Look-and-say: Conway revisited



You should all be familiar with the Conway sequence (a.k.a. 'look-and-say'-sequence) by now:


You can also start by any arbitrary number as starting point. Let f(s) be the next element of the sequence. Now for every given swe can find f(s). The reverse is not as trivial: it is not for every y possible to find the predecessor s such that f(s) = y. E.g. for y = 1 we cannot find a predecessor. But if y has an even length you can divide it into pairs of digits which describe each one part of a predecessor:

513211 divides in 51,32,11
so: 51 comes from 11111 
    32 comes from 222
    11 comes from 1
put together: 111112221

So this way there we can define an unique predecessor for every y of even length.

Note: The 'predecessor' s defined this way does generally NOT satisfy f(s) = y.


Write a function / program snippet that accepts a string of digits as input that

  • calculates the next element of the Conway sequence if the length of the input string is odd
  • calculates the predecessor of the input string as defined above if the input string length is even.

Shortest code in bytes wins.

Recent Questions based on the look-and-say sequences:


Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 40 560

1I'm confused. Can you explain how 513111 divides into 51, 32 and 11? – r3mainer – 2014-11-27T22:44:03.973

1I feel like this is a combined duplicate of some look and say sequence challenge and a run-length decoding challenge (I'm sure we had those). – Martin Ender – 2014-11-27T22:57:40.847

3What would the predecessor of 11111111111111 be? According to your spec, it would be 1111111. You should modify your specification to define a reasonable answer for this. – TheNumberOne – 2014-11-27T23:44:24.113

1@TheBestOne 11111111111111 simply has no predecessor. It's an illegal input. – kay - SE is evil – 2014-11-28T00:37:46.397

2@TheBestOne Yes this is correct, I defined an arbitrary rule for the predecessor that does not always match a 'real' predecessor. – flawr – 2014-11-28T09:19:52.850



CJam, 46 45 44 43 42 bytes


Test it here. It takes the number on STDIN and prints the result to STDOUT.

Martin Ender

Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 184 808

si -> ~ = 45 – Optimizer – 2014-11-28T14:19:30.123

@Optimizer Thanks, I forget you can eval a character. – Martin Ender – 2014-11-28T14:21:52.170


Ruby, 125 120 119 101 bytes


String input taken through function f:

f['111221']    # => "1211"
f['513211']    # => "111112221"
f['111112221'] # => "513211"

Expanded with notes:

# define lambda that takes one arg
f = -> (n) {
  # store digits in c
  c = n.chars

  # n is of odd length
  if n.size % 2 > 0
    # group identical numbers
    c.chunk{ |x| x }.map do |a, b|
      # array of [digit count, digit value]
      [b.size, a]
    # slice array into groups of two elements
    c.each_slice(2).map do |a, b|
      # repeat the second digit in a pair
      # the first digit-times.
      b * a.hex
  end * '' # join array


Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 706


Prolog - 170 bytes

N+R+A:-N=:=0,A=R;D is N mod 10,N//10+R+[D|A].
[1]-[1,1]. S-T:-S-[1]-T.

This snipped defines the function (-)/2. You can invoke it like

?- [1,1,1,3,2,1,3,2,1,1]-T.
T = [1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1] .

?- [1]-T.
T = [1, 1] .

There seems to be only one lengths in this sequence with an odd parity: the initial [1].

