Union of Intervals



Given a list of intervals, perform the union of them, and reduce overlaps. That means, overlapping parts are reduced. ([a, b] U [c, d] = [a, d] if b > c) Assuming all a < b in all intervals [a, b]. Implement as a function of a list of input intervals -> list of output intervals. Shortest code wins. You cannot use any existing libraries.


  • Open and closed intervals are not distinguished.
  • Intervals for real numbers, not integers. ([2, 3], [4, 5] -> [2, 3], [4, 5])
  • No need to sort output intervals
  • The order if inputs do not matter
  • Illegal inputs are only [a, b] where b >= a, it has nothing to do with the order of input intervals and the number of input intervals.
  • You do not need to show an error message on undefined behaviors

Examples (with number lines)

 [2, 4], [7, 9] --> [2, 4], [7, 9]
-> 234  789

 [1, 5], [2, 10] --> [1, 10] (overlapping [2, 5] reduced)

-> 1234567890
 [2, 4], [3, 6], [8, 9] -> [2, 6], [8, 9]
-> 23456 89

 [4, 2], [2, 2] -> (undefined behavior: against the assumption)


Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 5 383

4Will the intervals always be sorted as they are in your examples? – Peter Olson – 2011-04-21T06:18:32.247

bounds on the numbers? – st0le – 2011-04-21T09:44:39.087

1Why don't [2, 3], [4, 5] overlap, or [2, 4], [4, 5] either? They both yield 2345. – mellamokb – 2011-04-21T14:04:40.470

2Are the intervals only on the set of integers? – Lowjacker – 2011-04-21T15:31:27.713

2We need some clarification: 1) Is [4,5],[1,2] legal input? 2) Should the output of [2,3],[4,5] be [2,5] or [2,3],[4,5]? 3) Should the output of [2,3],[3,4] be [2,4] or [2,3],[3,4]? – MtnViewMark – 2011-04-22T02:42:09.803

1Thanks for clarifications, but "No need to sort" means what? That the output needn't be sorted? Or that the input is already sorted? – MtnViewMark – 2011-04-23T01:33:08.397

1Wondering why you picked the Python entry? It wasn't the shortest.. what made it be the winner? – MtnViewMark – 2011-04-24T05:58:01.940



GolfScript, 32

  • Add 2 characters if you prefer a block, 4 if you prefer a named block.
  • Input and output are array of pairs, e.g. [[2 4] [3 5]]
  • Assumes that input is ordered by the first element.
  • Compacts "adjacent" ranges ([2 4][5 6] -> [2 6])
  • First GolfScript effort. Advice & rotten fruit appreciated.

Full test program:


Example invocation:

ruby golfscript.rb intervals.gs <<EOF
2 4
3 6
8 9
# Expected output: [[2 6] [8 9]]

Jesse Millikan

Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 1 438


Haskell (103)

I think, it is way too verbose for Haskell. Thanks to Hoa Long Tam for his sorting function.


In Haskell, an intervall from a to b is denoted by [a..b]. My notation is very similar to the mathematical notation. Use it like this:

[a..b] ∪ [c..d] ∪ ... ∪ [y..z]


Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 9 656


Ok, here's my 250 character crack at it.

void n(int a[]){if(!a[2])return;if(a[2]<=a[1]){if(a[1]<a[3])a[1]=a[3];
int *b=a+2;while(*b=*(b+2))++b;n(a);}n(a+2);}
void m(int a[]){if(!a[2])return;if(a[0]>a[2]){int s=a[0],t=a[1];

The function takes an int array, and operates on it in-situ. The array is terminated by a 0, and the intervals may be given in any order.

