< List of applications

List of applications/Documents

Documents and texts

Text editors

See also Wikipedia:Comparison of text editors.

Some of the lighter-weight Integrated development environments can also serve as text editors.

Vi-style text editors

  • Amp Text editor written in Rust, that aims to take the core interaction model of Vim, simplify it, and bundle in the essential features required for a modern text editor.
https://amp.rs/ || ampAUR
  • Aretext Minimalist text editor with vim-compatible key bindings.
https://aretext.org/ || aretextAUR
  • BusyBox vi Provides "a small 'vi' clone". Can be invoked with busybox vi.
https://git.busybox.net/busybox/tree/editors/vi.c || busybox
  • Kakoune Modal editor. Fewer keystrokes. Selection based, multi-cursor editing. Orthogonal design.
https://github.com/mawww/kakoune || kakoune
  • Helix A post-modern modal text editor.
https://helix-editor.com/ || helix
  • Neovim Vim's rebirth for the 21st century.
https://neovim.io/ || neovim
  • Neovim-Qt Qt GUI for Neovim.
https://github.com/equalsraf/neovim-qt || neovim-qt
  • vi The original ex/vi text editor.
http://ex-vi.sourceforge.net/ || vi
  • Vim Advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'vi', with a more complete feature set.
https://www.vim.org/ || with GUI: gvim, without GUI: vim
  • Vis Modern, legacy free, simple yet efficient vim-like editor.
https://github.com/martanne/vis || vis

Emacs-style text editors

  • Emacs The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor by GNU.
https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html || with GUI: emacs, without GUI: emacs-nox


  • dte Small, easy to use editor with multi-tabbed interface, syntax highlighting, ctags navigation, etc.
https://craigbarnes.gitlab.io/dte/ || dteAUR
  • ne Minimalist text editor with Windows-like key-bindings.
http://ne.di.unimi.it/ || neAUR
  • Tilde Intuitive text editor with Windows-like key bindings.
https://os.ghalkes.nl/tilde/ || tildeAUR


  • Deepin Text Editor Simple text editor for Deepin desktop.
https://www.deepin.org/en/original/deepin-editor/ || deepin-editor
  • FLTK Editor Simple text editor application for FLTK.
https://www.fltk.org/ || fltk-editorAUR
  • jEdit Text editor for programmers, written in Java.
http://www.jedit.org/ || jeditAUR
  • Liri Text Text editor for Liri.
https://github.com/lirios/text || liri-text
  • Notepadqq Qt-based, Notepad++-like text editor with support for syntax highlighting for more than 100 languages.
https://notepadqq.com/s/ || notepadqq
  • Tau Minimal GTK front end to the xi editor core written in Rust.
https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Tau || tau-editorAUR
  • Textadept Lua-extensible feature rich text editor based on Scintilla and written in C.
https://foicica.com/textadept/ || textadeptAUR

Office suites

See also Wikipedia:Comparison of office suites.

  • LibreOffice The office productivity suite compatible to the open and standardized ODF document format. Fork of OpenOffice, supported by The Document Foundation.
https://www.libreoffice.org/ || libreoffice-still or libreoffice-fresh
  • Yozo Office Proprietary office suite, compatible with MS Office.
https://www.yozosoft.com/product-officelinux.html || yozo-officeAUR

Word processors

See also Wikipedia:Comparison of word processors.

  • PageEdit ePub visual XHTML editor.
https://github.com/Sigil-Ebook/PageEdit || pageedit
    Desktop publishing


    • Calligra Stage Easy to use yet still flexible presentation application included in the Calligra Suite.
    https://www.calligra.org/stage/ || calligra


    See also Wikipedia:Comparison of spreadsheet software.

    • Calligra Sheets Powerful spreadsheet application included in the Calligra Suite.
    https://www.calligra.org/sheets/ || calligra
    • sc-im Spreadsheet program based on sc.
    https://github.com/andmarti1424/sc-im/ || sc-imAUR

    Database tools

    For DBMS-specific tools, see:

    See also Wikipedia:Comparison of database tools.

    • GdaBrowser Graphical tool to get a quick access to a database's structure and contents.
    https://www.gnome-db.org/GdaBrowser || libgda
    • SQuirreL SQL Client Graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc.
    http://www.squirrelsql.org/ || squirrel-sqlAUR
      Plain-text database utilities

      These kinds of software are in a substance somewhat between text processing core utilities like awk, spreadsheets and production-level database system. And they usually come with a non-SQL command-line interface.

