Goodbye World! (Complete Obfuscation)


A little spin on an old favorite!

Have your program output in the smallest number of characters the words "Goodbye World!".


  1. No Brainfuck solutions.
  2. Every alphanumeric characters score a handicap of 100 points per character.
  3. Non-alphanumeric characters don't score anything...

Naturally, the lower the code size, the better...

Good luck!


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 6 949

Question was closed 2016-10-05T18:12:36.447

I think it's off-topic because it doesn't have an objective primary winning criterion (some languages do not use alphanumeric chars at all, like WhiteSpace). For that reason, I would suggest banning any language which does not use any alphanumeric character at all, not just brainfuck. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2016-10-05T14:26:00.933

1I suggest you disallow comments or unnecessary characters, or else people will post print"Goodbye World"; #.................................... or something. (although that would disqualify my cheaty Ruby answer :P) – Doorknob – 2013-12-08T14:09:27.590

4I think this would be more interesting (and golfy) without rule 3. (Make all non-alnums score nothing.) – FireFly – 2013-12-08T14:45:00.057

-1 because of rule 3 – John Dvorak – 2013-12-08T14:45:41.800

I agree with removing Rule 3 - that would disqualify my cheaty Ruby answer :P – Doorknob – 2013-12-08T14:59:23.770

"Unnecessary" non-alphanumeric characters are a problem. e.g. ((((3+4)))) or {{{{printf("Goodbye World!");}}}} I propose this addition: 4. If a non-alphanumeric character or continuous run of non-alphanumeric characters can be eliminated from a submission without affecting its output then those characters will be deemed to be "unnecessary" and will not be scored. – Darren Stone – 2013-12-08T17:54:51.890

@Darren Agreed. So basically, if removing one or more characters does not affect the output, then those characters don't count. – Doorknob – 2013-12-08T18:08:28.750

@DarrenStone Agreed... Updating the post, accordingly... – WallyWest – 2013-12-09T02:44:22.683

This looks like it would be better tagged as [tag:code-challenge] – Justin – 2013-12-09T03:19:29.137

I think you should just remove rule 3 (and therefore 4) altogether... – Doorknob – 2013-12-09T03:48:09.967

You know what guys, you're right...

Editing again... – WallyWest – 2013-12-09T03:49:09.970

Wait a minute, you can't just remove rule 3 and 4, I just made an excellent solution (-7790)! – Justin – 2013-12-09T03:52:16.327

"You're breaking my barrs, @Quincunx..." LOL

Where's your solution? – WallyWest – 2013-12-09T04:00:55.677

also, if you really want to remove it, then I recommend saying that non-alphanumeric characters score 0 (rather than 1) to better match what was previously in the question. Also, my solution is the Befunge 98 one. – Justin – 2013-12-09T04:01:45.410

So much strike-through, I'm having a hard time seeing the point of this. It looks like it's just a "Hello World" code golf with different text. – Iszi – 2013-12-09T04:14:29.857

Let me tidy that up... – WallyWest – 2013-12-09T04:20:44.760

@Eliseod'Annunzio You should definitely change it so that non-alphanumeric characters don't count, otherwise, you completely changed your question. – Justin – 2013-12-09T04:27:00.743

1Agreed, because otherwise my solution with literally just the string is better than the non alphanumeric one :-P Actually, I'd just suggest a larger handicap. Anyway I'm going to sleep now, will update my answer with whatever new rules in morning – Doorknob – 2013-12-09T04:36:15.670

1Wait, so do non alpha-num characters score 0? So that --a- would score 100 or is that 103? – None – 2013-12-09T05:29:59.907

@LegoStormtroopr Looks like 100. – Johannes Kuhn – 2013-12-09T08:19:21.227

7If you have to disqualify languages, it almost certainly indicates a poorly designed question. – Peter Taylor – 2013-12-09T10:08:26.733

2@Doorknob et. al. If answers have to be updated due to new rules, and especially after the question's fifth revision, I think it's time to reconsider whether this question should stay open. It may be better to just close it, then put a new and improved version through the Sandbox before it gets posted again. – Iszi – 2013-12-09T14:53:20.367

1This question appears to be off-topic because it is constantly changing its criteria – John Dvorak – 2013-12-11T07:47:14.787



Javascript, 0



Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 5 523

I like your limited approach... let's see... +, six character vocabulary for the script...


