Java ( less grotesque: 8415 5291 3301)
Ok. Basically, I'm embarrassed no-one has submitted a solution. So a few days ago I began trying to solve this problem, b/c it's great.. Follow that link to watch my progress on it via GitHub.
New solver version, much more "golfed", with corrected cycle checker as identified by MT0. It also supports fast-forwarding routes, tuneable by changing how much memory is available to the VM. Latest BIG edit: realized that I had a few other small index errors and premature optimizations, that resulted in a failure to consider quite a large number of types of wins. So that's fixed, carefully. The new version is both smaller and below.
For our reference route, java -Xmx2GB ZombieHordeMin
does the trick quite nicely (be warned, it will take a while).
Cool factoid
In a fascinating twist, there are MANY solutions at length 24, and my solver finds one different from MT0's, but identical in principle, except that it starts by visiting the the other outposts connected to 1
. Fascinating! Totally counter human intuition, but perfectly valid.
Solution Highlights
So here's mine. It's (partially) golfed, b/c it's an exponential, almost-brute-force solver. I use an IDDFS (iterative deepening depth first search) algorithm, so it's a great general solver that doesn't skip, so it solves both parts of the OP's question, namely:
- If a winning route is found (infinite zombies), output 'x'.
- If all routes end in death (finite zombies), output the largest number of zombies killed.
Give it enough power, memory, and time, and it will do just that, even slow-death maps. I spent some more time improving this solver, and while more can be done, it's a bit better now. I also integrated MT0's advice on the best infinite-zombies solution, and removed several premature optimizations from my win-checker that prevented the previous version from finding it, and now I do in fact find a very similar solution to the one MT0 described.
A few other highlights:
- As mentioned, uses an IDDFS to find the shortest possible winning route.
- Since it is at core a DFS, it will also discover if every route ends in the death of our hero, and keeps track of the "best" route in terms of most zombies killed. Die a hero!
I've instrumented the algorithm to make it more interesting to watch Removed for golfing purposes. Follow one of the links to github to see the ungolfed version.
There are a number of comments throughout as well, so feel free to re-implement for your own solution building on my approach, or show me how it should be done!
- Memory-adaptive route fast-forwarding
- Up to available system memory, will keep track of "end routes" that did not result in death.
- Using a fancy route compression and decompression routine, progress from a prior iteration of IDDFS is restored to prevent rediscovery all prior visited routes.
- As an intentional side-bonus, acts as a dead-end route cull. Dead end routes aren't stored, and will never be visited again in future depths of IDDFS.
History of the solver
- I tried a bunch of one-step look-ahead algorithms, and while for very simple scenarios they would work, ultimately they fall flat.
- Then I tried a two-step look-ahead algorithm, which was.. unsatisfying.
- I then began building an n-step lookahead, when I recognized that this approach is reducible to DFS, yet DFS is far ... more elegant.
- While building the DFS, it occurred to me that IDDFS would ensure (a) find best HERO (death) route or (b) first winning cycle.
- Turns out building a win-cycle checker is easy, but I had to go through several very very wrong iterations before I got to a provably successful checker.
