Implement the shortest Sudoku solver.
Sudoku Puzzle:
| 1 2 3 | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9
A| 3 | 1 |
B| 6 | | 5
C| 5 | | 9 8 3
D| 8 | 6 | 3 2
E| | 5 |
F| 9 3 | 8 | 6
G| 7 1 4 | | 9
H| 2 | | 8
I| | 4 | 3
| 1 2 3 | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9
A| 8 3 2 | 5 9 1 | 6 7 4
B| 4 9 6 | 3 8 7 | 2 5 1
C| 5 7 1 | 2 6 4 | 9 8 3
D| 1 8 5 | 7 4 6 | 3 9 2
E| 2 6 7 | 9 5 3 | 4 1 8
F| 9 4 3 | 8 1 2 | 7 6 5
G| 7 1 4 | 6 3 8 | 5 2 9
H| 3 2 9 | 1 7 5 | 8 4 6
I| 6 5 8 | 4 2 9 | 1 3 7
- Assume all mazes are solvable by logic only.
- All input will be 81 characters long. Missing characters will be 0.
- Output the solution as a single string.
- The "grid" may be stored internally however you wish.
- The solution must use a non-guessing solution. (see Sudoku Solver)
Example I/O:
>sudoku.py "030001000006000050500000983080006302000050000903800060714000009020000800000400030"
@Jonathan, IMO the main point to solving it logically is to estimate the difficulty. – Peter Taylor – 2011-02-08T16:45:24.890
4Problems "solvable by logic only" is very vague. Do you mean, perhaps, using only the basic steps of a) Writing a value in a cell for which it's value not in its row, column, and block b) Identifying a number that can only go in one place in its row, column, or block, and writing it there? – xnor – 2014-05-17T02:41:17.493
You should really add a time limit. – JPvdMerwe – 2011-02-02T00:30:24.037
Pretty sure this has been done before. There are some very short solvers out there, but some puzzles will take a long long time to solve using a naive algorithm – gnibbler – 2011-02-02T00:40:40.407
1@JPvdMerwe: Good point, but a time limit would be hard to standardize. – snmcdonald – 2011-02-02T01:19:44.070
1@gnibbler: It might have been done before (but not on codegolf.se). I think it will still be fun to solve as well as add some value to the community, especially if one goes about it honestly. – snmcdonald – 2011-02-02T01:47:56.550
2I like this one. I've been hesitant to try an actual golf solution, and I've been thinking about writing a Sudoku solver (it seems like a fun exercise). I think it's something people like me, who've never golfed before, could use as a jumping-off point. And once I come up with one, I might then golf it. – Andy – 2011-02-02T04:47:18.203
@Andy: gnibbler and JPvdMerwe brought up a good point that naive solvers could eventually solve this questions given enough time. My intention for this question was for it be solved specifically by logic. Since no one has answered I think I will add that specification. – snmcdonald – 2011-02-02T04:51:02.487
@snmcdonald: Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly do you mean by "by logic"? Do you mean, no brute-forcing? – Andy – 2011-02-02T04:55:06.147
@Andy: see http://www.sudokusolver.co.uk/step.html
– snmcdonald – 2011-02-02T04:56:30.730is bruteforce guessing? – st0le – 2011-02-02T11:36:18.287
@stole: yes it is. We could have another Code Golf that is a guessing only solution. As JPvdMerwe suggested it might be a good idea to add a time limit to a guessing solution. – snmcdonald – 2011-02-02T14:57:15.597
You could make use of answers here: http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=96
– Nick T – 2011-02-03T03:06:57.787This is definitely an interesting problem. Unfortunately, since it's a lot harder than brute-forcing it, and brute-forcing it appears to be quite fast ( http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/378/implement-a-brute-force-sudoku-solver ), I'm not sure that there's much point in solving it logically other than the challenge. If all you care about is solving it, then brute force does just fine (and it's a lot easier to write). Nonetheless, solving it logically is definitely a great challenge.
– Jonathan M Davis – 2011-02-03T08:31:59.913