The formula on the wiki article for cyclic numbers can be used to generate cyclic numbers in any base. Using this formula, or any other appropriate formula, compute the first ten cyclic numbers in base 10. (The numbers cannot simply be stored and read out, even if the encoding is obscure or novel.)
Repeated cyclic numbers, for example 142857142857, should be avoided if possible.
Output can include 0.
if desired, but it is not required. Each number to be delimited by line, space, comma, etc.
The program which is the shortest and which follows the rules as closely as possible will be declared the winner.
1It is noted in the question that the answer should be computed, though congratulations on finding a loop hole I forgot to mention -- I suppose this is one of the points of code golf... – Thomas O – 2013-07-17T22:24:06.877
1@ThomasO, it is computed using the formula you specify - it's just that I've hard-coded the values of the primes rather than looping over all candidates and filtering to the ones which work. – Peter Taylor – 2013-07-17T22:28:40.537