Cops: Make a regex - Make a snake



This is the cop's thread. The robber's thread is here.

Write a code that takes an input n and creates a n-by-n "snake matrix".

A snake matrix is a matrix that follows this pattern:


1  2  3
6  5  4
7  8  9

and 4-by-4:

1   2   3   4
8   7   6   5
9   10  11  12
16  15  14  13

The exact output format is optional. You may for instance output [[1 2 3],[6 5 4],[7 8 9]], or something similar.

You must provide the language name, and a regex that fully matches your code. You can choose how detailed your regex should be. In the extreme, you can write a regex that matches every possible string, in which case it will be very easy to crack your code. You must also provide the output for n=4, so that robbers know the exact format you have opted for.

You may use one of the regex-flavors that are available on, or the Ruby flavor.

  • PCRE (PHP)
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Golang
  • Ruby

You must specify which one you are using.


  • You must support any reasonably large n. You may assume it won't overflow the datatype or memory. If the default datatype is 8-bit signed integers, then you can assume n<=11, if it's unsigned 8-bit integers, then you can assume n<=15.
  • The robbers have to match the submission's output format, except leading/trailing spaces and newlines, since that might have been stripped away by the SE formatting.

Winning criterion:

The winner will be the uncracked submission with the shortest regex, measured in number of characters.

If your post has remained uncracked for 7 days, then you may post the intended solution and mark your submission as safe.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 43 471

5Seed, length 1, .. – user41805 – 8 years ago

@YiminRong I've seen Brian and Chuck used, but it also has an existing online interpreter. – mbomb007 – 8 years ago

2@KritixiLithos Except you have to release your original program to become safe ;-) – ETHproductions – 8 years ago

Trying first puzzle so bit confused. Do you mean write a code and then provide the regex which cracks your own code . And then, someone shows you what your code would look like (so your code is cracked). – Deepak Agarwal – 8 years ago

3@DeepakAgarwal - Write your code to generate a snake, then provide a regex which matches it. The robber's solution must be in the same language and match the regex as well. So one strategy is to provide a restrictive regex, to make it hard on the robber, but not so restrictive that you give the solution! – None – 8 years ago

@mbomb007 - All the languages there have an interpreter as required in the challenge. Just wondering if I can use them? – None – 8 years ago

Yeah, you can use them. – mbomb007 – 8 years ago

Please clarify what is "a code". Does a snippet that assume n is already declared and initialized (like this solution) count as valid? Do and apply here? (these two meta questions are for [tag:code-golf] but here is not code-golf)

– kennytm – 8 years ago

No, that submission doesn't take n as input, so it should not be a valid submission as far as I can tell. The two meta posts apply here too :) – Stewie Griffin – 8 years ago


Is this meta consensus allowing unary I/O for sed, that has no data types, be valid for this challenge?

– seshoumara – 8 years ago

What about ECMAScript regex? – Matthew Roh – 8 years ago

@seshoumara, this consensus is OK, but make it very clear in your answer how you call the function/program, and what the output looks like. Please include the output for both n=3 and n=4, so that people can see how the format changes when there numbers increase.

– Stewie Griffin – 8 years ago

@MatthewRoh, I think the 5 different options should be sufficient, unless you have some very convincing arguments for why I should add it to the list. – Stewie Griffin – 8 years ago

There's some uncertainty over what "fully matches" means. Do we need to surround our regexes in ^$? – Brian McCutchon – 8 years ago



05AB1E, Cracked by mbomb007

Hopefully fun to crack and not too obvious.

Regex (PCRE):


Output n=4:

[[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 15, 14, 13]]

Original solution



Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 50 798

oooooomg - dude that's dope (compliment, of course) – Tilak Maddy – 8 years ago

@mbomb007: Letters with accent does not match \w no. You can try yourself at regex101

– Emigna – 8 years ago

1You could make your regex shorter by changing .{0,2} to .?.? – Aaron – 8 years ago

1You can put the - in last position of the bracketed char class ([+*\/%-]) so you don't have to escape it. – Dada – 8 years ago

@Dada: That does indeed work in PCRE. I'm not terribly concerned with shortening it right now as I'm pretty certain that it will be cracked. If it should hold though, I'll incorporate both yours and Aarons suggestions. Thanks :) – Emigna – 8 years ago

Cracked. What was your original/intended solution? – mbomb007 – 8 years ago


Python 2, length 62, cracked

Regex (PCRE)

^while ((?=\S)[1di\W]|an|eval|nput|nt|or|pr){55}s(?1){45}n...$

Sample output

   1    2    3    4
   8    7    6    5
   9   10   11   12
  16   15   14   13


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 196 637

Cracked – xsot – 8 years ago


Jelly, length 6, cracked

Regex (PCRE)


Sample output

 1  2  3  4
 8  7  6  5
 9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 196 637

3This is forcing to golf really well in Jelly :D – Yytsi – 8 years ago

1Any nine characters? You're feeling generous! :D – AdmBorkBork – 8 years ago

1'Any nine' How many functions were there in Jelly? – Matthew Roh – 8 years ago

I'm 99% certain that the last char has to be G to format the output properly. I'm close to solving the rest, but I just can't figure out how to reverse every other item in an array with Jelly... – ETHproductions – 8 years ago

@ETHproductions: I was pretty certain I had it almost solved and I have a method of reversing every other item. My problem is I can't figure out how to bind everything together (I haven't tried the tutorial). I was expecting to see it solved by now though. Maybe it's harder than I think. – Emigna – 8 years ago

Cracked; should be working now. – None – 8 years ago


R, length 14 Cracked by plannapus

I hope I got this regex right. What I trying to say is 77 characters excluding <space>, #, ; and [. I tested it here


^[^ #;\[]{77}$

Sample output n= 4

1 2 3 4 
8 7 6 5 
9 10 11 12 
16 15 14 13  


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 11 735

I thought this would be easy but I'm having major trouble getting it to output those numbers like that (versus an array of some kind). Good work. – BLT – 8 years ago

1@BLT Thanks, it was an interesting problem to try and make difficult. – MickyT – 8 years ago

Cracked, though probably not the same code as yours. – plannapus – 8 years ago


05AB1E, Cracked by Value Ink

Lets kick it up a notch :)
Hopefully a nice puzzle.

Regex (PCRE)


Output n=4

[[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 15, 14, 13]]


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 50 798

Got it – Value Ink – 8 years ago


><>, length 49, Cracked by Aaron

Regex (Javascript)


Sample output (n=4)

1 2 3 4 
8 7 6 5 
9 10 11 12 
16 15 14 13 

Formatting is a bit weird, but checking for number length would have made it a lot longer. Might have gone a bit overboard on the regex, not sure!

Edit: Also I forgot to mention, I use the initial stack (-v flag) for input, not the usual fish input. Sorry!

Original Code:

+:}=?v>n" "o&:&{1

Aaron's is a lot simpler! The complexity of my original code is based around the idea of using n[r] every n-th number to flip that segment (row), then printing all numbers at once at the end


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 550

1.. is shorter than .{2} ;) – Aaron – 8 years ago

Doesn't matter, cracked it ! I obviously didn't follow your code too much, but it was an interesting challenge anyway. Please share your original code ! Also if you like, you could return the favour ;)

– Aaron – 8 years ago

@Aaron nice job! also yeeah i'm not sure how i didn't notice that in the regex. oh well :) I'll see if i can crack yours – torcado – 8 years ago


Ohm, cracked

Also my first Cops and Robbers challenge, so tell me if there are issues with this pattern (especially since this is a fairly unknown language).