        "Simplified" database software (beginner-friendly database tools)
        • Symphytum Personal database software for everyone who desires to manage and organize data in an easy and intuitive way, without having to study complex database languages and software user interfaces.
        https://github.com/giowck/symphytum || symphytum

          Formula editors

          See also #TeX formula editors and Wikipedia:Formula editor.

          Markup languages

          See also Wikipedia:Comparison of document markup languages.


          See also Wikipedia:AsciiDoc.


          See also the official website and Wikipedia:Markdown.

          • Discount A Markdown implementation written in C.
          https://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code/discount/ || discount, Ruby wrapper library: ruby-rdiscount
          • Pandoc also supports Markdown.
          Python implementations
          • M2R Markdown to reStructuredText converter.
          https://github.com/miyakogi/m2r || python-m2rAUR
          Ruby implementations
          Markdown editors
          • Apostrophe Distraction free Markdown editor made with GTK.
          https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/apostrophe || apostropheAUR
          • Mark Text Next generation markdown editor. Based on the Electron platform.
          https://marktext.app/ || marktextAUR
          • Zettlr A cross-platform markdown editor, inspired by the Zettelkasten system for note-taking and personal knowledge management.
          https://www.zettlr.com/ || zettlr

          Typesetting systems

          TeX editors

          With TeX, LaTeX and friends, creation of any scientific document, article, journal, etc. is made commonplace.

          See also Wikipedia:Comparison of TeX editors and Wikibooks:LaTeX/Installation#Editors.

          • AUCTeX Together with RefTex, AUCTeX provices an extensible environment for writing and formatting TeX files in Emacs.
          https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/ || auctexAUR
          • Ktikz Small application helping you to create PGF/TikZ diagrams for your publications.
          http://www.hackenberger.at/blog/ktikz-editor-for-the-tikz-language/ || KDE: ktikz, Qt: qtikz
          • TikZiT Graphical tool for rapidly creating graphs and diagrams using PGF/TikZ.
          https://tikzit.github.io/ || tikzitAUR

            TeX formula editors

            XML editors

            See also Wikipedia:Comparison of XML editors.

            • QXmlEdit Simple Qt XML editor and XSD viewer.
            https://qxmledit.org/ || qxmledit

            Document converters

            See also #Markup languages and PDF, PS and DjVu.

            • HTMLDOC Reads HTML and Markdown source files or web pages and generates corresponding EPUB, HTML, PostScript, or PDF files with an optional table of contents.
            https://www.msweet.org/htmldoc/ || htmldoc

            Bibliographic reference managers

            See also Wikipedia:Comparison of reference management software.

            • DocEar Docear is an academic literature suite for searching, organizing and creating academic literature, built upon the mind mapping software Freeplane and the reference manager JabRef.
            https://www.docear.org/ || docearAUR
            https://pybliographer.org/ || pybliographerAUR

            Readers and viewers

              PDF and DjVu

              See PDF, PS and DjVu.


              • FBReader E-book viewer with many supported formats such as EPUB, FictionBook, HTML, plucker, PalmDoc, zTxt, TCR, CHM, RTF, OEB, Mobipocket (non-DRM) and TXT.
              https://fbreader.org/ || fbreader

              Some PDF viewers like apvlv, Atril, MuPDF, Okular and Xreader also support the EPUB format.

              Comic book

              • Automedia A very small downloader for manga and anime from various websites. Designed to be a much more lightweight alternative to HakuNeko. Written primarly in C.
              https://git.dec05eba.com/AutoMedia/about/ || automedia-gitAUR
              • MComix GTK3 image viewer specifically designed to handle comic book archives (fork of Comix). Also includes library manager.
              https://github.com/multiSnow/mcomix3 || mcomixAUR

              Some PDF and E-book viewers like Atril, Bookworm, Calibre, Evince, Foliate, Lector, MuPDF, Okular, Xreader and Zathura also support the Comicbook format.


              See also Wikipedia:Microsoft Compiled HTML Help.

              • Kchmviewer Qt-based CHM viewer that uses chmlib and borrows some ideas from xchm. It does not depend on KDE, but it can be compiled to integrate with it.
              http://www.ulduzsoft.com/linux/kchmviewer/ || kchmviewer

                Some PDF and E-book viewers like Cool Reader, FBReader and Okular also support the CHM format.

                Document managers

                Scanning software

                See SANE#Frontends


                  See also Wikipedia:Comparison of optical character recognition software.

