LCM of Rational Numbers



The least common multiple (LCM) of a set of numbers A is the smallest integer b such that b/a is an integer for all integers a in A. This definition can be extended to rational numbers!


Find the smallest positive rational b such that b/a is an integer for all rationals a in the input.


  • Standard loopholes are forbidden.
  • You may take numerators and denominators separately in the input, but may not take doubles, floats, etc.
  • The input may not be fully reduced.
  • You may take integer inputs as rationals with denominator of 1.
  • Submissions that would feed rational numbers to an LCM/GCD builtin are allowed, but non-competing.

Test Cases

In:  3
Out: 3

In:  1/17
Out: 1/17

In:  1/2, 3/4
Out: 3/2

In:  1/3, 2/8
Out: 1

In:  1/4, 3
Out: 3

In:  2/5, 3
Out: 6

In:  1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
Out: 105/2

This is , so submissions using the fewest bytes win!

JungHwan Min

Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 13 290

4Note: computing LCM[numerators]/GCD[denominators] may not work when the input contains a non-reduced rational number. e.g. 1/3, 2/8. – JungHwan Min – 2017-06-18T02:26:53.263

So if I reduce it, it will work? – Leaky Nun – 2017-06-18T02:32:51.800

@LeakyNun Yes, it will. – JungHwan Min – 2017-06-18T02:34:15.063

To encourage people to submit non-builtin answers, I've edited the question, making builtin answers non-competing (still allowed). If this is a problem, I will rollback my edit. – JungHwan Min – 2017-06-18T09:56:40.270

What about an LCM built-in being used but only with integers - competing or not? – Jonathan Allan – 2017-06-18T10:09:14.730

@JonathanAllan They are competing as long as the inputs of the LCM builtin are only integers. – JungHwan Min – 2017-06-18T10:14:16.750

I wondered at "non-competing but still allowed" but it seems we don't have a rule about that yet, so I've raised it on meta for discussion.

– trichoplax – 2017-06-19T13:30:17.260

Maybe include a test case with negative input? – ghosts_in_the_code – 2017-06-21T06:39:28.593



Jelly, 19 bytes


Try it online!

Leaky Nun

Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 45 011

1tfw Jelly sucks with fractions – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-06-18T08:41:55.320

2g/:@$€ -> :g/$€ – Jonathan Allan – 2017-06-18T10:37:05.630

2Save another two bytes with: :g/$€ZµḢæl/,Ḣg/$ – Jonathan Allan – 2017-06-18T10:43:22.787

@JonathanAllan That's a nice piece of code... – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-06-18T11:46:46.830


J, 3 bytes, non-competing.


Given a list of rational inputs, this folds LCM through it.


Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 1 291


Python 2, 65 bytes (non-competing)

lambda x:reduce(lambda x,y:x*y/gcd(x,y),x)
from fractions import*

Try it online!


Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 21 408


sed, 374 (373+1) bytes

sed's -E flag counts as one byte. Note: I haven't tried to golf this yet, and probably won't for quite some time.
Input is taken in unary, and output is in unary. Spaces must surround every fraction. Example: echo " 1/111 111/11111 111111/111 ".

:d;s, (1*)/\1(1*), \1/\22,;s,(1*)(1*)/\2 ,2\1/\2 ,;td;s,1*(1/22*),\1,g;s,(22*/1)1*,\1,g;:r;s,((1*)/1*)2,\1\2,;s,2(1*/(1*)),\2\1,;tr;h;s,1*/,,g;:g;s/^(1*) 1(1*) 1(1*)/1\1 \2 \3/;tg;s/  */ /g;s/^/ /;/1 1/bg;x;s,/1*,,g;s/^( 1*)( 1*)/\1\2\2/;:l;s/^(1*) (1*) \2(1*)/\1\2 \2 \3/;tl;/  $/be;/  /{s/^(1*) 1*  1*( 1*)/ \1\2\2/;bl};s/^(1* 1* )(1*) (1*)/\1\2\3 \3/;bl;:e;G;s, *\n *,/,

Try it online!


Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 1 291


Pari/GP, 3 bytes, non-competing


Try it online!


Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 23 988

@JungHwanMin Does it mean that a GCD built-in is allowed? – alephalpha – 2017-06-18T10:23:22.170

Good point. Yes, as long as its inputs are only integers. – JungHwan Min – 2017-06-18T10:25:12.220


JavaScript (ES6), 85 bytes


Look no builtins! No doubt someone will beat this using a recursive approach or something.


Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 95 035


Common Lisp, 154 bytes

(defun f(l &aux(s(pairlis l l)))(loop(and(eval`(=,@(mapcar'car s)))(return(caar s)))(let((x(assoc(reduce'min s :key'car)s)))(rplaca x(+(car x)(cdr x))))))

Algorithm used (specified for integers, but works also for rationals).

First make an associative list of the input data with itself, to get track of the initial values of the elements, so the operating sequence is given by the “car”s of the list.