Regex (PCRE)


Output (n = 4)

[[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 15, 14, 13]]

Nick Clifford

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 1 184

1If anything it may be too easy. If you have .* in your regex, it could be anything. So if the language has comments, they could write any program followed by a comment. – mbomb007 – 8 years ago

@mbomb007 Good point. – Nick Clifford – 8 years ago

1Cracked :) – Emigna – 8 years ago

@Emigna Well done! – Nick Clifford – 8 years ago


Ruby [cracked]

First Cops and Robbers challenge. Hope I didn't make this too easy.

EDIT: replaced \g<1> with (?1) because they're evidently equivalent in PCRE.



Output (n=4)

[[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 15, 14, 13]]

(Returns an array of arrays. It's a lambda, BTW, but maybe that gives away too much?)

Value Ink

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 10 608


– kennytm – 8 years ago


PHP, 221 Bytes (Cracked)

I hope it is difficult enough.

Regex (PCRE): 16 Bytes


No space, No comments, no use of base64_decode. Have Fun.


  1  2  3  4
  8  7  6  5
  9 10 11 12
 16 15 14 13

Original Code


Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 13 026

Please note that answers can use base64_decode because your regex does not disallow it. – CalculatorFeline – 8 years ago

4@CalculatorFeline: the regex blocks 6, which might block base64_decode. – nneonneo – 8 years ago


– kennytm – 8 years ago

Oops, missed that. But ^ so it doesn't matter. – CalculatorFeline – 8 years ago


dc, Regex length 12   Cracked by seshoumara!

^[^# !]{59}$

This regular expression is simple enough that I don't think the flavor of regex matters -- it should work across the board. (Note the space after the # in the regex.)

I've tested all four flavors at (PCRE/PHP, Javascript, Python, and Golang), as well as the Ruby version at The dc program matches the regex in all five regex versions.

The dc program takes its input on stdin and puts its output on stdout.

Sample output for input 4 (there's a trailing space at the end of each line):

1 2 3 4 
8 7 6 5 
9 10 11 12 
16 15 14 13 

Original code (added after being cracked)

This has been cracked by @seshoumara. Here's my intended code:



?sd      Input number and store it in register d.
[AP]s+   Macro that prints a newline. The macro is stored in register '+'.
0        Push 0 on the stack, initializing a loop.  (The top of the stack is the index variable.  It will go up to d^2-1.)
[        Start a macro definition.  (The macro will be stored in register l.)
ddd      Push 3 copies of the loop index variable on the stack, so they'll be available later. I'll call this number i.
ld/      Divide the last copy of i by d (integer division); this computes the row of the square that we're in (starting with row 0).
2%       Replace the row number with 0 if the row number is even, with 1 if the row number is odd.
r        Swap the top two items on the stack, so the top item is now the next to last copy of i, and the second item on the stack is the row number mod 2.
ld%      Compute i mod d; this goes from 0 to d-1. It is the column in the square that the next number will be placed in.  (The leftmost column is column 0.)
2*1+     Top of the stack is replaced with 2*(column number)+1.
ldr      Inserts d as the second item on the stack.
-        Computes d-2*(column number)-1.
*        The second item on the stack is the row number mod 2, so multiplying yields 0 if the row number is even, and d-2*(column number)-1 if the row number is odd.
+        Add to the remaining copy of i. The sum is i itself in even-numbered rows, and it's i+d-2*(column number)-1 in odd-numbered rows.

The sum at the top of the stack now is the next number we want to print:

  • It's easy to see that that's correct if the row number is even, since then the sum is just i.

  • For odd-numbered rows, notice that i = d*(i/d)+(i%d) = d * (row number) + column number. It follows that the sum i+d-2*(column number)-1 is d * (row number) + column number + d - 2*(column number)- 1 = d * (row number + 1) - column number - 1, which is the number we want to put in the indicated row and column to ensure that we're counting backwards in the odd-numbered rows.

Returning to the explanation now:

n        Print the desired number for the current row and column.
2CP      Print a space.  (2C, which is computed by dc as 20 + 12, is 32, the ASCII code for a space.)
1+       The original copy of i is at the top of the stack; add 1 to it.
dld%0=+  If (the incremented value of) i is a multiple of d, call the macro at register '+', which prints a newline.
dvld>l   If d > sqrt(i) (in other words, if i < d^2), then go back to the top of the loop by calling macro l again.
]dslx    End the macro definition, store the macro in register l, and execute it.

Mitchell Spector

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 3 392

Are the chars # and omitted so that a shorter solution can't use comments to reach 59 bytes? If so, there's no need since in dc there are so many ways to add commands that don't change anything, for ex. repeating q commands at the end of the script. – seshoumara – 8 years ago

@seshoumara It's meant to be a nod in that direction while still keeping the regex short. But you're right, of course. (This is my first cops-and-robbers entry, so I'm not sure how easy it is.) – Mitchell Spector – 8 years ago

Cracked!. Getting to slightly more than 59 bytes was easy, but matching your limit or under was more difficult than I expected. As for the regex, the space was ok to omit, my bad, since one needs to print it, so I had to use something else. – seshoumara – 8 years ago

@seshoumara Nice job! – Mitchell Spector – 8 years ago

@seshoumara By the way, spaces are also useful in dc to separate two successive numerical constants, so prohibiting spaces requires a workaround if you need that functionality. However, printing a space is no big deal, because 32P is shorter than [ ]n anyway. – Mitchell Spector – 8 years ago

You're right. This 'cops and robbers' challenge is something else, I never had more fun coding in dc like this time. It was also my first entry. If you wish, let's continue our script's discussion on bash, sed and dc chat room.

– seshoumara – 8 years ago


QBasic, regex length 10 (cracked)


Should work in any regex flavor, but we'll call it Python flavor.


NOTE: My solution uses unformatted QBasic; after formatting, the code doesn't match the regex due to added spaces. (But I can tell you that that's the only change that makes a difference. ([A-Z]+ ?. ?)+ still works on the formatted version.)

For testing purposes, I used QB64 with code formatting turned off (under Options > Code layout). If you don't want to download something, you can also run QBasic online at (but there you can't turn formatting off).

Sample output

 1  2  3  4 
 8  7  6  5 
 9  10  11  12 
 16  15  14  13 


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 21 213

So all symbols in the source must be preceded by a letter. – CalculatorFeline – 8 years ago

@CalculatorFeline One or more letters. – mbomb007 – 8 years ago

Well, my requirement is equivalent because \w+\W can be split into \w* and \w\W. (\w* is either null (trivial) or \w+ (easily snuck in with a symbol)) – CalculatorFeline – 8 years ago

@CalculatorFeline There is nothing saying that the . can't be a word character. It could be a lowercase letter, or a digit. In fact, it could even be a capital letter, in the event that the last character of the program is one. – mbomb007 – 8 years ago

Okay. Replace \W with .. Therefore, (\w+.)+ is equivalent to (\w*|\w.)+ is (\w+||\w.)+ is (\w+|\w.)+ is (\w|\w.)+ is (\w.?)+ and it's the same length but more efficient (one + vs two) – CalculatorFeline – 8 years ago



– kennytm – 8 years ago


C# net46 (Cracked)

( works)

Regex PCRE flavor length 58 tested at regex101


Only the method is regexed. Method returns a 2d int[,] array (int[4,4]) for an input n=4. If printed looks like this:

1 2 3 4 
8 7 6 5 
9 10 11 12 
16 15 14 13 

This is my first entry into anything like this, let me know if I did anything wrong. Not trying to win by regex length for sure, I'm just interested to see how well I did at preventing cracking :)

Original code:

static int[,]g(int n){int l,j,k=n-n,c,s;var _=new int[n,n];var d=n!=n;c=k;c++;s=k;for(l=k;l<n;l++){for(j=k;j<n;j++){_[l,d?n-j-c:j]=++s;}d=!d;}return _;}


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 51


– kennytm – 8 years ago

Well done, I should have tried to make the length more challenging at least... – EklipZ – 8 years ago


Bash, regex length 38, cracked (@kennytm)

^sort -n <[1adegnopqrstx$\-*()|'; ]+$


n=4; <command>


1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13

Marcos M

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 51

Cracked This one is nice :D

– kennytm – 8 years ago

Glad you enjoyed it @kennytm you've found exact solution as my original command! – Marcos M – 8 years ago


Python 3, 55 bytes (Cracked)

PCRE / Python / Golang flavor.

def [triangles=(1,SNAKE)]{27}:print[]SNAKE(--:>or[]{48}

(Be reminded that Full match is required. Assume ^ and $ when testing.)

Sample output:

[1, 2, 3, 4]
[8, 7, 6, 5]
[9, 10, 11, 12]
[16, 15, 14, 13]

Original solution:

def r(N,S=1,A=1,K=range,E=list):print(E(K(S,S+N))[::A])or(S+N>N*N)or(r(N,S+N,-A,K,E))

Should have trimmed 4 bytes :p


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 6 847

It seems for me that you miss the ) in the second part of the regex – Jörg Hülsermann – 8 years ago

@JörgHülsermann no nothing is missing, the regex is correct. – kennytm – 8 years ago

1@JörgHülsermann The extra ( is inside a character class starting after print and ending before {48}. Took me a while to see it too. ;) (For that matter, the earlier pair of parentheses are also inside a character class.) – DLosc – 8 years ago

@DLosc Now it is clear . Thank You – Jörg Hülsermann – 8 years ago

Cracked – xsot – 8 years ago



I hope this will be a fun one! :D

Output (n=4)


Level 1: PCRE (length=17) (Cracked by Jörg Hülsermann)

  • No single or double quotes so... no strings!
  • No digits!
  • No { so... no anonymous functions!
  • No v so... no eval()!
  • No ; so... it must be a single statement!
  • No < so... no Heredoc nor multiple PHP blocks!
  • The big one! No $ so... good luck defining variables! >:D

@JörgHülsermann had an interesting approach, but it's not what I had in mind :). Therefore, I'm introducing a new level of difficulty (I promise I have the code that fits this and I'm not just messing with you):

Level 2: PCRE (length=23) (Cracked by Jörg Hülsermann)

  • All the restrictions of Level 1
  • New on this level: none of these _~|&A-Z! :)

Have fun!


So, forbidding the $ meant the variables couldn't be accessed the regular way, but that doesn't mean they can't be used at all! You can still use extract()/compact() to import/export variables into the current scope. :)

$i = 1;
// can be written as
extract(['i' => 1])

echo $i;
// can be written as
echo compact('i')['i'];

However, there's a gotcha: compact('x')['x']++ wouldn't work because variables in PHP are passed by value... with one exception! Objects.

$x = (object) ['i' => 1];
// is
extract(['x' => (object) ['i' => 1]]);

// and
// works just fine!

The rest is easy.

  • Numbers 0 and 1 are easily generated by converting false and true to int by prepending them with the + sign
  • Use and and or since & and | are forbidden
  • To work around the forbidden quotes, just use undefined constants, which are treated as strings
  • To suppress the notices generated by using undefined constants, just use @
  • The forbidden letter v can be generated by using chr(ord('u') + 1), which translates to @chr(ord(u) + true) using the above workarounds
  • The underscore is similar to the above: chr(ord('a') - 2) which translates to chr(ord(a) - true - true)
  • Calling functions which contain forbidden characters can be done by taking advantage of PHP's callable type, which can be a string containing the name of the function. So, you can concatenate undefined constants and single character strings generated by ord() to build the name of the function and invoke it like this: array_reverse() becomes (a.rray.chr(ord(a)-true-true).re.chr(ord(u)+true).erse)() (array is a language construct, that's why it's split into the undefined constants a and rray)
  • Take advantage of the fact that, when it comes to conditional and loop constructs, the curly brackets are optional if the construct applies just to the immediately following statement. This means you can do stuff like: if ($n = $argv[1] and $i = 0) while ($n > $i++ and do_some and other_stuff or exit)

The logic in human readable code would be:

if (
    $x = (object) [
        'result' => [],
        'i' => 0


    define('n', $argv[1])


    define('un', '_')


    // create the initial set which we'll loop through
    define('segments', array_chunk(range(1, pow(n, 2)), n))
) while (
    // store each odd segment as-is and increment the "pointer"
    ($x->result[] = @segments[$x->i++])


    // store each even segment reversed and increment the "pointer"
    ($x->result[] = @array_reverse(segments[$x->i++]))


    // check if we need to break out of the loop
    n > $x->i


    // exit and output the result if the above is false
        // if n is odd, the above would have copied a NULL entry 
        // from the segments, so it needs to be filtered out

And the unfriendly version that matches the regex:

<?php if (@extract([x=>(object)[s=>[],i=>+false]])and@define(n,compact(arg.chr(ord(u)+true))[arg.chr(ord(u)+true)][+true]?:+true)and@define(un,chr(ord(a)-true-true))and@define(s,(a.rray.un.chunk)(range(+true,pow(n,true+true)),n)))while((@compact(x)[x]->s[]=s[@compact(x)[x]->i++])and(@compact(x)[x]->s[]=([@compact(x)[x]->i++]))and(n>@compact(x)[x]->i)or(@die((json.un.encode)((a.rray.un.filter)(@compact(x)[x]->s)))))?>

Ionut Botizan

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 71

@JörgHülsermann Since my regex was pretty long as it was and I don't expect it to have any chance to win, I just assumed that people won't get too hung up on such technicalities as the case sensitivity of the regex engine. Anyways, I edited my answer so the regex now includes a capital V. Have fun! :) – Ionut Botizan – 8 years ago

Nice try to make people crazy. No single or double quotes so... no strings! The answer is heredoc Syntax. No ; so... it must be a single statement! ?><?php vice versa! The big one! No $ so... good luck defining variables! >:D Okay I can work with constants – Jörg Hülsermann – 8 years ago

You want crazy?! I have updated the Regex to exclude the < character except at the very begining, thus no Heredoc and no multiple PHP code blocks! >:D Actually my solution doesn't uses any whitespace either, except after the opening <?php tag (It matches ^<\?php [^'"\d\s{vV;<$]+$). :) – Ionut Botizan – 8 years ago

One other bit of info that might point you in the right direction: my script is executed like this: php ./snake.php 4 so I am somehow reading input from the command line. :) – Ionut Botizan – 8 years ago

@JörgHülsermann Looks like you're having fun with this! :) I'm looking forward to see your take on this other approach:

– Ionut Botizan – 8 years ago

1@JörgHülsermann It is actually the same code but I initially used a looser regular expression because I was curious of what other solutions could people come up with. I'll give it one more day (maybe someone would like to take a shot at it over the week-end) and I'l post my code and the explanations tomorrow night.

