Code ladder, Cops



Note: This challenge is finished. Submissions are still welcome but can not win.

This is the cops' thread. The robbers' thread goes here.

Write a code that outputs the integer 1. If you add, remove or substitute a single character (of your choosing), the code should output the integer 2. Change one more character (the same or another), and the code should output 3. Continue like this as far as you can, but maximum up to 10. Default output formats such as ans = 1 are accepted. You can ignore output to STDERR (or equivalent).

You must reveal the language, byte count of your initial code, the number of integers it works for, as well as an optional number of characters of the initial code. Note: You don't have to reveal any characters, but remember that revealing characters might make it harder for the robbers as they must use the same character in the same position. You can choose which character you use to denote unrevealed characters (for instance underscore), but make sure to specify this.

Cops can provide the uncracked code after one week and call the submission "SAFE". The winning submission will be the shortest uncracked submission that produces the number 10. If no uncracked submissions are able to print 10, the shortest code that produces 9 will win, and so on. Note that the robbers don't have to make the same changes as you do, and they don't have to reproduce the exact code (unless you reveal all characters). They must only reproduce the output.

Submissions posted later than November 24th are welcome but not eligible for the win (because there will likely be fewer robbers around).

Example post:

The following post is a submission in the language MyLang, it is 9 bytes long, and it works for numbers 1 - 8.

MyLang, 9 bytes, 8 numbers

This submission works for 1 - 8. Unrevealed characters are indicated with an underscore: _.



Disclaimer: The leaderboard is not tested and uncracked submissions might not appear in the list.

<script src=""></script><style>table th,table td{padding: 5px;}th{text-align: left;}.score{text-align: right;}table a{display: block;}.main{float: left;margin-right: 30px;}.main h3,.main div{margin: 5px;}.message{font-style: italic;}#api_error{color: red;font-weight: bold;margin: 5px;}</style> <script>QUESTION_ID=99546;var safe_list=[];var uncracked_list=[];var n=0;var bycreation=function(x,y){return (x[0][0]<y[0][0])-(x[0][0]>y[0][0]);};var byscore=function(x,y){return (x[0][1]>y[0][1])-(x[0][1]<y[0][1]);};function u(l,o){jQuery(l[1]).empty();l[0].sort(o);for(var i=0;i<l[0].length;i++) l[0][i][1].appendTo(l[1]);if(l[0].length==0) jQuery('<tr><td colspan="3" class="message">none yet.</td></tr>').appendTo(l[1]);}function m(s){if('error_message' in s) jQuery('#api_error').text('API Error: '+s.error_message);}function g(p){jQuery.getJSON('//' + QUESTION_ID + '/answers?page=' + p + '&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=!.Fjs-H6J36w0DtV5A_ZMzR7bRqt1e', function(s){m(s);{var he = jQuery('<div/>').html(a.body).children().first();he.find('strike').text('');var h = he.text();if (!/cracked/i.test(h) && (typeof a.comments == 'undefined' || a.comments.filter(function(b){var c = jQuery('<div/>').html(b.body);return /^cracked/i.test(c.text()) || c.find('a').filter(function(){return /cracked/i.test(jQuery(this).text())}).length > 0}).length == 0)){var m = /^\s*((?:[^,;(\s]|\s+[^-,;(\s])+).*(0.\d+)/.exec(h);var e = [[n++, m ? m[2]-0 : null], jQuery('<tr/>').append( jQuery('<td/>').append( jQuery('<a/>').text(m ? m[1] : h).attr('href',, jQuery('<td class="score"/>').text(m ? m[2] : '?'), jQuery('<td/>').append( jQuery('<a/>').text(a.owner.display_name).attr('href', )];if(/safe/i.test(h)) safe_list.push(e);else uncracked_list.push(e);}});if (s.items.length == 100) g(p + 1);else{var s=[[uncracked_list, '#uncracked'], [safe_list, '#safe']];for(var i=0;i<2;i++) u(s[i],byscore);jQuery('#uncracked_by_score').bind('click',function(){u(s[0],byscore);return false});jQuery('#uncracked_by_creation').bind('click',function(){u(s[0],bycreation);return false});}}).error(function(e){m(e.responseJSON);});}g(1);</script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//"><div id="api_error"></div><div class="main"><h3>Uncracked submissions</h3><table> <tr> <th>Language</th> <th class="score">Score</th> <th>User</th> </tr> <tbody id="uncracked"></tbody></table><div>Sort by: <a href="#" id="uncracked_by_score">score</a> <a href="#" id="uncracked_by_creation">creation</a></div></div><div class="main"><h3>Safe submissions</h3><table> <tr> <th>Language</th> <th class="score">Score</th> <th>User</th> </tr> <tbody id="safe"></tbody></table></div>

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 43 471

Not sure I understand... given an arbitrary code in CJam that produces 1, how can I prevent the robbers from adding ) repeatedly to generate the rest of the numbers? The same would be valid for quite a few languages

– Luis Mendo – 2016-11-12T12:48:19.793

2If that's possible for any program that outputs 1 then it appears CJam is a bad choice of language for this challenge. There's no way to prevent robbers from doing that. – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-12T12:50:30.290

Got it, thanks. As I said, that rules out quite a few golfing languages (an "increment" operator is very common) – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-12T12:52:15.450

3@LuisMendo Well, it will certainly make this more interesting... – LegionMammal978 – 2016-11-12T12:58:13.640

So a robber is allowed to simply add characters to the code (thereby increasing the byte count)? – Daniel – 2016-11-12T13:47:29.983

@Dopapp, yes. The initial code must have the same length though. – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-12T14:16:07.273

I really want to do something with JSFucky code, but I have neither the time nor the confidence it would even be a good fit for this environment

– CAD97 – 2016-11-13T09:09:43.760

"maximum up to 10." Does this mean that the code to output 10 must not be modifiable under the given rules to output 11? Would a possible output of 12 be OK? – Daniel Jour – 2016-11-13T16:22:53.817

1@DanielJour It can be modifiable up to any number, but the maximum number the robbers need to find is 10. That rule is in place because many submissions can probably be extended to infinity (in theory), so scoring based on the highest achieved number wouldn't make sense. – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-13T16:25:09.423

Snippet added. I haven't tested it properly so there might be uncracked submissions that don't appear in the list. – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-15T14:10:57.763

Re: snippet testing, consider a submission (e.g.) where someone has posted a crack that is invalid, but hasn't removed their comment. I would consider these uncracked, but they do not appear in the list.

– DLosc – 2016-11-15T20:05:36.543


You may want to try only disqualifying an entry if the header contains cracked in some form. This is what the redesign userscript currently does.

– ETHproductions – 2016-11-15T20:51:07.927

Does the same character have to be changed? – noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ – 2016-11-15T23:44:25.983

@CrazyPython, no. From the challenge text: "Change one more character (the same or another),". Note that the changes are incremental. So, to get to 6 you should alter the code you had for 5, not the code you used for 1. Makes sense? – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-16T09:00:38.650



Hexagony, 18 Bytes, 10 numbers, SAFE

This submission works for 1 - 10. Unrevealed characters are indicated with an underscore: _.


You can try Hexagony online over here.

My solution:

1:   .<[{8]5[$@.;=@$!!10
2:   .<[{8]5[$@);=@$!!10
3:   2<[{8]5[$@);=@$!!10
4:   3<[{8]5[$@);=@$!!10
5:   4<[{8]5[$@);=@$!!10
6:   5<[{8]5[$@);=@$!!10
6:   7<[{8]5[$@);=@$!!10
8:   7<[{8]5[$@);=@$!!10
9:   8<[{8]5[$@);=@$!!10
10:  9<[{8]5[$@);=@$!!10

Hex for output 1:

Try it Online!

