Android Lock Screen




You are sitting in a board room at the end of a long table. You look around and see Tim Cook, the Apple Board of Directors, the ghost of Steve Jobs, and Jack Donaghy. Apple has called this meeting because they have realized how much cooler the Android lock screen is, and they want to 1-UP them. Everyone in the room stares at you as Ghost Steve cries, "Help me, CodeGolf Man! You're my only hope!"

The Problem

The Android lock screen is a 3 x 3 grid of dots that can be connected by swiping a finger from one dot to the next, creating a path. A password is considered any possible path that includes any number of dots, and excludes any number of dots. (On an actual phone, the path must be at least 4 dots long. For this challenge, ignore that restriction.) Apple plans to replace the 3 x 3 grid with an M x N grid, which is (M*N)/9 times better!


  • A zero dot path is not a password, but a 1 dot path is
  • A path can cross itself
  • A path cannot cross directly over a dot without including that dot
  • A dot can only be used once
  • Paths that are identical by rotation are not the same password
  • Paths that are identical but ordered in reverse are not the same password
  • For example, on a 3x3 grid with dots numbered from 1 to 9:

    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    7 8 9

    Some valid paths are:


    And some invalid paths are:


    Your input will be three numbers:


    Where the grid is M x N, and d is the length of the path

    1 <= M <= 16
    1 <= N <= 16
    1 <= d <= M * N

    Your program or function will be given the input as a comma separated string, and it must return the number of possible passwords of that length. For example:

    Input:  2,2,1 
    Output: 4
    Input:  2,2,2
    Output: 12
    Input:  7,4,1
    Output: 28

    Standard code golf rules apply, shortest code wins!

    //If I've made a mistake or the rules are unclear, please correct me!


    Posted 2014-03-31T18:23:33.027

    Reputation: 351

    You said "your program must return...", but in your example you have provided something that resembles a function. It may be better to reword your question so that it is either a program, or a function, or a program or a function. – user12205 – 2014-03-31T18:42:29.430

    It that more clear? This is my first question, so I'm not 100% clear on the specifics. – Platatat – 2014-03-31T18:54:47.080

    2Is the input a comma-separated string or three separate parameters? – user80551 – 2014-03-31T18:57:28.030

    1@user80551 Based on the context, I think it will be a string if it is input to a program, or separate parameters if it is used to call the function. – user12205 – 2014-03-31T19:53:52.183

    1@Platatat can you please answer user80551's question, as this is really important to design the code – RononDex – 2014-03-31T20:02:20.717

    Let's say the input is a comma separated string – Platatat – 2014-03-31T21:10:26.270

    3You should decide if there's going to be a time limit for both the compile and execution time of a given solution. Without such a limit, it's easy to write a program that, in theory, verifies which of all 256! permutations of the dots on the 16 x 16 grid represent a valid unlock pattern. In practice, such a program would never terminate. – Dennis – 2014-03-31T22:57:49.187

    What about the same paths in reverse order ? d must be greater or equal. I think you should remove movements like 7,2 (not neighbours) and 5,6,4 (overlapping), they add difficulty to an already hard challenge. – A.L – 2014-04-01T02:13:55.147

    can you explain why 5,9,6,4 is considered a valid path? it appears you are crossing over (but not including) 5 to get from 6 to 4 – ardnew – 2014-04-02T02:43:18.410

    Yes, you are crossing over 5, but since 5 has already been used it isn't considered illegal. "A path cannot cross directly over a dot without including that dot" was as best as I could word this, and basically since this path DOES use 5 before it jumps over it, the path is legal. This is how actual android phones work, too. – Platatat – 2014-04-02T02:54:18.740

    Just because it's how it works in Android doesn't mean it's interesting in the context of code golf. There was a typo in my previous comment, d must be superior or equal to 2. – A.L – 2014-04-03T02:31:24.487

    3But I said the problem was based on the android lock system... So why shouldn't I use the same rules as the android lock system? – Platatat – 2014-04-03T05:21:46.917



    Python - 170 bytes

    from fractions import*
    p=lambda m,n,d,l=0,s=set():d<1or sum([p(m,n,d-1,i,s|{i})for i in range(m*n)if not(s and(s&{i}or set(range(l,i,abs(i-l)/gcd(i%n-l%n,i/n-l/n)))-s))])

    I realize that the brackets inside sum([...]) are not strictly necessary, but there's a large performance penalty for not including them.

    Output for all 3x3s:

    for i in range(4, 10):
      print p(3, 3, i)



    For testing/confirmation purposes, the first 6 values for a 4x5 board:


    4x5 is an interesting case to verify, because it has 2x2, 3x3, and 2x4 peg jumps.

    Brief Explanation

    In general, this is an exhaustive search, with cumulative pruning. For example, because p(3, 3, 4) is 1624, p(3, 3, 5) will only check 8120 posibilities, rather than naïvely checking all 15120. Most of the logic is contained in the condition:

    if not(s and(s&{i}or set(range(l,i,abs(i-l)/gcd(i%n-l%n,i/n-l/n)))-s))

    In plain english, this can be understood as:

    If no pegs have been used yet
       the target peg has not yet been used
       each of the pegs directly between the target peg and the
       current peg (a.k.a. "jumped over") have already been used


    Posted 2014-03-31T18:23:33.027

    Reputation: 30 891

    2Could you explain what in the world is going on here? – ɐɔıʇǝɥʇuʎs – 2014-04-01T05:22:09.837

    1You can save a few bytes by having s be a set instead of a list. I'm not seeing the large performance penalty of dropping the brackets; why would there be such a penalty? – user2357112 supports Monica – 2014-04-01T07:15:50.717

    1@user2357112 one is summing over a Generator, the other over a List. With CPython, you're right, there isn't much difference (only about 20% slower). With PyPy, it's over 5 times as slow. – primo – 2014-04-01T07:38:10.823

    1@user2357112 I finally see what you meant by defining s as a set. My python lesson for today: {i} evaluates as set([i]). I would have expected a syntax error. Appending an item to a set then becomes s|{i}, and it also allows i in s to be replaced by s&{i}. – primo – 2014-04-09T04:28:37.600