close votes AFTER most of the answers have been posted? Close voters please indicate your reason in the comments. If it is the acceptance of es1024's (very clever) 4-byte answer which does not comply with standard loopholes (because it uses a builtin) please state that this is the reason. Otherwise, what is it? – Level River St – 10 years ago

@Thomas Slight correction- any integer is zero modulo 1. – SuperJedi224 – 9 years ago



80386 Machine Code, 4 bytes

F3 0F B8 C1

which takes the integer in cx and outputs the count in ax, and is equivalent to:

popcnt ax, cx     ; F3 0F B8 C1

And here is an 11 10 byte solution not using POPCNT:

31 C0 D1 E9 10 E0 85 C9 75 F8

which is equivalent to:

xor ax, ax        ; 31 C0   Set ax to 0
shr cx, 1         ; D1 E9   Shift cx to the right by 1 (cx >> 1)
adc al, ah        ; 10 E0   al += (ah = 0) + (cf = rightmost bit before shifting)
test cx, cx       ; 85 C9   Check if cx == 0
jnz $-6           ; 75 F8   Jump up to shr cx, 1 if not


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 8 953

Is this in 32-bit or 16-bit (either real or protected) mode? – FUZxxl – 10 years ago

2@FUZxxl The assembly provided is for 16-bit, though replacing ax and cx with eax and ecx changes it to 32-bit. The bytecode is the same for either. – es1024 – 10 years ago

1@es1024 The byte code is the same if this was compiled in 16-bit mode and the 32-bit version in 32-bit mode. – Cole Johnson – 10 years ago

2Isn't popcnt a builtin and thus falling foul of standard loopholes? Still credit for the second solution though. – Alchymist – 10 years ago

5When you claim the length of the machine code, shouldn't the title be "80386 Machine Code", not "80386 Assembler"? – Kevin Reid – 10 years ago

Damn you beat me to POPCNT by a day! Why don't I check this site more often... – Mark K Cowan – 10 years ago

At start of that what is the value for cx? – RosLuP – 8 years ago

85 C9 75 F8 => 41 E2 F9? – l4m2 – 7 years ago


Python 2, 17 bytes


The bin built-in returns the integer converted to a binary string. We then count the 1 digits:

>>> s=1337
>>> bin(s)
>>> bin(s).count('1')

Logic Knight

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 6 622




you said "write some statements" (not "a function") so I've assumed the number is supplied in x and the number of 1's is returned in n. If I don't have to initialize n I can save 3 bytes.

This is an adaptation of the famous expression x&x-1 for testing if something is a power of 2 (false if it is, true if it isn't.)

Here it is in action on the number 1337 from the question. Note that subtracting 1 flips the least significant 1 bit and all zeroes to the right.

0000010100111001 & 0000010100111000 = 0000010100111000
0000010100111000 & 0000010100110111 = 0000010100110000
0000010100110000 & 0000010100101111 = 0000010100100000
0000010100100000 & 0000010100011111 = 0000010100000000
0000010100000000 & 0000010011111111 = 0000010000000000
0000010000000000 & 0000001111111111 = 0000000000000000

EDIT: for completeness, here's the naive algorithm, which is one byte longer (and quite a bit slower.)


Level River St

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 22 049

1@edc65 so as it turns out, I reinvented the wheel. At least I saved 2 bytes by omitting the {}. It's such a simple task I shouldn´t be surprised someone already came up with it. – Level River St – 10 years ago

"First published in 1960", impressive. – mbomb007 – 10 years ago

Correction to naive algorithm: for(n=0;x;x/=2)n+=x&1; – Helios – 10 years ago

The naive implmentation for(n=0;x;x/=2)n+=x&1; gives a result which is different from, for(n=0;x;n++)x&=x-1; for negative numbers. Try with x=-7, the results are confusing ! – nmxprime – 10 years ago

