Join N copies of a snippet to produce N^2 characters




Write the shortest snippet of code possible such that, when N copies of it are concatenated together, the number of characters output is N2. N will be a positive integer.

For example if the snippet was soln();, then running soln(); would print exactly 1 character, and running soln();soln(); would print exactly 4 characters, and running soln();soln();soln(); would print exactly 9 characters, etc.

Any characters may be in the output as long as the total number of characters is correct. To avoid cross-OS confusion, \r\n newlines are counted as one character.

Programs may not read their own source or read their file size or use other such loopholes. Treat this like a strict challenge.

The output may go to stdout or a file or a similar alternative. There is no input.

Comments in the code are fine, as is exiting mid-execution.

Any characters may be in the program. The shortest submission in bytes wins.

Calvin's Hobbies

Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 84 000

Does the program have to terminate? – Martin Ender – 2015-02-05T17:57:08.573

@MartinBüttner Yes – Calvin's Hobbies – 2015-02-06T00:07:18.057



TECO, 4 bytes


V prints the contents of the current line in the text buffer. 1\ inserts the string representation of the number 1 at the current position.

So on the Nth iteration of the program, the first V will output N - 1 copies of the character 1, then add another 1 to the text, then output N 1s.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 29 566

1Can you add a link to TECO? – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-08-22T10:57:29.347


Brainfuck, 17 16 bytes


You can test it here. Just use the fact that n2+2n+1=(n+1)2.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 23 988

16I can't believe I'm seeing BF at a competitive level of bytes! – agweber – 2015-02-05T14:52:35.223


Brainfuck, 11

I saw the first Brainfuck answer and thought it's way too long :)


The output may be easier to see if you replace the plus with a lot more pluses.

On the Nth iteration, each loop outputs N - 1 copies of the character with ASCII value 1, and then one more with +..


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 29 566

You need to print N^2 characters, not N characters. I can't read BF code, so I don't know if your code is incorrect or if your description is incorrect. – Brian J – 2015-02-06T14:35:07.743

@BrianJ It prints N^2 characters. You can test it here: Replace the plus with a minus if you can't see the output.

– alephalpha – 2015-02-06T14:59:19.167

@alephalpha Oops, I now see that I misread the comment. The code does not do (N - 1) + 1 like I originally thought. – Brian J – 2015-02-06T15:02:38.880


Python 2, 22

a='';print a;a+='xx';a

Prints the empty string, then two x's, then x' four and so on. With the newline after each string, this comes out to n*n characters.

One copy: "\n" (1 char)
Two copies: "\nxx\n" (4 chars)
Three copies: "\nxx\nxxxx\n" (9 chars)

In order to stop the initial variable a from being reinitialized each run, I end the code with a ;a, which is benign on its own, but combined with the next loop to create the scapegoat aa to be assigned instead. This trick isn't mine; I saw it in a previous answer. I'd appreciate if someone could point me so I could give credit.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 115 687

Actually, is the final newline printed? – xnor – 2015-02-05T07:06:25.443

no I don't think the final newline is printed. But simply removing the , after print a should work. print a prints a newline after each print. – Justin – 2015-02-05T07:38:30.737

@Quincunx Oh, of course, thanks! – xnor – 2015-02-05T07:40:28.440

Are you talking about this post?

– Sp3000 – 2015-02-05T08:02:43.743


CJam, 6 bytes


Uses the fact that n2 + n + (n+1) = (n+1)2.

L      "Push L. Initially this is an empty string, but its length increases by 1 with each copy
        of the snippet.";
 L     "Push another L.";
  S+   "Add a space to the second copy.";
    :L "Store the lengthened string in L for the next copy of the snippet.";

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 184 808

:L..1+ is the same idea in GolfScript. – Peter Taylor – 2015-02-05T10:10:46.167

@PeterTaylor I was thinking ..n+ in GolfScript, but that pesky trailing newline... :( – Martin Ender – 2015-02-05T10:13:08.257

Hah, you're right. No need for :L because it's not used. – Peter Taylor – 2015-02-05T10:25:03.787


///, 21 bytes

I'm sure there is a really short and twisted way to solve this in /// but I couldn't find anything, beyond the "straightforward" way yet:


This is based on the approach of printing consecutive odd numbers. The snippet consists of a 1 at the start which is printed, and two replacements which add two more 1s to that first part of each consecutive copy of the snippet. Let's go through this for N = 3. The following should be read in groups of 3 or more lines: 1. the current code, 2. the processed token(s), 3. (and following) a comment what the above token does.

