The brethren from the order of St Golfus the Concise have a tradition of reciting a short prayer whenever they see someone make the sign of the cross. Due to the high level of sin measured among tourists recently, they have installed CCTV in the monastery, and they've hired you to help them keep old tradition alive in the age of AI.
Your task is to analyse output from the friars' finger-tracking software and tell how many prayers are due. The input is a matrix containing integers between 0 and 4. 1,2,3,4 represent the positions of fingers at consecutive moments in time. 0 represents non-fingers.
The One True WayTM to cross oneself is:
("." matches any digit). However, due to uncertainty about the rotation of the camera and the presence of pious Eastern Orthodox brethren in the crowd (whose One True WayTM is in the opposite sideways direction), you should count all rotations and reflections too:
.4. .2. .3. .1. .3. .2. .4.
1.2 4.3 2.1 4.3 1.2 3.4 2.1
.3. .1. .4. .2. .4. .1. .3.
One digit may be part of multiple crosses.
Help the friars determine the number of times their AI should .pray()
by counting how many of the above 3x3 submatrices are present. Write a program or a function. Take input in any reasonable convenient form.
Testament cases:
// in
// out
// in
// out
// in
// out
"Blessed be the shortest of shortests, for it winneth the kingdom of upvotes." -Book of St Golfus 13:37
"Thou shalt not use loopholes, for they are the wicked works of Lucifer." -Letter to the Meta 13:666
Slight visualization of people making the cross
var html = $('pre').html();
html = html.split('0').join('<span class="zero">0</span>')
.split('1').join('<span class="one">1</span>')
.split('2').join('<span class="two">2</span>')
.split('3').join('<span class="three">3</span>')
.split('4').join('<span class="four">4</span>')
var count =['zero','one','two','three','four'];
var counter = 0;
var $all = $('span');
window.setInterval(function() {
var clazz = count[counter];
if(counter == count.length) {
counter = 0;
.zero {
.one {
.two {
.three {
.four {
color: red;
span {
transition:1s ease-out;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
// in
// out
// in
// out
// in
Thanks @Tschallacka for the visualization.
58+1 for the verses at the end, they gave me a good laugh :D – HyperNeutrino – 2018-02-04T03:42:33.597
6Can one digit be part of multiple crosses? – Martin Ender – 2018-02-04T08:25:51.147
@MartinEnder Yes. I'll edit that in. – ngn – 2018-02-04T08:32:51.643
9Oh sweet Jesus, you did make a Friar simulator. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-02-05T12:07:14.793
1Why is the first “T” linked? – JakeGould – 2018-02-05T16:07:13.930
4@JakeGould So as to link this question to the question the "T" leads to. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2018-02-05T18:12:04.687