Full Hex:
  . < [ 
 { 8 ] 5
[ $ @ . ;
 = @ $ ! 
  ! 1 0

Important parts:
  . < .
 . 8 . 5
. $ @ . ;
 . . $ .
  . 1 .
  1. At the < the memory edge is 0, so it turns up.
  2. Hits 1
  3. Jumps to 5
  4. Jumps over 8, but is reversed at < and gets the 8 on the way back.
  5. Hits 5 again
  6. Jumps over 1
  7. Hits the < at this point, the memory value is 1585 which, mod 256, happens to be ASCII 1
  8. Finally prints and exits with ;@.

Hex for output 2:

Try it Online!

Important parts:
  . < .
 . 8 . 5
. $ @ ) ;
 . . $ .
  . 1 .

This follows the same path, but on the way back it hits a ) which increments the memory edge to 1586, or 2.

Hex for output 3-9:

Try it Online!

Important parts:
  2 < [
 . . ] .
. $ . ) .
 . @ . !
  . 1 .
  1. Hits the 2
  2. Now the memory edge is positive when it gets to <, so it turn down.
  3. The ] changes the instruction pointer, but is immediately comes back with [
  4. ) increments to 3
  5. ! Prints 3
  6. $ is left over from the first two numbers so we jump over the end (@)
  7. 1 changes the memory edge, but that doesn't matter now.
  8. < reflects the pointer back.
  9. Again 1 doesn't matter because we hit @ to end the program.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 11 345


Retina, 2 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked


Works for 1 to 10, _ is a hidden character. This shouldn't be too hard, but I hope it provides a somewhat interesting puzzle. :)

You can try Retina online over here.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 184 808

2Argh, can't figure out 10 :p – LegionMammal978 – 2016-11-12T13:49:38.560

@LegionMammal978 :) – Martin Ender – 2016-11-12T14:06:19.943


Cracked by FryAmTheEggman:

– TheNumberOne – 2016-11-12T14:51:29.223


Octave, 55 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked


_ is the unknown character.


(o=@(O,o)(@(O,o)o{2-O}())(0<O,{@()o(O-1)+1,@()1}))(0,o) %then changing the very last 0 to 1,2,3 e.t.c.

Given x, this does recursively calculate x+1. It is mainly composed of two anonymous functions. One provides an if statement to anchor the recursion:

if_ = @( boolean, outcomes) outcomes{ 2 - boolean}();

This is just abusing the fact that a boolean values evaluates to 0 or 1. This function accepts a boolean value, and a cell array of two functions, and evaluates one or the other of these two functiosn depending on the boolean value. The second part is the actual recursion:

plus_one = @(n,f) if_(0<n ,{@()f(n-1)+1, @()1})

As an anyonmous function is anonymous, you cannot directly access it from itsefl. That why we need a second argument f first. Later we will provide a handle to the function instelf as a second argument, so a final function would looks like so:

plus_one_final = @(n)plus_one(n,plus_one);

So in this notation my submission becomes:


I asked about recursion anchors for anonymous functions in MATLAB a while ago on stackoverflow.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 40 560

19o_O O____o O_O o_O – TuxCrafting – 2016-11-13T18:51:22.307

I'm not so sure whether this is really that difficult to crack=) – flawr – 2016-11-13T21:49:09.717

Well, it sure as hell isn't easy to crack! Could maybe do it with pen and paper(!) – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-14T22:11:34.477

I take that as a compliment :) I think you will like my solution, but I'm not gonna reveal anything until it is cracked / it is safe. – flawr – 2016-11-14T22:51:27.880

4Cracked – feersum – 2016-11-15T00:23:14.353


Python 2, 9 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

print 8/8

No hidden chars. Can you crack it without brute forcing?


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 115 687

Cracked - that was fun :) – Sp3000 – 2016-11-16T11:18:29.793


Perl, 12 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked!

Underscores represent unknown characters.


Probably fairly easy, and it wouldn't surprise me if there were multiple solutions. Still, it might be fun to crack.

(The intended solution was the same as the crack. This is fundamentally just a problem about assigning 10 to a variable in four characters, which is surprisingly difficult in Perl; unlike many golfing languages, it doesn't have a variable that helpfully starts at 10.)


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173


1Cracked. At first I thought it was something like $_=1;say;#-9, but I couldn't figure out how to get 10. – Riley – 2016-11-14T15:45:39.480


Perl, 46 bytes, 10 numbers, safe

The problem


The shorter problems tend to get cracked quickly, so I thought I'd try a longer one. The longer ones also tend to get cracked if people leave enough of a gap to sneak something naughty like say or exit in, so all the gaps here are short. Hidden characters are represented using _.

My solution

sub b{\@_}*b=b$b{0};

To print 2, 3, etc., up to 9, keep changing the number assigned to $b{0} in the second line (i.e. $b{0}=2, $b{0}=3, etc.). The program for 9 looks like this:

sub b{\@_}*b=b$b{0};

Then to produce 10, comment out the first line by prepending a # character to it.


The first thing to note is that the solution isn't really golfed apart from removing whitespace: if we lay it out with more readable whitespace, we get this:

sub b { \@_ }
*b = b $b{0};
$b[0] = 10;
$b{0} = 1;
say $b[0];

Normally, when you access the arguments of a subroutine in Perl, you do so via copying them out of @_. There's a good reason for this: @_ aliases the arguments the subroutine is given (so, for example, (sub { $_[0] = 3 })->($x) will assign to $x), something that isn't normally desirable.

Although @_ might seem magical, it's actually just using a standard feature of the Perl internals (which is readily available from XS but only comes up in a few weird cases in pure Perl, such as @_ itself): an array doesn't store its elements directly, but rather by reference. Thus, when we call b in the second line below, Perl generates an array (calling it @_) whose first element is a reference to the same storage that $b{0} uses. (Hash values are also stored by reference; $_[0] and $b{0} are both referencing the same storage at this point.) Because @_ isn't doing anything special from an internals point of view, we can take a reference to it just like we could with any other array, causing it to outlive the subroutine it's defined in.

Perl variables also refer to data storage by reference. A long time ago, people used to use code like *x = *y; to set $x as an alias to $y (via making them reference the same thing), likewise @x as an alias to @y, %x as an alias to %y, and so on. That rather breaks the invariant that variables with similar names don't have to act similarly, so modern Perl provides an alternative; assigning a reference to a typeglob overrides only the variable that matches the type of the reference (so *x = \%y would alias %x to point to the same storage as %y but leave, say, $x alone). This syntax notably doesn't care about whether the storage you're aliasing to has a name, so when we assign the return value of b (which is an array reference that's keeping the array formerly called @_ alive) to *b, what happens is that @b is changed to alias the argument list to the call to b (while leaving %b unchanged). This means, notably, that $b[0] and $b{0} now point to the same storage, and assigning to one will therefore change the other. Everything from then on is completely straightforward.

The Perl documentation doesn't really talk about this sort of detail, so I'm not surprised anyone got the crack; the nature of @_ as not quite being like other arrays isn't something that's really emphasised, and most coding styles aim to minimize the effects that this has rather than amplifying them.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173


1I'm so intrigued by this. I've learnt about pseudo-hashes and refreshed my memory on referencing and de-referencing but I can't seem to figure it out! – Dom Hastings – 2016-11-17T21:42:48.440

1@DomHastings, ... and I've been fooling around with various demarcation characters for q and s and y and m (mostly trying to get them to end after the $b[0] assignment), but nothing's working for me (yet). – msh210 – 2016-11-22T22:15:28.337

You were both on the wrong track, but admittedly, there's not much help given by the language or by my submission as to what the right track is (I had to leave one clue to avoid leaving too large a gap, but there are plenty of reasons that a program might contain a backslash, it's not always related to references). – None – 2016-11-23T05:38:47.130

I feel like I was frustratingly close. I had sub b{\@_} cemented in my mind, and, although I experimented with *b I couldn't get it! Thanks for the explanation. I might have glossed over it in your explanation, but why does sub b{\@_}*b=b$b[0] not do the same? – Dom Hastings – 2016-11-23T07:21:18.933

You're trying to make the array element and the hash element share memory, so you need to mention both. The array element's implicitly mentioned when you assign an array reference (\@_) to *b, but you have to mention the hash element explicitly yourself. With *b=b$b[0], you're basically just aliasing the new $b[0] (after changing where @b points) to the $b[0] that existed at the start of the program, which is useless. – None – 2016-11-23T07:29:07.317

Of course, that makes sense. Thank you! – Dom Hastings – 2016-11-23T07:37:23.797


JavaScript, 30 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked


Shouldn't be too hard, but hopefully it's just hard enough to provide a challenge. :) Unrevealed characters are marked with _.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 47 880

Nice one! I had a swell time solving this one, it was easy, yet challenging at the same time. – user41805 – 2016-11-12T16:41:01.210


Perl, 14 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked


Works for 1 to 10. _ are hidden characters.

