PDF, PS and DjVu

This article covers software to view, edit and convert PDF, PostScript (PS), DjVu (déjà vu) and XPS files.


https://poppler.freedesktop.org/ || poppler
  • Mupdf MuPDF is a lightweight PDF, XPS, and EPUB viewer, consisting of a software library, command line tools, and viewers.
https://mupdf.com/ || libmupdf
  • libspectre Small library for rendering Postscript documents.
https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/libspectre || libspectre
  • Ghostscript Interpreter for PostScript and PDF. Provides the gs(1) command-line interface, see also /usr/share/doc/ghostscript/*/Use.htm (online[dead link 2022-09-22 ]), along with many wrapper scripts like ps2pdf and pdf2ps.
https://ghostscript.com/ || ghostscript
  • DjVuLibre Suite to create, manipulate and view DjVu documents.
https://djvu.sourceforge.net/ || djvulibre
  • libgxps GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documents.
https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/libgxps || libgxps



  • fbgs Poor man's PostScript/pdf viewer for the linux framebuffer console.
https://www.kraxel.org/blog/linux/fbida/ || fbida
  • fbpdf Small framebuffer PDF and DjVu viewer based on MuPDF, with Vim keybindings and written in C
https://repo.or.cz/w/fbpdf.git || fbpdf-gitAUR
  • jfbview Framebuffer PDF and image viewer. Features include Vim-like controls, zoom-to-fit, a TOC (outline) view and fast multi-threaded rendering.
https://github.com/jichu4n/jfbview || jfbviewAUR


Note: Some web browsers can display PDF files, for example with PDF.js.
  • Atril Simple multi-page document viewer for MATE. Supports DjVu, DVI, EPS, EPUB, PDF, PostScript, TIFF, XPS and Comicbook.
https://github.com/mate-desktop/atril || atril
  • DjView Viewer for DjVu documents.
https://djvu.sourceforge.net/djview4.html || djview
https://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf-reader/ || foxitreaderAUR
  • Sioyek Lightweight PDF viewer based on MuPDF with features designed for viewing research papers and technical books.
https://sioyek.info/ || sioyekAUR


NamePDFPostScriptDjVuXPSPDF formsPDF AnnotationNon-rectangle selectionLicense
Adobe Reader CustomYesYes
apvlv PopplerDjVuLibre (not by default, at least)
Atril PopplerlibspectreDjVuLibrelibgxpsYes
DjView DjVuLibre
Emacs Ghostscript*DjVuLibre*YesYes
Emacs pdf-tools PopplerYesYes
ePDFView Poppler
Evince PopplerlibspectreDjVuLibrelibgxpsYesYesYes
Foxit Reader CustomYesYesYes
gv Ghostscript
llpp libmupdflibmupdfYes
MuPDF CustomCustomYes (mupdf-gl)Yes (mupdf-gl)Yes (mupdf-gl)
Okular PopplerlibspectreDjVuLibreCustomYesYesYes
pdfpc Poppler
qpdfview Popplerlibspectre*DjVuLibre*YesYes
Xpdf Custom
Xreader Popplerlibspectre*DjVuLibre*libgxps*YesYesYes
Zathura Poppler* / libmupdf*libspectre*DjVuLibre*libmupdf*zlib

* Optional dependency needs to be installed

PDF forms

The PDF forms column in the above table refers to AcroForms support. If you do not need your input to be directly extractable from the PDF, you can also use the applications in #Annotation or #Graphical PDF editing to put text on top of a PDF. PDF forms can be created with LibreOffice Writer (View > Toolbars > Form Controls) and the advanced PDF editors.

The proprietary and deprecated XFA format for forms is not fully supported by Poppler and only supported by Adobe Reader and Master PDF Editor.

Alternatively, web browsers such as Firefox or Chromium feature a built-in PDF viewer capable of filling out forms.


    See also List of applications/Documents#Stylus note-taking.

    Graphical PDF editing

    • Scribus can import and export PDF; text is imported as polygons.
    • LibreOffice Draw can import and export PDF; text is imported as text; embedded fonts are substituted.
    • Inkscape can import a single page from a PDF and export to PDF; text is imported as cloned glyphs or text; with the latter embedded fonts are substituted.
    • Graphics editors like GIMP and can also import and export PDFs at the cost of rasterization.

    Basic editors

    • PDF Arranger Helps merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange pages. It is a maintained fork of PDF-Shuffler.
    https://github.com/jeromerobert/pdfarranger || pdfarranger
    • PDF Tricks Simple, efficient application for small manipulations in PDF files using Ghostscript.
    https://github.com/muriloventuroso/pdftricks || pdftricks

    Cropping tools

    • PdfHandoutCrop Tool to crop pdf handout with multiple pages per sheet.
    https://cges30901.github.io/pdfhandoutcrop/ || pdfhandoutcropAUR

    Advanced editors

    PDF tools

    See also Ghostscript.

    • pdfjam Can be used to n-up, join, rotate and flip PDFs and arrange them into a format suitable for book binding.
    https://github.com/DavidFirth/pdfjam || texlive-core

    Create a PDF from images

    With GraphicsMagick:

    $ gm convert 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg out.pdf

    Concatenate PDFs

    With Ghostscript:

    $ gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=out.pdf -dBATCH 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf

    With PDFtk:

    $ pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat output out.pdf

    With Poppler:

    $ pdfunite 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf out.pdf

    With QPDF:

    $ qpdf --empty --pages 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf -- out.pdf

    Convert a PDF to text

    With Poppler and maintaining the layout:

    $ pdftotext -layout in.pdf out.txt

    See also pdftotext(1).

    Decrypt a PDF

    This section lists commands to decrypt a PDF to an unencrypted file. Note that most PDF viewers also support encrypted PDFs.