What I can tell you right now is that you were on the right path about using undefined constants as strings. Also, you were wrong about something in your solution. You can call (array_re.chr(ord(u)+true).erse)()! :) (...or at least you could when the _ was allowed) – Ionut Botizan – 8 years ago

3@IonutBotizan You could keep the solution of Level 1 secret for now since it is cracked. It is still better for you to make Level 2 as a new post, it is easier for other people to check whether it is cracked or not. – kennytm – 8 years ago


level 2 cracked thank you for the hint. Now I am waiting for level 3 :-)

– Jörg Hülsermann – 8 years ago

Maybe you want to add these alternatives and . Your solution is very crazy :-)

– Jörg Hülsermann – 8 years ago


JavaScript (Cracked)

First time doing a Cops and Robbers challenge, hopefully doing it right.

Regex (JavaScript)



An array equal to:



Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 3 078

You may want a $ on the end of the regex if the code itself ends at the end of the regex. Otherwise I could do e.g. x=>x.toString().toString().toString().toString() and then whatever I want after that. – ETHproductions – 8 years ago

@ETHproductions Good point, thanks for the tip! – Tom – 8 years ago

Cracked – ovs – 8 years ago

1@ovs Wow, that was fast. Good job! – Tom – 8 years ago

4@Tom The .* at the beginning would've made it really easy. It could be any program followed by a comment. Basically, don't include .* in your regex. – mbomb007 – 8 years ago


Röda 0.12, length 19 (Cracked by @KritixiLithos)



Sample output (n=4):

[1, 2, 3, 4][8, 7, 6, 5][9, 10, 11, 12][16, 15, 14, 13]

Original code:


Try it online!


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 4 867


It's fair game as long as it predates this challenge and has an available (free) interpreter. The first time I tried MATL was when trying to crack a cop post. Don't be surprised if someone learns Röda just to crack this answer :)

– Stewie Griffin – 8 years ago

I do hope the documentation is in English, not Finnish though :) – Stewie Griffin – 8 years ago

@StewieGriffin There is some documentation available. Should I add a link to my answer or is is sufficiently easy to find from the Github page?

– fergusq – 8 years ago

Cracked! :) – user41805 – 8 years ago


Swift, regex 25 (Cracked)

Right, let's see if I've got the hang of this. This is my first cops and robbers post, so lemme know if I've messed up!


I used javascript flavour on


Sample Output

[1, 2, 3, 4]
[8, 7, 6, 5]
[9, 10, 11, 12]
[16, 15, 14, 13]

Original Code

(0..<n).forEach{i in print((0..<n).map{i%2>0 ?(i+1)*n-$0 :i*n+$0+1},separator:",")}

James Webster

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 2 809


– kennytm – 8 years ago

It appears this submission doesn't take n as an input, but requires a hard coded variable. If that's correct then I'm afraid this is not valid according to meta consensus.

– Stewie Griffin – 8 years ago

Note: You may keep the post, since it's already been cracked :) – Stewie Griffin – 8 years ago

@Stewie. Thanks for the info, there's a reason I've avoided these kinds of questions in the past! I think I understand the concept of "just a function" a bit better since this answer was cracked. I had assumed that it meant the body of a function, but I gather now it means a function variable? – James Webster – 8 years ago


MATL, length 12 (safe)


Uses Python flavour:


Example output

For n=4:

 1  2  3  4
 8  7  6  5
 9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13



To see how this works, consider input n=4.

tx   % Implicit input n, duplicate, delete. So this does nothing
     % STACK: 4
U    % Square
     % STACK: 16
:    % Range
     % STACK: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16]
Ge   % Reshape as an n-row array in column major order
     % STACK: [1  5  9 13;
               2  6 10 14;
               3  7 11 15;
               4  8 12 16]
G:   % Push range [1 2 ... n]
     % STACK: [1  5  9 13;
               2  6 10 14;
               3  7 11 15;
               4  8 12 16]
               [1 2 3 4]
o    % Modulo 2
     % STACK: [1  5  9 13;
               2  6 10 14;
               3  7 11 15;
               4  8 12 16]
              [1  0  1  0]
Eq   % Times 2, minus 1 (element-wise)
     % STACK: [1  5  9 13;
               2  6 10 14;
               3  7 11 15;
               4  8 12 16]
              [1 -1  1 -1]
*    % Multiply (element-wise with broadcast)
     % STACK: [1 -5  9 -13;
               2 -6 10 -14
               3 -7 11 -15
               4 -8 12 -16]
S    % Sort each column
     % STACK: [1 -8  9 -16;
               2 -7 10 -15;
               3 -6 11 -14;
               4 -5 12 -13]
5M   % Push [1 -1 1 -1] again
     % STACK: [1 -8  9 -16;
               2 -7 10 -15;
               3 -6 11 -14;
               4 -5 12 -13]
              [1 -1  1  -1]
*    % Multiply (element-wise with broadcast)
     % STACK: [1  8  9  16;
               2  7 10  15;
               3  6 11  14;
               4  5 12  13]
TTx  % Push [true true] and delete it. So this does nothing
!    % Transpose. Implicitly display
     % STACK: [ 1  2  3  4;
                8  7  6  5;
                9 10 11 12;
               16 15 14 13]

Luis Mendo

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 87 464


C – regex of 42 characters in length – cracked

Javascript regex as used in regex101.

^[-h<=*c+m?{printf("\/a: %d\\',o);}]{137}$

Guessing this will be trivial...

> main 4
1   2   3   4
8   7   6   5
9   10  11  12
16  15  14  13

Output is tab-delimited with \n after each line.

My solution, here integers 0 - 2 were obtained via t-t, t/t, and t:

main(int t,char**a){int o=t-t,i=t/t,m,n,h=atoi(*(a+i));for(m=o;m<h;m++)for(n=o;n<h;n++)printf("%d%c",m*h+(m%t?h-n:n+i),n<h-i?'\t':'\n');}


Posted 8 years ago


You can remove one r in your regex. – kennytm – 8 years ago

@kennytm - thanks - missed that one – None – 8 years ago


– kennytm – 8 years ago


PHP 7 (Safe)

Original Code


Second Try

Regex (PCRE): 29 Bytes


No space, No comments, no use of base64_decode.

Many functions are not allowed! underscore

Output n=11

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11
 22  21  20  19  18  17  16  15  14  13  12
 23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33
 44  43  42  41  40  39  38  37  36  35  34
 45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55
 66  65  64  63  62  61  60  59  58  57  56
 67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77
 88  87  86  85  84  83  82  81  80  79  78
 89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99
110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

Output n=4

 1  2  3  4
 8  7  6  5
 9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13

Output n=3

1 2 3
6 5 4
7 8 9

Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 13 026

I believe your answer is now safe :) – Aaron – 8 years ago

@Aaron I wonder me that is was not cracked. Original Code is added – Jörg Hülsermann – 8 years ago


Jelly, length 14 cracked

cracked by Dennis


Python regex.

Added m back in again after I let it slip.

/ (reduce quick);
from P (product) to ` (monad from dyad quick);
m (modulo indexing);
v (eval dyad);
from (dequeue) to (tail); and
(for each quick)

For an input of 4 mine outputs:

 1  2  3  4
 8  7  6  5
 9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13

...because I formatted a list of lists as a grid with G.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 67 804

Cracked. This was a fun one. – Dennis – 8 years ago


Jelly, length 17 (safe)


Python regex.

Tightening the knot, this bans some more useful things, for your aid here are the banned bytes:


just under a third of them!

For an input of 4 mine outputs:

 1  2  3  4
 8  7  6  5
 9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13

...because I formatted a list of lists as a grid with G.