I think this shouldn't be too hard to crack. I have an harder one, for 22 bytes, I'll post it if this one is cracked.

Original code :

And replace the "!" by a string of the length of the number you wish to print, for instance !, !!, !!!, etc.

However, ais523 found another way :



Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 8 279

2Cracked. I suspect this isn't what you were going for at all. (I was trying to do something using regex, but this was much simpler.) – None – 2016-11-12T23:06:58.807


JavaScript, 22 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

Probably rather easy to crack.


_ being a hidden character


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 111 334

1I'd be shocked if xc_de was anything but a red herring – ETHproductions – 2016-11-13T21:02:04.797

Cracked! – Dom Hastings – 2016-11-14T15:39:42.350


Jelly, 7 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked


No wildcards.

The crack achieved (to use an eval with an argument) was, as many seem to be in this thread, not the intended one.

The intended crack was:

“1‘ỌȮḊ‘ - (prints 1)
“1‘     - code page index list of characters "1": [49]
   Ọ    - cast to ordinals: ['1']
    Ȯ   - print (with no line feed) and return input: effectively prints "1"
        -     (but if left at this would then implicitly print another "1")
     Ḋ  - dequeue: []
      ‘ - increment (vectorises): []
        - implicit print: prints ""

“1‘ỌŒḊ‘ - (prints 2)
“1‘Ọ    - as above: ['1']
    ŒḊ  - depth: 1
      ‘ - increment: 2
        - implicit print: prints "2"

“1‘ỌŒḊ‘‘ - (prints 3)
“1‘ỌŒḊ‘  - as above: 2
       ‘ - increment: 3
         - implicit print: prints "3"

... keep adding an increment operator to print 4 - 10.

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 67 804

I would be able to crack it if the '‘' was on the next line. So close... :) – user41805 – 2016-11-13T08:57:02.850

Cracked but could you explain what happens for 10, because I got lucky on this one while trying things that might work. – Hedi – 2016-11-13T18:17:42.713

@Hedi Ninja'd me too quickly, I was working on it. – Erik the Outgolfer – 2016-11-13T18:24:00.603

@Hedi - yours was an unintended crack. The way 10 is working for you is, I believe, by evaluating the jelly code in the string 9 with an argument of 0 (the default value of the input), which you then dequeue (no effect) and then increment. – Jonathan Allan – 2016-11-13T18:33:33.777

...actually I think the way 10 is working for you is by evaluating the jelly code in the string 9 with an argument of [] - the default value of the input, 0, dequeued - which you then increment., Like “1‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘Ọv0Ḋ¤‘ – Jonathan Allan – 2016-11-13T18:41:42.933

@Hedi (...or really, more explicitly, like “1‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘Ọv0RḊ¤‘ I think) – Jonathan Allan – 2016-11-13T19:08:49.030


Octave, 17 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked


Original solution


_ is the hidden character.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 40 560

Cracked! :) – user41805 – 2016-11-13T14:35:28.980


Befunge-93, 11 bytes, 10+ numbers, Cracked

This submission works for at least 1 - 10. Unrevealed characters are indicated with .


Try it online

I must say I was impressed that two people could come up with independent solutions for this, neither of which were what I was expecting. While Martin got there first, I'm giving the "win" to Sp3000 as their solution is more portable.

This was my intended solution though:


Because a stack underflow in Befunge is interpreted as 0, the g just reads from 0,0 returning the ASCII value of 'g', namely 103. 45:**- subtracts 100, giving you 3. Then 2- gives you 1.

For the third iteration, the - (subtract) is changed to a \ (swap) instruction, so the 3 becomes the topmost stack entry. And in iteration four, a + (add) instruction is inserted, thus adding the 3 to the 1 giving 4.

James Holderness

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 8 298

Cracked. I'm curious to see what solution you had in mind. :) – Martin Ender – 2016-11-13T15:29:59.910

@MartinEnder As I commented on your answer, I'd like to leave my intended solution hidden for a while in case someone else wants to attempt a more portable solution. Is that OK? – James Holderness – 2016-11-13T16:19:34.933

Of course, that's fine. :) – Martin Ender – 2016-11-13T16:22:27.987

"15:**-6-.@ gives 1, but I'm not sure whether the fact that " pushes 32 on top (due to implicit spaces) is an artefact of the TIO interpreter or part of Befunge's spec, because trying a few interpreters it seems not all interpreters do that. Does your intended solution depend on this behaviour? – Sp3000 – 2016-11-15T08:15:59.893

@Sp3000 That wasn't my intended solution, but that's perfectly valid Befunge - the interpreters that don't support that are incorrect. If you post an answer with the rest of the sequence I'd definitely consider that a complete crack. – James Holderness – 2016-11-15T11:48:02.433

Cracked. (only saying that in case someone writes a Stack Snippet which looks for the word in comments) – Sp3000 – 2016-11-15T12:34:54.737


R, 21 bytes, 10 numbers Cracked


Works for 10 numbers. _ is hidden character.

Original solution:


Gregor Thomas

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 271

@StewieGriffin This is my first post on this site and I don't know the norms. I have one more R challenge - a bit trickier, I think. Can I add another answer? Or append it to this one? – Gregor Thomas – 2016-11-14T22:51:22.217

Adding a new one it's perfectly fine (as a separate one) welcome to the site – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-14T23:04:43.597

Did I cracked it here ?

– Tensibai – 2016-11-15T09:57:01.223

@Tensibai Cracked :) – Gregor Thomas – 2016-11-15T18:07:17.360


Ruby, 16 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked by xsot


# is any character.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 20 600

Cracked! – xsot – 2016-11-17T09:45:48.837


JavaScript 33 Bytes, 10 Numbers Cracked x2

Oops I post posted my line for generating 10 Which Hedi cracked as though it was for 1


Version intended to post for generating 1


Unrevealed characters are marked with _


Shaun H

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 732

1Cracked – Hedi – 2016-11-16T20:18:21.317

I added a crack for the intended version. I'll try to find a way to get to your solution for 10: console.log(atob|"0Xc0"-0xB6|("Zp==")) I think – Hedi – 2016-11-16T22:18:37.200

I updated my answer with what should be the intended crack.

– Hedi – 2016-11-16T22:33:27.003


Python, 10+ numbers, 61 bytes, Cracked!

Here was the code I posted:


The original code was:


Basically, it throws an error ('x' is not defined) and then prints the line the error was found on. So, just keep adding newlines at the beginning to increment the number.

I knew it wouldn't be hard to crack - I just wanted a funny way to print numbers - but I wasn't expecting Sp3000 to get it so fast, that's some pro skills!


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 13 242

Cracked - amusing, but yeah there aren't really many options :P – Sp3000 – 2016-11-20T10:27:42.863

@Sp3000 yeah, I wanted to make sure nobody could squeeze in deleting what's on STDOUT and printing a number, but I guess I narrowed it down too much. Ah well. – FlipTack – 2016-11-20T10:35:22.477

Revealing sys definitely made it a lot simpler, since it gave a nice starting point for searching :P – Sp3000 – 2016-11-20T10:37:01.497


Octave, 32 bytes, 10 numbers. Cracked

_n_(isprime(floor(s____i__ i____

_ is a hidden character.

You can try Octave online here.

