Find all reachable nodes in a graph



You are given a directed graph in an adjacency dictionary format. This can be whatever format is most natural for your language. For instance, in python, this would be a dictionary with keys of nodes and values which are lists of nodes which that node has an edge to. For instance:

G={1: [2, 3], 2: [3], 3: [1], 4:[2]}

Be reasonable. A dictionary of frozen sets is not allowed, even if it makes your code shorter. A list of lists is fine, if your language doesn't have dictionaries.

Your task is to implement a function that takes a directed graph and a starting node, and outputs all nodes reachable from the starting node. The output format is also flexible. A return value from a function is fine, so is print, etc.

Test case:

G={1: [2, 3], 2: [3], 3: [1], 4:[2]}


Fewest characters wins. I will clarify if needed.


Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 39 268



Mathematica 63 40 37

My earlier submission was incorrect. I had misinterpreted what ConnectedComponents returns. The present approach relies on Belisarius' suggestion to useVertexOutComponent. 3 additional chars saved by alephalpha.

The following generates an 11 by 11 adjacency matrix of 0's and 1's, where 1 indicates that the vertex with the row number is connected directly to the vertex corresponding to column number of the cell. (SeedRandom ensures that your matrix a will match mine.)

a = Array[RandomChoice[{0.9, 0.1} -> {0, 1}] &, {11, 11}];


(37 chars)


{4, 1, 7, 8, 9, 3}


The directed graph displays how to reach vertices {1, 7, 8, 9, 3} from vertex 4.

AdjacencyGraph[a, ImagePadding -> 30, VertexLabels -> "Name"]



Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 24 524

Not sure. Methinks it's m = {{0, 1, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1, 0}}; ConnectedComponents[AdjacencyGraph[m, DirectedEdges -> True], 1] – Dr. belisarius – 2014-04-20T06:18:14.657

I'll check and get back to you. – DavidC – 2014-04-20T12:28:29.423

Nope. Mine is wrong. Not sure about yours. – Dr. belisarius – 2014-04-20T15:48:17.230

This seems to work: m = {{0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 0}}; VertexOutComponent[AdjacencyGraph@m, 3, Infinity]. The DirectedEdges -> True isn't needed. – Dr. belisarius – 2014-04-20T15:55:36.520

I forgot about VertexOutComponent. Would you like to post? – DavidC – 2014-04-20T20:24:35.647

1Nah, I think one Mma answer per Q is enough. Please be my guest to use the code if that fits you :) – Dr. belisarius – 2014-04-20T20:27:16.603

Is the here necessary? – alephalpha – 2014-04-21T16:21:31.653

Apparently [Infinity] is not needed. Thanks. – DavidC – 2014-04-21T18:57:33.223


Python 2.7 - 80 65

def R(G,s):
 while k:a=a|k;k|=set(G[k.pop()])-a
 print a


Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 39 268


GolfScript, 27 24 characters


This code implements the operator C which takes starting node and graph on the stack and leaves a list of reachable notes on the stack after execution.

Example (online):

[1] [[1 [2 3]][2 [3]][3 [1]][4 [2]]] C
# returns [1 2 3]


Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 23 109

You can get a reasonable saving with a filter. The best I've got so far is to replace the inner loop with G{1$&},{~||}/ – Peter Taylor – 2014-04-19T10:41:35.593

@PeterTaylor Thank you. I was working on a different approach (.{{&}+G?)||}/) which has the same character count but I find your's a bit nicer. – Howard – 2014-04-19T13:15:21.863


J - 19 15 char

J doesn't have a dictionary type, and is generally garbage with representing things the way people are used to in other languages. This is a bit idiosyncratic with how it represents things, but that's because J and graphs don't blend well, and not because I'm looking for optimal ways of representing directed graphs. But even if it doesn't count, I think it's a concise, interesting algorithm.


This is a function which takes a graph on the left and a list of nodes to start with on the right.

Graphs are lists of boxed lists, and the nodes are indices into the list that represents the graph. J indexes from zero, so nodes are nonnegative integers, but you can skip 0 and pretend to have 1-based indexing by using an empty list ('') in the 0 place. (Indented lines are input to the J console, lines flush with the margin are output.)

