Rotate An Integer Array with an O(n) algorithm



Write a function that rotates an integer array by a given number k. k elements from the end should move to the beginning of array, and all other elements should move to right to make the space.

The rotation should be done in-place.

Algorithm should not run in more than O(n), where n is the size of array.

Also a constant memory must be used to perform the operation.

For example,

if array is initialized with elements arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

rotate(arr, 3) will result the elements to be {7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

rotate(arr, 6) will result the {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3}


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 2 297

Question was closed 2017-08-22T20:52:18.717

1What is meant by constant memory here? Surely it requires at least O(n) memory at a minimum just to store the array being processed making O(1) memory usage impossible. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-08-22T17:09:30.620

2I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions without an objective primary winning criterion are off-topic, as they make it impossible to indisputably decide which entry should win. There is absolutely no reason that this should be a popularity contest. – James – 2017-08-22T17:36:42.587

Voted to close. From the [tag:popularity-contest] wiki (here), "Gives freedom to entrants to decide what to do in crucial parts and incentivizes them to use this freedom." I don't think leaving the challenge open to any algorithm counts as encouraging creativity for such a simple challenge, at least not to the extent that it works as a popcon. This would be more suited as a [tag:code-golf] challenge.

– mbomb007 – 2017-08-22T20:56:46.747



C (104)

void reverse(int* a, int* b)
    while (--b > a) {
        *b ^= *a;
        *a ^= *b;
        *b ^= *a;

void rotate(int *arr, int s_arr, int by)
    reverse(arr, arr+s_arr);
    reverse(arr, arr+by);
    reverse(arr+by, arr+s_arr);


v(int*a,int*b){while(--b>a){*b^=*a;*a^=*b;*b^=*a++;}}r(int*a,int s,int y){v(a,a+s);v(a,a+y);v(a+y,a+s);}

Ben Voigt

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 446

There used to be a time when C programs won popularity contests... – Anubian Noob – 2015-05-02T02:32:07.437

You are the best! How elegant and optimized.. Could you do this with bit array? – None – 2017-10-02T07:18:59.583

4You should have written the while loop condition as a <-- b – justhalf – 2014-11-06T09:40:51.897


APL (4)

  • A is the number of places to rotate
  • B is the name of the array to be rotated

I'm not sure if APL actually required it, but in the implementation I've seen (the internals of) this would take time proportional to A, and constant memory.

Jerry Coffin

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 539

How is this a function? Could be {⍵⌽⍨-⍺} or {⌽⍺⌽⌽⍵}. In NARS2000 it may be elegantly written as ⌽⍢⌽. – Adám – 2015-12-10T03:00:49.953

+1 if this were golf :) – Glenn Teitelbaum – 2014-01-17T06:03:44.370

It doesn't do it in place though. – marinus – 2014-11-06T10:03:21.583

@marinus: It certainly does in the implementations I've seen. – Jerry Coffin – 2014-11-06T14:28:07.083


Here is a long winded C version of Colin's idea.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int gcd(int a, int b) {
  int t;
  if (a < b) {
    t = b; b = a; a = t;
  while (b != 0) {
    t = a%b;
    a = b;
    b = t;
  return a;

double arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
int s_arr = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(double);

/* We assume 1 <= by < s_arr */
void rotate(double *arr, int s_arr, int by) {
  int i, j, f;
  int g = gcd(s_arr,by);
  int n = s_arr/g;
  double t_in, t_out;

  for (i=0; i<g; i++) {
    f = i;
    t_in = arr[f + s_arr - by];
    for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
      t_out = arr[f];
      arr[f] = t_in;
      f = (f + by) % s_arr;
      t_in = t_out;

void print_arr(double *arr, int s_arr) {
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<s_arr; i++) printf("%g ",arr[i]);

int main() {
  double *temp_arr = malloc(sizeof(arr));
  int i;

  for (i=1; i<s_arr; i++) {
    memcpy(temp_arr, arr, sizeof(arr));
    rotate(temp_arr, s_arr, i);
    print_arr(temp_arr, s_arr);

Stephen Montgomery-Smith

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 231

It doesn't look like a constant memory solution, is it? – microbian – 2014-01-09T20:45:59.593

Yes it is a constant memory solution. The "malloced" stuff is a temporary copy of the array so that I can copy the original data into it again and again, so that I can test for different rotation amounts. – Stephen Montgomery-Smith – 2014-01-09T22:20:46.910

What does the actual rotate is the function "rotate." It uses 5 integers and two doubles. It also calls a function "gcd" which uses one integer, and uses at most O(log(n)) operations. – Stephen Montgomery-Smith – 2014-01-09T22:24:24.833

Got it. I upped your answer. – microbian – 2014-01-11T06:25:59.920

@StephenMontgomery-Smith -- how is this O(log(n)) operations. Look at by being 1, your `j' loop is s_arr/g or N -- this is O(N) operations – Glenn Teitelbaum – 2014-01-17T05:57:30.993