is printed
replaces all occurrences of 1/ with 112/. This affects the starts of all further snippets
but not the substitution commands, because the slashes in those are always escaped.
It is necessary to put a 2 in there, because otherwise the interpreter goes into an infinite
loop replacing the resulting 1/ again and again.
Replace all occurrences of 2/ with 1/, so the the next snippets substitution works again.
is printed
add two 1s again
turn the 2 into a 1 again
print 11111
the last two substitutions have nothing to substitute so they do nothing

Interestingly, it works just as well if we move the 1 to the end:


Martin Ender

Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 184 808


><>, 14 bytes


Uses the "sum of consecutive odd integers starting from 1" idea. It starts off with 1 and multiplies it by 100 each time, increasing the length of the output progressively by increments of 2.

For example, appending 5 copies gives


I tested by piping the output to a file, and didn't see a trailing newline.


1                   Push 1, skipped by ! every time except the first
 :n                 Copy top of stack and output as num                  
   a*a*             Multiply by 10 twice
       ';'10p       Modify the source code so that the first : becomes a ; for termination
             !      Skip the next 1


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 58 729


CJam, 10 9 bytes


This prints N2 spaces where N is the number of copies of the code.

Code eexpansion:

],            "Wrap everything on stack and take length";
  )_          "Increment and take copy";
    S*        "Get that length space string";
      a*      "Wrap that space string in an array and create that many copies";
        ~     "Unwrap so that next code can use to get length";

Try it online here


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 25 836


Python 2, 20 bytes



Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 29 566


Java - 91 bytes

{String s=System.getProperty("a","");System.out.println(s);System.setProperty("a","xx"+s);}

This solution is equivalent to this other one in Python. It surely won't win, but it was fun :)


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 150

Don't you need a class to run anything? – None – 2015-02-06T08:55:08.640

No, since OP asked for snippets of code. We can assume this is running inside a main, for example. – cygnusv – 2015-02-06T09:21:26.610

Then I have a 59 or even 44 byte solution. – None – 2015-02-06T09:24:16.600

Cool :) I prefer one-liners, but yours is indeed shorter! – cygnusv – 2015-02-06T09:36:09.740


Perl, 14 bytes


This needs to be run with Perl's -l command switch, which causes print to append new lines.

It prints the default variable $_, then prepends two underscores via substitution.


$ perl -le 'print;s//__/;print;s//__/;print;s//__/;print;s//__/;'



Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 18 565

flags are counted as 1 more byte per flag – Optimizer – 2015-02-05T10:59:27.467

What about say? – hmatt1 – 2015-02-06T22:55:45.880

@chilemagic I tried that, but I couldn't get it working on my versions of Perl. – grc – 2015-02-07T01:08:41.143

@grc it's version 5.10 and higher and you need -E instead. – hmatt1 – 2015-02-07T01:37:53.783

@chilemagic hmm, that didn't seem to work for me on 5.16. – grc – 2015-02-07T07:52:12.183

@grc that's really odd. I just tested it on 5.14 in cygwin perl -E 'say;s//__/;say;s//__/;say;s//__/;say;s//__/;' prints the same output as the example in your answer. – hmatt1 – 2015-02-07T14:23:11.123


Brainfuck, 10 chars

Both previous Brainfuck solutions were waaay too long (16 and 11 chars) so here is a shorter one:


In the n-th block it prints out 2*n-1 characters (with codepoints from 2*n-1 to 1)


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 19 909

2This wouldn't work in standard brainfuck, only if the cells are unlimited-size. Actually, it wouldn't totally make sense then either. How do you output character code 1 trillion? – feersum – 2015-02-08T23:28:18.057


C, 87 bytes

#include __FILE__

This uses two magic macros. __COUNTER__ is a macro that expands to 0 the first time it is used, 1 the second, etc. It is a compiler extension, but is available in both gcc, clang, and Visual Studio at least. __FILE__ is the name of the source file. Including a file in C/C++ is literally the same as pasting it directly into your source code, so it was a little tricky to make use of.

