In 1946 Erdos and Copeland proved that a certain number is a normal number, i.e. the digits in its decimal expansion are uniformly distributed.
Users will input a sequence of digits and you will find the smallest prime that contains that string in base 10.
input -> output
"10" -> 101
"03" -> 103
"222" -> 2221
"98765" -> 987659
Shortest code in bytes wins. I do know that some languages (mathematica, sage, pari-gp...) come with built-in functions related to primes. -50 bytes if your program doesn't rely on such functions. Don't try to cheat on this please, if your language already has a huge advantage don't claim the bonus.
According to a few comments below, the smallest prime that contains "03" is 3. Does this really make a difference? The only thing I can think of is that maybe numbers are easier to handle than strings.
In cases like "03" the preferred output would be 103. However, I don't consider it to be the fundamental part of your program, so you're free to ignore any leading zero if it grants you a lower byte count.
This seems like it'd be a fun fastest code challange – moonheart08 – 2019-01-08T19:48:57.080
5This seems like a nice base for a Project Euler task – John Dvorak – 2014-03-05T06:18:34.953
The smallest prime containing "03" is 03. Maybe you should add a rule clarifying that the input may contain leading zeros but the output may not. – Level River St – 2014-03-05T09:55:58.897
2@steveverrill there's no such number as 03. If you meant 3, then that doesn't contain "03". – John Dvorak – 2014-03-05T10:02:11.040
3@JanDvorak 03 is a valid representation of the number 3. (2.9... recurring infinitely, equivalent to 2+9/9, is also considered by some a valid representation.) I understand from the example given that 03 is not an acceptable representation for this question. This is a pedant point, but given the usual abuse of the rules, one I think is worth making. – Level River St – 2014-03-05T10:19:43.573
1I think the better way to phrase it would be to find the smallest number that, when converted to a string, would contain "03". – Thebluefish – 2014-03-05T15:26:53.857