Intermediate String Array Reflection



Let's start by re-defining a reflection of a character in a 2-d array of characters:

Given a square 2-d array of characters with distinct lowercase alphabetical letters, define a reflection of a letter in the matrix as swapping it with the character directly across from it through the center of the square.

Thus, a reflection of the letter c in


would result in the configuration


because the c and the w have been switched.

Some more examples (with the same original configuration as above):

Reflecting the character e would form


Reflecting the character m would make


Reflecting the character b would form


The Challenge

Given a 2-d array of characters with distinct lowercase letters, go through each character in a given string and "reflect" it in the matrix.

Clarifications: The letters in the string are from a-z, the letters are unique, and the array is at least 1x1 and at most 5x5 (obviously, as there are only 26 characters in the English alphabet.) The characters in the string are guaranteed to be in the 2-d array. The string is at most 100 characters long.


An string s, an integer N, and then a NxN array of characters.






*Reason: First, reflect the a with the d. Then, reflect the c with the b because c is the second letter in the input string.


  • Output can be given by any convenient method.
  • Either a full program or a function are acceptable. If a function, you can return the output rather than printing it.
  • Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • This is so all usual golfing rules apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.

Current Winner

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Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 673

9Half an hour is not really enough time to get any meaningful use out of the sandbox. – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2018-04-23T04:22:33.083

Sigh I thought of that, but then I realized it was so much like my previous question that I didn't think it needed Sandbox. I apologize if this puzzle is bad :( – NL628 – 2018-04-23T04:49:02.600

3No problem, it looks good. – user202729 – 2018-04-23T05:12:11.247


(also we have a Stack snippet leaderboard)

– user202729 – 2018-04-23T05:12:26.537

@user202729 Thanks! Should I give credit? Or is it just something everyone uses. Sorry, I'm kind of new to this. – NL628 – 2018-04-23T05:15:41.347

650 hours is a bit too short of a time span to accept a winner; typically you'd want to wait a week or so. However, on PPCG, it's common practice to not accept any answers because that discourages future answers, and we want to keep challenges open forever. – HyperNeutrino – 2018-04-23T05:25:55.743

@HyperNeutrino Thanks! This is very, very different from Puzzling SE which is where I spend the majority of my time, so thanks for letting me know! :D – NL628 – 2018-04-23T05:38:52.343

@NL628 No problem! Glad to have you here – HyperNeutrino – 2018-04-23T07:09:31.383

2All you examples have the characters in alphabetical order. I assume that's not an assumption we can make? Also, do we have to take N as an input if we don't need it? – Stewie Griffin – 2018-04-23T07:43:51.013

"The string is at most 100 characters long". Does that mean we can get input: 'aaaabbaabbaabaccccaac',2,'ab\ncd'? I think you should give a test case like that, if it's a possible input. – Stewie Griffin – 2018-04-23T08:04:50.340

Can we take the character array as a string instead? – darrylyeo – 2018-04-23T21:57:17.760



Octave, 85 68 66 bytes

Using eval, with a loop inside it saved a lot of bytes! I got the inspiration from this answer by Luis Mendo!

@(c,N,A)eval"for C=c,A(flip(k))=A(k=[x=find(A==C),N^2+1-x]);end,A"

Try it online!


f=@(c,N,A)          % Anonymous function that takes the three input variables
eval"...          % Evaluate the string and run it:
 for C=c,          % Loop over the character list 'c'
  .. x=find(A==C)   % Find the index where the character C is in A, and store it as 'x'
  .. k=[x,N^2+1-x]  % Create a vector with the index of C, and the index of its reflection
   A(flip(k))=A(k)  % Swap the elements in these positions
  end               % End loop
  A"                % Display the new 'A'

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 43 471


Python 2, 76 bytes

lambda s,a:[a[[i,~i][(s.count(c)+s.count(a[~i]))%2]]for i,c in enumerate(a)]

Try it online!

Takes input:

  • s: string
  • N: ignored
  • a: joined string of chars

Returns a flat list of chars

If I have to take the array as a list:

Python 2, 111 108 107 104 bytes

lambda s,n,a:[[x[sum(map(s.count,x))%2]for i in range(n)for x in[[a[j][i],a[~j][~i]]]]for j in range(n)]

Try it online!

Takes input:

  • s: string
  • n: int
  • a: 2D lists of chars

Returns a 2D list of chars


Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 19 246


Python 3, 122 111 bytes

lambda l,n,A:[[[A[a][b],A[~b][~a]][sum(map(l.count,[A[a][b],A[~b][~a]]))%2]for b in range(n)]for a in range(n)]

Try it online!

