Is this number an integer power of -2?



There are clever ways of determining whether a number is a power of 2. That's no longer an interesting problem, so let's determine whether a given integer is an integer power of -2. For example:

-2 => yes: (-2)¹
-1 => no
0 => no
1 => yes: (-2)⁰
2 => no
3 => no
4 => yes: (-2)²


  • You may write a program or a function and use any of the standard methods of receiving input and providing output.

  • Your input is a single integer, and output must be a truthy value if the integer is an integer power of -2, and a falsy value otherwise. No other output (e.g. warning messages) is permitted.

  • The usual integer overflow rules apply: your solution must be able to work for arbitrarily large integers in a hypothetical (or perhaps real) version of your language in which all integers are unbounded by default, but if your program fails in practice due to the implementation not supporting integers that large, that doesn't invalidate the solution.

  • You may use any programming language, but note that these loopholes are forbidden by default.

Winning condition

This is a contest: the answer which has the fewest bytes (in your chosen encoding) is the winner.

Toby Speight

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 5 058

2 => no shouldn't this be yes? – user41805 – 2017-04-06T12:09:03.727

17@KritixiLithos I don't see why it should. There is no integer i such that (-2)^i = 2 – Fatalize – 2017-04-06T12:10:40.753

2Are the exponents positive or -0.5 should be valid since it's 2^(-1). – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-06T12:13:47.380

1@Mr.Xcoder, Since inputs are always integer values, a negative exponent won't be required (or possible). – Toby Speight – 2017-04-06T12:16:06.197

@Fatalize But literally (-2)^i might be 2... – Matthew Roh – 2017-04-06T12:44:47.133

1@SIGSEGV maybe whereas i is not natural – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-06T12:55:09.887

@Mr.Xcoder, I think SIGSEGV was being facetious, as Fatalize clearly wrote "integer i". It's just a play on i being the standard imaginary number. Don't get too serious about that! – Toby Speight – 2017-04-06T13:02:02.687

@Fatalize silly me, I thought the challenge asked for a power of 2 instead – user41805 – 2017-04-06T14:39:16.820

How many bits is the input integer? – Jason C – 2017-04-06T14:50:01.243

2@Jason, as many as supported/natural in your language - see the third rule. And it's [tag:code-golf] because it needs an objective winning criterion to be on-topic here - "a pleasing solution" doesn't cut it (though I do like the Mathematica answer - that surprised me). – Toby Speight – 2017-04-06T14:55:05.553

One thing you could have done, which is reminiscent of some of the challenge contests we used to have in college, is limit the solution to a set of operations, e.g. bit shifts, bitwise operators, addition/subtraction/multiplication/division or something. And limit it to a certain language (most popular languages are similar in this regard). Then make it code-golf. Now that would have been proper treatment of this otherwise really great challenge. – Jason C – 2017-04-06T14:58:36.977


@TobySpeight I've proposed an alternate version of this challenge here.

– Jason C – 2017-04-06T16:07:28.457



Mathematica, 22 bytes


Try it online! (Using Mathics instead, where this solution also works.)

I tried to find a solution with bitwise operators for a while, and while one definitely exists, I ended up finding something which is probably simpler:

  • Max[#,-2#] multiplies the input by -2 if it's negative. Multiplying by another factor of -2 doesn't change whether the value is a power of -2 or not. But now all odd powers of -2 have been turned into even powers of -2.
  • But even powers of -2 are also even powers of 2, so we can use a simple Log2@... and check if the result is an integer (to check whether it's a power of 2). This already saves two bytes over Log[4,...] (another way to look at even powers of -2).
  • As an added bonus, checking whether a value is an even integer is shorter than just checking whether it's an integer: we can save three more bytes by using EvenQ instead of IntegerQ.

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 184 808

Does it help to consider that even powers of -2 are integer powers of 4? I like the idea of multiplying by -2 to get everything positive - though disappointed to see no bit-twiddling so far. – Toby Speight – 2017-04-06T13:04:02.967

5@TobySpeight Treating them as powers of 2 actually saves 5 bytes. I used powers of 4 at first, but Log[4,...] is longer than Log2@... and IntegerQ is longer than EvenQ. – Martin Ender – 2017-04-06T13:05:06.517


Jelly, 5 bytes


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How it works

æḟ-2=  Main link. Argument: n

æḟ-2   Round n towards 0 to the nearest power of -2.
    =  Test if the result is equal to n.


