OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and is a network security scanner with associated tools like a graphical user front-end. The core component is a server with a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect security problems in remote systems and applications.



Set up PostgreSQL before you continue.


Configure Redis as prescribed by the OpenVAS redis configuration. In summary, amend the following to your /etc/redis/redis.conf:

port 0
unixsocket /run/redis/redis.sock
unixsocketperm 770
timeout 0
databases 128
Note: See the previous OpenVAS redis configuration document on how to calculate the databases number.

Finally restart redis.service.


Install the following packages to get a full OpenVAS setup, including manager, web frontend, scanner, and so on: openvas-scannerAUR, ospd-openvasAUR, gsaAUR, gvmdAUR. nmap needs to be installed for the scanner to deliver proper results and texlive-most is needed for PDF report feature to work.

Initial setup

Setup the PostgreSQL DB for gvm:

# su -l postgres
# createuser gvm
# createdb -O gvm gvmd

Grant this user DBA roles:

# psql gvmd
# create role dba with superuser noinherit;
# grant dba to gvm;
# create extension "uuid-ossp";
# \q
# exit

Make sure to have the following sysctl configurations:

# echo "net.core.somaxconn = 1024" >> /etc/sysctl.d/90-openvas.conf
# echo "vm.overcommit_memory = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.d/90-openvas.conf
# sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/90-openvas.conf

Before doing this check the values of somaxconn (normally this is 4096 for Arch Linux and does not need to be adjusted:

# sysctl -a | grep somaxconn

If this is the case just skip the first echo line.

Grant the gvm user access to the redis socket:

# usermod -aG redis gvm
# echo "db_address = /run/redis/redis.sock" > /etc/openvas/openvas.conf
# chown gvm:gvm /etc/openvas/openvas.conf

Update NVTs:

# chown -R gvm:gvm /var/lib/openvas
# su - gvm
# greenbone-nvt-sync && openvas --update-vt-info
# exit

Update feeds:

# su - gvm
# greenbone-feed-sync --type GVMD_DATA
# greenbone-scapdata-sync --rsync
# greenbone-certdata-sync --rsync
# exit

You can enable the following timers to update these data on a frequently basis: , , , .

Create certificates for the server and clients, default values were used:

# su - gvm
# gvm-manage-certs -a
# exit

Add an administrator user account, be sure to copy the password:

# su - gvm
# gvmd --create-user=admin --role=Admin
# exit

You can also change the password of the user later on

# su - gvm
# gvmd --user=admin --new-password=<password>
# exit

Getting started

Start , gvmd.service and .

Create the Scanner:

# su - gvm
# gvmd --get-scanners

Copy the id of the OpenVAS Default scanner and run:

# gvmd --modify-scanner=id-of-scanner --scanner-host=/run/gvm/ospd.sock
# gvmd --verify-scanner=id-of-scanner

Set the feed import user:

# gvmd --get-users --verbose

Copy the id of the admin user and run:

# gvmd --modify-setting 78eceaec-3385-11ea-b237-28d24461215b --value id-of-admin

Point your web browser to and login with your admin crendentials

gollark: Increment the pointer by n.
gollark: See, *I* would call that `benchmark` or `cmp-time`.
gollark: Oh.
gollark: Compare 10! and also 10! for some reason?
gollark: Create... Macron?

See also

This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.