    With PDFtk:

    $ pdftk in.pdf input_pw password output out.pdf

    With Poppler to PostScript:

    $ pdftops -upw password in.pdf out.ps

    With QPDF:

    $ qpdf --decrypt --password=password in.pdf out.pdf

    Encrypt a PDF

    The user password is used for encryption, the owner password to restrict operations once the document is decrypted, for more information, see Wikipedia:PDF#Encryption and signatures.

    With PDFtk:

    $ pdftk in.pdf output out.pdf user_pw password

    With PoDoFo:

    $ podofoencrypt -u user_password -o owner_password in.pdf out.pdf

    With QPDF:

    $ qpdf --encrypt user_password owner_password key_length -- in.pdf out.pdf

    where can be 40, 128 or 256.

    Extract images from a PDF

    With Poppler to JPEG:

    $ pdfimages infile.pdf -j outfileroot

    Extract page range from PDF, split multipage PDF document

    With Ghostscript as a single file

    $ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dFirstPage=first -dLastPage=last -sOutputFile=outfile.pdf infile.pdf

    With PDFtk as a single file:

    $ pdftk infile.pdf cat first-last output outfile.pdf

    With Poppler as separate files:

    $ pdfseparate -f first -l last infile.pdf outfileroot-%d.pdf

    With QPDF as a single file:

    $ qpdf --empty --pages infile.pdf first-last -- outfile.pdf

    With mutool as a single file:

    $ mutool clean -g infile.pdf outfile.pdf first-last

    Imposing a PDF

    PDF Imposition (e.g. to combine multiple pages to one page) can be done with pdfjam, for example paper waste can be reduced with pdfnup and pdfbook can be used to arrange PDFs into a format suitable for book binding.

    Inspecting metadata

    With ExifTool:

    $ exiftool file.pdf

    With Poppler:

    $ pdfinfo file.pdf

    Optimize, reduce size of a PDF

    With Ghostscript one of:

    $ ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen in.pdf out.pdf
    $ gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -sOutputFile=out.pdf in.pdf

    For different settings see the documentation.

    There is also , a script wrapping gs.

    Rasterize a PDF

    With GraphicsMagick to convert a specific page:

    $ gm convert -density dpi infile.pdf[page] outfile.jpg

    With Poppler to convert all pages:

    $ pdftoppm -jpeg -r dpi infile.pdf outfileroot

    With Poppler to convert a specific page:

    $ pdftoppm -jpeg -r dpi -f page -singlefile infile.pdf outfileroot

    Splitting PDF pages

    With mupdf-tools to split every page vertically into two pages:

    $ mutool poster -y 2 in.pdf out.pdf

    Can be used to undo simple imposition.

    Add signature.png or image to one of the pages in the PDF

    Adding an image to any location in a PDF can be done

    Details on these and other solutions can be found on StackExchange.

    Add digital signature to PDF

    can digitally sign PDF files with X.509 certificates in GUI and CLI.

    Readers such as Okular and MuPDF can sign PDFs with digital signatures. This requires a PFX certificate, which can be created with an OpenSSL command:

    $ openssl req -x509 -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout cert.pem -out cert.pem
    $ openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -out cert.pfx

    MuPDF users can then sign PDFs with the using the graphical interface, or its mutool-sign tool.

    Okular users must import into a certificate store such as the one in the default Firefox profile. With Firefox this is done through Settings > Privacy & Security > View Certificates > Your Certificates > Import and selecting cert.pfx. Afterwards Okular will offer this certificate to be used when signing PDFs.

    Libreoffice can also sign PDFs.

    Removing annotations from a PDF

    With perl-cam-pdfAUR:

    $ rewritepdf.pl -C in.pdf out.pdf

    See https://superuser.com/a/1051543 for more information.

    DjVu tools

    • DjVuLibre provides many command-line tools, like for example.

    Convert DjVu to images

    Break Djvu into separate pages:

    $ djvmcvt -i input.djvu /path/to/out/dir output-index.djvu

    Convert Djvu pages into images:

    $ ddjvu --format=tiff page.djvu page.tiff

    Convert Djvu pages into PDF:

    $ ddjvu --format=pdf inputfile.djvu ouputfile.pdf

    You can also use --page to export specific pages:

    $ ddjvu --format=tiff --page=1-10 input.djvu output.tiff

    this will convert pages from 1 to 10 into one tiff file.

    Processing images

    You can use to:

    • fix orientation
    • split pages
    • deskew
    • crop
    • adjust margins

    Make DjVu from images

    There is a useful script .

    $ img2djvu -c1 -d600 -v1 ./out

    it will create 600 DPI out.djvu from all files in directory.

    Alternatively, you can try , which seems to create smaller files especially on images with well defined background.

    PostScript tools


    ps2pdf is a wrapper around ghostscript to convert PostScript to PDF:

    $ ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dOptimize=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true YourPSFile.ps


    • with you define the paper size. For valid PAPERSIZE values, see .
    • lets the created PDF be optimised for loading.
    • makes the fonts look always nice.
    Note: You cannot choose the paper orientation in ps2pdf. If your input PS file is healthy, it already contains the orientation information. If you are trying to use an Encapsulated PS file, you will have problems, if it does not fit in the -sPAPERSIZE you specified, because EPS files usually do not contain paper orientation information. A workaround is creating a new paper in ghostscript settings (call it e.g. "slide") and use it as -sPAPERSIZE=slide.



    • PyPDF3 A pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit.
    https://github.com/sfneal/PyPDF3 || python-pypdf3AUR
    gollark: Just... why?
    gollark: Did you know an iterator can return None and then start returning Some again?
    gollark: The iterator interface is actually really odd.
    gollark: Also size hint and other things.
    gollark: If you need random access, yes.

    See also

    This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.