A solution:


Try it online! / regex101

The main trick here is to index into a lexicographically sorted list of the permutations of the natural numbers up to n2 (using œ? to avoid building the list of length n2!), and to split the result into chunks of length n. The aforementioned index is found by forming its representation in the factorial number system which is formulaic since the "unsliced" snake is created by permuting elements in a prescribed manner (this may be readily converted to a number with Æ¡).

The solution I present uses Ŀ to reference previous links as monads (replacing Ñ and Ç), but multiple $ in a row could be employed instead to "inline" these helper functions. It also uses r since and R are banned.

’:2o1 - Link 1, periodic repetitions in the factorial base representation: n
’     - decrement n
 :2   - integer divide by 2
   o1 - or 1 (keep one period in the cases n=1 and n=2)

Ḃ¬aẋ@0 - Link 2, n zeros if n is even, else an empty list: n
Ḃ      - mod 2
 ¬     - not
   ẋ@0 - 0 repeated n times
  a    - and

’r0;0ẋ$ẋ1Ŀ¬0¦;2ĿÆ¡œ?⁸²¤s⁸G - Main link: n                    e.g. 6
’r0                        - inclusive range(n-1, 0)              [5,4,3,2,1,0]
    0ẋ$                    - 0 repeated n times                   [0,0,0,0,0,0]
   ;                       - concatenate (makes one "period")     [5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
        1Ŀ                 - call link 1 as a monad               2
       ẋ                   - repeat list                          [5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
           0¦              - apply to index 0 (rightmost index):
          ¬                -     not (make the last 0 a 1)        [5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]
              2Ŀ           - call link 2 as a monad               [0,0,0,0,0,0]
             ;             - concatenate                          [5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]
                Æ¡         - convert from factorial base          45461852049628918679695458739920
                      ¤    - nilad followed by link(s) as a nilad
                    ⁸      -     left argument, n                 6
                     ²     -     square                           36
                  œ?       - lexicographical permutation lookup   [1,2,3,4,5,6,12,11,10,9,8,7,13,14,15,16,17,18,24,23,22,21,20,19,25,26,27,28,29,30,36,35,34,33,32,31]
                       s⁸  - split into chunks of length n        [[1,2,3,4,5,6],[12,11,10,9,8,7],[13,14,15,16,17,18],[24,23,22,21,20,19],[25,26,27,28,29,30],[36,35,34,33,32,31]]
                         G - format as a grid

Jonathan Allan

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 67 804


Powershell, 23 Bytes

Cracked By Matt


Original Solution:

$n="$args";$script:r=0;$a=1..$n|%{$t=++$script:r..($script:r+=$n-1);if(!($_%2)){[Array]::Reverse($t)};,$t};$a|%{$_-join" "}

Takes input as argument and outputs to stdout

Hopefully this regex is OK, I don't expect this being too difficult to crack, as I haven't obfuscated much of it, and the regex gives a good few starting points to fill in the gaps, there's one thing in the first segment which is very uncommon in code golf though, which may catch someone out, I think a non-greedy match is required there to make this a bit tougher.

First cops challenge anyway.

1..4 | % { "----$_----" ; .\snake-cops.ps1 $_  }
1 2
4 3
1 2 3
6 5 4
7 8 9
1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 3 195

Cracked – Matt – 8 years ago

What was your solution? – Matt – 8 years ago

@Matt added, I figured it would be harder considering how many non-code-golf things I added, i.e. using [Array]::Reverse() instead of $array[9..0] and $script:r variables which are mostly needless. – colsw – 8 years ago


Pip, regex length 3 (safe)

The solution is a full program that takes n as a command-line argument. It does not use any command-line flags.

Regex (any flavor)


Sample output

1 2 3 4 
8 7 6 5 
9 10 11 12 
16 15 14 13 

My solution


Try it online!


Here's the code we would like to write:

Y \,a
F i ,a
 I i%2
  P i*a+_.s M RVy
  P i*a+_.s M y

That is:

  • Store the numbers 1 through a in y
  • Loop over values of i from 0 through a-1
  • If i is odd, reverse y, add i*a to each element, concatenate a space to each element, and print
  • Otherwise, do the same thing, but without reversing first


A lot of commands and variables in Pip use letters, but some important ones don't:

  • Range and inclusive range (, and \,)
  • Most math operations (+, -, *, %, ++)
  • Assignment (:)
  • We can't have a loop or function body with more than one statement (that would need {})
  • We can't use parentheses to enforce precedence

How we get around those limitations:

  • ENumerate can be used in place of ,; we just need a string with the number of characters we want, and we need to extract the first element of each sublist in a structure like [[0 "H"] [1 "i"]].
  • We don't need to increment anything if we can solve the problem with For loops.
  • We can assign to the y variable with the Yank operator.
  • We can do math with strings: X is string multiplication, and PUsh (or PB "push-back") will concatenate a string to another string in-place. To take the length of a string, we can ENumerate it and extract the right number from the resulting list.
  • We can use functions as long as they can be written as single-expression lambda functions using _.


The building blocks of our program:



That's map-unpack(_, enumerate(repeat(space, a))) in pseudocode. Map-unpack is like Python's itertools.starmap: given a list of lists, it calls a function on the items of each sublist. _ returns its first argument, so _MU just gets the first item of each sublist. For example, if a = 3:

     sXa  "   "
   EN     [[0 " "] [1 " "] [2 " "]]
_MU       [0 1 2]

... which is the same as ,a.

Inclusive range

I'm not sure there's a way to do inclusive-range(1, a) in a single expression, but fortunately we only need it once, so we can construct it in the y variable in three steps.


In pseudocode, yank(enumerate(repeat(space, a).push-back(space))):

   sXa     "   "
      PBs  "    "
 EN        [[0 " "] [1 " "] [2 " "] [3 " "]]
Y          Store that in y

Next POy pops the first item from y and discards it, leaving [[1 " "] [2 " "] [3 " "]].



That is, yank(map-unpack(_, y)): extract the first element of each sublist and yank the resulting list back into y. y is now [1 2 3].



In pseudocode, pop(dequeue(enumerate(a.push-back(space)))). The difficulty here is that enumerate only gives us numbers up to len(a)-1, but we want len(a). So we first push a space to a, lengthening it by one character, and then take len-1 of the new string.

      a     "xyz"
       PBs  "xyz "
    EN      [[0 "x"] [1 "y"] [2 "z"] [3 " "]]
  DQ        [3 " "]
PO          3


Now that we have a way to take the length of strings, we can use strings to do multiplication and addition of numbers:


The first does sXaXb to create a string of a*b spaces and then takes the length of it; the second does sXaPBsXb to push a string of b spaces to a string of a spaces and then takes the length of it.

The nice part is that all the operators we're using here (PU, PO, PB, DQ, EN, X) can be used with _ to form lambda expressions. So we can map mathematical transformations to the inclusive range we constructed earlier.

We also need to check i%2 inside the loop, but this is easily accomplished with bitwise AND: iBA1.

