Find the nth Aaron number




A Ruth-Aaron pair is a pair of consecutive positive integers n and n+1 such that the sum of the prime factors (counting repeated prime factors) of each integer are equal. For example, (714,715) is a Ruth-Aaron pair, since 714=2*3*7*17, 715=5*11*13, and 2+3+7+17=5+11+13=29. The name Ruth-Aaron pair was chosen by Carl Pomerance in reference to Babe Ruth's career home run total of 714, which stood as the world record from May 25, 1935 until April 8, 1974 when Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run. You can learn more about the fascinating history of these numbers in this Numberphile video.


Write a complete program or function which, given a positive integer n, outputs the nth Aaron number, where the nth number is defined to be the larger integer of the nth Ruth-Aaron pair. Thus the nth Aaron number is a(n)+1, where a(n) is the nth term in the OEIS sequence A039752.

Test cases

The first few Aaron numbers are




Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 4 600

To be sure, "counting multiplicity" means that 20 -> 2, 2, 5 not 2, 5 right? – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-07T17:29:01.710

@Okx I was, I just noticed that when I refreshed his Youtube profile, he had exactly 1 more subscriber (not me) – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-07T17:30:55.303

@HyperNeutrino Yes. I'll edit to make more clear. – ngenisis – 2017-08-07T17:31:32.373

Can we choose between 0 and 1 indexing? – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-07T17:33:36.780

@Mr.Xcoder Yes you may – ngenisis – 2017-08-07T17:34:03.403

3I too, watched today's Numberphile video – shooqie – 2017-08-07T17:43:32.030

I predicted this... – Okx – 2017-08-07T17:51:08.830

@Okx You mean you predicted this?

– Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-08-07T18:37:17.150

Just curious for 1 byte: Can I use 2 indexing? – Titus – 2017-08-07T19:40:30.710

@Titus I think that's fine – ngenisis – 2017-08-07T20:57:45.517

Oh wait ... it´s 3-indexed and saves <s>3</s> 2 bytes :D nm; that´s penny picking. I´ll go with 1-indexed. – Titus – 2017-08-07T21:06:38.413



05AB1E, 11 10 9 bytes

-1 byte thanks to Emigna
-1 byte thanks to Adnan



µ            While the counter variable (which starts at 0) is not equal to the input:
 N>          Store the current iteration index + 1, and then create an array with
   Ð<‚       [current iteration index + 1, current iteration index]
      ÒO     Get the sum of the prime factors of each element
        Ë    If all elements in the array are equal,
             implicitly increment the counter variable


Try it online!


Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 15 025

1Explanation when you can, please :) – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-07T17:34:57.733

@Mr.Xcoder Added. – Okx – 2017-08-07T17:36:50.997

10 bytes: µN>Ð<‚ÒO˽ – Emigna – 2017-08-07T17:41:17.040

@Emigna Ah, nice one. – Okx – 2017-08-07T17:44:49.097

You can leave out the ½ as this will be auto-appended when missing in the µ-loop body – Adnan – 2017-08-07T18:01:36.143

2@Adhnan Really? That's a crazy language feature. – Okx – 2017-08-07T18:03:17.527


Husk, 11 9 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to a clever golf by @Leo


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  Ẋ     N   -- map function over all consecutive pairs ... of natural numbers           [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5)...]
   ¤=       --   are the results of the following function equal for both in the pair?
     oΣp    --     sum of prime factors                                                   [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]
 ∫          -- cumulative sum                                                           [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3]                
€           -- the index of the first value equal to the input


Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 10 962

1Nice work, I was about to post substantially the same idea :) – Leo – 2017-08-07T18:24:49.783


A golfier version

– Leo – 2017-08-07T19:19:54.080

1@Leo Ooh, €∫ is a really nice trick! And one that only works in a lazy language. ;) – Zgarb – 2017-08-07T19:36:00.560

@Leo Very clever. – H.PWiz – 2017-08-07T19:37:57.473


Jelly, 12 bytes


A monadic link taking and returning non-negative numbers

Try it online!


;‘ÆfS€Eµ⁸#Ṫ‘ - Link: number, n
         #   - n-find (counting up, say with i, from implicit 1)
        ⁸    - ...number of matches to find: chain's left argument, n
       µ     - ...action: the monadic chain with argument i:
 ‘           -   increment = i+1
;            -   concatenate = [i,i+1]
  Æf         -   prime factors (with duplicates, vectorises)
    S€       -   sum €ach
      E      -   all (two of them) equal?
          Ṫ  - tail, the last matching (hence nth) i
           ‘ - increment (need to return i+1)

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 67 804

Save a byte with ;’ÆfS€E_Ịµ#.

– Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-08-07T17:48:54.947

Still need the tail. – Jonathan Allan – 2017-08-07T17:50:49.853

1And that's what you get for testing only with 1. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-08-07T17:51:38.467


MATL, 17 bytes


1-based. Very slow.

Try it online!


