< RTorrent


ruTorrent is a PHP frontend/web interface to rTorrent (a console based BitTorrent client). It uses rTorrent's built-in XML-RPC server to communicate with it.

It is lightweight, highly extensible, and is designed to look similar to uTorrent.


Install rutorrentAUR from the AUR. If you want to use the development version install rutorrent-gitAUR.


See upstream wiki here. By default the configuration files are symlinked to /etc/webapps/rutorrent/conf.

Web server configuration

Apache 2.4

Install and configure Apache with PHP according to the LAMP page.

Note: The configuration examples below do not take your current Apache hosts into account. If you are, for example, using Virtual Hosts, you should adapt those accordingly.
  • Edit the open_basedir value in /etc/php/php.ini to include:
  • Enable SCGI on the socket you chose for rTorrent by adding this to :
ProxyPass /RPC2 scgi:///path/to/rpc.socket
  • Lastly, add the ruTorrent folder to

As a directory alias

<IfModule alias_module>
  Alias /rutorrent /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent
  <Directory "/usr/share/webapps/rutorrent">
    Require all granted

As a VirtualHost

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName torrent.yourwebsite.com
  DocumentRoot /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent
  <Directory "/usr/share/webapps/rutorrent">
     Options -Indexes -MultiViews
     Require all granted
     AllowOverride all
Note: You should enable authentication through Apache if your site is public.


  • Create a link from your web root to rutorrent
ln -s /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/ /usr/share/nginx/html/rutorrent
  • Edit the open_basedir value in /etc/php/php.ini to include:
  • Edit the following location to your rutorrent configuration at where rtorrentuser is the user running rutorrent:
$scgi_port = 0;
$scgi_host = "unix:///home/rtorrentuser/rpc.socket";

Note: A multi-user setup will need user specific configuration files under for each user's socket location. Create a folder with the user's name, then create a config.php, for example:



rtorrent should be compiled with XML-RPC support.

Add the following line to your rtorrent configuration file, usually .

scgi_port =

Instead of using a tcp port, it may also be possible to use a socket using the scgi_local option instead, however lighttpd may complain about permissions regardless of permissions / location of socket file.

You can choose a port other than 5050 if you like.


Install Lighttpd and PHP: .

After starting lighttpd as per the wiki, you should be able to access the test page at http://localhost:80.

By default the pages are served from , this is where we will be putting rutorrent.


Edit lighttpd's configuration file, /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf.

The following lines tell lighttpd to load the fastcgi and simple-cgi modules. Fast cgi is needed for rutorrent itself, and scgi for rutorrent to communicate with rtorrent.

We need to tell lighttpd how to treat files like css, images (jpg etc.), js. Otherwise it will not know what to do with them, and you may get a dialog to download the file or rutorrent will just not work properly.

Here is a long list of filetypes, it is probably overkill as most of them are not needed, but easier to cover them all.

Next we add the configuration for scgi to connect to rtorrent. Make sure to use the same port as when configuring rtorrent.

scgi.server = ( "/RPC2" =>
    ( "" =>
            "host" => "",
            "port" => 5050,
            "check-local" => "disable"

And finally the fastcgi settings so lighttpd knows how to deal with php.


At this point, you should be able to test if rtorrent and lighttpd's scgi are working properly using the xmlrpc command to ask rtorrent for a list of functions. ( See https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/wiki/RPC-Setup-XMLRPC#test-and-usage ).

   $ xmlrpc localhost system.listMethods

This should output a log list of methods that can be accessed through rtorrent's scgi interface. If it does not then something may be wrong. If you get error 500 (internal server error), make sure rTorrent is running.


We need to make a small change to the open_basedir line in , to allow rutorrent to access the binaries it needs to run.

   open_basedir = /srv/http/:/home/:/tmp/:/usr/share/pear/:/usr/bin

The binaries are stat, id, php, curl, gzip. If these are installed somewhere other than , then you may need to append that to the line also.


We will download rutorrent to lighttpd http directory.