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 196 637


Python, 46 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to @ovs.

def g(x):
 while x%-2==0!=x:x/=-2
 return x==1

Function with usage:

g(4) # put your number between the brackets

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Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 39 774

print g(8) prints False – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-04-06T13:02:57.293

2@FelipeNardiBatista shouldn't it? – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-06T13:04:37.223

2sorry, my example was a bad one, print g(4) does the same – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-04-06T13:05:22.310

Wait, there is a small error, fixing it shortly – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-06T13:06:16.613

1I've put a ; instead of a newline... sorry for that. Fixed @FelipeNardiBatista – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-06T13:08:43.253

Can you not use x%2<1:x/=-2? – Neil – 2017-04-06T13:18:24.953

Oh yes, @Neil. Golfing skills are quite hard to get – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-06T13:19:58.307

@Neil It actually does not work (do not know why?) using my python 3.6 interpreter... strange... It seems like there is an infinite loop, because when I end the program, it throws KeyboardInterrupt on the line with the while – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-06T13:23:50.897

it's because -9%-2 returns -1 in both versions of python – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-04-06T13:35:45.523

but i think you could do x%-2+1 – Felipe Nardi Batista – 2017-04-06T13:38:55.290

This doesn't work for 0. You'd need while x and ... – mbomb007 – 2017-04-11T14:08:55.657

@mbomb007 fixed – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-11T14:12:27.917

46 bytes – ovs – 2017-06-19T15:18:56.487

@ovs I'm surprised someone golfed it down after 2 months, but thanks :)) – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-06-19T15:20:13.143


Python 2, 98 50 bytes

lambda x:x*(x&-x==abs(x))*((x<0)^x.bit_length()&1)

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Felipe Nardi Batista

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 2 345


Jelly, 6 bytes


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This is based on how Jelly converts an integer N to any arbitrary base B, doing so by converting N to an array, in which each integer is a digit d of (N)B, which can have a value 0≤Vd<B. Here, we will 0-index digits from the right, so every digit adds VdBd to form N. Vd<BVdBd<BBd=Bd+1, therefore every possible N has only one unique representation, if we ignore leading 0s in (N)B.

Here, d=input, B=-2. N=Bd=1Bd=VdBd⇔1=VdVd=1, and, since we're not adding any other multiples of powers of B, every other V would be 0. Right now, the array should be a 1 concatenated with d 0s. Since Jelly 1-indexes from the left, we should check whether the array's 1st element is 1, and all other elements are 0.

Hmm... all good, right? No? What's going on? Oh yeah, I have a better idea! First, let's take the sum of all of the integers in the array, treating it as if it was an integer array and not a number in base -2. If it is 1, it means that there is only one 1, and all other integers are 0. Since there can't be leading zeroes, except in the case of 0-2 (where the sum would be 0≠1 anyways), the 1st integer must be non-zero. The only non-zero integer in the array is the 1, so it must be the first one. Therefore, this is the only case that the sum of all of the integers in the array would be 1, because the smallest possible sum of a pair of positive integers is Σ{1,1}=2, since the smallest positive integer is 1. Every integer in a base representation is non-negative, so the only way the sum is 1 is to only have one 1, and all other integers are 0. Therefore, we can just check if the sum of all of the integers in the array is 1.

Here is what the code does:

b-2S⁼1 Main link. Arguments: d
b-2    Convert d to base -2.
   S   Take the sum.
    ⁼1 Check if the sum is equal to 1.

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 38 134

1Phew, that explanation took time to write... – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-04-06T13:34:04.800

I'd hate to see what an explanation for a long program would look like then... – boboquack – 2017-04-08T08:32:20.910

1@boboquack Here I am explaining why I use the base conversion stuff. I don't think explanation for long programs would be this long. A post can contain up to 30000 markdown characters, and explanations for longer programs would be more terse anyways. Also, I have read much longer explanations, and they are not that boring. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2017-04-08T08:38:36.640


Python 2, 35 34 32 bytes

f=lambda n:n==1or n!=n%2<f(n/-2)

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Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 196 637


Excel, 40 36 bytes

Saved 4 bytes by CallumDA

Excel can certainly do it but correcting errors adds 11 bytes


Input is in cell A1. Output is TRUE or FALSE

If it was allowed to return either FALSE or #NUM! error for false values, it would be only 25 bytes:


Engineer Toast

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 5 769

Heres a small improvement: =IFERROR(-2^IMREAL(IMLOG2(A1)),1)=A1 – CallumDA – 2017-04-06T23:49:53.530

1@CallumDA Thanks! I tried to figure a way to use the complex number functions but everything I came up with was longer. – Engineer Toast – 2017-04-07T03:43:24.833


JavaScript (ES6), 37 28 24 bytes


Saved 4 bytes thanks to Arnauld.




Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 3 078

Why do I see some errors (before the true/false values) when I click on "Run code snippet"? – numbermaniac – 2017-04-06T13:49:22.593

@numbermaniac I'm not sure, maybe you're using a browser that doesn't fully support ES6? – Tom – 2017-04-06T13:51:47.760

Welp, refreshed and tried again, no errors. Not sure what happened the first time. – numbermaniac – 2017-04-06T13:54:01.887


C (gcc), 34 29 bytes


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Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 3 360


05AB1E, 8 bytes


Try it online! or as a Test suite


Y(         # push -2
  IÄÝ      # push range [0 ... abs(input)]
     m     # element-wise power
      ¹å   # check if input is in the resulting list


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 50 798

Why the downvote? – user41805 – 2017-04-06T15:28:29.157

@KritixiLithos: Seems like someone has downvoted all golfing languages. – Emigna – 2017-04-06T15:29:19.267

6Noticed that too. Although I haven't been around PPCG for long, I've learned that creative and interesting solutions in standard languages are far more appreciated than 3-byte solutions in golfing languages. However, there are some people who (unfortunately) downvote very creative solutions in golfing languages, simply because they think everything is built-in, and don't understand how good the algorithms (although written in golfing languges) are. +1 for the incredible solution @Emigna – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-06T15:32:34.140

ÄLY(småO for 8. Y(sÄLm¢Z for 8... Nevermind, all 8. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2017-07-13T14:04:11.337


MATL, 9 8 bytes


Try it online! Or verify all test cases.

How it works

Consider input -8 as an example

2_    % Push -2
      % STACK: -2
y     % Implicit input. Duplicate from below
      % STACK: -8, -2, -8
|     % Absolute value
      % STACK: -8, -2, 8
:     % Range
      % STACK: -8, -2, [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]
q     % Subtract 1, element-wise
      % STACK: -8, -2, [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
^     % Power, element-wise
      % STACK: -8, [1 -2 4 -8 16 -32 64 -128]
m     % Ismember. Implicit display
      % STACK: 1

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 87 464

If I understand your explanation correctly, then given input n, this creates an array of size n as an intermediate step. Good job that efficiency is not a criterion here! – Toby Speight – 2017-04-06T15:03:07.260

2@Toby Of course! This is code golf, who cares about efficiency? :-D – Luis Mendo – 2017-04-06T15:05:42.790


Octave, 28 bytes


This defines an anonymous function. The approach is similar to that in my MATL answer.

Try it online!

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 87 464


PHP, 41 Bytes


PHP, 52 Bytes


PHP, 64 Bytes

Working with a Regex

echo preg_match("#^".($argn>0?1:"1+0")."(00)*$#",decbin($argn));

Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 13 026


Python 3, 34 bytes

lambda n:n==(-2)**~-n.bit_length()


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 37 067


JavaScript (ES6), 21 bytes

A recursive function that returns 0 or true.


How it works

This doesn't include any explicit test -- like n being odd or abs(n) being less than one -- to stop the recursion early when the input is not an exact power of -2.

We exit only when n is exactly equal to either 1 or 0.

This does work however because any IEEE-754 float will eventually be rounded to 0 when divided by 2 (or -2) enough times, because of arithmetic underflow.