Original solution:

1: nnz(isprime(floor(sqrt(i):pi')))

2: nnz(isprime(floor('sqrt(i):pi')))

3: nnz(isprime(floor('sqrt(i):pia')))

4: nnz(isprime(floor('sqrt(i):piaa')))


Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 87 464

Very nice! Cracked. Not sure if I reproduced your code though?

– Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-12T16:50:08.890

@StewieGriffin Well done! I should have revealed more characters... :-D – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-12T16:55:35.837

1Damn that was clever :) Too bad you couldn't say it was MATLAB... One more character would probably have made it much harder... I enjoyed it though... I used a full 25 minutes :) – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-12T16:59:25.357

@Stewie Yes, you made good use of non-Matlab features! :-) – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-12T17:08:15.023


Octave, 17 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked


Unrevealed characters are marked with _.

Intended solution:


Stewie Griffin

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 43 471

cracked (finally=) but probably not with your original approach, right? – flawr – 2016-11-12T23:03:30.240

Nice, added my approach in a spoiler tag :) – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-12T23:05:13.517

2Oh your solution is really clever!!! – flawr – 2016-11-12T23:08:46.557


Octave, 19 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked


_ is the hidden character.

Intended solution:



Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 40 560

1Cracked – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-13T03:49:53.293

I couldn't remember any function with sca. Coming from you, I should have thought of matrix functions :-) – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-13T14:51:52.423

There is a reason why I made a complete list of Octave function names =) – flawr – 2016-11-13T19:38:11.783


05AB1E, 5 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked!

Not very hard, but a fun one :)


_ is a random character. Uses the CP-1252 encoding. Try it online!


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 41 965

I could almost get it to work, but then it enters an infinite loop... – user41805 – 2016-11-13T16:32:54.220

Cracked – acrolith – 2016-11-13T16:37:13.387

@daHugLenny Hahaha, that's neat! I didn't think of that :). – Adnan – 2016-11-13T17:11:54.963


JavaScript, 22 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked


_ is the hidden character.

Hint about the intended solution

The character that needs to be changed to generate all numbers is always the same.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 111 334

1Cracked – None – 2016-11-14T04:18:33.433

@ais523 Well done! – Arnauld – 2016-11-14T12:47:11.350


05AB1E, 6 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

Attempt 2, this time without the three-char string :p.

_ [==_

_ is a random character. Uses the CP-1252 encoding. Try it online!


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 41 965

1Cracked – milk – 2016-11-13T18:54:40.400

@milk Nice, that was the intended solution :) – Adnan – 2016-11-13T18:56:29.950


C#, 90 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

using ______________________________________________;class C{static void Main(){_______;}}

I honestly have no idea how hard this is to crack.

Edit: Oops, transcription error. One _ too few after using.

Now cracked by Hedi, who found the intended (barring the class name) solution.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 466

d'oh... one too short for write() – masterX244 – 2016-11-14T13:19:56.043

Didnt help... wrong gap. And that semicolon after first gap thwarted amother idea – masterX244 – 2016-11-14T19:19:12.043

Cracked – Hedi – 2016-11-15T22:09:32.480


Python 3, 19 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked


Unrevealed characters are marked with ?. Tested in Python 3.5.2.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 58 729

Cracked – feersum – 2016-11-14T21:03:54.883


JavaScript 21 Bytes, 10 Numbers Cracked


Unrevealed characters are marked with _


My Version:


Shaun H

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 732

Cracked – Hedi – 2016-11-14T21:58:12.380


Python 3, 16 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked


Unrevealed characters are marked with ?. This is probably a bit easy since there's only five question marks, but I'm hoping it'll be a fun one.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 58 729

Cracked – DLosc – 2016-11-15T06:30:37.977


Hexagony, 15 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked!


_ can be replaced by any characters.

Oh my.. the code is getting angry due to cheap solutions! Will this keep standing when the wall of ! and ? are guarding the most hearted secret?

Last submission even if this has got any cheap solutions :)

Intended solution

For 1 to 9, there are easy changes:

[!?>!@!1#\!?!!! With 1~9 replacing the 1

However for 10,

1!?>!@!9#\!?!!! Which prints the 1 and then use a numerical jump so we run in a reversed fashion, which in turn goes to ?! prints a 0 and stops. Really wanted to make some that changes IPs. By the way, all 3 submissions are with the intention to use # to print an 1 and then a 0. See if I come up with other nice ideas - if yes I hope more people would find it interesting to play in hexagons!

Sunny Pun

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 821

Cracked. Is this what you were looking for? :) – Martin Ender – 2016-11-16T12:57:34.743

Haha, impressed though not exactly what I have in mind. One more mirror, one more freedom - it seems that only ! are real blockers :D Enjoyed playing this game! – Sunny Pun – 2016-11-16T13:11:10.887

1Ahhh, I thought you might be printing 1 and 0 separately, using a ? to get the 0, but I couldn't figure out a good way to get a 1 back at the end and then move exactly through !?!@ (plus irrelevant stuff). That's nice. :) (Too bad, it's so hard to constrain the problem sufficiently without giving too much away.) – Martin Ender – 2016-11-16T13:20:14.667


><> Fish 23 bytes cracked

  _  >l?!;n

_ is the intended missing characters. Hopefully a bit more complicated than my last one but probably still easy to bypass.

Teal pelican

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 1 338

1Cracked. – Martin Ender – 2016-11-17T15:04:58.463

@Martin Ender - Yep you got it, clearing the stack and using the implicit input being -1 :) – Teal pelican – 2016-11-17T15:11:10.647


PHP, 38 bytes, 10 numbers (cracked)


_ marks hidden characters.

May be too easy, might have left too much freedom. Have fun!


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 8 482

1Cracked. You left way too much freedom, unfortunately. – None – 2016-11-17T18:30:23.150

Good job, I'll see if I can repost this with less hidden characters without making it too obvious – Leo – 2016-11-18T08:05:37.843


​O​C​a​m​l​ ​(​i​n​t​e​r​p​r​e​t​e​d​)​,​ ​5​1​ ​b​y​t​e​s​,​ ​1​0​ ​n​u​m​b​e​r​s​ (Cracked)

​ ​B​y​ ​"​i​n​t​e​r​p​r​e​t​e​d​"​ ​I​ ​m​e​a​n​ ​t​h​a​t​ ​i​t​ ​s​h​o​u​l​d​ ​b​e​ ​r​u​n​ ​w​i​t​h​ ​t​h​e​ ​c​o​m​m​a​n​d​ ​​o​c​a​m​l​​ ​r​a​t​h​e​r​ ​t​h​a​n​ ​c​o​m​p​i​l​e​d​ ​t​o​ ​n​a​t​i​v​e​ ​c​o​d​e​ ​w​i​t​h​ ​​o​c​a​m​l​o​p​t​​.​ ​ ​T​h​e​ ​h​i​d​d​e​n​ ​c​h​a​r​a​c​t​e​r​ ​i​s​ ​​^​​.​



Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 29 566

1Cracked. The same trick still works, even though it's harder to fit everything in this time. – None – 2016-11-18T01:04:25.927


Acc!!, 10 bytes, 9 numbers, cracked


Works for 1 to 9. ? is a hidden character.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 21 213

Interesting one. Cracked here

– Dada – 2016-11-12T21:43:30.110


05AB1E, 11 bytes, Cracked!


Works from 1-10. _ is a hidden character.

Intended Solution:

3628801R¬0+ # 1
3628801R¬1+ # 2
3628801R¬2+ # 3
3628801R¬3+ # 4
3628801R¬4+ # 5
3628801R¬5+ # 6
3628801R¬6+ # 7
3628801R¬7+ # 8
3628801R¬8+ # 9
3628801R¬9+ # 10

Oliver Ni

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 9 650

Cracked! – user41805 – 2016-11-12T18:23:46.583


Octave, 25 bytes, 9 numbers. Cracked


_ is a hidden character.