Put them together

The full code, with some added whitespace:

YENsXaPBs POy Y_MUy              Get \,a into y
F i _MUENsXa                     For i in ,a
 I iBA1                           If i%2=1
  P sPUPODQENsXiXaPBsX_PBs M RVy   Print sPUi*a+_ M RVy
 EI1                              Elseif 1 (using E would cause a parsing problem)
  P sPUPODQENsXiXaPBsX_PBs M y     Print sPUi*a+_ M y


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 21 213

Are we allowed to use flags such as -S? – Brian McCutchon – 8 years ago

@BrianMcCutchon Good question: answer is no. (Since they're not part of the code subject to the regex, it seemed too loophole-ish to use them.) Edited to clarify. – DLosc – 8 years ago

So far I have that a*b is _V_VRVENCGaRLbPU1, ,a is _MUENZGa, aJ" " is aJ_VRVk, and a@i is something like _V_VRVaZCGi, though I can't quite work out the precedence without parentheses yet. Also, a vague idea that I can get the permutations of a range (created as above, using the equivalent of ,(a*a)) and use that to select the correct permutation for each row. – Brian McCutchon – 8 years ago

@BrianMcCutchon I can't comment on any specifics, of course, but I'm really enjoying the progress update. ^_^ – DLosc – 8 years ago

I think it's safe now. How'd you do it? – Brian McCutchon – 8 years ago

@BrianMcCutchon Added code and explanation. You were on the right track in a number of ways, and I didn't even think of using V. But yeah, most of my process was figuring out how to do stuff so that the precedence would work out. I lucked out that PU et al are higher precedence than EN and can be used in lambdas. – DLosc – 8 years ago

@DLosc I had the opposite problem: I was trying to do stuff with yPU_MU... or similar (pushing the result of _MU... to y) and the fact that PU worked with lambdas was pretty annoying. – Brian McCutchon – 8 years ago

My approach was to get a list of ranges of length 1n, 2n, ..., nn, reverse them, then use Z to trim them to the right size and _MU to get rid of the extra stuff added by Z. But the precedence was kind of a deal-breaker. Nice job, and a very detailed explanation. – Brian McCutchon – 8 years ago


Mathematica, regex length 11, non-competing, cracked

PCRE flavour:


The correct solution will be a function which takes an integer and returns the output as a nested list like:

{{1, 2, 3, 4}, {8, 7, 6, 5}, {9, 10, 11, 12}, {16, 15, 14, 13}}

Martin Ender

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 184 808


– kennytm – 8 years ago

@kennytm Oh, that's a neat solution. Quite different from what I had. I'll see if I post mine later or if I add a more restrictive regex. – Martin Ender – 8 years ago


CJam, PCRE, length 8, cracked


Example output for 4:

[[1 2 3 4] [8 7 6 5] [9 10 11 12] [16 15 14 13]]


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 55 648

Cracked. Nice idea. :) There seem to be quite a lot of approaches that work, I wonder what you had in mind. – Martin Ender – 8 years ago

My answer actually satisfies a tighter regex — I’ll show it when that one gets cracked!

– Lynn – 8 years ago


tinylisp, regex length 3 (cracked)

You can test tinylisp code at Try it online!

Regex (any flavor)


Time to go hardcore.


The solution defines a function that takes a single integer argument and returns a list like this (for n=4):

((1 2 3 4) (8 7 6 5) (9 10 11 12) (16 15 14 13))

My original code uses the same basic idea Brian McCutchon came up with, building lists and eval'ing them. Here it is in one line:


I used the full construct-and-eval method once, to define a macro d' that makes definitions like d, but takes its arguments wrapped in a list: so instead of (d x 42), you can do (d'(x 42)). Then it was just a matter of rewriting any lists in the definitions that might need whitespace: (q(a b)) -> (c a(q(b))) -> (c(h(q(a)))(q(b))).


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 21 213

1Cracked. It wasn't easy. – Brian McCutchon – 8 years ago


CJam, PCRE, length 9, cracked


Example output for 4:

[[1 2 3 4] [8 7 6 5] [9 10 11 12] [16 15 14 13]]

Now {|} are banned, too.


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 55 648

Cracked. – Martin Ender – 8 years ago

Good job! My answer was basically the same, except it only used a bunch of me and mq to approximate the number, so it was like, extremely (~20k bytes) long. – Lynn – 8 years ago


Python3, (PCRE) length 27 (Cracked!)

Regex: ^([^# 0]){115}.{6}(?1){24}$

My first Cops and Robbers submission.

Output format

[1, 2, 3, 4]
[8, 7, 6, 5]
[9, 10, 11, 12]
[16, 15, 14, 13]

Original code: n=int(input());j=0;exec("print([int(i%n+1+(2*n-(2*(i%n)+1))*((((i/n)//1+1)/2)//1)+(2*(i%n)+1)*int(int(i/n)/2))for i in range(j,j+n)]);j+=n;"*n)


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 3 582

Cracked in the most loophole-y way possible. – Value Ink – 8 years ago


Python3, length 162 (Cracked!)

Regex: ^([^"' #]){24}"(?1){11}i%n(?1){4}2\*n-(?1){4}i%n(?1){10}i\/n(\)\/\/1)(?1){5}(?2)(?1){3}2\*\(i%n\)(?1){4}[int()2\/]{16}for i in range\(j,(?1){4}\]\)(?1){6}\"\*n\)$

Okay, I know, it's quite long. Fortunately, it won't be cracked in under a week... :'D.

I think I didn't make a mistake anywhere, that would allow loophole-y answers.

Output format

[1, 2, 3, 4]
[8, 7, 6, 5]
[9, 10, 11, 12]
[16, 15, 14, 13]

Original code:n=int(input());j=0;exec("print([int(i%n+1+(2*n-(2*(i%n)+1))*((((i/n)//1+1)/2)//1)+(2*(i%n)+1)*int(int(i/n)/2))for i in range(j,j+n)]);j+=n;"*n)


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 3 582


– kennytm – 8 years ago


Actually, Python regex of length 193 (safe)


This regex matches the CP437-encoded program source.

Output for n = 4:

[[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 15, 14, 13]]

Here is a Python 3 program to help with testing:

import re
pattern = re.compile(rb'[^\x00-\x08\x0d-\x13\x16-\x1d\x3f\xa6\xb6\xc1\xe9\xea\xfa\xff]{5}[\x00-\x08\x0d-\x13\x16-\x1d\x3f\xa6\xb6\xc1\xe9\xea\xfa\xff][^\x00-\x08\x0d-\x13\x16-\x1d\x3f\xa6\xb6\xc1\xe9\xea\xfa\xff]{6}')
code = b'code here'
print(pattern.match(code) and True or False)

Try it online!

Actually, 12 bytes


Try it online!


;             duplicate input
 ²R           range(1, n**2+1)
   ╡          split into n-length chunks
    "?R"ß*    "?R"*n
          ♀ƒ  for each chunk: reverse if index is odd (R) else do nothing (?)


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 32 998


Scala, length 40, Cracked

Regex (PCRE)


Output (n=4)

Vector(Vector(1, 2, 3, 4), Vector(8, 7, 6, 5), Vector(9, 10, 11, 12), Vector(13, 14, 15, 16))


def x(y:Int)=for(u<-1 to y)yield{val q=for(z<-1 to y;r<- List(z+(y*(u-1))))yield r;if(u%2==1)q else q.reverse}


def x(y:Int)=
  for(u<-1 to y)
      yield {
          val q=for(z<-1 to y;r<- List(z+(y*(u-1)))) yield r;


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 251

1Cracked! – math junkie – 8 years ago


05AB1E, length 22 Cracked by Emigna

This is probably too easy.

Regex (PCRE)



[[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 15, 14, 13]]

Original Solution



Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 21 944

Cracked – Emigna – 8 years ago

Yup, it was definitely too easy. – mbomb007 – 8 years ago


Jelly, length 12 - cracked

cracked by Dennis


Python regex (although I think all flavours are valid for this pattern).

That's right, none of those lovely array manipulation atoms!