Test cases




Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 111 334


C (gcc), 33 bytes

f(n){return n%2?n==1:n&&f(n/-2);}

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Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 151


Java 7, 55 bytes

boolean c(int n){return n==0?0>1:n%-2==0?c(n/-2):n==1;}


boolean c(int n){  // Method with integer parameter and boolean return-type
  return n==0 ?    //  If n is zero:
    0>1//false     //   Return false
   : n%-2==0 ?     //  Else-if n mod -2 is zero:
    c(n/-2)        //   Recursive call for the input divided by -2
   :               //  Else:
    n==1;          //   Return if n is one
}                  // End of method

Test code:

Try it here.

class M{
  static boolean c(int n){return n==0?0>1:n%-2==0?c(n/-2):n==1;}

  public static void main(String[] a){
    for(int i = -2; i <= 4; i++){
      System.out.println(i + ": " + c(i));


-2: true
-1: false
0: false
1: true
2: false
3: false
4: true

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 67 575

The non-recursive way is shorter by 5 bytes: boolean c(int n){while(0==n%-2)n/=-2;return 1==n;}. – Olivier Grégoire – 2017-04-07T14:14:27.583

@OlivierGrégoire Unfortunately that one doesn't work for n=0 in Java, because 0%-2==0 will be true and 0/-2 is still 0, causing an infinite loop, which is why I added the n==0?0>1 part to my recursive method. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-04-07T14:40:04.650

Nicely spotted! – Olivier Grégoire – 2017-04-07T14:51:27.580


Haskell, 24 23 bytes

f 0=0
f 1=1
f n=f(-n/2)

Defines a function f which returns 1 for powers of -2 and 0 otherwise.

A golfed version of my first submission to the other challenge.


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 159


Javascript(ES7), 45 bytes


Matthew Roh

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 5 043

Math.abs(x) is longer than x>0?x:-x, 11 bytes to 8 bytes. You should also be able to do -2**... instead of -1... to remove the second Math.abs(x) – fəˈnɛtɪk – 2017-04-07T01:38:17.757

What's ES7 specific in this? – Arjun – 2017-04-08T03:36:17.733

@DobbyTheFree-Elf, ** is. – Qwertiy – 2017-04-10T20:11:18.620


Perl 6, 21 bytes


Try it


{  # bare block lambda with implicit parameter 「$_」

  $_                  # is the input
  ==                  # equal to
  (-2)**( .lsb // 0 ) # -2 to the power of the least significant bit of the input

Note that 0.lsb returns Nil which produces a warning when used as a number, so the defined or operator // is used.
(Think of // as || with a different slant)

A method call with no invocant where a term is expected is implicitly called on $_. (.lsb)

Also works with .msb.

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 12 713

I like this one! – tale852150 – 2017-04-07T14:03:14.783


Prolog (SWI), 44 bytes

p(X):-X=1;X\=0,X mod 2=:=0,Z is X/(-2),p(Z).

Online interpreter


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 50 798


Python, 24 bytes

lambda n:n*n&n*n-1<n%3%2

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The bit trick k&k-1==0 checks whether k is a power of 2 (or k==0). Checking this for k=n*n as n*n&n*n-1==0 tells us whether abs(n) is a power of 2.

To further see if n is a power of -2, we need only check that n%3==1. This works because mod 3, the value -2 is equal to 1, so its powers are 1. In contrast, their negations are 2 mod 3, and of course 0 gives 0 mod 3.

We combine the checks n*n&n*n-1==0 and n%3==1 into a single expression. The first can be written with <1 for ==0, since it's never negative. The n%3==1 is equivalent to n%3%2, giving 0 or 1. So, we can combine them as n*n&n*n-1<n%3%2.


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 115 687


R, 22 bytes

Takes input from stdin, returns TRUE or FALSE accordingly.


I'm not 100% sure that this is a valid answer, as it only works for integers up to R's size limit, and if the integers were unbounded it wouldn't work. However, the rules state:

The usual integer overflow rules apply: your solution must be able to work for arbitrarily large integers in a hypothetical (or perhaps real) version of your language in which all integers are unbounded by default, but if your program fails in practice due to the implementation not supporting integers that large, that doesn't invalidate the solution.

In a hypothetical version of R which does allow unbounded integers, then we could use the following code, for the same byte count:


Of course, in real R, the above code just gives Error in 0:Inf : result would be too long a vector.


