Write a base X to base Y function



Create a function 'baseXtoY' which:

converts an integer or string n, which is a base x number (hexadecimal, binary, etc) into a base y number, reliably, including numbers like 10e50 or higher, using the least bytes possible, and using the following constraints:

  • Provide built-in support for bases up to 64 using the following sequence: 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ=/
  • Provide support for bases higher than 64 by allowing a different sequence to be used in the input
  • Provide support for multi-byte sequences eg ('aa','bb','cc'...) in cases rally high value bases are needed (could also support unicode instead)
  • You cannot have a base less than 2. Show an error
  • You cannot use any built-in functions that convert base to base for you
  • You need not worry about floating point

parameters should be:

  • n - any number, as a string
  • x - the base of n, integer
  • y - the base of the return value
  • s1 - the sequence the given number's base uses
  • s2 - the sequence the desired base uses
  • b - the bytesize of the digits in s1
  • return value should be a string

example inputs: using '88888' base 10 to 2: baseXtoY('88888',10,2) >>> '10101101100111000'

base 2 to 5: baseXtoY('10101101100111000',2,5) >>> '10321023'

base 5 to 32: baseXtoY('10321023',5,32) >>> '2mpo'

base 32 to 10, using a new sequence, s=the above 64bit sequence, a=the alphabet: baseXtoY('2mpo',32,10,s,a) >>> 'hhhhh'

base 5 to 10, input base uses more than 1 byte per digit: baseXtoY('bbaaddccbbaaccdd',5,10,('aa','bb','cc','dd','ee'),'0123456789',2)) > '88888'`

you do not have to inlude the character length of the testing or input code, just the function(s).

edit: I've given up trying to shorten my Python code lower than the answers, so I'll just show what I have. 585 characters python 2.7

def b1(n,x,s):
 if n==0:return s[0]
 if x<=1:raise
 while 1:
  if y>p:break
 for p in l:h=int(n//p);f.append(h);n-=h*p
 while f[0]==0:f.pop(0)
 for p in r(len(f)):q+=s[f[p]]
 return q
def b2(n,x,s,b):
 while n:
  for p in r(b):a+=n.pop(0)
 while l:c=s.index(l.pop());q+=c*(x**m);m+=1
 return q
def baseXtoY(n,x=10,y=2,s1=s,s2=s,b=1):return n if x==y else b2(n,x,s1,b)if y==10 else b1(b2(n,x,s1,b),y,s2)

test cases:

32 10 5 >>> 112

112 5 2 >>> 100000

100000 2 10 >>> 32

88888 10 5 0123456789 ('aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd', 'ee') 1 >>> bbaaddccbbaaccdd

bbaaddccbbaaccdd 5 10 ('aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd', 'ee') 0123456789 2 >>> 88888


Posted 2011-12-29T04:08:27.780

Reputation: 1 902

Question was closed 2016-01-12T15:42:33.463

@Mego: This should not be a dupe. Also, regardless of quality, this question was here first (making the newer one a dupe of this one). Personally, I think these questions are dissimilar enough to be left alone.

– Zach Gates – 2016-01-12T15:23:23.673

@ZachGates There is no clear consensus on that post. This much more recent answer of mine has very strong support for closing old challenges as dupes of new ones.

– Martin Ender – 2016-01-12T15:42:05.397

The defaulting makes no sense, and restricts several languages. – Pubby – 2011-12-29T06:05:09.043

Can you elaborate more on what is meant by multi-byte sequences (aa, bb, ..)? – captncraig – 2011-12-29T06:12:46.830

@Pubby: perhaps it could be optional? – Blazer – 2011-12-29T07:13:14.437

@CMP: incase it was impossible for the desired output to be represented by single-byte digits – Blazer – 2011-12-29T07:16:04.043

Also allowing string and int as first argument rules out several languages. May we change this to string-only? – Howard – 2011-12-29T09:04:38.863

@howard: acceptable. you could also write more than one function if you did desire both int and string compatability, but since this is for shortest code, that's not really needed – Blazer – 2011-12-29T09:52:11.330

I don't understand the "more than one byte" bit. We're in the 21st century: ignoring Unicode and equating bytes with characters is prehistoric. – Peter Taylor – 2011-12-29T21:44:40.900

Can we assume that the bases will always be integers? For example, does the program have to be able to handle conversion from base 6 to base 3.14? – Peter Olson – 2011-12-30T07:34:47.357

The second last test case has to be '...aaaccdd' instead of '...aaddcc'. – user unknown – 2011-12-30T18:08:18.640

updated the challenge, multi-byte is no longer needed, bases should be integers – Blazer – 2011-12-31T02:07:37.717

2Please do not change the task after some people already have answered your question. It is fine to clarify some points or define some corner cases but not such a fundamental change as you did. E.g. the removal of multi-byte would mean a complete rewrite of my code since many things were done with this feature in mind (and I think this is also true for user unknown). – Howard – 2011-12-31T08:09:27.130

This is also true for user unknown, yes. If you have a new quizzle in mind, open a new one, and prepare it in the chat or in the sandbox- http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/423/373 -meta-thread, to handle questions beforehand. Thank you. Clarify the meaning of questions, but don't change them. So long -1 from me.