wr_len :- wr_len(1, [1]).
wr_len(N, Cur) :-
    length(Cur, Len),
    TrailingZeroes is lsb(Len),
    (TrailingZeroes > 0 -> Par = 'even'; Par = 'odd'),
    writef('%t\t%t\t%t\t%t\n', [N, Len, Par, TrailingZeroes]),
    get_next(Cur, Next),
    succ(N, O),
    !, wr_len(O, Next).
% index, length, parity of length, num of trailing 0 in bin presentation of length
?- wr_len.
1       1       odd     0
2       2       even    1
3       2       even    1
4       4       even    2
5       6       even    1
6       6       even    1
7       8       even    3
8       10      even    1
9       14      even    1
10      20      even    2
11      26      even    1
12      34      even    1
13      46      even    1
14      62      even    1
15      78      even    1
16      102     even    1
17      134     even    1
18      176     even    4
19      226     even    1
20      302     even    1
21      408     even    3
22      528     even    4
23      678     even    1
24      904     even    3
25      1182    even    1
26      1540    even    2
27      2012    even    2
28      2606    even    1
29      3410    even    1
30      4462    even    1
31      5808    even    4
32      7586    even    1
33      9898    even    1
34      12884   even    2
35      16774   even    1
36      21890   even    1
37      28528   even    4
38      37158   even    1
39      48410   even    1
40      63138   even    1
41      82350   even    1
42      107312  even    4
43      139984  even    4
44      182376  even    3
45      237746  even    1
46      310036  even    2
47      403966  even    1
48      526646  even    1
49      686646  even    1
50      894810  even    1
51      1166642 even    1
52      1520986 even    1
53      1982710 even    1
54      2584304 even    4
55      3369156 even    2
56      4391702 even    1
57      5724486 even    1
58      7462860 even    2
59      9727930 even    1
ERROR: Out of global stack
% I added a few "strategic" cuts (`!`) to get so far.


get_next([], []).
get_next(Current, Next) :-
    get_next_sub(0, _, Current, Next).

get_next_sub(Length, Digit, [Digit|Tail], Result) :-
    get_next_sub(Length+1, Digit, Tail, Result).
get_next_sub(Length, Digit, Further, Result) :-
    number_to_list(10*Length+Digit, Result, ResultTail),
    get_next(Further, ResultTail).

number_to_list(Number, Result, Accumulator) :-
    0 is Number -> Result = Accumulator;
    Digit is Number mod 10,
    number_to_list(Number // 10, Result, [Digit|Accumulator]).

get_previous(Stop, Current, Result) :-
    get_next(Current, Next),
    (   Next = Stop
    ->  Result = Current
    ;   get_previous(Stop, Next, Result)

get_prev_or_next(Input, Result) :-
    length(Input, Length),
    (   1 is Length mod 2
    ->  get_next(Input, Result)
    ;   get_previous(Input, [1], Result)

kay - SE is evil

Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 230


Python: 139 chars

import re
f=lambda s:''.join(['len(b)'+a for a,b in re.findall(r'((\d)\2*)',s)] if len(s)%2 else map(lambda a,b:b*int(a),s[::2],s[1::2]))

single test case

print f('1111122221111222112')
>>> 514241322112
print f('514241322112')
>>> 1111122221111222112


Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 101

You can remove the space from s)] if to s)]if. – Bakuriu – 2014-11-30T08:38:16.267

You can also remove the space in between 2 else – Beta Decay – 2014-11-30T10:20:49.073


Haskell, 134 128 115

l x=x#mod(n x)2
(a:b)#1=(\(c,d)->show(1+n c)++a:d#1)$span(==a)b

If it needs to be from stdin/stdout, add main=interact l for 150 144 131 total chars. The function is called l.

*Main> putStr . unlines $ map (\x->x++":\t"++l x) ([replicate n '1'|n<-[5..10]]++map show [0,6..30]++map show [n*n+n|n<-[2..10]])
11111:  51
111111: 111
1111111:    71
11111111:   1111
111111111:  91
1111111111: 11111
0:  10
6:  16
12: 2
18: 8
24: 44
30: 000
6:  16
12: 2
20: 00
30: 000
42: 2222
56: 66666
72: 2222222
90: 000000000
110:    2110


Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 1 525

Could you please provide usage example? While I got l "11" to work, I get an exception with l "111" or l "1111111111111" – Paul Guyot – 2014-11-28T14:35:15.923

@PaulGuyot, Seems like fixing that cut a few chars off my score. Thanks :-) – Zaq – 2014-11-28T16:00:46.830


Perl - 98 bytes

The size of all these control statements bugs me, but I'm pretty happy with how the regexes worked out.