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 87 464

@StewieGriffin Sorry!! Only 9. My mistake. I'm really sorry. Edited – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-12T21:29:35.310

cracked – flawr – 2016-11-12T21:36:54.173

1Sorry =P I'm gonna post a replacement=) – flawr – 2016-11-12T21:45:28.150

@Stewie It's been my fault, sorry! I'll post a modified version later, since my original solution is different – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-12T21:46:16.473

For the record, my crack was identical to flawr's. I've posted another Octave one here.

– Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-12T21:58:23.910

@StewieGriffin I posted the new version here

– Luis Mendo – 2016-11-13T03:39:46.110

Just found a new, very simple crack: 1%a__repmat(__one___,__)_ – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-14T11:09:54.380

@Stewie Heh, good catch! – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-14T13:59:03.327


Octave, 24 bytes, 9 numbers, cracked


_ is a hidden character.

(Inspired by @LuisMendo's challenge.)


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 40 560

Oh you're way too quick!!! – flawr – 2016-11-12T22:13:41.353


JavaScript, 9 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked


_ is the hidden character.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 1 857

Cracked – ETHproductions – 2016-11-12T22:26:11.027


Octave, 26 bytes, 10 numbers. Cracked


_ is a hidden char.

New variation...

The intended solution was:

>> eval(repmat('+ones',1+''))
ans =  1

>> eval(repmat('+ones',1+2'))
ans =  3

>> eval(repmat('+ones',1+9'))
ans =  10

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 87 464

cracked but probably again nowhere close to what you intended=) – flawr – 2016-11-13T11:08:55.510

@flawr I have updated with my solution – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-13T14:50:56.227

This will be my last (and hopefully best one). – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-13T16:20:08.010

1@Stewie Looks difficult! That is, funny :-) – Luis Mendo – 2016-11-13T17:13:27.700


Octave, 21 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked


This works for 1-10. _ are hidden characters. This will be my last and hopefully best post.

Intended solution:

disp(fpr= -fopen('')) and disp(fpr=1-fopen('')) for 2...10


disp(fprintf('_')) will actually print _1 if executed, so fpr___f was chosen to throw people off. The f was needed in fopen so there was only one additional space. fopen('') returns -1 since it fails to open a file with an empty name. fpr= -fopen('') makes fpr = 1.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 43 471

Last? Forever? For all of PPCG? – noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ – 2016-11-14T03:26:06.393

1Are you sure nothing is missing here? What fpr is is quite obvious, that leaves four spots, that each need a closing parenthesis. – flawr – 2016-11-14T12:31:23.007

Nevermind, cracked (but is this what you had in mind??)

– flawr – 2016-11-14T12:39:43.437

1Oooh, the fopen is neat=) – flawr – 2016-11-14T12:51:59.640

@flawr. thanks :) I like the sequence you found too :) – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-14T12:57:25.090

To clear up why I was confused: I firs searched for something like disp(fprintf(det(''))) but that had a character too much and only would have worked up to 9. – flawr – 2016-11-14T13:22:10.150


Pyth, 4 bytes, 9 numbers - Cracked


Not super difficult, but should hopefully be fun.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 39 268

Cracked :) – Adnan – 2016-11-13T17:23:17.137


Python 2, 17 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

print len([????])

The hidden character is ?.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 115 687

Cracked – Jonathan Allan – 2016-11-13T21:34:11.773

Nice, that was fast. – xnor – 2016-11-13T21:34:46.490

...and the intended crack?! – Jonathan Allan – 2016-11-13T21:35:22.000

1Yes, it's what I had in mind. – xnor – 2016-11-13T21:35:43.670


Hexagony, 7 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked


Works for 1 to 10, _ are hidden characters. I hope I didn't overlook any cheap way to work around the intended solution (I'm looking forward to clever ways to work around the intended solution ;)).

You can try Hexagony online over here.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 184 808

Cracked – Riley – 2016-11-14T18:05:52.573

@Riley Wow, that was fast (and that's more or less the intended solution; I had _! for the wild cards and inserted the ) for 10). – Martin Ender – 2016-11-14T18:10:05.823

So 1 would be 1<@|!_! and 10 is 9<@|!_!(? That doesn't seem to work for me (for 10, it would hit 9, <, _, @ and not print anything). – Riley – 2016-11-14T18:19:37.373

@Riley no, you'd still put the ) after the first ! to get 9<@|!)_!. – Martin Ender – 2016-11-14T18:22:53.783

Okay. Thanks .This one was fun :) – Riley – 2016-11-14T18:29:01.907

1I added a new solution that doesn't increase the size of the hex. – Riley – 2016-11-14T19:09:24.737


Perl, 31 bytes - 10 numbers - Cracked by ais523

__e_$a__<__$_;1 while_$__;say$_

_ is the hidden character.

I am not posting my solution here, because the crack is in a completely different direction from what I did, so I'll be creating a new challenge for that one. The cracked solution is below:

 $e=$a+q<1_$>;1 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 1 (note the leading space)
 $e=$a+q<1_$>+1 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 2
 $e=$a+q<1_$>+2 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 3
 $e=$a+q<1_$>+3 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 4
 $e=$a+q<1_$>+4 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 5
 $e=$a+q<1_$>+5 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 6
 $e=$a+q<1_$>+6 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 7
 $e=$a+q<1_$>+7 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 8
 $e=$a+q<1_$>+8 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 9
 $e=$a+q<1_$>+9 while!$e ;say$e  #Prints 10

Gabriel Benamy

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 2 827

1Cracked! – None – 2016-11-15T16:13:26.657


R, 22 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked


_ is a hidden character.

See the redux version.

Gregor Thomas

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 271

Cracked ( )

– masterX244 – 2016-11-18T12:07:45.153


C++, Linux platform, 10 numbers, 468 bytes, Cracked

Ok so previously my puzzle played with technically undefined behavior (and the gimmick was stabilizing it) and had some transcription error. I have improved my process so I expect there aren't transcription errors. This time I am not playing with undefined behavior at all and would rather just reject invoking it. I think I can justify this as being completely defined by either the language or the platform. $ is the replacement character as I needed real _ characters in this puzzle.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

$$$$$$$$$$$$$ {
    std::ofstream *garbalgase()
        std::ofstream *golgi = new std::ofstream;
        return golgi;

    std::ostream * const jawbone = garbalgase();
    $$$$$ int value = $_$$$$$$;

int main()
    $$$$$ $$$$$$$$/$$int vl = value;
    if (fork() == 0)
        $$$$$$$$$$$<std::ostream $*>($jawbone) = &std::cout;
        vl -= 4;
    (*jawbone) << (vl - 9) << std::endl;

Edit: Stock solution is based on an incorrect understanding of the rules where you may insert one character to get the 1. As it's already cracked I won't be correcting it. Good luck finding the stock solution though.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 3 043

Maybe you should specify the compiler and flags a solution has to work under? I have a crack, but it needs -fpermissive. – Lynn – 2016-11-15T14:50:21.850

@Lynn: There's a way of getting rid of the need of -fpermissive. – Joshua – 2016-11-15T16:12:58.133

Cracked. I assume this isn't the intended solution. – None – 2016-11-15T17:43:04.190


Python 2, 26 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

Let's try this again.

print r___e(3______+_[___]

Works for 1-10; _ is the hidden character.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 21 213

Cracked - also if you're reposting, be careful of newlines, because I feel like something might be workable with those too. – Sp3000 – 2016-11-15T06:22:45.870


Java, 10+ digits, 1446 bytes SAFE

Revenge of the Unicode


No comments this time :P and it only works on the Oracle Java :P

_ as redaction like usual




import*;class M{public static void main(String[]a)throws Exception{FileDescriptor fd = new FileDescriptor();sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaIOFileDescriptorAccess().set(fd,1);new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(fd)).print('\u1111'%'\u0111');}}

Entire Thing relies on some dirty Oracle Java classes trickery to link a Filedescriptor object to the 1 Filedescriptor which is stdout

Got the hack from stackoverflow


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 3 942

Got up to the initialisation of FileDescriptor fd, then I got stuck – user41805 – 2016-11-18T17:04:37.553

timezone checking, need to know if the 7days are over – masterX244 – 2016-11-22T08:45:58.440

1@KritixiLithos Solution uncovered since its safe – masterX244 – 2016-11-22T09:32:33.560


Perl, 31 bytes, 10 numbers Cracked by ais523

One more go at this, before I reveal my intended solution.