– user unknown – 2011-12-31T12:39:43.213

ack.. I'm new to this. Ineed to be more acquainted with the rules. sorry guys. I'll re-update the qustion to fit the answers already given – Blazer – 2011-12-31T21:19:51.043

So I revoke my downvote and turn it into an upvote. – user unknown – 2012-01-01T22:59:58.417

I've added my own attempt.. I'm never going to beat 128 characters :P. I think it's been long enough to choose the winner – Blazer – 2012-01-02T01:56:39.917



GolfScript, 139 130 128 characters


Most of the characters come from reading and converting parameters and adding the optional ones. The actual conversion is only few chars.

The example inputs are processed as expected:

'88888' 10 2                      # 10101101100111000
'10101101100111000' 2 5           # 10321023
'10321023' 5 32                   # 2mpo
'2mpo' 32 10                      # 88888
'88888' 10 5 '0123456789' ['aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee'] 1
                                  # bbaaddccbbaaccdd
'bbaaddccbbaaccdd' 5 10 ['aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee'] '0123456789' 2
                                  # 88888

Edit 1: some minor improvements, esp. coding the digits sequence.

Edit 2: this was an easy one: 0= can be replaced by ! two times in the conversion of the base parameters.


Posted 2011-12-29T04:08:27.780

Reputation: 23 109

That's one of the longer GolfScript programs... :P – Jwosty – 2014-06-14T21:38:41.223


scala: 399 365 chars:

type S=String
type I=Int
def t(l:List[I],b:I):I=l match{
case x::y=>(x%b)+b*t(y,b)
case Nil=>0}
def f(d:I,b:I):List[I]=if(d==0)List()else f(d/b,b):::List(d%b)
val c=(('0'to'9')++('a'to'z')++('A'to'Z')++Seq('=','/')).map(""+_)
def baseXtoY(a:S,g:I,r:I,i:Seq[S]=c,o:Seq[S]=c,w:I=1):S={

testing code:

baseXtoY ("88888", 10, 2) //"10101101100111000"
baseXtoY ("10101101100111000", 2, 5) // "10321023"
baseXtoY ("10321023", 5, 32) // "2mpo"
baseXtoY ("2mpo", 32, 10) // "88888"
baseXtoY ("88888", 10, 5,"0123456789".map ("" + _).toSeq, "aabbccddee".sliding (2, 2).toSeq, 1) // "bbaaddccbbaaccdd"
baseXtoY ("bbaaddccbbaaccdd", 5, 10, "aabbccddee".sliding (2,2).toSeq, "0123456789".map ("" + _).toSeq, 2) // "88888"


scala> baseXtoY ("88888", 10, 2) //"10101101100111000"
res218: S = 10101101100111000

scala> baseXtoY ("10101101100111000", 2, 5) // "10321023"
res219: S = 10321023

scala> baseXtoY ("10321023", 5, 32) // "2mpo"
res220: S = 2mpo

scala> baseXtoY ("2mpo", 32, 10) // "88888"
res221: S = 88888

scala> baseXtoY ("88888", 10, 5,"0123456789".map ("" + _).toSeq, "aabbccddee".sliding (2, 2).toSeq, 1) // "bbaaddccbbaaccdd"
res222: S = bbaaddccbbaaccdd

scala> baseXtoY ("bbaaddccbbaaccdd", 5, 10, "aabbccddee".sliding (2,2).toSeq, "0123456789".map ("" + _).toSeq, 2) // "88888"
res223: S = 88888

and ungolfed:

def todez (li: List[Int], base: Int): Int = li match {
  case x :: xs => (x % base) + base * todez (xs, base) 
  case Nil => 0}
def fromdez (dez: Int, base: Int): List[Int] =
  if (dez == 0) List () else fromdez (dez /base, base) ::: List (dez % base)
def fromTo (li: List[Int], in: Int, out: Int) = fromdez (todez (li.reverse, in), out) 

val coding=(('0'to'9')++('a'to'z')++('A'to'Z')++Seq('=','/')).map(""+ _)

def baseXtoY (in: String, f: Int, t: Int, inCoding: Seq[String] = coding, outCoding: Seq[String] = coding, width: Int=1): String = {
  val is = in.sliding (width, width).toList
  val li = is.map (inCoding.indexOf (_))
  val tmp = fromTo (li, f, t)
  tmp.map(outCoding(_)).mkString ("")

user unknown

Posted 2011-12-29T04:08:27.780

Reputation: 4 210


Scheme type conversions take care of this. The numerical tower too:

(define (f n b) (number->string n b))

Floating points, exceptions... Everything is taken care of. Just put a number and a base and it gets converted to whichever base.

Samuel Duclos

Posted 2011-12-29T04:08:27.780

Reputation: 136

1This line will only convert a string representation of a base [2, 16] number to a number type. Isn't it a bit far from spec? – Joanis – 2012-01-06T18:00:03.460

I don't see 6 parameters. – user unknown – 2012-01-06T19:05:31.077