  • Ḋequeue;
  • Ḣead;
  • Ṛeversal;
  • Upend;
  • Ṗop; or
  • Ṫail;

For an input of 4 mine outputs:

 1  2  3  4
 8  7  6  5
 9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13

...because I formatted a list of lists as a grid with G.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 67 804

you do need ^$ (not a crack) – CAD97 – 8 years ago

Cracked. – Dennis – 8 years ago

@CAD97 The challenge spec says it has to be a full match. – Dennis – 8 years ago

@Dennis oh, right... but then why does anyone have the ^$ – CAD97 – 8 years ago

@CAD97 Because that clarification from the OP postdates the oldest answers, and the newer ones probably just stuck with it. – Dennis – 8 years ago

@Dennis So I didn't need them? Why does regex101 say "full match" when it matches 2 chars? – Jonathan Allan – 8 years ago

1regex101 refers to the full match of the regex, i.e., the whole substring it matches. That doesn't make the rrgex a full match though. – Dennis – 8 years ago


Jelly, length 13 cracked

cracked by ais523


Python regex (although I think all flavours are valid for this pattern).

An extension of my previously cracked entry:
I have banned modulo indexing, which I missed and Dennis cleverly used;
I have banned use of the two eval atoms, as they'd allow indirect usage of the banned atoms; and
I have removed the start and end match (^...$ since it is redundant since a full match is required).


  • dequeue;
  • head;
  • reversal;
  • U upend;
  • m modulo indexing;
  • pop;
  • tail;
  • V eval; or
  • v dyadic eval

For an input of 4 mine outputs:

 1  2  3  4
 8  7  6  5
 9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13

...because I formatted a list of lists as a grid with G.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 67 804

Cracked. – None – 8 years ago


Jelly, length 13 cracked

cracked by Dennis (I forgot to keep m ... another incoming)


Python regex (although I think all flavours are valid for this pattern).

Severely increased the banned characters from my previous submission:

/ (reduce quick);
from P (product) to ` (monad from dyad quick);
v (eval dyad);
from (dequeue) to (tail); and
(for each quick)

For an input of 4 mine outputs:

 1  2  3  4
 8  7  6  5
 9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13

...because I formatted a list of lists as a grid with G.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 67 804

Cracked. – Dennis – 8 years ago


Jelly, 15 bytes, Cracked

Jelly seems to be quite popular in this challenge. So let's require the use of a totally different algorithm. The regex, PCRE interpreted in Jelly's encoding:


Several PCRE matchers, such as pcregrep and even perl itself, will treat input by default as "unknown 8-bit character set compatible with ASCII"; therefore, they handle Jelly's encoding just fine. (That said, I suspect you need to use perl here as many regex matchers dislike newlines in the middle of the regex. I can't just write it as \n as that's a byte longer.)

Result for an input of 4:

[[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 15, 14, 13]]


This ended up being cracked due to a typo in the regex. I'll submit a fixed version.


Posted 8 years ago


Cracked. – Dennis – 8 years ago


tinylisp, regex length 10 (cracked)

You can test tinylisp code at Try it online!


Any flavor should work the same, we'll call it Python flavor.

[( )1c-s]+

Basically this boils down to, "Solve the problem without using the library." If that turns out to be too easy, I may post a more restrictive one.


The solution is a function that takes a single integer argument and returns a list like this (for n=4):

((1 2 3 4) (8 7 6 5) (9 10 11 12) (16 15 14 13))


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 21 213

Cracked – kennytm – 8 years ago


PHP (Cracked)

Output (n=4)

1       2       3       4
8       7       6       5
9       10      11      12
16      15      14      13

PCRE (length=31)


Here's another take on this challenge, this time using a whitelist approach.

The notable forbidden characters are (), [], _, digits and most of the upper case letters.

Looking forward to see what you come up with!


This one was simpler. Since parenthesis were forbidden, you couldn't use function calls or language constructs like conditionals and loops which meant the infamous goto was the solution! >:D

  • The only number my solution requires is 1, which I defined as +true.
  • To format the output I used tab and newline characters, generated using bitwise operators on strings: "M" & "+" and "Z" & "*" Start by outputting 1
  • Then, I looped through each number and calculated the difference between each column and it's complement, which I multiplied by 0 for odd rows and 1 for even rows and then added to the original number at that position.

So, for n=4, 5 would originally be on the first column (1) on an odd row.

The difference is -2 * $column + $n + 1 = 3, which means 5 becomes 5 + $difference * $multiplier = 5 + 3 * 1 = 8. So, the first column of row number 2 becomes 8;

A human readable version of my solution is


$one = $i = 1;
$multiplier = $one - $one;
$n = $argv{$one};


++$i == $n * $n + $one && die;

$column = $i % $n ?: $n;
$difference = -$column - $column + $n + $one;

print "M"&"+";

$i % $n == $one && print "Z"&"*";

print $i + $difference * $multiplier;

// if not at the end of the row, leave as is
// else convert 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 to apply (or not) the above difference
$multiplier = $i % $n ? $multiplier : -$multiplier + $one;

goto loop


My solution that matches the regex was: <?= $t=$i=+true;$f=$s=$t-$t;$n=$argv{$t};a:++$i==$n*$n+$t&&die;$b=$i%$n?:$n;$m=-$b-$b+$n+$t;print"M"&"+";$i%$n==$t&&print"Z"&"*";print$i+$m*$s;$s=$i%$n?$s:-$t*$s+$t;goto a?>

Ionut Botizan

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 71

Cracked Oh my God. I hate the idea with the goto.

– Jörg Hülsermann – 8 years ago


Go, length 17 cracked

Regex, PCRE:


Translated roughly, you can use neither of these characters, except once:

+ , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; <

The regex matches the full program from package main to func main() which reads from stdin like so: echo 4 | go run snake.go


[[1 2 3 4] [8 7 6 5] [9 10 11 12] [16 15 14 13]]

Kristoffer Sall-Storgaard

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 489


– kennytm – 8 years ago

@kennytm nicely done! – Kristoffer Sall-Storgaard – 8 years ago


QBasic, regex length 10 (cracked)

A (hopefully more challenging) variation on my first submission.


Same as before. Should work in any regex flavor, but we'll call it Python flavor.


My solution uses unformatted QBasic; after formatting, the code doesn't match the regex due to added spaces. (But ([A-Z]+ ?. ?)+ still works on the formatted version.)

This time, I'm requiring that a crack work at, which allows a bit less flexibility in syntax than QB64 does. ;)

Sample output

|1 |2 |3 |4 |
|8 |7 |6 |5 |
|9 |10|11|12|

(I've used the ASCII pipe character | here, but the similar-looking box-drawing character --code point 179 in the code page that QBasic uses--works just as well and makes the chart look a lot nicer. You can insert it in your code by holding down Alt and typing 179 on the numpad. </funfacts>)

My original solution, prettified (to get the regex to match, replace \n * with :):








Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 21 213

It's PCRE. That's also the regex used in most langs. – Matthew Roh – 8 years ago


– kennytm – 8 years ago


Racket Intermediate Student with Lambda, regex length 36 20 22, Cracked by kennytm

Produces a function that takes n as input and returns the answer as a list of lists.

Regex (JS)



(list (list 1 2 3 4) (list 8 7 6 5) (list 9 10 11 12) (list 16 15 14 13))

Brian McCutchon

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 503

Cracked. – kennytm – 8 years ago


Racket Intermediate Student with Lambda, regex length 27 22 10 (Cracked)

You can run Racket ISL with Lambda at Try it online!.