1@nmxprime the OP asks for unsigned int. for -7 = 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111001 on my 32 bit compiler, I get 30 for the fast algorithm, which is correct. For the naive algorithm, it iterates through -7, -7/2=-3, -3/2=-1, -1/2=0. That gives an incorrect answer. Changing x/=2 to x>>=1 may give the correct answer on some compilers, but C is undefined as to whether a 1 or a 0 is shifted into the empty bit for >> on negative numbers. Those compilers that shift a 1 in will go into an infinite loop. The workaround is to define x as an unsigned int. Then x=-7 loads (1<<32)-7=4294967289 into x. – Level River St – 10 years ago

Nice, 3 bytes shorter than n=__builtin_popcount(x); – PrincePolka – 7 years ago


J (5 characters)

J has no explicit types. This does the right thing for all integers.

  • +/ the sum
  • @ of
  • #: the base two representation


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 9 656


Jelly, non-competing

This answer is non-competing, since the language was created after the challenge was posted.

2 bytes:


Jelly is a new language written by @Dennis, with J-like syntax.

         implicit: function of command-line arguments
B        Binary digits as list
 S       Sum

Try it here.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 20 331


Pyth, 4 bytes


The program takes the number whose hamming weight is to be found on STDIN.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 39 268


Julia, 29 27 19 bytes


This creates an anonymous function that accepts a single argument, n. To use it, assign it to something like f=n->... and call it like f(1337).

The digits() function, when called with 2 arguments, returns an array of the digits of the input in the given base. So digits(n, 2) returns the binary digits of n. Take the sum of the array and you have the number of ones in the binary representation of n.

Alex A.

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 23 761

This can be a lot shorter: Julia has a function count_ones

– Andrew – 10 years ago

@AndrewPiliser: Thanks for the suggestion, but built-in functions which exactly accomplish the task are considered a standard loophole and are frowned upon when not explicitly disallowed. – Alex A. – 10 years ago


CJam, 6 bytes


ri         "Read the input and convert it to integer";
  2b       "Convert the integer into base 2 format";
    :+     "Sum the digits of base 2 form";

Try it online here


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 25 836


Joe, 4 bytes


This is an anonymous function. Ba gives the binary representation of a number and /+ sums it.



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 1 714


Mathematica, 22 18 bytes

Thanks to alephalpha for reminding me of DigitCount.


Martin Ender

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 184 808

@alephalpha thanks, but DigitCount takes another parameter :) – Martin Ender – 9 years ago


ES6 (34 22 21 bytes):

This is a simple recursive function that can be shortened a bit more. It simply takes a bit and runs itself again:


Try it on (you need the var because of 'use strict';).

I can't believe I've beaten Fish!!!

The old one:


ES5 (39 bytes):

Both functions can be easily adapted to ES5:

function B(n){return n?(1&n)+B(n>>1):0}


function B(number)
    if( number > 0 )
        //arguments.callee points to the function itself
        return (number & 1) + arguments.callee( number >> 1 );
        return 0;

Old one:

function(n){return n.toString(2).split(1).length-1}

@user1455003 gave me a really great idea, that 'triggered' the smallest one:

function B(n,x){for(x=0;n;n>>=1)x+=n&1;return x}

I've adapted it to ES6 and made it recursive to shorten a lot!

Ismael Miguel

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 6 797

1Here's a smaller 'reguar' javascript function. function B(n,x){for(x=0;n;n>>=1)x+=n&1;return x} – wolfhammer – 10 years ago

@user1455003 Thank you A LOT or your suggestion! I've used it and adapted it to ES6 and shortened a lot. Thank you! – Ismael Miguel – 10 years ago

Your welcome! I like what you did with it. With the recursion regular javascript is down to 39! function B(n){return n?(1&n)+B(n>>1):0} – wolfhammer – 10 years ago

@user1455003 If you want, you can edit the ES5 part and add the byte count to the golfed version. (I think you win reputation with edits). – Ismael Miguel – 10 years ago

@user81655 WOW! It works!!! Thank you a lot! I really knew this could be made shorter – Ismael Miguel – 9 years ago

(1&n) => n%2? – l4m2 – 7 years ago


Forth, 48 49 bytes

: c ?dup if dup 1- and recurse 1+ then ;
0 1337 c

If an actual function is needed then the second line becomes

: c 0 swap c ;

and you call it by "1337 c". Forth's relatively verbose control words make this a tough one (actually, they make a lot of these tough).