– WallyWest – 2013-12-10T07:19:47.840 :) – Doorknob – 2013-12-19T00:28:50.213

yep, or, which has other funny JS encoders: /

– xem – 2013-12-19T12:04:55.570


Ruby, 0

$><<(''<<('         _    _    _    __            __                               '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('        /    / \  / |   | |  |\  \/  |                                                                         '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('       |_    \ /  | /   | |  |/  |   |__                                                                       '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('        _/    _    _    |/   |/  |   |__                                                            '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('                                                                                                  '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('                                                                                                                         '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('                                                                                                     '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('                        ___     '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('      \    /\  /   /\   | /  |    | \                                                  '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('       \  / \ /   | |   |/   |    | /                                                                          '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('        \/  \/    \_/   |\   |__  |/                                                                              '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('                                                                                                            '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('                                                                                                    '=~/$/))
$><<(''<<('                                 '=~/$/))


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 20 600

Heh, I liked it – Cruncher – 2013-12-09T16:17:39.333

Clever... ;) Very well done... – WallyWest – 2013-12-10T07:21:04.203


Golfscript, score of 0 (only 179 174 (!) characters! no alphanumeric!)


Will add explanation when I have time.

Some quick mini explanations for now:

  • '""""'`, - a fancy way of saying "10" (I will substitute it for 10 in the explanations for clarity)
  • .,10*\ - takes the length of the string times ten, then pushes the original string back on the stack
  • ','?+ - adds the index of the character , to the len*10

Therefore, for example, for ".,.....", it becomes 7 * 10 + 1, which is 71, the character code of the letter G.

Old version:

Golfscript, score of 0 (only 1335 characters! no alphanumeric!)



The big thing of . is an array containing the character codes of each letter. For example, the charcode of G is 71, so there's 71 periods in the first string.

At the very end is where the magic happens: {,}%''+.

{,}% converts each string of periods into a number.

''+ converts this array of charcodes into a string.


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 68 138

Just realized that by the new rules, this would be 1348, not 0 (non-alphanumeric still counts towards code-length), but that also makes mine 7790. – Justin – 2013-12-09T04:03:54.840

'"'``, is an even shorter 10. Plus you can save 10 chars if you create the array by splitting a single string along newlines. – Howard – 2013-12-09T16:37:36.740

And you can replace ''+ by a single + because the empty string (input) is still on the stack. – Howard – 2013-12-09T16:43:37.970


Tcl, 400

Mhh, no alphanumeric?

Time to fall back to my favorite covert non-ascii characters to ascii.

{*}[bi f a* ♰♵♴♳☠♇♯♯♤♢♹♥♜☠♗♯♲♬♤☡]

Execute it in interactive mode.

Score: Non-Alphanummeric characters score nothing. Good, removed.
So only "bifa" is left. Which has a score of 400.

Johannes Kuhn

Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 7 122

Example. Note that I need to emulate the interactive mode in a script. – Johannes Kuhn – 2013-12-09T08:36:04.523

"bi f a*" does what exactly? My TCL is so rusty... – WallyWest – 2013-12-10T07:22:40.790

binary format a*. Takes the lowest 8 bit of each character. – Johannes Kuhn – 2013-12-10T07:30:08.440


EDIT: now disqualified by new rules.

Cheaty Ruby, -10 or as low as you want (just add more dashes)

$><<'Goodbye World------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'[0..12]

Explanation: the [0..12] at the end takes characters 0 through 12 of the string, which happens to be 'Goodbye World.'

Of course, a comment with all the dashes would work too.