   2 4;1 2 4;0;0 2;1   NB. {0: [2, 4], 1: [1, 2, 4], 2: [0], 3: [0, 2], 4:[1]}
|2 4|1 2 4|0|0 2|1|
   '';2 3;3;1;2        NB. {1: [2, 3], 2: [3], 3: [1], 4:[2]}
||2 3|3|1|2|
   '';'';2;9;1 7 8 9;3 6;4 8;7;'';3;'';7   NB. the big Mathematica example
|||2|9|1 7 8 9|3 6|4 8|7||3||7|

Lists of numbers are just space-separated lists of numbers. In general a scalar (just one number in a row) is not the same as a one-item list, but I use only safe operations that end up promoting scalars to one-item lists, so everything's cool.

The function explained (supposing we invoke as graph ~.@(],;@:{~)^:_ nodes):

  • {~ - For each node in nodes, take the list of adjacent nodes from graph.
  • ;@: - Turn the list of adjacencies into a list of nodes.
  • ], - Prepend nodes to this list.
  • ~.@ - Throw out any duplicates.
  • ^:_ - Repeat this procedure with the same graph until it results in no change to the right hand argument, i.e. there are no new nodes to discover.

The verb in action:

   ('';2 3;3;1;2) ~.@(],;@:{~)^:_ (1)           NB. example in question
1 2 3
   f =: ~.@(],;@:{~)^:_                         NB. name for convenience
   (2 4;1 2 4;0;0 2;1) f 2
2 0 4 1
   ('';'';2;9;1 7 8 9;3 6;4 8;7;'';3;'';7) f 4  NB. Mathematica example
4 1 7 8 9 3

If you don't like this graph representation, here's a couple quick verbs for converting to/from adjacency matrices.

   a=:<@#i.@#        NB. adj.mat. to graph
   mat=:0,0,.0 1 1 0,0 0 1 0,1 0 0 0,:0 1 0 0
   mat               NB. adj.mat. for {1:[2,3],2:[3],3:[1],4:[2]}
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
   a mat
||2 3|3|1|2|
   A=:+/@:=&>/i.@#   NB. graph to adj.mat.
   A a mat
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0

For anyone wondering why the graph is the left argument to the verb, it's because that's the general convention in J: control information on the left, data on the right. Consider list search, list i. item, and the sequential machine dyad, machine ;: input.


Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 8 144


Python 2.7 (using networkx) - 71

from networkx import*

Sample Run

>>> G={1: [2, 3], 2: [3], 3: [1], 4:[2]}
>>> s=1
>>> from networkx import*
>>> single_source_shortest_path(DiGraph(G),s).keys()
[1, 2, 3]


Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 2 841

networkx is not really core Python. – isaacg – 2014-04-23T09:40:16.720

@isaacg: I do not see any restriction to use core Python. It is an accepted practice in this forum to use libraries unless it is explicitly restricted. So I disagree with your comment and downvote. – Abhijit – 2014-04-23T11:54:50.133

Is that so? I must have been unclear on the accepted practice of the forum. I will remove my downvote at the next opportunity. – isaacg – 2014-04-23T11:57:03.237


JavaScript (ECMAScript 6) - 70 Characters

f=(G,s)=>{y=Set([s]);y.forEach(x=>G[x].forEach(z=>y.add(z)));return y}


G={1: [2, 3], 2: [3], 3: [1], 4:[2]}

Returns a set containing:



Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 3 373


Mathematica, 29 chars



G = {1 -> {2, 3}, 2 -> {3}, 3 -> {1}, 4 -> {2}}; s = 1;

{1, 2, 3}


Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 23 988

This is an awesome solution. I don't understand Mathematica, though. Could you explain? – isaacg – 2014-04-23T09:10:42.900


Python – 54 52 + 7 + 7

def R(G,s,A):
    for n in set(G[s])-A:R(G,n,A)

R needs to be called with an empty set as an additional argument. This set contains the output, when R has finished. Example of usage:

G = {1: [2, 3], 2: [3], 3: [1], 4:[2]}
print A

If you consider this way of output cheating, keep in mind that it’s very normal in C, for example. Anyway, you may want to charge 7 additional chars for the intialisation of the empty set (A=set()) and 7 for the print line.


Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 2 772

I would allow this method, but charge you six characters for the empty set - A={[]} - and seven characters for the print A line, for a total of 67 characters. YMMV, though. – isaacg – 2014-04-22T05:25:07.210

@isaacg: I accept the charge for the empty set, but why the charge for printing? Would you also charge this for a function, which returns the set/list/… in a “regular” manner? – Wrzlprmft – 2014-04-22T13:29:53.643

A return value would not be charged for. Eh - it's rather borderline, I could see the A value being free. The issue I see is that you essentially just saved the output to a variable, not returned or output it. – isaacg – 2014-04-22T17:48:58.340


Haskell, 64 bytes

import Data.List
n#v=nub$id=<<length n`take`iterate(>>=(n!!))[v]

Takes input as a zero-based list of lists, try it online!

Explanation / Ungolfed

The term vertices >>= (adjacencyList !!) takes a list of vertices, looks up all reachable vertices of them and returns them as a list.

So we repeatedly do this starting with the input vertex [v]


take as many elements from that list as there are nodes in the graph

         length n`take`

concatenate the result


and finally remove all the duplicates




Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 15 345


Java 10, 130 characters

A curried lambda that takes the graph as a Map<Integer, List<Integer>> and an int start node. Output is returned as a Set<Integer>.

import java.util.*;

g->s->{var o=new TreeSet();o.add(s);for(var x:g.keySet())for(var n:new TreeSet(o))o.addAll(g.get(n));return o;}

Try It Online

This carries out a slightly stupid breadth-first search just past a maximum possible non-cyclical path length (the number of graph nodes).


Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 2 428


Clojure, 52 bytes

#(nth(iterate(fn[A](set(mapcat % A)))[%2])(count %))

This implicitly assumes that all nodes have outgoing vertices.

54 bytes

#(loop[A[%2]B[]](if(= A B)A(recur(set(mapcat % A))A)))

The nifty part is the (mapcat % A), which uses the input argument {1 [2, 3], 2 [3], 3 [1], 4 [2]} as a function (given a key it returns the corresponding value) and concatenates all the ids together. Then it is just a matter of iterating this procedure until we have converged.


Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 2 361


Python, 72 chars

def R(G,s):
 for i in G:r+=sum((G[x]for x in r),[])
 print set(r)

Terribly inefficient because nodes can appear in r multiple times. Fortunately, not a judging criterion.

Keith Randall

Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 19 865

You can shave 2 characters and make it even more inefficient by changing the empty list to r and += to +. – isaacg – 2014-04-20T23:56:01.060

I mean += to =. – isaacg – 2014-04-21T00:01:34.783

You can shave another character by changing the for loop to and exec statement and one-lining it: def R(g,s):r=[s];exec'r=sum((G[x]for x in r),r);'*len(G);print set(r) – isaacg – 2014-04-21T00:05:49.830


K4 , 12 bytes

The code is:

{?,/x,G x}/1

Here's an example of its use:

  G:1 2 3 4!(2 3;3;1;2)
  {?,/x,G x}/1
1 2 3
  H:(!12)!(();();2;9;1 7 8 9;3 6;4 8;7;();3;();7)
  {?,/x,H x}/4
4 1 7 8 9 3

input is a dictionary from int to int or list of int

the basic op is G s, retrieve the child nodes for s

this is then stuffed into the built-in convergence operator /

the rest is to, at each stage, prepend the parent node, flatten the results down to a vector, and dedupe them -- this is needed to make the answer actually converge

btw, for an extra three characters, you can have all the reachability lists:

  {G(?,/,)'G x}/G
1 2 3 4!(2 3 1;3 1 2;1 2 3;2 3 1)
  {H(?,/,)'H x}/H
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11!(();();,2;9 3;1 7 8 9 3;3 6 9 4 8 1 7;4 8 1 7 9 3;,7;();3 9;();,7)

this is the same general idea, applied to the basic op of G G

Aaron Davies

Posted 2014-04-18T22:55:26.913

Reputation: 881

This should be the accepted answer... – cat – 2016-04-10T16:31:48.803