                  • CuneiForm Command line OCR system originally developed and open sourced by Cognitive technologies. Supported languages: eng, ger, fra, rus, swe, spa, ita, ruseng, ukr, srp, hrv, pol, dan, por, dut, cze, rum, hun, bul, slo, lav, lit, est, tur.
                  https://launchpad.net/cuneiform-linux || cuneiform


                  • gImageReader Graphical GTK/Qt frontend to Tesseract.
                  https://github.com/manisandro/gImageReader || GTK: gimagereader-gtk, Qt: gimagereader-qt
                  • YAGF Graphical interface for the CuneiForm text recognition program on the Linux platform.
                  https://sourceforge.net/projects/yagf-ocr/ || yagfAUR

                  Note-taking software

                  See also Wikipedia:Comparison of notetaking software.

                  • Vimwiki Personal wiki for Vim – interlinked, plain text files written in a markup language.
                  https://vimwiki.github.io/ || vim-vimwikiAUR
                  • Encryptic JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Based on the Electron platform.
                  https://www.encryptic.org/ || encrypticAUR
                  • Joplin Note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organized into notebooks. Based on the Electron platform.
                  https://joplinapp.org/ || joplinAUR
                  • Nextcloud Notes Simple notes app for Nextcloud.
                  https://github.com/nextcloud/notes || nextcloud-app-notes
                  • Notes Note-taking application, write down your thoughts.
                  https://www.get-notes.com/ || notesAUR
                  • QOwnNotes Notepad and todo list manager with markdown support and optional ownCloud integration built on Qt5.
                  https://www.qownnotes.org/ || qownnotesAUR
                  • Tomboy Desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix with a wiki-like linking system to connect notes together.
                  https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Tomboy || tomboyAUR
                  • zNotes Lightweight application for notes management with simple interface.
                  https://sourceforge.net/projects/znotes/ || znotesAUR

                    Stylus note-taking

                    • Xournal++ Notetaking software designed around a tablet. C++ rewrite of Xournal with PDF annotation support.
                    https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp || xournalpp


                      • Simple Diary Simple and lightweight diary app with Markdown support.
                      https://github.com/johan-bjareholt/simple-diary-gtk || simple-diary-gtkAUR


                      See also Wikipedia:List of concept- and mind-mapping software.

                      • View Your Mind Tool to generate and manipulate maps which show your thoughts. Such maps can help you to improve your creativity and effectivity. You can use them for time management, to organize tasks, to get an overview over complex contexts, to sort your ideas etc.
                      https://sourceforge.net/projects/vym/ || vym

                      Sticky notes

                      • MyNotes Sticky note application. An icon appears in the system tray and from it you can create and manage your sticky notes.
                      https://github.com/j4321/MyNotes || mynotesAUR

                      Distraction-free writing

                      See also #Markdown editors and Wikipedia:Full-screen writing program.

                      • PyRoom Fullscreen editor without buttons, widgets, formatting options, menus and with only the minimum of required dialog windows, it does not have any distractions and lets you focus on writing and only writing.
                      https://pyroom.org/ || pyroomAUR

                      Story writing

                      • oStorybook Tool for writers, essayists, authors from the draft to the final work.
                      https://ostorybook.tuxfamily.org/?lng=en || ostorybookAUR


                      Dictionary and thesaurus

                      See also Wikipedia:Category:Dictionary software and Wikipedia:DICT#DICT clients.

                      • thesauromatic Static, offline, command-line thesaurus written in Rust.
                      https://github.com/cjrh/thesauromatic || thesauromatic-gitAUR
                      • Kiten Japanese reference and study tool. Part of kde-education.
                      https://apps.kde.org/kiten/ || kiten
                      • Quick Lookup Simple GTK dictionary application powered by Wiktionary.
                      https://github.com/johnfactotum/quick-lookup || quick-lookupAUR

                      Spell checkers

                      See Language checking.

                      Translation and localization

                      See also Wikipedia:Comparison of computer-assisted translation tools.

                      • Gtranslator Enhanced gettext po file editor for the GNOME. It handles all forms of gettext po files and includes very useful features.
                      https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Gtranslator || gtranslator
                      • Pology Set of Python tools for dealing with gettext/po-files.
                      https://techbase.kde.org/Localization/Tools/Pology || pologyAUR


                      • ZBar Application and library for reading bar codes from various sources.
                      https://zbar.sourceforge.net/ || zbar


                        • Qreator Graphical utility for creating QR codes.
                        https://davidplanella.org/qreator/ || qreator
                        gollark: Yes.
                        gollark: There you go.
                        gollark: <@509849474647064576> fortune please answer the question...
                        gollark: An interesting question.
                        gollark: I stuck a self-sustaining triple fusion reactor unit inside one.
                        This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.