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 3 689


bc 88 bytes

bc -l <<< "n=$1;q=l(sqrt(n*n));p=4*a(1);((n<1)*c(q/l(2)*p/2)+(n>1)*(s(q/l(4)*p)))^2==0"

I have this in a file and it prints 1 for powers of -2 and 0 otherwise

I know it's really long, but it was fun


$ for i in {-129..257}; do echo -n "$i: "; ./ $i; done | grep ': 1'
-128: 1
-32: 1
-8: 1
-2: 1
1: 1
4: 1
16: 1
64: 1
256: 1


The main body has two halves, both are trying to equal zero for powers of -2.

q=l(sqrt(n*n))               % ln of the absolute value of the input
p=4*a(1)                     % pi: arctan(1) == pi/4
q/l(2) -> l(sqrt(n*n))/l(2)  % change of base formula -- this gives
                             % the power to which 2 is raised to equal
                             % sqrt(n*n). It will be an integer for 
                             % numbers of interest
n<1                          % 1 if true, 0 if false. for negative
                             % numbers check for powers of 2
n>1                          % for positive numbers, check for powers
                             % of 4
c(q/l(2)*p/2)                % cos(n*pi/2) == 0 for integer n (2^n)
s(q/l(4)*p)                  % sin(n*pi) == 0 for integer n (4^n)
(....)^2==0                  % square the result because numbers are
                             % not exactly zero and compare to 0


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 189

I never expected trigonometry! Good answer! – Toby Speight – 2017-04-11T08:24:49.113


Fourier, 53 bytes


I'll work on golfing this later, but the outline of this is:

X = User input
G = N = 1
Loop until N = 0
    G = -2 * G
    P = X*X 
    If G*G > P then
        N = O = 0
    End if
    If G = X then
        O = 1
        N = 0
    End if
End loop
Print O

Where the output is 0 for falsey and 1 for truthy.

Try it online!

Beta Decay

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 21 478

In the algo description not would be better not use P variable and write If G*G > X*X then...? – RosLuP – 2017-04-12T15:13:28.587

@RosLuP That would be better, but Fourier would simply treat that as (G*G > X)*X – Beta Decay – 2017-04-12T19:44:42.917


Julia 0.5, 20 bytes


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Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 196 637


Casio BASIC, 76 bytes

Note that 76 bytes is what it says on my calculator.

While Abs(X)≥1
If X=1
Then 1→O

This is my first venture into Casio BASIC... I never realised I could write such decent programs on a calculator :D

Beta Decay

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 21 478


Python 2.7, 40 bytes

while a%-2==0:a/=-2
print a==1

Credits to Mr. Xcoder for the original code of length 43 bytes. Had to post as a separate answer since I don't have enough reputation to comment.

Koishore Roy

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 1 144

It's kind of the same thing, since I've made my answer version-universal, so it works in both Python 2 and 3. If you were to do this in Python 3, you should have added int(input()) which would have gone over the limit of the def-like function. Additionally, In python 3, you must use print() which would of wasted 1 byte. That's why I chose that way, because in Python 3 it gets longer... – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-04-06T15:27:33.283


Retina, 27 bytes


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Takes input in unary, which is fairly standard for Retina. The first two lines do partial unary to binary conversion based on the first two lines of code from the Tutorial entry (any extraneous 1s will cause the match to fail anyway), while the last line checks for a power of four or a negative odd power of two.


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This time I do partial unary to base four conversion. Powers of four end up as ^1_*$ while negative odd powers of two end up as ^-11_*$.


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This time I just keep dividing by four as much as I can and check for 1 or -11 at the end.


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Another way of dividing by four. And still annoyingly 27 bytes...


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 95 035


Scheme, 60 bytes

(define(f n)(cond((= 1 n)#t)((<(abs n)1)#f)(#t(f(/ n -2)))))

Recursive solution.


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 231


Alice, 12 bytes, non-competing


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Alice has a fairly weird built-in, which was added because I needed something that goes well thematically with the string operation "discard everything up to this substring". That operation is "drop small factors" and what it does for positive x and y is that it divides x by all of its prime factors less than or equal to y. But if y is negative, then Alice tries negative prime factors greater than or equal to y instead, which means that every time a prime factor is removed, the sign of x changes. So if we use -2 as the second argument, we'll end up with 1 if and only if the input is a power of -2 (if the input is not a power of two, other factors will remain in the end, and if it has the wrong sign, we'll end up with -1 instead of 1).

The rest of the program is just a bit of weird control flow.

/   Reflect southeast. Switch to Ordinal.
i   Read all input as a string.
    Reflect off boundary, move northeast.
|   Reflect northwest.
    Reflect off boundary, move southwest.
i   Read all input as a string, but there's no input left, so this pushes "".
    Reflect off boundary, move northwest.
/   Reflect west. Switch to Cardinal.
    Wrap around to the end of line 1.
2R  Push -2. (Really: push 2, negate.)
z   Drop small factors. When trying to find a second integer argument,
    this discards the empty string and then implicitly converts the input
    string to an integer. Turns only valid inputs to 1.
tn  Decrement, logical NOT. Effectively an "equals 1?" check.
\   Reflect southwest. Switch to Ordinal.
    Reflect off boundary, move northwest.
o   Implicitly convert result to a string and print it. 
    Reflect off boundary, move southwest.
@   Terminate the program.