   # cd /srv/http
   # wget https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent/archive/v3.9.tar.gz
   # tar xvfx rutorrent-3.9.tar.gz
   # mv ruTorrent-3.9/ rutorrent/
   # chown -R http rutorrent/
   # rm rutorrent-3.9.tar.gz

These should download and extract rutorrent to . You may need to change rutorrent-3.6 to the desired version from the rutorrent website.

rutorrent's configuration files are in .

We need to edit , and change the port to the one we used in rtorrent and lighttpd.

$scgi_port = 5050;
$scgi_host = "";

Change the owner of the rutorrent to http (the user that lighttpd runs as by default).

# chown -R http rutorrent


rutorrent should now be set up.

Start rtorrent, and restart lighttpd if you have not done so since changing the configuration.

You should now be able to access the rutorrent interface on localhost or on port 80 (assuming you did not change the default port for lighttpd).



To install plugins for rutorrent, download the archive of the plugin you want and extract to rutorrent's plugin directory.


Plugins can be found on the rutorrent website: https://code.google.com/p/rutorrent/wiki/Plugins

User authentication

Detailed information on the different authentication methods can be found here: https://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/1/wiki/Docs_ModAuth

In this example we will digest authentication with htdigest method.

In your lighttpd directory, we will create a file called or some other filename of your choice to hold the passwords.

For htdigest, the format of the lines is:


Username is your desired username, Realm is a name you chose to give to the access level. Hash is an md5sum of a string that looks like:


So your actual password is not stored in the file, it just contributes to the md5sum.

So using username: 'tom', Realm: 'rtorrent' and password: 'secret_pass', we can obtain the hash by running:

   $ echo -n "tom:rtorrent:secret_pass" | md5sum | cut -b -32

-n tells echo not to print a newline, the cut command takes just the first 32 bytes so we do not get the dash at the end.

So now save the hash in a variable by running:

   $ hash=$(echo -n "tom:rtorrent:secret_pass" | md5sum | cut -b -32)
   $ echo $hash

Now save it to our password file:

# echo "tom:rtorrent:$hash" > /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-htdigest.user

You can use any file name you like, just add the same file to .

If root as owner of this file does not work, try http:

# chown http /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-htdigest.user
# chmod 400 /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-htdigest.user

Now we will change /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf to tell it to use this password file for anytime rutorrent is accessed.

Add the following lines:

   server.modules += ( "mod_auth" )
   auth.debug = 0
   auth.backend = "htdigest"
   auth.backend.htdigest.userfile = "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-htdigest.user"
   auth.require = ( "/rutorrent/" => (
                    "method"  => "digest",
                    "realm"   => "rtorrent",
                    "require" => "valid-user"

Restart lighttpd, and it should now require you to enter your username and password when you reload rutorrent.

Restart lighttpd.service.


See Lighttpd#Enabling https via SSL. The following resources can help you add ssl to lighttpd .

If you just want to get it working, the following commands should work.

Create pem file:

# mkdir /etc/lighttpd/certs
# openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/lighttpd/certs/lighttpd.pem -out /etc/lighttpd/certs/lighttpd.pem -days 730 -nodes

Then add the following lines to /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (remove '#' comments if you still want plain http enabled:

   #$SERVER["socket"] == ":443" {
        ssl.engine = "enable"
        ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/certs/lighttpd.pem"

And change this line from 80 to 443 (if you only want ssl enabled):

   server.port     = 443

Then https should work, and depending on what you changed, http may not work anymore.

Note: This cert is not signed by a Certificate Authority, so you will have to add an exception in Firefox.


For problems with rutorrent or lighttpd, the best place to check first is probably the lighttpd log files, in , particularly error.log.

$ tail /var/log/lighttpd/error.log
gollark: For that the purpose is probably something like "should you be eternally tortured", which I think the answer to is literally always "no".
gollark: First, consider for what purpose you want to know whether it's "evil" or not to have been that person.
gollark: I don't believe in objective evil and I subscribe to the view that asking whether something is "evil" or not is not very useful because it's a very fuzzy word/category.
gollark: /are doing
gollark: Oh, or let's say you have some kind of anxiety disorder and constantly worry that you did badness.

See also

This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.