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 68 138

Sorry @Doorknob! No hard feelings... I'll give you +1 for the effort. – WallyWest – 2013-12-09T03:38:32.987

@Eli I actually support the new rule - cheaty answers like this are disqualified and better answers like my golfscript one work :-) I might delete this one – Doorknob – 2013-12-09T03:46:57.743

I'd love to know more about GolfScript... any chance you have a link for it? Too lazy to Google LOL – WallyWest – 2013-12-09T03:48:23.077


– Doorknob – 2013-12-09T03:49:35.710


Befunge, score = 0

"!*:/=&&&/@(/ +:<=(:*:/@ '"+,+:,,+,+,+,+,,+,+,++,+,+,,@

Try it online!

I'm posting this because my answer is both shorter than the existing one (in terms of bytes -- 7790 vs. 57 55) and can function in Befunge 93, not just the latest spec.

The way it works is really quite simple. We push 1-3 ASCII characters onto the stack which, when summed up, equal the character we need to print.

!   "!"
d   "*:"+
l   "/="+
r   "&&&"++
o   "/@"+
W   "(/"+
    " "
e   "+:"+
y   "<="+
b   "(:"+
d   "*:"+
oo  "/@"+:
G   " '"+

(Duplicating the letter o saves two bytes, as opposed to writing it in the string)


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 646


This should make your head hurt. I count 20 alpha chars out of 243 total. perl you may need a bom or use utf8 depending on your encoding. works fine in latin1

eval <DATA>=~y/""?""\[""]"\\|`¡¢%~+:'''''£...§...............©/a-yA-T/r;
%+]¡'(%"?\(~(L*),`"%({$_{_}=1;$_{_}*=${_}[¢+(:%|]' ~( ));$_{_}}`"%({£/!@#$=^&* ()/0-9/+}<§.©.>))));
&@^@)* ($ @@ $
#*@*&!^&@ #
^*@@ $@* &* ^ $
#@$* # #


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 1 329

1rewritten to hide prime numbers. – hildred – 2013-12-09T04:54:23.500

Hildred, that's fantastic... – WallyWest – 2013-12-09T05:21:12.607

But now I need an aspirin... ;) – WallyWest – 2013-12-10T07:20:23.780


Befunge 98,-7790 (7790 by new rules (ugh, rule change)) 0 by new rules


"[/"/ basically pushes a 1. I do this the number of times needed for each character, sum them up, then move on. At the end, the ,'s print the answer, and the @ ends the program. At no point in the code can any repeated character, or any alphanumeric character be removed.

Note: it is definitely possible to find a larger string that pushes 1 and thus beat my answer (by old rules) (such as switching the order of [/ and then adding \ after the closing ", which would make it 9088 characters), but I felt it unnecessary. If anyone thinks I should, let me know. It is also possible to do some multiplication/ powers to overpass the character values by large amounts, then subtract down; this would also score better according to the old rules.


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 19 757

Nice work... I've never really worked well with Befunge... – WallyWest – 2013-12-09T04:05:47.977

@Eliseod'Annunzio I found a Befunge 93 Interpreter (which this runs in perfectly well (this one)) and this article, then attempted to write various programs.

– Justin – 2013-12-09T04:08:12.920

This is the first answer I gave to any Stackexchange site that took ~1 second before any edits I made were visible in the preview box. – Justin – 2013-12-09T04:13:07.360


Squeak Smalltalk, score=0

evaluate this 148 chars expression in any text pane (via pop up menu 'print it'):


Who said that Smalltalk was the most expressive language ;) ?

Explanation: above expression exploits some non portable Squeakism

  • it is possible to concatenate a String 'abc' and a ByteArray #[1 2 3] with binary op #,
  • it is possible to perform arithmetic on ByteArray (elementwise)
  • it is possible to decompose 'Goodbye World!' codes as a quotient q and remainder r in base b=14
  • there are 15 consecutives non alphanum characters from code 33 (!) to 47 (/), so we can use an offset o=33