($_)=@ARGV;if(length()%2){$\=$&,s/^$&+//,print length$&while/^./}else{print$2x$1while s/^(.)(.)//}


$\=$&, #Assigning the character to $\ causes it to be appended to the print (thanks, tips thread!)
s/^$&+//, #Extract the string of characters
print length$& #Print its length
while/^./ #Get next character into $&
while s/^(.)(.)//


Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 2 118


Java 7, Score = 252 235 bytes

Yep, it's java again; the worst golfing language in the world. This approach uses strings. Arbitrarily large integers are supported in java but would take much more room to code in.

Call with f(intputString). Returns the corresponding string.


String f(String a){char[]b=a.toCharArray();a="";int i=0,j=0,d=0,e=b.length;if(e%2==0)for(;i<e;i+=2)for(j=0;j<b[i]-48;j++)a+=b[i+1];else{for(;i<e;i++)d=d==0?(j=b[i]-48)*0+1:b[i]-48!=j?(a+=d+""+j).length()*--i*0:d+1;a+=d;a+=j;}return a;}

Golfed Expanded with structure code:

public class LookAndSayExpandedGolfed{

    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println(new LookAndSayExpandedGolfed().f(args[0]));

    String f(String a){
        int i=0,j=0,d=0,e=b.length;
        return a;


Partially Golfed:

public class LookAndSayPartiallyGolfed{

    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println(new LookAndSayPartiallyGolfed().f(args[0]));

    String f(String a){
        char[] number = a.toCharArray();
        String answer = "";
        int i, j, longestStreakLength = 0;
        if (number.length % 2 == 0){
            for (i = 0; i < number.length; i += 2)
                for (j = 0; j < number[i] - 48; j++)
                    answer += number[i+1];
        } else{
            j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < number.length; i++)
                longestStreakLength = longestStreakLength == 0 ? (j = number[i] - 48) * 0 + 1 : number[i] - 48 != j ? (answer += longestStreakLength + "" + j).length()*--i*0 : longestStreakLength + 1;
            answer += longestStreakLength;
            answer += j;
        return answer;


Completely expanded:

public class LookAndSay{

    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println(new LookAndSay().function(args[0]));

    String function(String a){
        char[] number = a.toCharArray();
        if (number.length % 2 == 0){
            String answer = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < number.length; i += 2){
                for (int j = 0; j < number[i] - '0'; j++){
                    answer += number[i+1];
            return answer;
        String answer = "";
        int longestStreakLength = 0;
        int longestStreakNum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < number.length; i++){
            if (longestStreakLength == 0){
                longestStreakNum = number[i] - '0';
                longestStreakLength = 1;
            if (number[i] - '0' != longestStreakNum){
                answer += longestStreakLength;
                answer += longestStreakNum;
                longestStreakLength = 0;
            } else {
        answer += longestStreakLength;
        answer += longestStreakNum;
        return answer;


To run, first compile the second entry with: javac LookAndSayExpandedGolfed.java

Then run with: java LookAndSayExpandedGolfed

Edit: Fixed error.


Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 10 855

Doesn't work for me, Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 4 at java.lang.String.charAt(String.java:658) – Octavia Togami – 2014-11-30T04:18:20.380

@KenzieTogami Fixed. – TheNumberOne – 2014-11-30T23:51:29.050

I don't think so, is --1 supposed to be --i? – Octavia Togami – 2014-12-01T00:03:52.713

@KenzieTogamie Yes, it is. It's fixed now. – TheNumberOne – 2014-12-01T00:33:31.560

Cool, that works. The reverser fails, however. 513211 -> 11111. – Octavia Togami – 2014-12-01T00:59:03.437

As soon as you fix that (or if I do while I try to golf this more) I compressed the current one to 233. – Octavia Togami – 2014-12-01T01:37:39.023

@KenzieTogami Fixed – TheNumberOne – 2014-12-01T01:38:38.963

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– Octavia Togami – 2014-12-01T01:38:54.463


Erlang, 205


Main function is f, taking the input as an Erlang string and returning the output as a string as well.

f("11"). % returns "1"
f("111"). % returns "31"
f("1111111111111"). % returns "131"

The function can be made 15 bytes shorter (190) by dropping the more than 9 identical characters case requirement. f calls g which computes the predecessor recursively, and if the number of characters is odd (found at when computation ends), it calls function i which, paired with h, computes the next element.

