Simple String Reflection



Let's start by defining a reflection of a character in a string:

Given a string with distinct lowercase alphabetical letters with no spaces such as abcdefg, define a reflection of a letter in the string c as moving it (without changing the order of any other letter) to a new place in the string such that the number of letters originally to the right of it is now the number of letters to the left of it.

Thus, a reflection of the letter c in abcdefg would be abdecfg. Explanation: there were 4 letters to the right of c and now, there are 4 letters to the left of c.

Some more examples:

Reflecting the character e in myfriend would form the string myefrind

Reflecting the character a in axyz would form the string xyza.

Reflecting the character b in abc would form the string abc.

Reflecting the character d in d would form the string d.

Reflecting the character e in ef would form the string fe.

For more information or to try out some test cases, here is a (somewhat long) program I wrote in C++.

The Challenge

Given a string with distinct lowercase letters, go through each character alphabetically and "reflect" it in the string.

Clarifications: The letters in the string are from a-z, there are no spaces, the letters are unique, and the string is at least 1 letter long and at most 26 letters long.


Input: dcba. Output: dcba.

Reason: First, reflect the a as it is the character in the string that comes earliest in the alphabet. You will get adcb. Then, reflect the b as it comes next in the alphabet, to get badc. Then, reflect the c to get cbad, and then the d to get dcba.

Input: myface. Output: fyecma.

Hint: Go through the letters in the order a, c, e, f, m, y.

Input: a. Output: a.

Input: acb. Output: bac.

Input: cwmfjordbankglyphsvextquiz. Output: ieabhqzugdltkfnvpjxsormycw.


  • The input and output can be given by any convenient method.
  • Either a full program or a function are acceptable. If a function, you can return the output rather than printing it.
  • Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • This is so all usual golfing rules apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.
  • Accepting ~100 hours after posting.

Current Winner

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Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 673

2Could anyone give me insight as to whether this puzzle is okay? It's my second one here (my first was closed as off-topic...whoops). I tried to make it really complete, but I'm not sure if I'm missing anything. I'd really like to improve and have fun on this SE! Thanks guys :D – NL628 – 2018-04-20T02:57:13.147

6This looks good. I might give a few longer examples (in particular, it might be good for the first examples section to present more than what are seemingly edge cases). – Esolanging Fruit – 2018-04-20T03:36:04.150

@EsolangingFruit Okay, thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it. Will do :D – NL628 – 2018-04-20T03:36:32.230

1Clarification request: "the letters are unique" means each letter occurs only once in input, is that correct? – GPS – 2018-04-20T05:06:22.777

4Can we take the input and output in uppercase instead of lowercase? – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-20T07:05:20.813


@NL628 By the way, if you want to get insight on a challenge before posting it here, then post it in the Sandbox.

– Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-20T12:01:53.773

@GPS That is correct. – NL628 – 2018-04-20T17:25:59.493

@EriktheOutgolfer Oh no! Was I supposed to post there instead? Aiyaa sorry about that...I'm really sorry :( – NL628 – 2018-04-20T17:26:19.530

@KevinCruijssen I would prefer it to be in lowercase, but if you think of a really cool one, I'll edit the question to allow either ALL uppercase or ALL lowercase. – NL628 – 2018-04-20T17:26:55.440

1@NL628 No, nobody ever has to post it there, it's just a recommendation. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-04-21T09:11:54.423

Okay @EriktheOutgolfer Thank you so much! – NL628 – 2018-04-21T18:19:57.917



Brain-Flak, 188 bytes


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In addition to the reflections described in the challenge specification, this code also reverses the string exactly 26 times. This has no effect on the final output.

# Push 26

# Do 26 times:

  # Subtract 122 from counter to get negative lowercase letter

  # For each character in string:

    # Keep a copy of pivot letter on the third stack

    # Move next letter to other stack and compare to pivot

    # If letters are equal:

      # Keep current letter separate from this transformation

      # While keeping a copy of current stack height:

        # Move all letters to one stack


      # Move a number of letters equal to old stack height back




  # Destroy pivot letter


# Switch stack for output


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 9 181

1Wow that's pretty amazing. I can't even understand it :O +1 – NL628 – 2018-04-20T03:51:47.793


05AB1E, 20 17 bytes


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With example for the first iteration of myface

{v                  # for each char y in sorted input
  ð.ø               # surround current string with spaces
                    # STACK: ' myface '
     y¡             # split at current letter
                    # STACK: [' myf', 'ce ']
       ۇ           # remove non-letters
                    # STACK: ['myf','ce']
         €g        # get the length of each string in the pair, reversed
                    # STACK: ['myf','ce'], [2,3]
            sJ      # join the pair back to a string
              £     # split into 2 pieces of the calculated sizes
                    # STACK: ['my','fce']
               yý   # join on the current char y
                    # STACK: 'myafce'

The string is surrounded with spaces each iteration as splitting on the first or last letter of the string would result in a length-1 list otherwise and the merge wouldn't include that letter.