Edit: My previous version did not handle negative numbers correctly.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 181


R, 24 bytes


scan() reads input from stdin.

intToBits() takes an integer and returns a vector of type raw containing the zeroes and ones of the binary representation of the input.

intToBits(scan())>0 returns a logical vector where each element is TRUE if the corresponding binary vector element is a 1 (since all elements are 0 or 1 and 1 > 0), otherwise FALSE.

In R, you can sum a logical vector to get the number of TRUE elements, so summing the vector of logicals as above gets us what we want.

Note that sum() can't handle raw input directly, hence the workaround using logicals.

Alex A.

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 23 761

Wouldn't sum(intToBits(scan())) be the same? – seequ – 10 years ago

@Sieg: Unfortunately no since sum() can't take input of type raw, which is what's returned from intToBits(). – Alex A. – 10 years ago

That is really weird to me. – seequ – 10 years ago

1@Sieg: Yeah, it's weird to me too. Oh well. If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs. – Alex A. – 10 years ago

And that's the weirdest metaphor ever. – seequ – 10 years ago


Ruby, 18 bytes



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 181

1n.to_s(2).count ?1 also works, but is the same length – Piccolo – 10 years ago

2019 version: n.digits(2).sum / 15 bytes – G B – 6 years ago


><> (Fish), 24 bytes + 2 = 26


The program just does repeated mod 2, subtract and divide until the input number becomes zero, then prints the sum of the mod 2s.

Test with the -v flag, e.g.

py -3 -v 1337


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 58 729

For a 16bit integer the codepoint input probably not adequate. (The -v flag version still works.) – randomra – 10 years ago

@randomra Damn, you're right. While Unicode input does work, 16-bit is just a few orders of magnitude out of range... – Sp3000 – 10 years ago


PHP (38 bytes):

This uses the same aproach as my ES6 answer


This is a full code, you only need to put it in a file and access it over the browser, with the parameter n=<number>.

PHP <4.2 (32 bytes):

This is a little shorter:


This only works reliably on PHP<4.2 because the directive register_globals was set to Off by default from PHP4.2 up to PHP5.4 (which was removed by then).

If you create a php.ini file with register_globals=On, this will work.

To use the code, access the file using a browser, with either POST or GET.

@ViniciusMonteiro's suggestion (38/45 bytes):

He gave 2 really good suggestions that have a very interesting use of the function array_sum:

38 bytes:


45 bytes:

<?=array_sum(preg_split('//', decbin(1337)));

This is a really great idea and can be shortened a bit more, to be 36 bytes long:


Ismael Miguel

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 6 797

2Or you can use echo array_sum(str_split(decbin(1337))); and you can use too echo array_sum(preg_split('//', decbin(1337))); – Vinicius Monteiro – 10 years ago

1@ViniciusMonteiro Thank you a lot for your suggestion. I really loved it! I've added it to the answer. – Ismael Miguel – 10 years ago

Gain four bytes using <?=substr_count(decbin(1337),"1"); (34 bytes) – Cogicero – 9 years ago

1@Cogicero And you can save even more by removing the quotes: <?=substr_count(decbin(1337),1);. That is a total of 32 bytes. Considering that it is a different-enough code, don't you want to post it as your own answer? I surelly will upvote it! – Ismael Miguel – 9 years ago

@Cogicero It´s only two bytes shorter if you use parametrization: <?=substr_count(decbin($argv[1]),1); (or $_GET[n]; 36 bytes) – Titus – 8 years ago

You could save 3 bytes with $argn and -F. – Titus – 8 years ago

@Titus While that's true, it isn't worth it. This is a burried answer from 2015. Over 2 years ago. Nobody will care about that saving. – Ismael Miguel – 8 years ago


C#, 45 bytes



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 121

b-48 is even shorter, AFAIK – ThreeFx – 10 years ago

Correct! :) I'll update. – albertjan – 10 years ago


Japt, 3 bytes (non-competitive)


Try it here.

