RepRap is an open-source 3D printer project. A RepRap prints objects of plastic and is intended for rapid-prototyping, the printer itself is built with small plastic parts which can be printed out and replaced. This page explains how to install RepRap host software on Arch Linux and how to print 3D models. More information is available on the RepRap homepage.
Many of the controller chips for RepRap are arduino based, or arduino derived (such as Melzi). Figure out what electronics you have from the RepRap Official Electronics page. You will also find what firmware you have on that page.
Follow the arduino wiki page if you have an arduino based controller. Do the Installation and Configuration steps.
Install the host software by following this guide Installing RepRap on your computer. There are alternative host software solutions which are easier to install and are described in the following sections.
Connect your 3D printer to your computer and run the host software. Use the host software's user interface to send commands to the printer.
Host software alternatives
See also List of applications#3D printing for a more up-to-date list.
- Install curaAUR.
Run cura
$ cura
Configure it to use RepRap in the startup configuration wizard. Select the RepRap model you are using, or select Custom RepRap.
- Install cura-aleph-binAUR or the new cura2-lulzbotAUR from AUR.
- Add user to the uucp group
$ usermod -a -G uucp username
MatterControl is a combined slicer/host similar to Cura. Install mattercontrolAUR from AUR, then run it.
$ mattercontrol
Repetier is a little like pronterface.
- Install repetier-hostAUR from AUR.