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 50 798

117 bytes?!??!! AMAZING..yet mnemonic is beating you by just one byte :P – NL628 – 2018-04-20T17:44:48.230

1Mmmm... Wow, only thing I could see is removing the surround with spaces. Seems odd we can't find another alternative to that. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-04-23T00:11:32.320

1@MagicOctopusUrn: It's the shortest way I've found of handling a split of the first or last character. It does feel like a lot of bytes just for that though – Emigna – 2018-04-23T06:29:10.600


Pyth, 18 16 19 16 bytes


Try it here


VSQ           )       For each character (N) in the sorted input (Q)...
          -QN         ... remove the character from Q...
      x_QN            ... get the reflected position...
     X       N        ... insert N...
   =Q                 ... and save the result into Q.
               Q      Output the final result.


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970


Wow 16 bytes? I would upvote, but sadly I've reached my daily voting limit. Will do in 6 hours :P – NL628 – 2018-04-20T17:44:13.560


Python 3, 80 73 bytes

Thanks to Esolanging Fruit for reminding me that functions can return by modifying their argument.

lambda x:[x.insert(len(x)+~x.index(i),x.remove(i)or i)for i in sorted(x)]

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Takes input as a list of characters.

Jo King

Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 38 234

3Wow I wrote an answer in C++ and Python 3 also. My Python 3 answer was exactly twice as long as yours... +1 – NL628 – 2018-04-20T03:52:27.513


Python 2, 70 bytes

def f(t):
 for c in sorted(t):i=t.index(c);l=len(t)+~i;t[l:l]=t.pop(i)

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Modifies the input list


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 19 246


JavaScript, 85 80 79 bytes

-6 bytes thanks to @DanielIndie


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Esolanging Fruit

Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 13 542

this doesnt "compile" a is a string and you use splice – DanielIndie – 2018-04-20T07:01:31.467

@DanielIndie Input should be passed as an array of characters, just like Jo King's Python solution. – Esolanging Fruit – 2018-04-20T07:21:10.290

80 bytes – DanielIndie – 2018-04-20T07:33:16.620

you dont return anything from that function, or print it – DanielIndie – 2018-04-20T07:35:02.963

@DanielIndie Functions can return by modifying their arguments. – Esolanging Fruit – 2018-04-20T07:36:51.397

79 bytes – DanielIndie – 2018-04-20T07:58:39.377

You can save 4 bytes by changing a.length-s to -s|1e9. – Rick Hitchcock – 2018-04-20T17:57:25.853

@RickHitchcock Wait, how does that work? – Esolanging Fruit – 2018-04-20T22:08:58.117

If the first parameter to splice is a negative number, it's taken from the end. So a.length-s is the same as -s unless s is zero. In that case, we use 1e9, which will be treated as the length of the array. – Rick Hitchcock – 2018-04-20T23:51:17.043

Any number between -1 and -512 bitwise or'd with 1e9 won't change. – Rick Hitchcock – 2018-04-20T23:52:53.470


Java 8, 140 96 92 88 87 85 bytes

s->{for(char c=9;++c>0;){int i=s.indexOf(c);if(i>=0)s.add(s.size()+~i,s.remove(i));}}

-44 bytes creating a port of @TFeld's Python 2 answer.
-6 bytes thanks to @OlivierGrégoire.

Modifies the input List instead of creating a new one.


Try it online.

s->{                     // Method with ArrayList<Character> parameter and no return-type
  for(char c=9;++c>0;){  //  Loop over all characters known
                         //  (except for the first 9 unprintables)
    int i=s.indexOf(c);  //   Index of the character, or -1 of it isn't present
    if(i>=0)             //   If the current character is present in the List
                         //    Change the position of this character to index `l-i-1`,
                         //    (where `l` is the size of the input-List)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 67 575

1@OlivierGrégoire Thanks. And 1 more looping over more than just the alphabet characters. :) – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-20T08:55:10.460

2Well, if you go that road, for(char c=9;++c>1;) is better ;-) – Olivier Grégoire – 2018-04-20T08:57:10.240

@OlivierGrégoire Ah of course, char also wraps around like Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1 == Integer.MIN_VALUE.. Smart! – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-20T08:58:19.900

@OlivierGrégoire s is an ArrayList, so indexOf will be of generic type T (which is Character for this input list). – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-20T12:59:56.233

Pffff... That's it: mixed the input type in my golfs... My bad. sorry. Deleting all my comments – Olivier Grégoire – 2018-04-20T13:04:09.470


Retina 0.8.2, 61 bytes


Try it online! Link includes test cases. Explanation:


Start the loop at a.