- Factored in MT0's win-path to remove three lines of premature optimization that made my algorithm blind to it.
- Added an adaptive route-caching algorithm that will use all the memory you give it to prevent unnecessary redoing of work between IDDFS calls, and also culls dead-end routes up to the limits of memory.
The (golfed) code
On to the code (get the ungolfed version here or here):
import java.util.*;public class ZombieHordeMin{int a=100,b,m,n,i,j,z,y,D=0,R,Z,N;int p[][][];Scanner in;Runtime rt;int[][]r;int pp;int dd;int[][]bdr;int ww;int[][]bwr;int[][]faf;int ff;boolean ffOn;public static void main(String[]a){(new ZombieHordeMin()).pR();}ZombieHordeMin(){in=new Scanner(;rt=Runtime.getRuntime();m=in.nextInt();N=in.nextInt();p=new int[m+1][m+1][N+1];int[]o=new int[m+1];for(b=0;b<N;b++){i=in.nextInt();j=in.nextInt();z=in.nextInt();o[i]++;o[j]++;D=(o[i]>D?o[i]:D);p[i][j][++p[i][j][0]]=z;if(i!=j)p[j][i][++p[j][i][0]]=z;D=(o[j]>D?o[j]:D);}m++;}void pR(){r=new int[5000][m+3];r[0][0]=a;Arrays.fill(r[0],1,m,1);r[0][m]=1;r[0][m+1]=0;r[0][m+2]=0;ww=-1;pp=dd=0;pR(5000);}void pR(int aMD){faf=new int[D][];ff=0;ffOn=true;for(int mD=1;mD<=aMD;mD++){System.out.printf("Checking len %d\n",mD);int k=ffR(0,mD);if(ww>-1){System.out.printf("%d x\n",ww+1);for(int win=0;win<=ww;win++)System.out.printf(" %d:%d,%d-%d",win,bwr[win][0],bwr[win][1],bwr[win][2]);System.out.println();break;}if(k>0){System.out.printf("dead max %d kills, %d steps\n",pp,dd+1);for(int die=0;die<=dd;die++)System.out.printf(" %d:%d,%d-%d",die,bdr[die][0],bdr[die][1],bdr[die][2]);System.out.println();break;}}}int ffR(int dP,int mD){if(ff==0)return pR(dP,mD);int kk=0;int fm=ff;if(ffOn&&D*fm>rt.maxMemory()/(faf[0][0]*8+12))ffOn=false;int[][]fmv=faf;if(ffOn){faf=new int[D*fm][];ff=0;}for(int df=0;df<fm;df++){dS(fmv[df]);kk+=pR(fmv[df][0],mD);}fmv=null;rt.gc();return kk==fm?1:0;}int pR(int dP,int mD){if(dP==mD)return 0;int rT=0;int dC=0;int src=r[dP][m];int sa=r[dP][0];for(int dt=1;dt<m;dt++){for(int rut=1;rut<=p[src][dt][0];rut++){rT++;r[dP+1][0]=sa-p[src][dt][rut]+r[dP][dt];for(int cp=1;cp<m;cp++)r[dP+1][cp]=(dt==cp?1:r[dP][cp]+1);r[dP+1][m]=dt;r[dP+1][m+1]=rut;r[dP+1][m+2]=r[dP][m+2]+p[src][dt][rut];if(sa-p[src][dt][rut]<1){dC++;if(pp<r[dP][m+2]+sa){pp=r[dP][m+2]+sa;dd=dP+1;bdr=new int[dP+2][3];for(int cp=0;cp<=dP+1;cp++){bdr[cp][0]=r[cp][m];bdr[cp][1]=r[cp][m+1];bdr[cp][2]=r[cp][0];}}}else{for(int chk=0;chk<=dP;chk++){if(r[chk][m]==dt){int fR=chk+1;for(int cM=0;cM<m+3;cM++)r[dP+2][cM]=r[dP+1][cM];for(;fR<=dP+1;fR++){r[dP+2][0]=r[dP+2][0]-p[r[dP+2][m]][r[fR][m]][r[fR][m+1]]+r[dP+2][r[fR][m]];for(int cp=1;cp<m;cp++)r[dP+2][cp]=(r[fR][m]==cp?1:r[dP+2][cp]+1);r[dP+2][m+2]=r[dP+2][m+2]+p[r[dP+2][m]][r[fR][m]][r[fR][m+1]];r[dP+2][m]=r[fR][m];r[dP+2][m+1]=r[fR][m+1];}if(fR==dP+2&&r[dP+2][0]>=r[dP+1][0]){ww=dP+1;bwr=new int[dP+2][3];for(int cp=0;cp<dP+2;cp++){bwr[cp][0]=r[cp][m];bwr[cp][1]=r[cp][m+1];bwr[cp][2]=r[cp][0];}return 0;}}}dC+=pR(dP+1,mD);if(ww>-1)return 0;}for(int cp=0;cp<m+3;cp++)r[dP+1][cp]=0;}}if(rT==dC)return 1;else{if(ffOn&&dP==mD-1)faf[ff++]=cP(dP);return 0;}}int[]cP(int dP){int[]cmp=new int[dP*2+3];cmp[0]=dP;cmp[dP*2+1]=r[dP][0];cmp[dP*2+2]=r[dP][m+2];for(int zip=1;zip<=dP;zip++){cmp[zip]=r[zip][m];cmp[dP+zip]=r[zip][m+1];}return cmp;}void dS(int[]cmp){int[]lv=new int[m];int dP=cmp[0];r[dP][0]=cmp[dP*2+1];r[dP][m+2]=cmp[dP*2+2];r[0][0]=100;r[0][m]=1;for(int dp=1;dp<=dP;dp++){r[dp][m]=cmp[dp];r[dp][m+1]=cmp[dP+dp];r[dp-1][cmp[dp]]=dp-lv[cmp[dp]];r[dp][m+2]=r[dp-1][m+2]+p[r[dp-1][m]][cmp[dp]][cmp[dP+dp]];r[dp][0]=r[dp-1][0]+r[dp-1][cmp[dp]]-p[r[dp-1][m]][cmp[dp]][cmp[dP+dp]];lv[cmp[dp]]=dp;}for(int am=1;am<m;am++)r[dP][am]=(am==cmp[dP]?1:dP-lv[am]+1);}}
Get the code from github here, to track any changes I make. Here are some other maps I used.
