// One pass through Closure Compiler ADVANCED mode
// Added with statement, golfed switch statement, golfed color array
// I was surprised Closure Compiler didn't touch the switch statement, like, at least convert it into a bunch of conditional statements.
// Background moved to CSS
// e<<=1 same as e*=2
// Semicolon
// Failed to golf those colors down ;-;
c=n=>btoa`Q6óÑ=ôN9@ÓM4ÓM4`.substr(n%4*6,6) // <-- there are 2 unprintables somewhere in there
A = [0,1,2,3]
d=n=>`FFE289 E99E45 A55A00 000`.split` `[n&3]
// Let's compress that hunky array of numbers...
// And the char at n=20 became 65533 instead of 57113??
// Maybe try replacing that char with \u000? (Nope, editor doesn't like that at all)
// Okay, just check if n is 20 and make an exception.
// Also, this could work too... (how to do byte comparison properly? Not so knowledgeable about encodings)
+('0x'+btoa`Ó}ß°DØ_AÓ½ÐMÂAðuÔÐ@C÷~üÍÄN@ï@yÓo4@uô öÛOwÛOBÜ=uÛ ú]}÷±y÷@7~;ð{ÓÎ}ÛÐ}ì1BÐ>ÃÀßNuõçn6]xðzÛÝxAuç}ÓwÐ
=Ü@AÝz×ÎûÁ6.öó@»çn4ð=ÂÜ@>·ÔMxmÃÛNÁ_Cß]÷ Û;ôMûØ.8Ø}Û]ý`.substr(n*4,4))
// ES6 template string syntax, easy-peasy.
// 0x80000000 = 2147483648 = 2**31 = 1<<31
// 0x4C11DB7 = 2127036416 = 4057<<19
// 0xffff0000 = 4294901760
// Turns out individual x and y vars were better
// Reverse loop k
// Reverse loop n (wow!)
// Side effects: string is reversed, 20th character becomes 43rd character, color array is reversed, and we must add 1 to n when used in the k loop
// Everything in the for loop to eliminate "with" brackets
// Use third argument of "for"
// Iterate 65 to 1 instead of 64 to 0; removes need to add 1 with -~ at cost of increasing string length by 1
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(e=4057<<19,m=0,n=65;n--;)for(h=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,e=e&0xffff0000|h,x=h&255,y=h>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=e&1<<31,e*=2,l&&(e^=79764919,m=e&255),j=m&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++
// Rename variables to be more aligned with original names
// s = seed, d = direction, w = word
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=0,n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&0xffff0000|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(s^=79764919,d=s&255),j=d&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++
// s&0xffff0000|w same as s>>16<<16|w (@Arnauld)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=0,n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s>>16<<16|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(s^=79764919,d=s&255),j=d&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++
// d can be initialized to 65 (@Arnauld)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s>>16<<16|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(s^=79764919,d=s&255),j=d&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++
// Much shorter way to calculate direction (@Arnauld)
// j=d&130,i=j%4,2<j?i?x--:y--:i?x++:y++
// d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s>>16<<16|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(s^=79764919,d=s&255),d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++
// "&255" of "d=s&255" isn't necessary now (@Arnauld)
// s^=79764919,d=s&255
// d=s^=79764919
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s>>16<<16|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(d=s^=79764919),d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++
// s>>16<<16 same as s&~65535 (@FireFly)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(d=s^=79764919),d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++
// Even shorter way to calculate direction (@FireFly)
// d&128?d&2?x--:y--:d&2?x++:y++
// D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x+=D:y+=D
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&(d=s^=79764919),D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x+=D:y+=D
// Get rid of l (@Arnauld)
// l=s&1<<31,s*=2,l&&
// (s*=2)/2>>31&&
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8&255,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))(s*=2)/2>>31&&(d=s^=79764919),D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x+=D:y+=D
