Adminer is a web-based database management tool written in PHP. It is possible to manage MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3, MS SQL, Oracle database and Elasticsearch.
It is a simpler alternative to PhpMyAdmin. You can find more pieces of information about this project at the official page or at Wikipedia.
Install the adminerAUR package or download Adminer and place it manually in the document-root instead.
When using the adminerAUR package, Adminer will be installed as /usr/share/webapps/adminer/index.php
Ensure the correct extensions in /etc/php/php.ini
are uncommented, e.g. extension=pdo_mysql
should provide MySQL database management.
Add the following line to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-adminer.conf
Then restart your Apache HTTP Server daemon.
Adminer can now be accessed by browsing to http://localhost/adminer.
Create a server entry using /usr/share/webapps/adminer
as root
Ensure that the PHP FastCGI interface is configured correctly.
Then add the following block to your .
Then restart the hiawatha.service