__e_$a,_<__$_;1 while_$a_;say$_

Original code:

open$a,"<",$0;1 while<$a>;say$.  #Prints 1

The code must be saved as a file and not run from the command line, but the file name is not important, as it gets stored in $0. This code reads the file as long as there is text left, and prints $. which contains the number of lines in the original code. Adding a newline pretty much anywhere not inside a word or variable will increase $. by 1.

1 while<$a>;say$.   #Prints 2

1 while<$a>;say$.   #Prints 3

et cetera

Gabriel Benamy

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 2 827

Cracked!. This is almost certainly the intended solution. – None – 2016-11-17T15:43:54.900


OCaml (interpreted), 51 bytes, 10 numbers (Cracked)

By "interpreted" I mean that it should be run with the command ocaml rather than compiled to native code with ocamlopt.

The hidden character is ^.



Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 29 566

Cracked. This works in both the interpreter (specifying the file name on the command line, which I think is what you wanted?) and the compiler, so it can't be the intended solution. – None – 2016-11-17T15:27:11.273


Octave, 16 bytes, 10 numbers (cracked)

As a cop, it's my duty to keep this site clean and remove any explicit content. I found1 a piece of code referring to a diabolical body part that I've decided to censor here using underscores, _.


1: Well, I found it on the screen after I wrote it.

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 43 471

1gah... 9 and 10 are tough – masterX244 – 2016-11-18T16:30:18.890

"Krrrrk".... and cracked.

– masterX244 – 2016-11-18T16:47:04.363

also: nice red herring at the beginning with the text :P – masterX244 – 2016-11-18T17:00:27.600


QBasic, 12 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

All right, let's try this:


Works for 1-10. _ is the hidden character.

Finally, the crack used my intended approach. :P


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 21 213

Cracked. – jimmy23013 – 2016-11-18T18:46:14.963


Aceto, 5 bytes, 9 numbers, safe

_ are unrevealed chars

Try it online!


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 1 425


아희(Aheui), 19 bytes (6 chars + 1 newline), 10 numbers


Works for 1 to 10. _ is the hidden character. Shouldn't be that hard.

Bonus: It works for 0 too.

Try it online!

JungHwan Min

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 13 290

1Cracked. – jimmy23013 – 2016-11-12T21:39:56.407


Pyth, 3 bytes, 10 numbers (Cracked)

I think it's a very simple one, and will easily get cracked.
So, it goes like this: (hidden characters: _)


Yotam Salmon

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 201


– penalosa – 2016-11-12T21:46:11.573


Octave, 21 bytes 9 numbers, cracked


_ is a hidden character.

My idea:



Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 40 560

Yes, I'm still trying to solve yours, but it is quite hard so far=) Hint: one of the _ is just an space. – flawr – 2016-11-12T22:50:29.610

Cracked! =) Couldn't leave it be... That was a really good one! :) – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-12T23:02:27.517

Man, still not my solution, I'm going insane!! Can you crack _repmat(_one___,__? EDIT: Yes you can... +repmat( ones(),1) ok I'll post my original solution=) – flawr – 2016-11-12T23:05:48.443

@StewieGriffin I just wanted to mislead with the one (and I suspect LuisMendo wanted this in his original challenge too=) – flawr – 2016-11-12T23:10:17.520

I would never have gotten that... Haven't even heard of bone... – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-12T23:12:38.710

2Haha, bone is one of a few colourmaps, I knew it from Matlab, as it is used to display x-ray images with the "analog" feel =) – flawr – 2016-11-12T23:14:39.997

I just realized several Octave submissions have quite simple cracks: This one for instance: aa='repmat(_one_';,+1 (works up to 10). – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-14T11:48:20.553


JavaScript, 15 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked


Another short one, this time with an unfinished string >:-)


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 47 880

Cracked? :) – Adnan – 2016-11-12T22:34:02.507

1@Adnan Aw man, that was a little easier than I expected... nice job :) My intended solution was alert("+"+10-9), changing the 9 to smaller digits for larger numbers. – ETHproductions – 2016-11-12T22:36:15.223


JavaScript, 12 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked

Let's play with arrays:


_ is a hidden character.

I wanted robbers to think that the first hidden character was a +, but i didn't realize that would work.

Intended solution :



Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 1 857

Cracked (again) – ETHproductions – 2016-11-13T00:37:20.363


Python 2, 49 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

y=10__;s='09________';print int(s[8__________:y])

_ is the hidden character.

Cracked by boboquack

The initial code was

y=10-0;s='0987654321';print int(s[8+y:]+s[y-1:y])


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 979

1Cracked – boboquack – 2016-11-13T04:51:13.327


C, 10+ numbers, 216 bytes, Cracked

#include <stdio.h>

FILE *a, *b;

void x() { ____________ int x; x = __; ________a___d____x_;}
void y() { ____________ int x; fprintf(b,"%d\n",x);}
int main() {a=fopen("/dev/null", "w");b=stdout;x();y();return 0;}

If your solution doesn't work with -O1 I will reject it.

Cracked by Dada. Original file:

#include <stdio.h>

FILE *a, *b;

void x() { /**/volatile int x; x = 07; fprintf(a,"%d\n", x);}
void y() { /**/volatile int x; fprintf(b,"%d\n", x);}
int main() {a=fopen("/dev/null", "w");b=stdout;x();y();return 0;}


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 3 043

The maximum is 10 numbers – user41805 – 2016-11-13T07:35:53.243

10I'm not sure that you can arbitrarily add you own rules. – Jonathan Allan – 2016-11-13T08:49:21.373

-O1 needs to stand because works only with -O0 results in too hard to guess what some other machine's undefined behavior does. – Joshua – 2016-11-13T16:07:16.363

1@KritixiLithos: The limit may be 10 but mutating it to get larger than 10 doesn't seem to be blockable. – Joshua – 2016-11-13T16:10:01.513

1Cracked. I guess you had something like that in mind? – Dada – 2016-11-13T17:20:56.940


PowerShell, 7 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked

Works for 1 through 10. Hidden characters are _.


Intended solution: +!@()+0 and swap out the 0 on the end for successively larger numbers.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 41 581

Cracked. I'm curious to know if this is the original code though. – Dada – 2016-11-13T21:15:12.200

@Dada That is not the original code, but a good solution. – AdmBorkBork – 2016-11-14T13:19:53.810


Java, 70 bytes, 10 Numbers, Cracked

__________________________ ____(_____________________________)________

_ is the hidden character

Edit: major flaw fixed


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 3 942

Is this a full program? – user41805 – 2016-11-14T09:28:41.853

yeah :P golfed though – masterX244 – 2016-11-14T09:29:51.043

Cracked! – user41805 – 2016-11-14T09:48:51.383


><> Fish 5 bytes 10 numbers Cracked by Emigna


It should be easy to guess but I threw in a little curve ball to make it slightly harder.

Teal pelican

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 1 338

1Cracked – Emigna – 2016-11-14T16:04:46.350

2@Emigna it's very hard to make this not work in Fish but my original was i2+n; maybe I should work on a new one aha. – Teal pelican – 2016-11-14T16:26:37.563


Javascript 19 bytes 10 numbers Cracked


Unrevealed characters are marked with _

Cracked! Guess i should have blotted better


Shaun H

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 732

Cracked – Riley – 2016-11-14T19:20:04.797


QBasic, 13 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked


Works for 1-10. _ is the hidden character.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 21 213


– Joshua – 2016-11-15T03:22:16.317


JavaScript (ES6), 63 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

This challenge is quite fun, so here's one last submission. :-)


? is a hidden character.