Paul Guyot

Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 221


Haskell, 105

import Data.List
c r|odd$l r=group r>>=(l>>=(.take 1).shows)|x:y:z<-r=[y|_<-['1'..x]]++c z|0<1=r

I think it's nice it turned out not using any helper functions :-).

proud haskeller

Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 5 866

|x:y:z<-r - I totally did not know you could do that. That's so cool! – Flonk – 2014-11-28T17:35:36.543

@Flonk Its called "pattern guards". It used to be an extension and in one of the versions of Haskell it was added :-) – proud haskeller – 2014-11-28T17:40:36.993

This makes a lot of things so much easier. You learn something new every day! :) – Flonk – 2014-11-28T17:48:29.950


APL (45)

∊{2|⍴⍵:(⊃,⍨⍕∘⍴)¨⍵⊂⍨1,2≠/⍵⋄/⍨∘⍎/¨⌽¨⍵⊂⍨1 0⍴⍨⍴⍵}

Yes, that's a valid function definition, even with the on the outside.

      ∊{2|⍴⍵:(⊃,⍨⍕∘⍴)¨⍵⊂⍨1,2≠/⍵⋄/⍨∘⍎/¨⌽¨⍵⊂⍨1 0⍴⍨⍴⍵}'513211'
      ∊{2|⍴⍵:(⊃,⍨⍕∘⍴)¨⍵⊂⍨1,2≠/⍵⋄/⍨∘⍎/¨⌽¨⍵⊂⍨1 0⍴⍨⍴⍵}'111112221'
      f←∊{2|⍴⍵:(⊃,⍨⍕∘⍴)¨⍵⊂⍨1,2≠/⍵⋄/⍨∘⍎/¨⌽¨⍵⊂⍨1 0⍴⍨⍴⍵}
      f ¨ '513211' '111112221'


Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 30 224


Javascript (in-browser, ES5, IE8+), 152

var s=prompt(),r='',n=r,c=r,i=0;do{c!=s[i]?(r+=n+c,n=1,c=s[i]):n++;i++}while(c)n='';i=0;while(s[i]){n+=Array(1*s[i]+1).join(c=s[i+1]);i+=2}alert(c?n:r)

Can be shortened by 4 chars if you skip var, or a few more chars with other intermediate unvarred globals too, but let's pretend we are not bad programmers for a minute.

Switching to ES6 short-syntax function with argument and return value instead of using prompt, alert for IO can save more.

JSFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/86L1w6Lk/


Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 19

5Don't worry about those vars... we're all "bad programmers" here. ;) – Martin Ender – 2014-11-28T12:30:12.987


Python 3 - 159 bytes

import re;l=input();x=len;print(''.join([str(x(i))+j for i,j in re.findall('((.)\2*)',l)]if x(l)%2 else[j*int(i)for i,j in[l[i:i+2]for i in range(0,x(l),2)]]))

Beta Decay

Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 21 478


Cobra - 217

(186 if I can assume a use statement for System.Text.RegularExpressions exists elsewhere)

do(s='')=if((l=s.length)%2,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.replace(s,(for x in 10 get'[x]+|').join(''),do(m=Match())="['[m]'.length]"+'[m]'[:1]),(for x in 0:l:2get'[s[x+1]]'.repeat(int.parse('[s[x]]'))).join(''))


Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 7 916


JavaScript (ES6) 85

Using regular expression replace with function. Different regexp and different function depending on input length being even or odd.



Posted 2014-11-27T22:05:11.440

Reputation: 31 086