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 7 234

Man, I never see those dates for some reason. – Mama Fun Roll – 9 years ago

1Haha, Japt is shortest :D BTW, ¢o1 l would work as well. Another interesting approach is -¢¬r-0; ¢¬ splits into array of binary digits, r-0 reduces by subtraction, starting at 0, and - negates the result, making it positive. – ETHproductions – 9 years ago

As of last night, you can now use ¢¬x. – ETHproductions – 9 years ago


beeswax, 31 27 bytes

Non-competing answer. Beeswax is newer than this challenge.

This solution uses Brian Kherigan’s way of counting set bits from the “Bit Twiddling Hacks” website.

it just runs through a loop, incrementing the bit count, while iterating through number=number&(number-1) until number = 0. The solution only goes through the loop as often as there are bits set.

I could shave off 4 bytes by rearranging a few instructions. Both source code and explanation got updated:



pT_            generate IP, input Integer, redirect
>"             if top lstack value > 0 jump next instruction,
               otherwise continue at next instruction
  p            redirect if top lstack value=0 (see below)
   ~           flip top and 2nd lstack values
    0+         set top lstack value to 0, set top=top+2nd
      M        decrement top lstack value
       ~       flip top and 2nd lstack values
        p      redirect to lower left
        <      redirect to left
       &       top=top&2nd
      @        flip top and 3rd lstack values
    @P         increment top lstack value, flip top and 3rd values
 ~0~           flip top and 2nd values, set top=0, flip top and 2nd again
d              redirect to upper left
>"p~0+M.....   loop back

  p            if top lstack = 0 at " instruction (see above), redirect
  0            set lstack top to zero (irrelevant instruction)
  <            redirect to the left
 @             flip top and 3rd lstack values
{              output top lstack value as integer (bitcount)

Clone my GitHub repository containing the beeswax interpreter, language spec and examples.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 2 865


Pyt, 1 byte

Hooray for built-ins.


Try it online!


Pyt, 3 bytes


Try it online!


      Implicit input
ɓ     Convert to binary string
Ɩ     Cast as integer
Ś     Sum of digits
      Implicit output


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 833


Brachylog, 2 bytes


Try it online!

Just about exactly the Jelly answer.

Unrelated String

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 5 300


MathGolf, 2 bytes


Try it online!


â    convert to binary
 Σ   sum(list), digit sum(int)


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 5 754

Completely unrelated to this answer of yours, but I'm unable to find the MathGolf chat anymore.. Is there an infinite loop or infinite list in MathGolf? – Kevin Cruijssen – 6 years ago

I've been stressed out with school and work for the past few months, so the chat must be inactive. There's no implicit infinite loop, but if you can make sure that the top of the stack evaluates to true you could use the do-while-without-pop. Once I feel that I have time to answer questions on a regular basis, I'll ask to have the chat reopened. Right now I'm just building a todo-list of features I want to add. – maxb – 6 years ago

I'm getting "Not yet implemented" ValueErrors for all while / do-while loops.. :S Unless I'm doing something wrong.. – Kevin Cruijssen – 6 years ago

you should use them like {1}∟ or using the fixed size blocks. It's on my todo-list to have the loop operators also close the block, but it's not implemented as of now. – maxb – 6 years ago

@KevinCruijssen just as a side note, you're very welcome to ask questions related to MathGolf like this, I'll answer when I find the time. My goal is to set aside more time for the MathGolf chat, but right now it'll remain closed. – maxb – 6 years ago

In that case a few questions. :) Is only 1 truthy in MathGolf (like in 05AB1E), or is 0/""/[] falsey and (almost) everything else truthy (like in Python)? And let's say I want an infinite loop printing numbers 1,2,3,... every time on a new line. I would expect something like Ä1∟îp would work, but apparently it does not. What should it be instead?