// "&255" isn't necessary y=w>>8&255 (@Arnauld)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1))(s*=2)/2>>31&&(d=s^=79764919),D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x+=D:y+=D
// x and y are constrained within 255 only upon direction change, making the drawing invalid; constraining every time fixes it. (@Arnauld)
// x+=D:y+=D
// fillRect(x&127,y&127,1,1)
// x=x+D&127:y=y+D&127
// fillRect(x,y,1,1)
with(C.getContext`2d`)for(s=4057<<19,d=n=65;n--;)for(w=n-44?` ℹ⮹ⱄ鸷▧雎ㄮ꾝쁻⎏눽Ḕ굣㺯贼剀胇걲룢ᡷ㺻ਉГ匬냱⤔誖넔뉂含퐱け핺ൽ緼ꌬ⦭࡙諷ꍇ那韵�⛖㴑ₜₓ鳒킱ʀ炵끚렾鍸ຽᬋ誑ܫ⾛㞾̊`.charCodeAt(n):57113,s=s&~65535|w,x=w&255,y=w>>8,fillStyle="#"+["FFE289","000","A55A00","E99E45"][n&3],k=32*n;k--;fillRect(x,y,1,1))(s*=2)/2>>31&&(d=s^=79764919),D=d&128?-1:1,d&2?x=x+D&127:y=y+D&127
1The "you're encouraged to" is problematic, because if doing so conflicts with saving bytes, should someone do so or not? It should either be "you must" (do it even if it costs bytes), or "you may" (do it only if it saves bytes). – None – 8 years ago
@ais523 You're right. I suspected it was wrong when I wrote it. This doesn't add much to the challenge anyway, so I've removed this point entirely. – Arnauld – 8 years ago
1Usually I think it's better to split the ascii option into another challenge, otherwise there are kind of 2 sub-challenges anyway. – FryAmTheEggman – 8 years ago
1@FryAmTheEggman It was originally meant to be graphical output only and adding this ASCII option was probably a bad idea indeed. Hopefully I'm not ruining some WIP answer by removing it... – Arnauld – 8 years ago
Possible duplicate of Paint Starry Night, objectively, in 1kB of code
– ATaco – 8 years ago4@ATaco Paint Starry Nigh was a code-challenge with a different goal (reproducing the image as closely as possible). This one is plain kolmogorov-complexity with a constant output. – Arnauld – 8 years ago
1That's understandable, Redacting my close vote. – ATaco – 8 years ago
I removed
because it seemed to be wrong to me! – sergiol – 7 years ago1@sergiol It's useless, but certainly not wrong. The original assembly code is doing
ASL crc_seed / ROL crc_seed+1 / ROL crc_seed+2 / ROL crc_seed+3 / BCC nofeedback
where each memory location is 8-bit wide. So it's limited to a 32-bit quantity by nature. The idea behind thisAND 0xFFFFFFFF
was to explicitly mimic this behavior. – Arnauld – 7 years ago@Arnauld: Thanks for giving me clairvoyance. I just did the rollback. – sergiol – 7 years ago
@sergiol I rolled back to revision #8 instead, because your note about bitwise operations is relevant. – Arnauld – 7 years ago
I must have did a mistake when I did the rollback. I didn't want to rollback to version 7, but to 8. – sergiol – 7 years ago
Has nobody else noticed that none of the answers exactly match the picture in the question? At least the ones that have included a screenshot. They look like they all might match each other, though, so maybe it's a mistake in the pseudo-code? – James Holderness – 7 years ago
@JamesHolderness I've updated the picture to what the pseudo-code and the submissions are actually generating. There must be some subtlety in the original 6502 assembly code that I didn't translate accurately. :-( – Arnauld – 7 years ago
Thanks @Arnauld. I'm busy working on an answer at the moment, and I was a bit worried that my results weren't matching up with the original picture. – James Holderness – 7 years ago
It is possible for BX or BY to be above 127 sometimes, causing lines to be drawn outside the 127x127 area. Maybe they should be ANDed by 0x7F rather than 0xFF? But I don't actually see any differences in the original and the ones generated by answers here... – 12Me21 – 7 years ago
using 0x7F instead of 0xFF seems to be adding more differences, so I don't think that's it. But maybe SOMETHING is happening to the stuff which is drawn out of bounds... – 12Me21 – 7 years ago
FYI, This challenge was recently linked from this question from Retrocomputing.SE.
– user202729 – 7 years agoAlso, about "submitting the original 6502 code", I think that's "using someone else's code" and is disallowed by default. Or only as a CW. I'm not sure about that. – user202729 – 7 years ago