Sample output:

input list: (7,9) (5,6) (1,4) (15,18) (13,16) (2,3) (8,11) 
output list: (1,4) (5,6) (7,11) (13,18) 

Sample program:

#include <stdio.h>

void n(int a[]){if(!a[2])return;if(a[2]<=a[1]){if(a[1]<a[3])a[1]=a[3];
int *b=a+2;while(*b=*(b+2))++b;n(a);}n(a+2);}
void m(int a[]){if(!a[2])return;if(a[0]>a[2]){int s=a[0],t=a[1];

void n(int a[])
    if(a[2]<=a[1]) {
        int *b=a+2;

void m(int a[])
    if(a[0]>a[2]) {
        int s=a[0],t=a[1];

void p(int a[]) 
    if(!*a) {
    printf("(%d,%d) ",a[0],a[1]);

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) 
    // Code golf entry
    // Interval Merging

    int a[] = {7,9,5,6,1,4,15,18,13,16,2,3,8,11,0};
    printf( "input list: " ); p(a);
    printf( "output list: " ); p(a);

    return 0;

Jonathan Watmough

Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 211

perform the union of them should lead to (1,11) (13,18), shouldn't it? – user unknown – 2011-04-21T08:57:13.583

@user unknown: I would have thought the same thing, but I guess the instructions say only combine if they overlap. So (1, 4) (5, 6) are not combined according to the rule ([a, b] U [c, d] = [a, d] if b > c). And for that matter, even (1, 5) (5, 6) would not be combined. – mellamokb – 2011-04-21T14:02:48.927

"Given a list of intervals, perform the union of them, and reduce overlaps" and reduce overlaps - not if they overlap. OK - the following that means ... points again in the opposite direction. – user unknown – 2011-04-21T14:53:19.290

@user unknown: I agree. That's why I've commented about it on the question. Hopefully the OP will respond :) – mellamokb – 2011-04-21T15:30:03.563


Python, 100 chars

def f(L):R=sorted(set(p for p in sum(L,[])if 1-any(x<p<y for x,y in L)));return zip(R[::2],R[1::2])
print f([[2, 4], [7, 9]])
print f([[1, 5], [2, 10]])
print f([[3, 6], [2, 4], [8, 9]])
print f([[1, 5], [3, 5], [4, 5]])


[(2, 4), (7, 9)]
[(1, 10)]
[(2, 6), (8, 9)]
[(1, 5)]

Takes all the endpoints of the intervals, removes any that are strictly inside another interval, uniquifies & sorts them, and pairs them up.

Keith Randall

Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 19 865

98 bytes – movatica – 2019-07-27T08:37:32.750


Haskell, 55 characters

v(q@(a,b):p@(c,d):r)|c>b=q:v(p:r)|1<3=v((a,d):r);v x=x

If the input is unsorted, then 88 characters:

p@(a,b)§(q@(c,d):r)|b<c=p:q§r|a>d=q:p§r|1<3=(min a c,max b d)§r;p§_=[p]
u i=foldr(§)[]i

Test runs:

ghci> testAll v
pass: [(2,4),(7,9)] --> [(2,4),(7,9)]
pass: [(1,5),(2,10)] --> [(1,10)]
pass: [(2,4),(3,6),(8,9)] --> [(2,6),(8,9)]
ghci> testAll u
pass: [(2,4),(7,9)] --> [(2,4),(7,9)]
pass: [(1,5),(2,10)] --> [(1,10)]
pass: [(2,4),(3,6),(8,9)] --> [(2,6),(8,9)]

I'm assuming that "can't use any existing libraries" precludes importing List and calling sort. If that were legal, than the unsorted version would be only 71 characters.


Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 4 779

importing List from package Haskell98 would be sufficient IMHO. – FUZxxl – 2011-04-22T11:25:30.597


Scala, 272 characters

type p=List[(Int,Int)];def f(l:p):p={var(a,s,c,o)=(new Array[Int]((l map(x=>x._2)max)+1),0,0,List[Int]());l map(x=>(a(x._1)+=1,a(x._2)-=1));while(c<a.size){s+=a(c);if(a(c)==1&&s==1)o=o:+c;if(a(c)== -1&&s==0)o=o:+c;c+=1};return(o.grouped(2).map(x=>(x.head,x.last)).toList)}


object Intervals2 extends Application
    type p=List[(Int,Int)];def f(l:p):p={var(a,s,c,o)=(new Array[Int]((l map(x=>x._2)max)+1),0,0,List[Int]());l map(x=>(a(x._1)+=1,a(x._2)-=1));while(c<a.size){s+=a(c);if(a(c)==1&&s==1)o=o:+c;if(a(c)== -1&&s==0)o=o:+c;c+=1};return(o.grouped(2).map(x=>(x.head,x.last)).toList)}


Creates an array and inserts a 1 for every interval start and a -1 for every interval end. Then steps through the array adding the values to a counter outputting a start every time the counter steps from 0 to 1 and an end when it steps from 1 to 0. Probably unnecessarily complicated.