(defun f(l &aux (s (pairlis l l)))        ; make the associative list
     (when (eval `(= ,@(mapcar 'car s))) ; when the car are all equal
       (return (caar s)))                 ; exit with the first one
     (let ((x (assoc (reduce 'min s :key 'car) s))) ; find the (first) least element
       (rplaca x (+ (car x) (cdr x))))))  ; replace its car adding the original value (cdr)

Test cases:

CL-USER> (f '(3))
CL-USER> (f '(1/17))
CL-USER> (f '(1/2 3/4))
CL-USER> (f '(1/3 2/8))
CL-USER> (f '(1/4 3))
CL-USER> (f '(2/5 3))
CL-USER> (f '(1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8))

Note: The solution is without the use of the builting lcm and gcd, that accept integers.


Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 2 260

W00t? Try this at your REPL (/ (lcm 1 3 5 7) (gcd 2 4 6 8)). – Kaz – 2017-06-19T14:24:36.557

@Kaz, since, as it said in problem, “Submissions that would feed rational numbers to an LCM/GCD builtin are allowed, but non-competing”. – Renzo – 2017-06-19T14:27:10.367

In Lisp terms, strictly speaking, we are in fact feeding rationals when we call (lcm 1 3 5 7), since integers are a subtype of rationals, but I think the rule is supposed to exclude use of a lcm or gcd which allows rational inputs. – Kaz – 2017-06-19T14:34:48.897

@Kaz, ops... I misinterpreted the rules! Should I remove the post? (maybe it is not good marketing for Common Lisp :) – Renzo – 2017-06-19T14:52:11.637

I'd just put in a note that this is a solution without using the built-in integer lcm and gcd. – Kaz – 2017-06-19T14:55:25.693


Perl 6,  46  42 bytes

{[lcm](@_».numerator)/[gcd] @_».denominator}

test it

{[lcm](($/=@_».nude)[*;0])/[gcd] $/[*;1]}

test it

Input is a list of Rational numbers.


{ # bare block lambda with implicit parameter list 「@_」

  [lcm](            # reduce using &infix:<lcm>
      $/ = @_».nude # store in 「$/」 a list of the NUmerators and DEnominiators
                    # ((1,2), (3,4))

      *;            # from all of the first level 「*」,
      0             # but only the 0th of the second level (numerators)
  [gcd] $/[ *; 1 ]  # gcd of the denominators

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 12 713


Retina, 117 bytes

{`^((1+)\2*)/(1+)+ (\2)+/\3+\b
$1 $#4$*1/$3
}`\G1(?=1* (1+))|\G 1+

Try it online! Takes input as a space-separated series of improper fractions (no integers or mixed numbers). Explanation:


Converts decimal to unary.


This reduces each fraction to its lowest terms. Capture group 1 represents the GCD of the numerator and denominator, so we count the number of captures before and after the /. \b(1+)+/(\1)+\b doesn't seem to count the number of captures correctly for some reason, so I use an extra capturing group and add 1 to the result.

{`^((1+)\2*)/(1+)+ (\2)+/\3+\b
$1 $#4$*1/$3

This does a number of things. Capture group 2 represents the GCD of the numerators of the first two fractions, while capture group 3 represents the GCD of the denominators. $#4 is therefore the second numerator divided by their GCD. (Again, I couldn't could the number of captures of the first numerator, but I only need to divide one numerator by their GCD, so it doesn't cost me quite so much.)

}`\G1(?=1* (1+))|\G 1+

Now that the second numerator has been divided by their GCD, we just use this expression from the unary arithmetic tutorial to multiply the two together, resulting in the LCM. We then repeat the exercise for any remaining fractions.


Converts unary back to decimal.


Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 95 035


Mathematica, 3 bytes, non-competing


Mathematica's built-in LCM function is capable of handling rational number inputs.

JungHwan Min

Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 13 290

3While answering your own question is fine, I don't think it's very sporting to answer it with a solution that has a very real chance of winning :P – Beta Decay – 2017-06-18T09:37:05.183

@BetaDecay Yep... So it's non-competing now. – JungHwan Min – 2017-06-18T10:50:04.343


PHP, 194 bytes

<?for(list($n,$d)=$_GET,$p=array_product($d);$x=$n[+$k];)$r[]=$x*$p/$d[+$k++];for($l=1;$l&&++$i;$l=!$l)foreach($r as$v)$l*=$i%$v<1;for($t=1+$i;$p%--$t||$i%$t;);echo$p/$t>1?$i/$t."/".$p/$t:$i/$t;

-4 Bytes with PHP>=7.1 [$n,$d]=$_GET instead of list($n,$d)=$_GET

Try it online!

Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 13 026


Common Lisp, 87 78 bytes

Using lcm and gcd, which have integer inputs:

(defun l(a)(/(apply #'lcm(mapcar #'numerator a))(apply #'gcd(mapcar #'denominator a))))

More golfed:

(defun l(a)(eval`(/(lcm,@(mapcar'numerator a))(gcd,@(mapcar'denominator a))))


Posted 2017-06-18T02:24:18.043

Reputation: 372