If the input contains the current letter, move it to the end, with a string of _s representing its original position.


For each _ move the letter back one character.


Increment the letter. After z change it to a ! so it doesn't match anything and the loop ends.


Delete the !.


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 95 035


Ruby, 51 bytes


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Takes an array of chars

Returns by modifying the input

Asone Tuhid

Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 1 944


R, 73 72 69 bytes

function(s){for(x in sort(s))s=append(s[x!=s],x,match(x,rev(s))-1);s}

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Inputs and outputs a vector of characters.

Kirill L.

Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 6 693

ew, using c as a variable name? that's awful, even for code golf! – Giuseppe – 2018-04-20T14:37:21.113

Well, I can obviously change it, but I am really surprised to see that it could bother anybody here. I actually tend to give priority to preserving some sense in variable names (like c for char) rather than unused built-ins. – Kirill L. – 2018-04-20T16:19:32.043

well, when looking for an improvement (which, I didn't) I found myself trying to use c, and it was awful when I couldn't figure out what was happening. I typically use K or k or even C just to avoid problems like that, but I totally get it. append is def the right tool for the job. – Giuseppe – 2018-04-20T16:26:55.750

Oh, I see, sorry about that, will try to avoid setting such "traps" in future. – Kirill L. – 2018-04-20T16:37:29.973


Red, 96 94 bytes

2 bytes saved thanks to Kevin Cruijssen

func[x][foreach c sort copy x[i:(length? x)+ 1 - index? find x c insert at replace x c""i c]x]

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More readable:

f: func[x][
    foreach c sort copy x[                  ; for each symbol in the sorted input
       i: (length? x) + 1 - index? find x c ; find its index and reflect it 
       insert at replace x c "" i c         ; remove it by replacing it with an empty char 
                                            ; and insert the symbol at its new index   
    x                                       ; return the transformed string

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 13 815

1You can save 2 bytes by changing find x c replace x c""insert at x i c to find x c insert at replace x c""i c to get rid of an x and space. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-20T09:54:48.027

@Kevin Cruijssen Thank you, Kevin, it's much better now! – Galen Ivanov – 2018-04-20T10:30:19.713


Japt, 23 22 bytes

¬n rÈ+S kY iYJ-XbY)x}U
¬n                     // Split the input into chars and sort it.
   r                }U // Then reduce the result with initial value of the input.
    È+S                // Append a space for replacing edge cases and
        kY             // remove the current char from the string.
           iY          // Insert it back
             J-XbY     // at the calculated index,
                  )x   // and remove the unnecessary space once we're done.

Saved one byte thanks to Oliver.
Try it online!


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 2 667

1Nice one. You can replace with J – Oliver – 2018-04-20T20:39:06.587

@Oliver Thanks a lot, I still forget to use the default variables every now and then, that's very handy. – Nit – 2018-04-22T10:29:46.150


Perl 5 -p, 37 bytes

#!/usr/bin/perl -p

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Ton Hospel

Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 14 114


C (clang), 164 162 bytes


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f() takes char-array containing input string and length of this array as parameters and performs required reflections in place.

callf() does pretty-printing.


-2 bytes. @Kevin. Thanks


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 341

1You can remove the space at char *s and change i=96 to i=9 to save 2 bytes. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2018-04-20T11:09:26.793

Good catch.. we needn't start from a. Thanks – GPS – 2018-04-20T18:53:26.960

144 bytes – ceilingcat – 2018-11-23T17:23:03.353


Perl, 74 70 bytes

84 80 bytes including invocation as unix filter

$ echo -e 'dcba\nmyface\na\nacb\ncwmfjordbankglyphsvextquiz' |
> perl -pE'for$c(a..z){if($p=1+index$_,$c){substr$_,$p-1,1,"";substr$_,-$p,0,$c}}'

Hynek -Pichi- Vychodil

Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 350


Haskell, 87 bytes

s#c|(h,_:t)<-span(/=c)s,(v,w)<-splitAt(length t)$h++t=v++c:w|1<2=s
f s=foldl(#)s['a'..]