So let's apply above rules to create our expression reconstructing: (q-o)*(b-o)+(r-o)

| q r o b |
q := 'Goodbye World!' collect: [:e | Character value: e asInteger // 14+33].
r := 'Goodbye World!' collect: [:e | Character value: e asInteger \\ 14+33].
o := 'Goodbye World!' collect: [:e | Character value: 33].
b := 'Goodbye World!' collect: [:e | Character value: 33+14].
(StringHolder new contents: (String streamContents: [:str | str
    nextPutAll: '^'''',((#[],';
    print: q;
    nextPutAll: ')-(#[],';
    print: o;
    nextPutAll: ')*((#[],';
    print: b;
    nextPutAll: ')-(#[],';
    print: o;
    nextPutAll: '))+((#[],';
    print: r;
    nextPutAll: ')-(#[],';
    print: o;
    nextPutAll: ')))']))
        openLabel: 'Programming Puzzle and Code Golf'


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 411


ferNANDo, 0

" '
' " ' ' ' " " "
' " " ' " " " "
' " " ' " " " "
' " " ' ' " ' '
' " " ' ' ' " '
' " " " " ' ' "
' " " ' ' " ' "
' ' " ' ' ' ' '
' " ' " ' " " "
' " " ' " " " "
' " " " ' ' " '
' " " ' " " ' '
' " " ' ' " ' '
' ' " ' ' ' ' "

Try it online!


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 3 728


///, 900

/./o//,/d/G..,bye W.rl,!

Try it online!


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 3 728


Python, 1800

print`[chr(len(_))for _ in["'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"]]`[2::5]


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 3 728


Hexagony, 0 (91 bytes, no trailing !)


Try it online!

Expanded Version

     ) ) " + } =
    & ' + ; - ; ' 
   " - ~ ; { = + }
  - ; ( ( ; + ( ; -
 * ( ; } { { ( { ( ( 
* } ) " * " + " . $ @
 = + ' - ; / ? & ; }
  & " + ; { / ; } *
   ) ; ( " * / } =
    ' * ) ; ; / "
     } ) ) " * /

Wasted too many bytes in printing the first few characters, getting into deep trouble and decided to let go of the !. Hope this would attract someone else to post a legitimate Hexagony answer!

Brief Explanation

Here is a big initialization loop:

     ) ) " + } =
    . . . . . . . 
   . . . . . . . . 
  . . . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . . . . .
* } ) " * " + " . . . If the Memory edge is not initialized, go to top!

This would initialize these nice values during first run:

   / MP pointing SW
12 \ _ / 3
   12  \ 4

Which after a loop we'll get this to work on:

 4 \ _ 12
 3 /   \ 12
12 \ _ / 3 <- MP here pointing NE
   12  \ 4

And then I started my journey on arithmetics...

One "straight" forward approach in Hexagony is the parallel mirrors / / / / /.

This will make the wrap always horizontal. Enjoy!

Sunny Pun

Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 821


Python (2 & 3) -Infinity < Score < 2000

print('--G--o--o--d--b--y--e-- --w--o--r--l--d--!--'[2::3])

Only last dashes in string may by eliminated without changing other parts of program.

Number of dashes may by increased without limits by increasing start and step of slice.


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893

Reputation: 506

2If you're following the "if removing one or more characters does not affect the output, then those characters don't count" rule, then you could just remove all the dashes and the [2::3]... – Doorknob – 2013-12-08T19:03:02.930

Now that it's an actual rule, your score is 1900-4=1896. – Doorknob – 2013-12-09T03:08:18.047

1900-5=1895. '!' is also not alnum. – AMK – 2013-12-09T20:31:41.543

actually, now it's just 1900 since nonalnums count 0 – Doorknob – 2013-12-09T21:40:51.140


Python: 2000

Based on Doorknob's Golfscript answer.

But rather than add the code, I'll add the code that writes the code! Now with more golf code that generates code!

p='Goodbye World!'
o="print ''.join([chr(len(_)) for _ in ['"+"','".join(" "*ord(i) for i in p)+"']"+"])"

print sum([0,100][i.isalpha()] for i in o)

Basically, this writes some a whole heap python code that has an array that includes a bunch of strings with the same number of spaces as the ord value of each character in the required string.

Then some code is written to then print out the chr(len()) for each of these strings. To reduce the score, the name for the temporary variable is _.

The last 2 lines are to check the output is correct and get the actual score shown above. Sadly, as I golf the generating code, my score gets higher :( The rules changed in my favour!

Rules changed again!


Posted 2013-12-08T11:46:40.893