NB: similarly to my two other entries, this code is supposed to print (not return) 1.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 111 334

Cracked! – Dom Hastings – 2016-11-15T12:43:28.740


R, 8 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked


Original solution (as the cracked is a little different, but works):



Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 409

Possibly cracked... – Dom Hastings – 2016-11-15T12:34:49.743


Perl, 26 bytes, 10 numbers Cracked by ais523 and Sunny Pun


I'm almost positive there's an alternate solution to this problem, but let's see if anyone else can find it because I haven't been able to see it.

Edit: It looks like two people managed to circumvent what I was trying to do!

ais523's solution:

____;@a=($|..10);say$a[+1]  #Prints 1
____;@a=($|..10);say$a[1+1] #Prints 2
____;@a=($|..10);say$a[9+1] #Prints 10

Sunny Pun's solution:

$_=0;@a=($_..10);say$a[+1]  #Prints 1
$_=9;@a=($_..10);say$a[+1]  #Prints 10

Intended solution:

$[=1;@a=($[..10);say$a[$[]  #Prints 1
$[=2;@a=($[..10);say$a[$[]  #Prints 2
$[=3;@a=($[..10);say$a[$[]  #Prints 3
$[=4;@a=($[..10);say$a[$[]  #Prints 4
$[=5;@a=($[..10);say$a[$[]  #Prints 5
$[=5;@a=($[..10);say$a[-$[]  #Prints 6
$[=4;@a=($[..10);say$a[-$[]  #Prints 7
$[=3;@a=($[..10);say$a[-$[]  #Prints 8
$[=2;@a=($[..10);say$a[-$[]  #Prints 9
$[=1;@a=($[..10);say$a[-$[]  #Prints 10

While deprecated, $[ still allows you to modify the indexing of arrays (typically, 0-based). It prints a warning to STDERR, but OP says that any output to STDERR can be ignored.

Gabriel Benamy

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 2 827

Here's your alternate solution: Cracked!

– None – 2016-11-15T17:00:45.033

Please check if this is an alternate solution or not :)

– Sunny Pun – 2016-11-15T17:02:25.943

I'm guessing Sunny Pun's crack is the intended solution. (Interestingly, starting from Sunny Pun's version of the string, you can get from 1 up to 10 using either of our methods.) – None – 2016-11-15T17:04:41.350

Surprisingly, neither of you got the intended solution. I should have added one more byte, which would have made both of your answers wrong. – Gabriel Benamy – 2016-11-15T17:06:00.593


Perl, 31 bytes, 10 numbers Cracked by ais523

__e_$a__<__$_;1 while_$a_;say$_

My original post was cracked with a solution that wasn't even in the realm of what I was going for, so I'm adding a single extra byte that renders the previous solution (hopefully) unsalvageable.

Once again cracked in a way I haven't accounted for:

the;$a+=<1\$>;1 while!$a ;say$a #Prints 1
the;$a+=<1\$>+1 while!$a ;say$a #Prints 2
the;$a+=<1\$>+9 while!$a ;say$a #Prints 10

Gabriel Benamy

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 2 827

Cracked!. Not quite the same principle this time, but still close enough. – None – 2016-11-15T16:54:05.120


Perl, 7 bytes, 9 numbers, Cracked!


Underscores represent unknown characters.

The solution (as found by feersum) was to use a literal control-F to replace the first underscore, thus finding the predefined variable that has the value 2.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173


Cracked – feersum – 2016-11-15T21:26:29.913

2Isn't this 7 bytes? – feersum – 2016-11-15T21:42:32.893

Yes, it's 7 bytes. Apparently I can't count today. – None – 2016-11-15T22:19:13.587


Python 2, 26 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked by feersum and Destructible Watermelon

Third try's the charm?

print r___e(3_4____+_[___]

Works for 1-10, _ is hidden.

Destructible Watermelon got the general idea I was going for. Here's my solution:

print r"10e(3246578+9["[0]
print r"10e(3246578+9["[5]
print r"10e(3246578+9["[4]
print r"10e(3246578+9["[6]
print r"10e(3246578+9["[-6]
print r"10e(3246578+9["[-7]
print r"10e(3246578+9["[-5]
print r"10e(3246578+9["[-4]
print r"10e(3246578+9["[-2]
print r"10e(3246578+9["[:2]


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 21 213

Cracked – feersum – 2016-11-15T20:46:32.577


COW, 51 bytes, 10 numbers Cracked by Kritixi Lithos

MoO ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ OOM

Original code:

MoO Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ OOM #Prints 1
MoO MoO Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ Mo_ OOM #Prints 2
MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO MoO Mo_ Mo_ OOM #Prints 10 (the last two operations were red-herrings)

For a Javascript-based interpreter to use for testing, you can go here.

_ is hidden character

Gabriel Benamy

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 2 827

1Cracked! – user41805 – 2016-11-15T19:56:35.563


Wentel x87, 36 bits/8 = 4.5 bytes, 2 numbers



Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 1 316

Is there an online interpreter? I'm having some trouble getting it to run from the version on github (I don't use Python much). – Riley – 2016-11-18T00:33:05.993

@Riley Download "" and run python3 Type bits in and press enter to start execution. Pass -d to activate debugger. – noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ – 2016-11-18T12:44:53.847

Thanks, I must have been using python2. In the documentation (and the examples) it looks like 1001 8 times would print the ASCII value of 11111111, but when I run it, I need a 9th 1001 or 1000 for it to print. To crack this, which method should I use? – Riley – 2016-11-18T20:54:25.913

@Riley Go by the specification, not the interpreter. – noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ – 2016-11-18T21:25:25.343

Do you have a chatroom for Wentel x87? I had a few questions about the specs. – Riley – 2016-11-19T17:51:54.660

@Riley no, but you can ask them here. – noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ – 2016-11-20T01:01:41.150

I don't think I understand the 0001 instruction. If the execution pointer points to 0001aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb and the value at memory[current] == memory[aaaaaaaa] then the instruction pointer is moved to bbbbbbbb? And, do you have an interpreter that will print the correct values when the intended solution is run? – Riley – 2016-11-20T01:08:11.180

@Riley 1. Yes. This is just a branch. Execution pointer is just what code is run. You can always use the source. 2.Yes - it's – noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ – 2016-11-20T01:38:04.933

I ask because output doesn't seem to match the specs (see above) and for 0001 in looks like it moves to that instruction then moves 4 past the provided address. – Riley – 2016-11-20T01:43:47.733

@Riley Clarify, please? There's an example of a while loop in the examples md – noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ – 2016-11-20T01:46:16.093

In ifexec: execution_pointer = ... then execution_pointer += 4 wouldn't this move the pointer 4 places past where it was pointed to? And for the output question, 10001000100110011000100010001001 should print 1 as far as I can tell, but it doesn't. I need to add another 1000 or 1001 (a 9th bit) to get it to print. – Riley – 2016-11-20T01:53:50.460

@Riley The array is one bit per entry, if I'm not mistaken. – noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ – 2016-11-20T01:55:45.560

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– Riley – 2016-11-20T02:04:10.230


Python 2, 111 bytes, 10 numbers (cracked)

How about some random digits?

The hidden character is E.

print +int('''3EE5EE6EE0EE2EE5EE6EE4EE9EE1EE5EE9EE4EE6EE7EE5EE7E''')%int('''2EE0EE9EE8EE9EE2EE3EE5EE0EE3EE6''')


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 29 566

Cracked – Sp3000 – 2016-11-16T05:56:41.157

@Sp3000 Nice job, I don't see any L since print does str not repr. – feersum – 2016-11-16T06:02:03.753

Yeah, I forgot that REPL does repr and hence wasn't the same as print - confused myself for a sec there – Sp3000 – 2016-11-16T06:05:48.797


Hexagony, 12 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked!


_ can be replaced by any characters.

Seems that love doesn't belong to here should not stay here, to keep the world more interesting :P

Spent time finding cheap alternatives. So giving out much tips so that it is harder to crack (I hope impossible) with cheap alternatives !_!