It would still be possible to use this technique without __COUNTER__. In that case, the standard guard against using code twice could be used for the #if statement, and __LINE__ could be used to count the number of characters needed.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 29 566

This solution is not written in C, but rather a C dialect. Please correct the language name. – FUZxxl – 2015-02-05T12:41:36.137

2@FUZxxl Most code-golf answers are only designed to work in gcc, so I'm not sure why this would be an issue. – feersum – 2015-02-05T13:31:45.730

It isn't, but you should really declare that. – FUZxxl – 2015-02-05T13:36:03.013

I'm confused. Why declare a non-issue? O_o – corsiKa – 2015-02-05T16:25:20.760

@corsiKa It's only a non-issue if you declare it. The C gcc speaks is not standard C. – FUZxxl – 2015-02-06T01:06:59.977

@FUZxxl I would say the compiler listens to C, not speaks it :) It understands standard C perfectly well, but also knows some other words. – feersum – 2015-02-06T01:39:52.740

@feersum I don't care how you say it. A standard conforming compiler may reject your program for it violates the standard. – FUZxxl – 2015-02-06T01:41:11.100


Prelude, 18 12 bytes


This prints N2 tabs. It assumes a standard-compliant interpreter which prints characters instead of numbers, so if you use the Python interpreter you'll need to set NUMERIC_OUTPUT to False.

The idea is simply to use the top of the stack (which is initially 0) as 2(N-1), and print 2N-1 tabs, then increment the top of the stack by 2. Hence each repetition prints the next odd number of tabs.

Martin Ender

Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 184 808


Java - 59 / 44 (depending on requirements)

static String n="1";

Apparently we're allowed to assume code runs in a class.

If it can go inside a main method:

String n="1";


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070



Dyalog APL, 20 19 bytes

A matrix based solution.


Try it here. Returns a string of N2 repetitions of a. Explanation by explosion for N = 2:

                                  ⍪'a'  Wrap 'a' into a 1x1 matrix.
                'a'{            }⍨      Binary function: bind 'a' to ⍵ and the matrix to ⍺.
                    ⍺≢⍵:                The arguments are not identical,
                        ⍵⍪⍵,⍺           so add to the matrix 1 column and 1 row of 'a's.
               ⍪                        Identity function for a matrix.
{            }⍨                         Unary function: bind the matrix to both ⍵ and ⍺.
 ⍺≢⍵:                                   The arguments are identical,
           ∊⍺                           so flatten the matrix into the string 'aaaa'.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 39 083


T-SQL 117


Note the trailing space to ensure that the if condition is properly checked every time.

Uses the odd numbers approach. Not sure if there's a newline on select statements.

Not sure if there's a shorter way to create a table if it doesn't exist.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 2 114

2Kudos to you for an unusual language choice. – Xynariz – 2015-02-05T19:56:36.500



di _n($a)
gl a=$a+2

There is a trailing new line to make sure that the display (di) statement works. First display the current number in $a newlines (and one additional from the default of display). Then add 2 to $a.

Uses the even numbers approach (i.e. odd numbers approach minus 1) with an extra newline every time.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 2 114


PostScript, 35 chars

count dup 2 mul 1 add string print

Each pass "leaks" one thing on the stack, so count goes up by 1 each time. Then it justs uses the sum of odd numbers trick.

The bytes output are all \000 because that's the initial value of strings.

Ben Jackson

Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 332


Haskell, 72

putStr$let a="1";aputStr=(\n->take(n^2)$show n++cycle" ").(+1).read in a


The apply operator $ acts as if you place surrounding parentheses around the rest of the line (there are exceptions to this, but it works in this case). aputStr is a function that takes a string with the format "abc ...", where "abc" is the square root of the length of the string, including abc. It will parse the string as an integer, and return a string starting with abc+1 and having that length squared. Because of the $ operator, this will get called recursively on "1" N times.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 111


Pyth, 8 bytes


This relies on the fact that N2 is equal to the sum of N odd numbers. Now Pyth auto prints an new line, so I have to just print Z * 2 characters in each code where Z goes from 0 to N - 1.

Code Expansion:

*d               "Print d whose value is a space character"
  *2Z            "2 * Z times where Z's initial value is 0"
     ~Z1         "Increment the value of Z";

Try it online here


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 25 836


Golflua, 23 bytes


outputs a combination of & and \n characters.

Equivalent Lua code

X = 2 + (X or -2)          -- initialize X to 0 the first time, add 2 ever other time

print(string.rep("&", X))

Each time the code snippet runs it produces 2 more characters of output than the last time, starting with 1 character. The print function appends a newline, so I initialize X to 0 instead of 1.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 81


ActionScript - 27 / 26 bytes

var n=""


var n=1

How it works:

var n=""
trace(n);n+="11"//var n=""

It simply comments out the first line. Note: trace adds a newline. Or maybe all the IDE's I use do that automatically.


Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070



GML, 27



Posted 2015-02-05T06:05:22.070

Reputation: 12 038