– Kevin Cruijssen – 6 years ago


@KevinCruijssen Maybe I need to clarify the loop structure a bit better, but the correct implementation would be something like {îo}▲. Your script first does Ä1∟ which will push 1 onto the stack until the memory is full or TIO timeouts, then it would print the length of the loop. Basically, in pseudo code it would be int i = 0; do {i++; stack.push(1);} while (i != 0); print(i). The code would never reach the last part since the loop is infinite. Basically, loops are constructed as {<loop code>}<loop operator>

– maxb – 6 years ago

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– Kevin Cruijssen – 6 years ago


K (ngn/k), 4 bytes


Try it online!

Convert to base 2, sum up.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 3 635


Java, 17 bytes

Works for byte, short, char, and int. Use as a lambda.


Test here

Without using built-ins:

42 bytes

s->{int c=0;for(;s!=0;c++)s&=s-1;return c}

Test here


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 10 855

6this is a standard loophole: builtin functions that do exactly what you want are forbidden. – FUZxxl – 10 years ago

@FUZxxl The OP never forbade standard loopholes – Cole Johnson – 10 years ago


@ColeJohnson Standard loopholes are assumed to be closed by default

– es1024 – 10 years ago

6@FUZxxl While es1024 is right that the standard loopholes are closed by default, using built-in functions is currently not an accepted loophole at a vote breakdown of +43/-26. – Martin Ender – 10 years ago


Clip, 6

2 ways:


This is a straightforward translation of the requirement: the count of ones in the base-2 representation of number.


Another method, which takes the sum of the digits of the base-2 representation.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 10 485


Octave, 18



octave:1> s=1337
s =  1337
octave:2> sum(dec2bin(s)-48)
ans =  6


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 23 988


GML (Game Maker Language), 21 bytes



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 12 038


C# 39 bytes



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 111


Clojure, 42 bytes

#(count(filter #{\1}(Long/toString % 2)))

Reading right to left, convert to a binary string, convert to a sequence of characters, filter on 1s and count how many you have.

EDITED With help from Sieg

Neil Masson

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 111

42: #(count(filter #{\1}(Integer/toString% 2))) – seequ – 10 years ago

You need one more character #(count(filter #{\1}(Integer/toString % 2))) – Neil Masson – 10 years ago

No you don't. :) – seequ – 10 years ago

This is what I got when I tried it: CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method: toString_PERCENT_ – Neil Masson – 10 years ago

I tested it in Try Clojure. Apparently the page suddenly doesn't recognize Integer/toString. It worked a second ago though. – seequ – 10 years ago

Try Clojure works now. However your sample fails with the Clojure 1.6.0 REPL. – Neil Masson – 10 years ago

Add the space then. – seequ – 10 years ago


Perl, 21



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 3 634


PowerShell (51 bytes)


[convert]::ToString($s,2) produces a binary string representation from $s.
[char[]] casts it as a char array and allows us to enumerate each char.
|%{"+$_"} prepends each character with a + sign
"$()" implicitly calls .ToString() on the resulting sub expression
|iex sums the piped string (ie. "+1 +0 +1 +1 +0 +1 +0 +0" = 4)

Mathias R. Jessen

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 121

Hiya! Following the same logic you have, why not use the inline -join operator and an implicit .ToString() to achieve 45 bytes with [char[]][convert]::ToString($s,2)-join'+'|iex ... OR, as a different approach use inline -replace operator to achieve 43 bytes with ([convert]::ToString($s,2)-replace0).length – AdmBorkBork – 9 years ago


Haskell 42 chars

t 0=[]
t n=t(quot n 2)++[rem n 2]

declares the function f :: Integer -> Integer
use from the interactive interpreter as f <number> or add the line main=print$f <number> to the end of the file.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 313

You can save a lot of bytes by directly summing the rem n 2s instead of building a list of it and by using div instead of quot: t 0=0 t n=t(div n 2)+rem n 2 - no f anymore. – nimi – 10 years ago


Matlab, 13 bytes

de2bi creates a vector of zeros and ones representing the binary number, and sum just returns the sum of all the entries.