`        % Do...while
  @      %   Push iteration index k, starting at 1
  :      %   Range [1 2 ... k]
  "      %   For each j in [1 2 ... k]
    @    %     Push j
    Yf   %     Row vector of prime factors
    s    %     Sum
  ]      %   End
  v      %   Concatenate whole stack into a column vector
  d      %   Consecutive differences. A zero indicates a Ruth-Aaron pair
  ~s     %   Number of zeros
  G<     %   Is it less than the input? If so: next k. Else: exit loop
}        % Finally (execute right before when the loop is exited)
  @      %   Push current k
         % Implicit end. Implicit display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 87 464


Pyth, 23 20 bytes

This is 1-indexed.


Test Suite or Try it online!


WhQ=-QqsPZsPhZ=+Z1;Z  - Full program. Takes input from Standard input.

WhQ                      - While Q is still higher than 0.
       sPZ               - Sum of the prime factors of Z.
          sPhZ           - Sum of the prime factors of Z+1.
      q                  - If the above are equal:
   =-Q                     - Decrement Q by 1 if they are equal, and by 0 if they are not.
              =+Z1;      - Increment Z on each iteration.
                   Z     - Output Z. 

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 39 774


PHP, 93 92 91+1 bytes


Run as pipe with -nR or try it online.

-2 bytes with 3-indexed (fist Aaron number for argument 3): remove 2+.


while(2+$argn       # loop until argument reaches -2 (0 and 1 are false positives)
    -=$a==$b)           # 0. if factors sum equals previous, decrement argument
    for($b=$a,          # 1. remember factors sum
        $a=!            # 3. reset factors sum $a
        $x=$n+=         # 2. pre-increment $n and copy to $x
        $k=1;$k++<$x;)  # 4. loop $k from 2 to $x
        for(;$x%$k<1;       # while $k divides $x
            $x/=$k)             # 2. and divide $x by $k
            $a+=$k;             # 1. add $k to factors sum
echo$n;             # print Aaron number $n


Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 13 814


Mathematica, 97 bytes

(t=r=1;While[t<=#,If[SameQ@@(Plus@@((#&@@# #[[2]])&/@FactorInteger@#)&/@{#,#+1}&@r),t++];r++];r)&

Try it online!


Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 15 931

It needs to output the larger of the pair according to the description; 6 returns 714 instead of 715, for example. – numbermaniac – 2017-08-08T07:36:02.387

1@numbermaniac fixed! saved 2 bytes! – J42161217 – 2017-08-08T08:23:42.060


Pyth, 12 11 bytes


Indexing from 1 removes a byte, and puts Pyth ahead of Jelly


e.fqsPtZsPZ  - Full program. Takes input from Standard input.

e.f          - Last element of the list of the first $input numbers for which
   q         - Are equal 
    s   s    - The sum of
     PtZ PZ  - Prime factors of $number-1 and $number


Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 432


Jelly, 17 bytes


Try it online!


ÆfS=’ÆfS$$µ³‘¤#ṖṪ  Main link, argument is z
              #    Find the first       elements that satisfy condition y: <y><z>#
           ³‘¤                    z + 1
          µ        Monadic link, where the condition is:
  S                The sum of
Æf                            the array of primes that multiply to the number
   =               equals
       S           The sum of
     Æf                       the prime factors of
    ’                                              the number before it
        $$         Last two links as a monad, twice
               Ṗ   k -> k[:-1]
                Ṫ  Last element (combined with `pop`, gets the second last element)



Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 26 575

1I am not sure 2-indexing is allowed by default rules. – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-08-07T17:36:16.277

@Mr.Xcoder Sure, fixed. – HyperNeutrino – 2017-08-07T17:40:23.857


Ruby, 89 86 bytes

0while x%r<1?(x/=r;c+=r):x>=r+=1

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Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 11 099


Japt, 19 bytes

1+_°k x ¥Zk x «U´}a

Uses 1-indexing.

Try it online!

Justin Mariner

Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 4 746


Python 2, 119 104 102 101 bytes

f=lambda n,k=2:n/k and(f(n,k+1),k+f(n/k))[n%k<1]

Try it online!

-17 bytes thanks to @ovs!

-1 byte thanks to @notjagan

Credit goes to Dennis for the prime factorization algorithm. 1-indexed.

Note: This is extremely slow and inefficient. Inputs higher than 7 will crash unless you set import sys and do sys.setrecursionlimit(100000), but it works in theory.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-08-07T17:26:34.147

Reputation: 39 774

104 bytes by making f a function calculating the sum of prime factors – ovs – 2017-08-07T20:42:08.240

Would be great if you would track your bytecount (and maybe comment your edits). – Titus – 2017-08-07T20:49:09.980

(f(n,k+1),k+f(n/k))[n%k<1] for another -2 bytes. This makes it even slower. – ovs – 2017-08-07T20:53:29.550

-1 byte by switching i+1 to -~i. – notjagan – 2017-08-08T02:09:58.973