List((1,2), (3,10))


Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 11 678


Brachylog, 12 bytes


Try it online!

A delightfully declarative solution, taking input as a list of lists through the input variable and outputting a list of lists through the output variable.

        ~⟦₂ᵐ    The output is a list of intervals, where each interval is a range in
      ~c        the smallest partition of
  ᵐ             each element of the input
⟦₂              converted to an inclusive range,
   c            concatenated,
    o           sorted,
     d          and deduplicated
        ~⟦₂ᵐ    for which each element of the partition is a range.

Unrelated String

Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 5 300


Clojure, 138 bytes

#(let[S(set(apply mapcat range(apply map list %)))Q(sort S)](map list(for[s Q :when(not(S(dec s)))]s)(for[s(map inc Q):when(not(S s))]s)))

This shortens to 119 bytes if the input is more flexible, namely a list of intervals' starting points AND a list of intervals' ending points:

#(let[S(set(mapcat range % %2))Q(sort S)](map list(for[s Q :when(not(S(dec s)))]s)(for[s(map inc Q):when(not(S s))]s)))

There has to be a better way.


Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 2 361


Japt, 18 bytes

This feels far too long. I/O as sorted, 2D array of intervals.

c_ròÃòÈaY Éîg[TJ]

Try it


Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 24 623


Perl (146) (92) (90)

golfed down to 90 chars, creatively using the regex engine

sub u{map$h[$_]=1,@$_[0]..@$_[1]for@_;$w.=$_+0for@h;push@r,$-[0],$+[0]-1while$w=~/1+/g;@r}

usage example:

my @out1 = u([1, 5], [2, 10]); # (1,10)
my @out2 = u([2, 4], [3, 6], [8, 9]); # (2, 6, 8, 9)

let's explain this code a bit.

this subroutine receives an array of arrayrefs, each aref pointing to an array containing two elements, start and end of the interval: ([2, 4], [3, 6], [8, 9])

for every aref, we generate an array of elements from first to last ($_->[0] .. $_->[1]). then we use map to set elements of such indexes in @h to 1.

for (@_) {
    map {$h[$_] = 1} ($_->[0] .. $_->[1]);

after this, @h will contain either ones (for intervals) or undefs, depicted below as hyphens for clarity.

index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
@h:    - - 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1

next we build a string from @h, adding 0 to replace undefs with something more useful (undef + 0 = 0).

$w .= $_+0 for @h;

$w contains 011111011 now.

it's time to abuse the regex engine a bit.

push @r, ($-[0], $+[0]-1) while $w=~/1+/g;

after successful matches, @- and @+ arrays contain respectively position of start and end of each match; 0th element is used for the entire match, first for $1, second for $2 and so on.

$+[0] actually contains the position of first non-matching char, so we have to substract one.

@r contains (2, 6, 8, 9) now.


to make the sub return @r.

chinese perl goth

Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 1 089

Doesn't work for real numbers [2,3],[4,5] yields 2 5 – Xcali – 2019-07-27T03:12:31.090


Scala 305 279 chars without invocation:

type I=(Int,Int)
def l(p:I,q:I)=if(p._1<q._1)true else if(p._1>q._1)false else p._2<q._2
def r(l:List[I]):List[I]=l match{case x::y::z=>{if(y._1<=x._2&&y._2>x._2)(x._1,y._2)::r(z)else
x::r(y::z)}case _=>l}
def c(v:List[I])=r(v.sortWith(l))


val i=List((7,9),(5,6),(1,4),(15,18),(13,16),(2,3),(8,11))
res0: List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,4), (5,6), (7,11), (13,18))

user unknown

Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 4 210


Perl 5 -MList::Util=max -n, 89 bytes

@r=/\S+/g;map{/ /;$`<=$r[1]?$r[1]=max@r,$'*1:(say"@r")|(@r=($`,$'))}sort{$a-$b}<>;say"@r"

Try it online!


Posted 2011-04-21T03:43:37.950

Reputation: 7 671