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 40 560


, 4 chars / 11 bytes (non-competitive)


Try it here (Firefox only).


Converts input to binary, splits along chars, and gets sum of resulting array.

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 7 234


05AB1E (non-competing), 3 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 3 728


16/32-bit x86 assembly, 9 bytes

(based on es1024's answer)

31 C0 D1 E9 10 E0 41 E2 F9

which is equivalent to:

xor ax, ax        ; 31 C0   Set ax to 0
shr cx, 1         ; D1 E9   Shift cx to the right by 1 (cx >> 1)
adc al, ah        ; 10 E0   al += (ah = 0) + (cf = rightmost bit before shifting)
inc cx            ; 41      Increment cx to offset following decrement
loop $-5          ; 75 F9   Jump up to shr cx, 1 if cx-1 is not zero

cx is the 16-bit integer to profile, result is returned in ax.

peter ferrie

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 804


Pip, 5 bytes

(The language postdates the question, barely.)


Try it online!

With the knowledge that a represents the first command-line argument, this program can be understood quite straightforwardly: 1 iN To-Binary(a). That is, convert a to binary and count the number of 1s.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 21 213


Stax, 4 bytes


Run and debug online!


:B      Binary digits
  |+    Sum

Weijun Zhou

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 3 396


Japt, 3 bytes


Try it

Convert to a binary string and count the 1s.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 24 623


dc, 25 bytes


Try it online!

Two macros. [2~rd0<B]dsBx breaks a decimal value down into binary components by repeatedly dividing by two (using ~ to leave both quotient and remainder on stack) until left with a quotient of zero. After our stack is filled with ones and zeros, [+z1<S]dsSx sums it up by adding the top two values until there's only one value left. p prints our final answer.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 1 291


Add++, 8 bytes


Try it online!

Surprisingly short for Add++

How it works

L,      ; Define a lambda function
        ; Example argument: 1337
    BB  ; Binary;  STACK = [10100111001]
    BD  ; Digits;  STACK = [[1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1]]
    Bs  ; Sum;     STACK = [6]

caird coinheringaahing

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 13 702


Kotlin, 30 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 1 982


><>, 18 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 50 798


cQuents, 6 bytes


Try it online!


:            implicit :
              mode: sequence 1 - given input n, output nth term in sequence
             each term in the sequence is

 u   ;1      count(                , 1)
  J )              toBase(     , 2)
   $                      index


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 12 293


Pari/GP, 13 bytes

Pari/GP has a built-in for Hamming weight.


Try it online!


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 23 988


Perl 6, 18 bytes


Works with any nonnegative integer, in fact.

Try it online!


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 1 831


K5, 9 bytes


I used k5's "unpack" overload for \ to split the number into base 2 digits. You can try it online here using oK.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 4 632


Go, 24

This is an adaptation of the C solution by @steveverrill


We need to explicitly declare n outside the loop to keep it in scope.

Go requires curly braces as well, and the check in the for loop must be a boolean expression.

Kristoffer Sall-Storgaard

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 489


WDC 65816, 8 bytes

Assuming 8-bit XY (P.x = 1), the following 8 bytes of object code produce the popcnt of A in X within 145 cycles:

A2 00 4A 90 01 E8 D0 FA

This works on a 65816 whether A is 8-bit (P.m = 1) or 16-bit (P.m = 0), and it has also been tested in a virtual 6502 with 8-bit values. With 16-bit XY on a 65816 (P.x = 0), one more byte is needed: replace A2 00 with A2 00 00.