Output example
Example output for reference solution:
$ java -d64 -Xmx3G ZombieHordeMin > reference_route_corrected_min.out
5 6 1 2 4 2 3 4 3 1 4 2 4 10 2 5 10 1 1 50
Checking len 1
Checking len 2
Checking len 3
Checking len 4
Checking len 5
Checking len 6
Checking len 7
Checking len 8
Checking len 9
Checking len 10
Checking len 11
Checking len 12
Checking len 13
Checking len 14
Checking len 15
Checking len 16
Checking len 17
Checking len 18
Checking len 19
Checking len 20
Checking len 21
Checking len 22
Checking len 23
Checking len 24
25 x
0:1,0-100 1:3,1-97 2:1,1-95 3:2,1-94 4:5,1-88 5:2,1-80 6:4,1-76 7:2,1-68 8:1,1-70 9:2,1-68 10:1,1-66 11:2,1-64 12:1,1-62 13:2,1-60 14:1,1-58 15:2,1-56 16:1,1-54 17:2,1-52 18:1,1-50 19:2,1-48 20:1,1-46 21:2,1-44 22:1,1-42 23:2,1-40 24:1,1-38
Read the route output like this: step
. So in the above solution, you would read it as:
- At step
, at outpost 1
with ammo 100
- At step
, use route 1
to get to outpost 3
with ending ammo 97
- At step
, use route 1
to get to outpost 1
with ending ammo 95
- ...
Closing notes
So, I hope I've made my solution harder to beat, but PLEASE TRY! Use it against me, add in some parallel processing, better graph theory, etc. A couple of things I figure could improve this approach:
- aggressively "reduce" loops to cut out needless retread as the algorithm progresses.
- An example: in the example problem, consider the loops 1-2-3 and other permutations as "one step", so that we can make our way to end-cycle more quickly.
- E.g. if you are at node 1, you can either (a) go to 2, (b) go to 1, (c) go through 1-2-3 as one step and so on. This would allow a solved to fold depth into breadth, increasing the number of routes at a particular depth but greatly speeding time-to-solution for long cycles.
cull dead routes. My current solution doesn't "remember" that a particular route is dead-ended, and has to rediscover it every time. It would be better to keep track of the earliest moment in a route that death is certain, and never progress beyond it. did this...
- if careful, you could apply the dead route culling as a sub-route cull. By example, if 1-2-3-4 always results in death, and the solver is about to test the route 1-3-1-2-3-4, it should immediately stop descending that path as it is guaranteed to end in disappointment. It would still be possible to calculate # of kills, with some careful math.
Any other solution that trades memory for time, or allows aggressive avoidance of following dead-end routes. did this too!
Does each outpost other than
start with 0 ammo? Is the graph undirectional? – Peter Taylor – 2014-03-11T20:55:42.1933It would probably also be useful to pre-empt a certain class of bugs by having a test case in which there is a cycle which doesn't run down your ammo but which can't be reached in time. (I should add that I'm not convinced that the current test case is correct: it seems to me that the cycle
costs 49 ammo, and the cycle1->2->3->1
costs 3 ammo in the long run. – Peter Taylor – 2014-03-11T21:07:16.323@PeterTaylor I had to retract both of my comments because it appears that I made the example bidirectional. So allow me to start over - all paths are bidirectional and all outposts start with 0. The example should now work. – Rainbolt – 2014-03-11T21:17:24.630
@Rusher: Nice example! Took me 45 steps to show myself that it is indeed infinitely sustainable. Can we assume that all outposts will be reachable or do you want us to handle the case where there are outposts disconnected from the main graph? – Claudiu – 2014-03-11T21:32:19.863
@Claudiu You aren't the only one - . Don't assume all outposts will be reachable. When our team solved this one in Java, we didn't need a special case for unreachable nodes. We simply never visited them.
– Rainbolt – 2014-03-11T21:38:06.853@m.buettner Two nodes can have more than one path. In fact, the requirements hold that n > 1. They could loop like 1 to 1, or you could simply have two paths between 1 to 2. One could even be shorter than the other. – Rainbolt – 2014-03-12T04:14:40.783
@PeterTaylor: The cycle
costs 6 ammo not 3, how did you get this result ? EDIT : the first cycle costs 6 but next cycles cost 3... Ok, sorry !!! – guy777 – 2014-03-12T11:39:09.150I don't understand the refuelling: "All outposts generate +1 ammunition each time you travel a path." In your example, starting with 100 ammo and going from 1 to 2, does this mean that I use 4 ammo and get 5 back? – Tobia – 2014-04-01T21:56:51.307
@Tobia If 1 -> 2 is your very first move, you'll lose 4 ammo and then gain 1 ammo. How would you get 5 ammo back if only 1 ammo is generated per turn? If you visit an outpost on turn 5 that you have never visited before, then you can get 5 ammo from it. – Rainbolt – 2014-04-01T22:23:20.847
24 steps to a cost neutral path =
(it is cost neutral from the second iteration onwards). – MT0 – 2014-04-01T22:57:51.2071Ahhh... So for each step from A to B, every outpost "generates" an ammo and keeps it there until you visit it. – Tobia – 2014-04-02T07:19:01.020