Martin Ender

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 184 808


Clojure, 57 bytes

(defn i[n](if(= n 1)true(if(=(int n)0)false(i(/ n -2)))))

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Full function, with annotations:

;; Define function `is-pow?` with 1 argument, `n`
(defn is-pow? [n]
  ;; If n = 1, that means it's a power of -2,
  ;; so we return true
  (if (= n 1) true
    ;; When we recursively call the function,
    ;; -1 > n > 1. `int` rounds up when the number
    ;; is negative (`(int -1/2)` = 0), and rounds down
    ;; when the number is positive. It also catches
    ;; the edgecase of 0.
    (if (= (int n) 0) false
      ;; If n made it to here, n < -1 or n > 1 - we have
      ;; to call the function recursively.
      (is-pow? (/ n -2)))))


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 6 600


Axiom, 50 bytes

g(n:INT):INT==(n=0 or n=1=>n;n rem 2=0=>g(n/-2);0)

It would return 0 if n is not power of (-2), else return 1; exercises

(70) -> n:=-10000;repeat(if g(n)=1 then output n; n>10000=>break;n:=n+1)
   - 8192
   - 2048
   - 512
   - 128
   - 32
   - 8
   - 2


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 3 036


Pyth, 7 bytes


Test suite


     _2   # -2
   jQ     # Cast input to that base
          # Iff input is a power of -2, then jQ_2 returns something of the form [1]+[0]*n
          # where n is the power of -2
          # This is also the only situation in which the sum of that is 1
!ts       # so we check for that: is the (s)um equal to 1 (or, equivalently, "!(sum - 1)" )

Steven H.

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 2 841


Jelly, 6 bytes


Try it online!


        Argument: -8
A       Get the absolute value of n             8
 Ḷ      Create a range from 0 to that number-1  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  -2*   converts that range into the list       -2^0, -2^1, ..., -2^7
     i  Returns >0 if n is in this range, 0 otherwise.

Dennis pointed out a flaw in my approach, which I fixed by taking the absolute value of the input for the range generation.


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 7 772


Common Lisp, 51 bytes

(defun f(n)(or(= 1 n)(and(< 1(abs n))(f(/ n -2)))))

Recursive version.


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 2 260


Excel, 28 bytes


Or using approach from @Martin Ender's Mathematica approach:

29 bytes



Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 2 534


C#, 104 107 bytes

+3 bytes, for using system, and finding another method to count bits

using System;b=>Enumerable.Range(0,1+(int)Math.Log(int.MaxValue,2)).Select(x=>Math.Pow(-2,x)).Any(x=>b==x);

It uses Linq to calculate all of -2-s integer powers, and then to test if the input is one them. It would be a bit shorter, if it didn't have to work in a theoretical version, where int can be of any size. Ungolfed:

bool IsPowerOfMinus2(int number)
    return Enumerable.Range(0, 2 + (int)Math.Log(int.MaxValue, 2))
        // We generate an IEnumerable, with values from 0 to the length of 
        // maximum number in binary. We need to add one, because we need to
        // know, how many integers to 
        .Select(x => Math.Pow(-2, x))
        //Replace every number with -2 raised to the number
        .Any(x => number == x);    
        //Determine, if the input is one of them

Horváth Dávid

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 679


Cjam, 12 bytes


Explanation comes later.

Roman Gräf

Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 2 915

I think you'll have to use 2b, instead of 2mL, because CJam does have arbitrary-precision integers, so your answer should work for arbitrarily large inputs (but mL won't be able to handle inputs correctly that can't be represented exactly as a 64-bit float). That should save bytes anyway, because you need neither the z, nor the i (although you will need to decrement the result before doing the exponentiation). – Martin Ender – 2017-04-09T18:16:29.427


Javascript ES6, 51 50 chars

Not very short, but I hope interesting :)



for(x=-2049; x<2049; ++x) if(f(x)) console.log(x)


Posted 2017-04-06T12:02:00.010

Reputation: 2 697