Assembly source:

  ldx #0       ; A2 00, or A2 00 00 in 16-bit XY mode
  lsr a        ; 4A    Copy bit 0 of A to carry and shift A right by 1
  bcc zerobit  ; 90 01 If carry is 1, add 1 to X
  inx          ; E8
  bne loop     ; D0 FA If the last ALU result was nonzero, keep counting

The bne instruction branches on the zero flag, which changes whenever an instruction writes to register A, X, or Y. For a 1 bit, inx is the last instruction to write to A, X, or Y, and X is nonzero if there are 1 to 255 bits (only 16 are possible!), so the loop continues. For a 0 bit, lsr a is the last instruction to write to A, X, or Y, and A is nonzero only if there are more bits to count.

Damian Yerrick

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 163


perl (35 characters)



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 191


Clip, 22 chars (25 for full program, or 27 for working with zero)


Prefix this with F<some value> to get the answer for that value. Or, for a full program to read from stdin, prefix the code with Fnx. In a previous answer, I golfed a way in Clip to check if something's a power of two. I always return one in that case. Otherwise, increment the result of applying this function (recursively) to 2^(floor(log2(<function parameter>))).

To make this work with zero (returning 0), use (28 chars):



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 450


Bash, 63 51 47 bytes

[ $1 = 0 ]&&echo 0||echo $[$1%2+`$0 $[$1/2]`]

The shorter the code, the clearer the meaning :).


[ $1 -ne 0 ]&&echo $[($1&1)+$($0 $[$1/2])]||echo 0

Recursive script instead of script with recursing function.

The "negative-cond || instruction" idiom instead of boring "if cond; then instruction; fi " is our friend here.

Note that echo should return 0 (true), so [ $1 -ne 0 ] && echo $[$[$1&1]+$(n $[$1/2])]

has the logical value of [ $1 -ne 0 ] alone.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 1 243


Perl 6: 17

The first thing that comes to mind is

[+] 1337.base(2).comb; # returns 6

Although this doesn't have any arbitrary limits ( the only limits are how much memory you have, and how long you are willing to wait )

[+] ( uint64.Range.max * 2 + 1 ).base(2).comb; # returns 65

# 340282366920938463463374607431768211455
my $uint128-max = :2( 1 x 128 );
[+] $uint128-max.base(2).comb; # returns 128

my $uint8192-max = :2( 1 x 8192 ); # 2467 digit Int
[+] $uint8192-max.base(2).comb; # returns 8192 (takes about a second currently)

Without making it into a Callable the shortest way to write this is to put the Int into the "default" variable $_. ( .method is always short for $_.method )

$_ = 1337;
[+] .base(2).comb;
given 1337 { # Perl6's with/switch statement
  [+] .base(2).comb
[+] .base(2).comb given 1337; # ditto
if 1337 -> $_ { # pointy block
  [+] .base(2).comb

If you want to create a Callable you could just put it into a Block.

my $code-ref = {[+] .base(2).comb};
# if it is called with an argument it places it in $_
# if called without an argument uses the $_ from an outer scope

If you really want to call it as a normal subroutine:

my &f={[+] .base(2).comb}; # sub f($_){[+] .base(2).comb}

say f 1337; # 6

$_ = 1337;
say f; # 6

Based on your requirements I'd guess that the answer you are looking for is:

[+] .base(2).comb

This assumes that the value is already in $_. It would most likely be the last statement in a subroutine, the right side of an assignment, or an argument to a subroutine or method. ( Otherwise it calculates the result only to throw it away, unless the compiler notices that the result is unused )

In case you were wondering [+] 1, 2, 3 can be considered short for (1,2,3).reduce(&[+]).
Where &[+] is short for &infix:< + > the collection of multi subs available in the current scope that are responsible for the numerical infix addition operator +.

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 12 713


ActionScript 3, 17 bytes


This is a copy of steveverrill answer, how ever by using AS3, I don't have to put ; at the end of the line, so I save 1 byte.

Also I assume that x and n been initialize already.