Try it online!

f s=foldl(#)s['a'..]         -- fold the function '#' into all characters from 'a'
                              -- with the starting value of the input string s
s#c=                          -- in each step (s: result so far, c: next char)
   (h,_:t)<-span(/=c)s        -- let 'h' be the substring before 'c' and
                              -- 't' the substring after 'c'. the pattern match
                              -- fails if there's no 'c' in 's'
   (v,w)<-splitAt(length t)$h++t
                              -- split the string 'h++t' at index length of t
   =v++c:w                    -- return 'v' followed by 'c' followed by 'w'
   |1<2=s                     -- if there's no 'c' in 's', return 's' unchanged             


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 34 639

Why does this halt? Shouldn't folding over an infinite list cause an infinite loop? Shouldn't it be f s=foldl(#)s['a'..'z']? – user1472751 – 2018-04-20T18:03:26.087

1@user1472751: ['a'..] is not infinite, because Char belongs to class Bounded. A list with ..] of Bounded values stops at maxBound. Try: print [False ..]. – nimi – 2018-04-20T18:08:18.983


SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4), 132 128 bytes

	I ARB @S K	:F(N)
	I K =
	I =L K R	:(N)

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Straightforward implementation of the required algorithm. Saved a few bytes by switching to a function rather than a full program; the explanation remains the same, more or less.

	I =INPUT			;* read input
	U =&LCASE			;* alias for lowercase letters (it started out as uppercase)
N	U LEN(1) . K REM . U	:F(O)	;* set K to the next lowercase letter, and when empty, goto O
	I ARB @S K	:F(N)		;* set S to the number of letters before K, or goto N
	I K =				;* remove K
	I ARB . L RPOS(S) REM . R	;* set R to the last S characters of I and L to the others
	I =L K R	:(N)		;* recombine the string and goto N
O	OUTPUT =I			;* print new string


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 21 077


Jelly,  12  11 bytes


A monadic link accepting a list of characters and returning a list of characters.

Try it online!


W;ṢḟṁUṣ¥jʋ/ - Link: list of characters V  e.g. "myface"  ...i.e. ['m','y','f','a','c','e']
W           - wrap V in a list                 ["myface"]
  Ṣ         - sort V                           ['a','c','e','f','m','y']
 ;          - concatenate                      ["myface",'a','c','e','f','m','y']
          / - reduce with:
         ʋ  -   last four links as a dyad:
            -   (i.e. start with "myface" on the left and 'a' on the right 
            -         2nd iteration has that result on the left and 'c' on the right
            -         and so-forth)            e.g. left = myface, right = 'a'
   ḟ        -     filter out (right from left)      "myfce"
       ¥    -     last two links as a dyad:
     U      -       upend left                      "ecafym"
      ṣ     -       split at occurrences of right   ["ec","fym"]
    ṁ       -     mould (ḟ(x,y)) like (Uṣ¥(x,y))    ["my","fce"] 
         j  -   join with right                   "myafce"

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 67 804

Ok well this one pretty much wrecks everything else... – NL628 – 2018-04-20T18:24:51.157

1Well I think that's what Jelly is for - I half expect Dennis (Jelly's creator) to submit a shorter one! – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-20T18:26:08.977

Lol that's pretty amazing :P but I can't upvote b/c I used up my daily vote – NL628 – 2018-04-20T18:26:33.500

1...I think there may be a way to save a byte by use of (filter out) but I have not managed it yet. – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-20T18:36:39.210

...Beyond my comprehension :O – NL628 – 2018-04-20T18:37:31.617

1looks like, time-wise, it's O(n log n) in the length of the input since it first uses Python's sorted and then runs through n iterations of what appear to be less complex operations (flattening, splitting at found indices, joining, reversing). -- and Python's sorted is O(n log n). – Jonathan Allan – 2018-04-20T18:41:11.193

Oh lol okay thanks! :D – NL628 – 2018-04-20T18:50:21.570


APL+WIN, 63 bytes

Prompts for input string



l←s[⍋⎕av⍳s←,⎕] sort characters into alphabetical order

⍎∊(⍴s)⍴⊂'....' create an implicit loop for each character

s←(n←⌽~s=↑l)\s~↑l⋄((~n)/s)←↑l do the relection for first character in l

l←1↓l drop the first character in l

s display the result

⋄ statement separator


Posted 2018-04-20T02:45:40.970

Reputation: 3 184