Produces a function that takes n as input and returns the answer as a list of lists. The basic idea is that only one-character words are allowed, possibly prefixed with con. Also, besides the con exception, every other character must be non-word. Now let's see if any con robber can crack it!

Regex (JS)



(list (list 1 2 3 4) (list 8 7 6 5) (list 9 10 11 12) (list 16 15 14 13))

Edit 3/14

I've golfed the regex down quite a bit, making it more restrictive in the process. The basic idea of the solution is the same, but since the regex is not equivalent to the previous, I'll count my 7 days starting now. Also, until told otherwise, I'll assume that the answer's requirement for a full match means that ^ and $ on the regex are implied.

Original solution

(λ (n) (((((λ(f) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (f (λ (y)((x x)y)))))) (λ (q) (λ(n) (λ(c) (λ(r) (cond [(< c 0)r][(= 1 1) (((q n) (- c 1))(cons(cond [(= 0((((λ (f) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (f (λ (y)((x x)y)))))) (λ (r) (λ(a)(λ (b) (cond [(< a b)a][(= 1 1)((r(- a b)) b)])))))c)2))((((((λ (f) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (f (λ (y)((x x)y)))))) (λ (r)(λ (s) (λ(e) (λ(t) (λ(a) (cond [(>= (* t s) (* t e)) a][(= 1 1)((((r s) (- e t)) t) (cons(- e t)a))])))))))(+ 1(* c n))) (+ 1(* c n)n)) 1) '())][(= 1 1) ((((((λ (f) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (f (λ (y)((x x)y)))))) (λ (r) (λ(s) (λ(e) (λ(t) (λ(a) (cond [(>= (* t s) (* t e)) a][(= 1 1)((((r s) (- e t)) t) (cons(- e t)a))]))))))) (+ (* c n)n))(* c n))-1) '())]) r))]))))))n) (- n 1)) '()) )

Try it online! (Note that the TIO code is slightly different because I've wrapped the solution in (... 4) to call it.)

I picked ISL with Lambda over standard Racket on this and my other answer because I wanted to have short regexes and minimize loopholes. To do it, I started with this:

(define Y
  (λ (f)
     ((λ (x) (x x))
      (λ (x) (f (λ (y) ((x x) y)))))))

(define % (Y (λ (r) (λ (a) (λ (b)
  (cond [(< a b) a]
        [(= 1 1) ((r (- a b)) b)]))))))

(define range1 (Y (λ (r) (λ (s) (λ (e) (λ (t) (λ (a)
  (cond [(>= (* t s) (* t e)) a]
        [(= 1 1) ((((r s) (- e t)) t) (cons (- e t) a))]))))))))

(define g (Y (λ (q) (λ (n) (λ (c) (λ (r)
    [(< c 0) r]
    [(= 1 1)
     (((q n) (- c 1))
        (cond [(= 0 ((% c) 2))
               ((((range1 (+ 1 (* c n))) (+ 1 (* c n) n)) 1) '())]
              [(= 1 1) ((((range1 (+ (* c n) n)) (* c n)) -1) '())])

(define (f n)
  (((g n) (- n 1)) '()))

(Look familiar? I translated this into tinylisp for a certain crack.) Y it the applicative-order Y combinator, taken from this blog post. All functions are curried to make using the Y combinator possible. Then I substituted the function bodies in for each reference to a function and turned f into a lambda. After that, all I had to do was play with spaces so that I could use .\W instead of .\W+ in my regex.

Brian McCutchon

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 503


– kennytm – 8 years ago


Java 8 (Safe)

Regex (PCRE): 6 Bytes


Output n=4

Output separated by spaces

1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
9 10 11 12
16 15 14 13


The difficulty is getting to System.out without using the letter y. FileDescriptor is also forbidden because of D. Thus, reflection is heavily used to derive System.

class Snake {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    String[][] ret = new String[n][n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        int d = (i % 2 == 0) ? j + 1: n - j;
        ret[i][j] = "" + (i * n + d);
    String stem = "S" + (char)(1 + (int)'x') + "stem";
    String loaderMethod = "get" + stem + "ClassLoader";
    ClassLoader cl = (ClassLoader)ClassLoader.class.getMethod(loaderMethod).invoke(null);
    Class sClass = cl.loadClass("java.lang." + stem);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      String s = String.join(" ", ret[i]);


Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 634


Jelly, 16 bytes, Cracked

This is my previous submission with a typo/thinko in the regex fixed.

Jelly seems to be quite popular in this challenge. So let's require the use of a totally different algorithm. The regex, PCRE interpreted in Jelly's encoding:


Several PCRE matchers, such as pcregrep and even perl itself, will treat input by default as "unknown 8-bit character set compatible with ASCII"; therefore, they handle Jelly's encoding just fine. (That said, I suspect you need to use perl here as many regex matchers dislike newlines in the middle of the regex. I can't just write it as \n as that's a byte longer.)

Result for an input of 4:

[[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 15, 14, 13]]


The crack again rather misses the point of the question, but I'll have to give up on this unless I can find a way to avoid cheating. (The newline and Ç was part of that, but @Dennis simply output via stdout rather than via the return value to avoid the issue. Is it acceptable to force a certain sort of I/O in cops-and-robbers challenges?)


Posted 8 years ago


Cracked. – Dennis – 8 years ago


PHP (Cracked)

start from the command line

php -r <code> <args>

original code


Regex (PCRE): 18 Bytes


Output n=4


Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 13 026

1Eww what a messy output – kennytm – 8 years ago


@StewieGriffin It should clear also in other languages that is it the serializing of an array. I have use this output to short the regex and disallow the underscore totally

– Jörg Hülsermann – 8 years ago

Cracked. – kennytm – 8 years ago


><>, length 27 + 1 for single-line mode = 28

Regex (PCRE), using single-line mode :


My program takes the input from the stack with -v, uses no jumps, no digits, no commas and exactly three linefeeds and 131 chars.

Output for n=4 :



Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 3 689


Ruby (2nd submission)

The outside is mostly the same but my accidenal loophole is more restrictive now. I have many regrets


It's a lambda. Output is an array of arrays. Example with (n=4):

[[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 10, 11, 12], [16, 15, 14, 13]]

Value Ink

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 10 608

I guess this is safe now :-) – Stewie Griffin – 6 years ago

@StewieGriffin damn, it's been so long that I had to change computers and no longer have the original code. Guess I might give a shot at cracking it myself some day lmao – Value Ink – 6 years ago


PHP >=5.4 (Safe)

Original Solution


start from the command line

php <file> <args>

Regex (PCRE): 12 Bytes

[^ ;#/]{104}

Output n=4

separator is \t

1   2   3   4
8   7   6   5
9   10  11  12
16  15  14  13

Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 13 026


PHP >=7.0 (Safe)

Original Solution

<?php while($g<$a=$_GET{0})echo($g%2?"\u{202e}":""),join("\t",array_map($g%2?strrev:trim,range($g*$a+1,$g++*$a+$a))),"\n"?>

Regex (PCRE): 30 Bytes

<\?php [^; >]{32}\\u[^; >]{82}>

Sorry a little mistake the week counts from now

Hint: Use a special unicode Character

Output n=4

separator is \t. Looks like this

1   2   3   4
8   7   6   5
9   10  11  12
16  15  14  13

Output n=4

only copy and paste from the output I use $_GET and the document sents this header Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8

1   2   3   4
‮5  6   7   8
9   10  11  12
‮31 41  51  61

Jörg Hülsermann

Posted 8 years ago

Reputation: 13 026