Ilya Gazman

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 569


O, 7 bytes



H        Push input into array
  2b~    Push all the bits of the binary form to the array
     ]+o Add them all up and output the array


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 2 540


TeaScript, 9 bytes (non-competitive)


Try it here.

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 7 234


Seriously, 6 bytes (non-competitive)

This one is fun and neat, and given the number of non-competitive entries it has attracted, I might as well add a Seriously answer.


Try it online


   ,     get input
  2 ¡    convert to binary string
'1   c   count the occurrences of "1"
         (implicit print at EOF)


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 32 998


Candy, 15 bytes

I would have thought this would do a bit better, but the lack of an operator to convert numbers to a base 2 string seems to have hurt it. Maybe in a future version of Candy to pull an int from the stack and push 1's and 0's. That would make this one kind of boring, just XS?.


The long form is:

while   # stack not empty
  mod       # get low bit
  popAddZ   # Z = Z + low bit
  floor     # integer div 2
  if        # if the top of stack is non-zero
endwhile    # NOTE that the endwhile is in an if-then clause
    pushZ   # NOTE the lack of an endif.
            #  braces and parens are calculated as the
            #  program counter advances over them

Dale Johnson

Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 509


C# 45

int o=Convert.ToString(n,2).Count(x=>x=='1');

where o holds the amount of ones and where n is the number.

Alternative and faster C# 6.0 88 bytes

int o=b(n,16).Count(x=>x=='1');
static string b(int v,int l)=>(l>1?b(v>>1,l-1):null)+"01"[v&1];

where the o holds the number of ones and where the n is the number.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 3 582


Javascript ES6, 35 bytes



Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 11 342


x86 cpu instructions, 30 bytes

56 89 E6 8B 44 04 3D 00 00 74 0F D1 E8 50 E8 EF FF 8B 4C 04 81 E1 01 00 01 C8 5E C2 02 00

meaning and disassembly:

; input in the stack sp+4
; output in ax
push  si
mov   si,  sp
mov   ax,  [si+4]
cmp   ax,  0
je   .z
shr   ax,  1
push  ax
call  f
mov   cx,  [si+4]
and   cx,  1
add   ax,  cx
pop   si
ret 2

0000000F  56                push si
00000010  89E6              mov si,sp
00000012  8B4404            mov ax,[si+0x4]
00000015  3D0000            cmp ax,0x0
00000018  740F              jz 0x29
0000001A  D1E8              shr ax,1
0000001C  50                push ax
0000001D  E8EFFF            call 0xf
00000020  8B4C04            mov cx,[si+0x4]
00000023  81E10100          and cx,0x1
00000027  01C8              add ax,cx
00000029  5E                pop si
0000002A  C20200            ret 0x2


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 3 036


RProgN, 8 Bytes

2 B S ++


2 B     # Convert to base 2
S       # Convert from string to a stack of individual characters
++      # Sum the stack.

Simple enough, Could be made cheaper if the sugar for sum was single character, instead of double, as ►2BS<SUM> could then be used, saving a byte.

Test Cases

1337:       6.0
16:         1.0
255:        8.0
1236172031: 21.0


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 7 898


LUA 55 bytes

while(i>0)do if(v-i)>=0 then c=c+1;v=v-i;end i=i/2 end

v is the value

i is the max value of an (x)bit Integer, 65535 in this example.

c counts one up, if there's a remainder from (i-l), which means that a one is found.

This is more a simple algorithm than a single statement.


Posted 10 years ago

Reputation: 139

Not valid, c is not declared, and will error when (c=c+1) happens, you cannot assume i is a value, and you cannot assume the input is v. Please use the standard io methods. – ATaco – 8 years ago

Uhm,.. what? You can declare by defining in lua. – Sempie – 8 years ago

The declaring of these things must be part of the code. – ATaco – 8 years ago

EG, i=65535 c=0 v = while(i>0)do if(v-i)>=0 then c=c+1;v=v-i;end i=i/2 end – ATaco – 8 years ago