@GlennTeitelbaum I was talking about the gcd function when I said it took O(log(n)) operations. The rotate function obviously takes O(n) operations. – Stephen Montgomery-Smith – 2014-01-17T11:13:26.373



Not sure what the criteria is, but since I had fun with the algorithm, here is my entry:

void rotate(int* b, int size, int shift)
    int *done;
    int *p;
    int i;
    int saved;
    int c;

    p = b;
    done = p;
    saved = *p;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        c = saved;
        p += shift;
        if (p >= b+size) p -= size;
        saved = *p;
        *p = c;
        if (p == done) {
            p += 1;
            done = p;
            saved = *p;

I'll golf it for a good measure too; 126 bytes, can be made shorter:

void r(int*b,int s,int n){int*d,*p,i,t,c;d=p=b;t=*p;for(i=0;i<s;++i){c=t;p+=n;if(p>=b+s)p-=s;t=*p;*p=c;if(p==d){d=++p;t=*p;}}}


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 581


I don't see very many C++ solutions here, so I figured I'd try this one since it doesn't count characters.

This is true "in-place" rotation, so uses 0 extra space (except technically swap and 3 ints) and since the loop is exactly N, also fulfills the O(N) complexity.

template <class T, size_t N>
void rot(std::array<T,N>& x, int shift)
        size_t base=0;
        size_t cur=0; 
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                cur=(cur+shift)%N; // figure out where we are going
                if (cur==base)     // exact multiple so we have to hit the mods when we wrap
                std::swap(,; // use x[base] as holding area

Glenn Teitelbaum

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 141

Note: I purposely did not use std::rotate because that kind of defeats the purpose – Glenn Teitelbaum – 2014-01-17T05:45:13.043


If you perform each of the possible cycles of rotations by n in turn (there are GCD(n, len(arr)) of these), then you only need a single temporary copy of an array element and a few state variables. Like this, in Python:

from fractions import gcd

def rotate(arr, n):
    total = len(arr)
    cycles = gcd(n, total)
    for start in range(0, cycles):
        cycle = [i % total for i in range(start, abs(n * total) / cycles, n)]
        stash = arr[cycle[-1]]
        for j in reversed(range(1, len(cycle))):
            arr[cycle[j]] = arr[cycle[j - 1]]
        arr[cycle[0]] = stash

Colin Watson

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 2 179

1I think you have the right idea, but your cycle variable is non-constant sized. You'll have to generate this array as you go. – Keith Randall – 2014-01-04T05:03:52.367


C (137 characters)

#include <stdio.h>

void rotate(int * array, int n, int k) {
    int todo = (1<<n+1)-1;
    int i = 0, j;
    int tmp = array[0];

    while (todo) {
        if (todo & 1<<i) {
            j = (i-k+n)%n;
            array[i] = todo & 1<<j ? array[j] : tmp;
            todo -= 1<<i;
            i = j;
        } else tmp = array[++i];

int main() {
    int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    rotate(a, 9, 4);
    for (int i=0; i<9;i++) printf("%d ", a[i]);

Function rotate minified to 137 characters:

void r(int*a,int n,int k){int m=(1<<n+1)-1,i=0,j,t=a[0];while(m)if(m&1<<i){j=(i-k+n)%n;a[i]=(m&1<<j)?a[j]:t;m-=1<<i;i=j;}else t=a[++i];}


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 121


Factor has a built-in type for rotatable arrays, <circular>, so this is actually a O(1) operation:

: rotate ( circ n -- )
    neg swap change-circular-start ;

IN: 1 9 [a,b] <circular> dup 6 rotate >array .
{ 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 }
IN: 1 9 [a,b] <circular> dup 3 rotate >array .
{ 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 }

A less cheatish Factor equivalent of Ben Voigt's impressive C solution:

: rotate ( n s -- ) 
    reverse! swap cut-slice [ reverse! ] bi@ 2drop ;

IN: 7 V{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 } [ rotate ] keep .
V{ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 }

Björn Lindqvist

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 590


JavaScript 45

Went for golf anyway because I like golf. It is at maximum O(N) as long as t is <= size of the array.

function r(o,t){for(;t--;)o.unshift(o.pop())}

To handle t of any proportion in O(N) the following can be used (weighing in at 58 characters):

function r(o,t){for(i=t%o.length;i--;)o.unshift(o.pop())}

Doesn't return, edits the array in place.

George Reith

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 2 424

1+1 for r(o,t) => rot – Conor O'Brien – 2016-01-20T18:46:50.890


REBEL - 22

/_(( \d+)+)( \d+)/$3$1

Input: k expressed as a unary integer using _ as a digit, followed by a space, then a space-delimited array of integers.

Output: A space, then the array rotated.


___ 1 2 3 4 5/_(( \d+)+)( \d+)/$3$1

Final state:

 3 4 5 1 2


At each iteration, it replaces one _ and an array [array] + tail with tail + [array].