Sunny Pun

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 821

Edited to avoid a cheap solution breaking my <3 – Sunny Pun – 2016-11-16T12:10:44.017


I'm afraid it's still not secure. Cracked.

– Martin Ender – 2016-11-16T12:13:21.213

Oh... then I should type up my intended solution - seems I don't have the mind to block all unintended mirrors... Thanks for playing @MartinEnder :) – Sunny Pun – 2016-11-16T12:19:27.060

Maybe try another one with fewer _? To be fair, it seems pretty hard to get a secure cop in Hexagony. I'd love to see one, but I'm not sure yet how to write one myself. – Martin Ender – 2016-11-16T12:22:56.337

Mm... Basically the same for me, ready for a post edit? @MartinEnder This should be my final try :P – Sunny Pun – 2016-11-16T12:29:48.517

Fine by me, but you might want to make a new post at some point. :P – Martin Ender – 2016-11-16T12:31:48.197


Python 2, 109 bytes, 10 numbers

from hashlib import *
if h.hexdigest()=='88f4002e27b0902c7018359da9bc5b44':print(0+1)


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 1 316


Hashing functions are discouraged, as they aren't in the spirit of the challenge.;

– mbomb007 – 2016-11-16T23:01:12.797

This is 110 bytes. – feersum – 2016-11-17T01:14:31.697

2Cracked – feersum – 2016-11-17T01:15:48.847


Hexagony, 18 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked!

This submission works for 1 - 10. Unrevealed characters are indicated with an underscore: _.


You can try Hexagony online over here.

I posted a follow-up using the same indended solution, but with fewer hidden characters here.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 11 345

3Cracked. As I told Sunny Pun, I doubt that a program at this size can be sufficiently constrained with so many wildcards. – Martin Ender – 2016-11-17T08:09:22.167

It's hard to not give it away but also not allow trivial solutions. If I had given something like this would you have gotten it? .__{_]5[$@.;=@$!!1

– Riley – 2016-11-17T13:42:23.130

That one is definitely a lot harder. – Martin Ender – 2016-11-17T13:59:48.813

@MartinEnder I almost went with that one, but because I already knew the intended solution I thought it gave it away. – Riley – 2016-11-17T14:02:25.703

Feel free to post that as a new cop, still haven't figured it out. – Martin Ender – 2016-11-17T14:24:16.417

@MartinEnder Posted Good Luck :)

– Riley – 2016-11-17T14:26:30.573


Python 3, 56 bytes, 6 numbers, Cracked

Quite a simple concept, should be easily crackable. The 'mystery characters' are indicated with underscores.

print(_______(str(ord(x))for x in ________).___________)


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 13 242

Cracked. Pretty sure you had something else in mind...? :) – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-17T14:51:49.280

@StewieGriffin yep, shouldn't have put so many mystery chars :P – FlipTack – 2016-11-17T14:55:16.977


tinylisp, 43 bytes, 10 numbers

((v(d f(q((n)(i n(s 1(s 0(f(___))))1)))))0)

Works for 1-10; _ is hidden.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 21 213

I think this is safe now...? – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-28T21:35:22.530


QBasic, 12 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

Previous version's red herring created a loophole...


Works for 1-10. _ is the hidden character.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 21 213

Cracked. – jimmy23013 – 2016-11-18T18:03:55.017


Acc!!, 46 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

Count i while ?????????????????
Write ????

Works for 1 to 10, with ? as the hidden character.

Original solution:

Count i while _/10 {
Write 49
Write 48+_
The initial accumulator value goes from 1 to 9 and then to 99. Whenever it is less than 10, _/10 is 0 and the loop doesn't execute. When it is greater than 10, the inner loop writes a 1 and sets the accumulator to 0, which breaks out of the loop and writes a 0.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 21 213

Cracked – feersum – 2016-11-17T09:22:46.747


TI-Basic, 13 tokens, 10 numbers, cracked

DelVar A1→θ

_ represents a hidden token. Hopefully this isn't too easy xD


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 12 038

How many _s are there? – user41805 – 2016-11-13T17:46:03.713

Two @KritixiLithos – Timtech – 2016-11-13T18:34:30.917


Which calculator version of TI-Basic is this? (Keep in mind that only "free" languages can be used in [tag:cops-and-robbers])

– flawr – 2016-11-13T19:03:29.627

It's TI-83/84 BASIC. Try or

– Timtech – 2016-11-13T19:26:17.853

@Timtech It does seem to require a ROM in order to run, is that correct? – flawr – 2016-11-13T21:11:06.360

You should be able to grab 2.55MP from EDIT: Here's a tutorial I found online that can emulate based off of the .8xu from the first link

– Timtech – 2016-11-13T22:03:41.713

Is there an free emulator of TI available? The license of the OS says you may only use it with an TI emulator from TI itself (and I only found a non-free one =/ ). – flawr – 2016-11-14T22:19:04.650

Quick search shows a wabbitemu emulator. Check it out -

– Timtech – 2016-11-14T22:20:29.830

I only see 12 tokens. Regardless, the byte count should be present. – feersum – 2016-11-17T09:47:54.997

Cracked – feersum – 2016-11-17T09:54:29.763


Python, 28 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked!

_____ (__________)_(_____*4)_

Intended solution:

print (ord("a"   )-(24   *4))


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 1 316

Cracked (python 2): print (0+1+0*1000)+(0*0*0*4), print (1+1+0*1000)+(0*0*0*4) e.t.c... – flawr – 2016-11-13T20:36:36.610

the official post – flawr – 2016-11-13T20:44:31.617

2Why did you include so much space? I'd consider that dangerous :) – flawr – 2016-11-14T22:19:41.790

@flwar to throw you off – noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ – 2016-11-15T23:50:31.993


ASMD, 10 bytes (non-competing) Cracked!


Hidden characters are denoted by _.

This should be really easy to crack.

Works from 1 to 10.

Oliver Ni

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 9 650

2Why is this non-competing? – Stewie Griffin – 2016-11-14T07:14:16.473

@StewieGriffin The latest commit for ASMD was only a few hours ago and it was created today – user41805 – 2016-11-14T07:44:27.767

Cracked? – Riley – 2016-11-18T01:21:28.877


Java 10+ numbers 126 tokens


_ is redacted


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 3 942

Cracked – feersum – 2016-11-14T20:59:50.073


Python 2, 26 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked

print r___e(_______+_[___]

Works for 1-10; _ is the hidden character.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 21 213

Cracked in a non-intended way, I believe – Sp3000 – 2016-11-15T04:16:15.447


ASMD, 8 bytes (non-competing), Cracked!


Works from 1-10.

Oliver Ni

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 9 650 doesn’t implement C, but it’s listed in commands.txt. What’s up there? Also, you should specify if _ is a wildcard (I assume it is.) – Lynn – 2016-11-15T14:08:40.573

Cracked, I think – Lynn – 2016-11-15T14:12:48.063

@Lynn Oh. I will fix that – Oliver Ni – 2016-11-15T15:16:07.403


Hexagony, 15 bytes, 10 numbers, Cracked!


What kind of love (<3) is this? This is the love of Hexagons :P

I believe this is not a hard one but a hearty one (Pun intended).

Sunny Pun

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 821

Sorry, cracked, but definitely not the way you intended.

– Martin Ender – 2016-11-15T20:02:04.960


Ruby, 81 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked by feersum

p Digest::MD5.digest('########')[n=0].ord^'straYNpraq'[n].ord

# is the placeholder character. Is this a standard loophole yet? Not that it's uncrackable I don't think, I've left in some weaknesses intentionally and I'm sure unintentionally.


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 20 600

2Cracked – feersum – 2016-11-16T00:13:38.667


Python 2, 33 bytes, 9 numbers


(how mysterious?)


Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 1 316

1Cracked. – ETHproductions – 2016-11-16T00:49:01.817


R, 22 bytes, 10 numbers SAFE


_ is hidden character



Gregor Thomas

Posted 2016-11-12T12:43:55.173

Reputation: 271