Returns a 2D array of chars.

Jo King

Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 38 234

You should be able to golf this further.. No way modifying the input matrix is shorter in Java than in Python.. ;p To get you started (and making it 1 byte shorter instead of 1 byte longer than my Java answer): Removing the a and b and using n+~x and n+~y directly saves 2 bytes: a,b=n+~x,n+~y;A[x][y],A[a][b]=A[a][b],A[x][y] to A[x][y],A[n+~x][n+~y]=A[n+~x][n+~y],A[x][y] – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-23T09:43:43.410


R, 74 61 bytes

-13 bytes thanks to Giuseppe.

function(s,n,m){for(x in s)m[v]=rev(m[v<-(i=x==m)|rev(i)]);m}

Try it online!

Inputs a vector of characters to search as s, size of the matrix as n and matrix itself as m. If it is absolutely necessary to take the first argument as string, that would pretty much spoil the fun.

Kirill L.

Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 6 693

Using logical rather than numeric indices, I golfed down to 61 bytes

– Giuseppe – 2018-04-23T13:07:36.640

Wow, that's a hefty improvement, thanks a lot. – Kirill L. – 2018-04-23T13:22:06.490


Java 10, 126 123 116 bytes

(s,n,m)->{for(var c:s)for(int N=n*n,i,j;N-->0;)if(m[i=N/n][j=N%n]==c){m[i][j]=m[n+~i][n+~j];m[n+~i][n+~j]=c;break;}}

Modifies the input character-matrix instead of returning a new one to save bytes.

Try it online.


(s,n,m)->{        // Method with the three parameters and no return-type
  for(var c:s)    //  Loop over the characters given
    for(int N=n*n,i,j;N-->0;)
                  //   Inner loop over the matrix
                  //    If the current character and matrix-value are equals:
                  //     Swap the values in the matrix at indices [i, j] and [n-i-1, n-j-1]
        break;}}  //     Stop the inner loop (go to next iteration of the outer loop)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 67 575

Dang, coding in java!??!?! +1 Def – NL628 – 2018-04-23T23:06:13.980


Jelly, 15 14 bytes


Try it online!

Full program.


FW;Ṛi,C$¥¦/ṁḷY       Main link. Input: ['ab','cd'] (left), 'ac' (right).
FW                   Flatten and Wrap it in a list. Current value = ['abcd'].
  ;                  Concatenate it with right argument. ['abcd','a','c']
          /          Reduce from left:
   Ṛ     ¦             Apply everse at...
    i   ¥              the index (of right argument in left argument)...
     ,C$               and its complement index.

The last operation needs more explanation. Denote f = Ṛi,C$¥¦, then for value ['abcd','a','c'] it computes ('abcd' f 'a') f 'c', which expands to:

Ṛi,C$¥¦    Function f. Assume left argument = 'abcd' and right argument = 'a'
Ṛ          First, compute the reverse. Get 'dcba'.
 i   ¥     To compute the indices to apply to, first the index of 'a' in 'abcd'
             is ('abcd' i 'a') = 1. (first index)
  ,C$      Then pair with (1 C) = 0. (last index)
      ¦    Apply 'dcba' to 'abcd' at indices 0 and 1:

              ^1 ^0


Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 14 620


Perl 5 -lpF, 97 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 7 671


Retina 0.8.2, 96 bytes


Try it online! Takes the string s and the array of characters as a newline-delimited string without the integer N. Explanation: Each character c of s is processed in turn. The regex matches two positions equidistant from the ends of the array, of which one is c and the other is its mirror m. These characters are swapped and c is removed from s.


Processes each character of s in turn.


$1 captures c.


$3 captures a stack of characters in the array prefixing one of c or m. $2 captures the rest of s plus all of these characters.


If m precedes c, $4 has a value, $5 captures m and $6 captures the characters between m and c. $7 captures $6 as a stack but its value is not used.


c is now matched in the array itself.


If m wasn't already matched, then $8 optionally captures a value, in which case $9 captures the characters from c to m, $10 captures $9 as a stack which is unused and $11 captures m. The value is optional in case c and m are the same character.


$12 captures the characters suffixing the other of c and m. A balancing group is used to ensure $12 is as long as $3 was deep, i.e. the prefix and suffix are the same length.


The pieces are then put back together - first the rest of s and the prefix of the array, then if c preceeded m then m then the middle, then c, then if m preceeded c then the middle then m, then the suffix.


Now that s is empty it is deleted.


Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 95 035


JavaScript, 85 bytes

Takes string S and an array A as joined string.





Posted 2018-04-23T03:40:24.543

Reputation: 6 214