___ 1 2 3 4 5
__ 5 1 2 3 4
_ 4 5 1 2 3
 3 4 5 1 2

Kendall Frey

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 2 384

I don't think this is O(n). Copying an array is O(n), and you do that n times. – Ben Voigt – 2014-01-15T01:21:21.333


Python 3

from fractions import gcd
def rotatelist(arr, m):
    n = len(arr)
    m = (-m) % n # Delete this line to change rotation direction
    for i0 in range(gcd(m, n)):
        temp = arr[i0]
        i, j = i0, (i0 + m) % n
        while j != i0:
            arr[i] = arr[j]
            i, j = j, (j + m) % n
        arr[i] = temp

Constant memory
O(n) time complexity


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 506



public static void rotate(int[] arr, int by) {
    int n = arr.length;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    while (i < n) {
        int k = j;
        int value = arr[k];
        do {
            k = (k + by) % n;
            int tmp = arr[k];
            arr[k] = value;
            value = tmp;
        } while (k != j);

Demo here.

Minified Javascript, 114:

function rotate(e,r){n=e.length;i=0;j=0;while(i<n){k=j;v=e[k];do{k=(k+r)%n;t=e[k];e[k]=v;v=t;i++}while(k!=j);j++}}


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 231



This is actually θ(n), as the split is θ(k) and the join is θ(n-k). Not sure about memory though.

rotate 0 xs = xs
rotate n xs | n >= length xs = rotate (n`mod`(length xs)) xs
            | otherwise = rotate' n xs

rotate' n xs = let (xh,xt) = splitAt n xs in xt++xh


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 1 035


Perl 5, 42 bytes

sub r{$a=pop;map{unshift@$a,pop@$a}1..pop}

Try it online!

Subroutine takes the distance to rotate as the first parameter and a reference to the array as the second. Run time is constant based on the distance of the rotation. Array size does not affect run time. Array is modified in place by removing an element from the right and putting it on the left.


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 7 671



def rotate(a, n): a[:n], a[n:] = a[-n:], a[:-n] 

Madison May

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 101

Will this use constant memory? – SztupY – 2014-01-04T03:10:06.650

Hmm... not sure. – Madison May – 2014-01-04T03:10:41.247

It's not a constant memory operation. – microbian – 2014-01-04T03:10:57.963

Shucks. Good call... – Madison May – 2014-01-04T03:13:01.523



   import copy
    def rotate(a, r):
        for i in range(len(a)-r):   b.append(a[r+i]);c.pop();return b+c


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 11

Copying the array is not constant space. @MadisonMay's answer does essentially the same thing as this code with many fewer characters. – Blckknght – 2014-01-17T06:27:25.557

0 O(n) (not Constant memory)

Function Rotate(Of T)(a() As T, r As Integer ) As T()     
  Dim p = a.Length-r
  Return a.Skip(p).Concat(a.Take(p)).ToArray
End Function

Adam Speight

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 1 234



def rotate(arr, n)
  arr.tap{ (n % arr.size).times { arr.unshift(arr.pop) } }  


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 759


C (118)

Probably was a bit too lenient with some of the specifications. Uses memory proportional to shift % length. Also able to rotate in the opposite direction if a negative shift value is passed.

r(int *a,int l,int s){s=s%l<0?s%l+l:s%l;int *t=malloc(4*s);memcpy(t,a+l-s,4*s);memcpy(a+s,a,4*(l-s));memcpy(a,t,4*s);}


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 71


Python 2, 57

def rotate(l,n):
 return l[len(l)-n:len(l)]+l[0:len(l)-n]

If only l[-n:len(l)-n] worked like I'd expect it to. It just returns [] for some reason.


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 4 213


C++, 136

template<int N>void rotate(int(&a)[N],int k){auto r=[](int*b,int*e){for(int t;--e>b;t=*b,*b++=*e,*e=t);};r(a,a+k);r(a+k,a+N);r(a,a+N);}


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 1 579


def r(a,n): return a[n:]+a[:n]

Could someone please check if this actually meets the requirements? I think it does, but it I haven't studied CS (yet).


Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 4 449



Swap the last k elements with the first k elements, and then rotate the remaining elements by k. When you have fewer than k elements left at the end, rotate them by k % number of remaining elements. I don't think anyone above took this approach. Performs exactly one swap operation for every element, does everything in place.

public void rotate(int[] nums, int k) {
    k = k % nums.length; // If k > n, reformulate
    rotate(nums, 0, k);

private void rotate(int[] nums, int start, int k) {
    if (k > 0) {
        if (nums.length - start > k) { 
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
                int end = nums.length - k + i;
                int temp = nums[start + i];
                nums[start + i] = nums[end];
                nums[end] = temp;
            rotate(nums, start + k, k); 
        } else {
            rotate(nums, start, k % (nums.length - start)); 

Matthew Saltz

Posted 2014-01-04T02:20:06.960

Reputation: 101