< Yandere

Yandere/Web Comics

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  • April from CRFH starts out as the conscience of the cast, but her sanity unravels as she is unable to articulate a crush on a friend. The joke is ultimately on her: Her rival in love, Marsha, is twice as madly possessive as she is, and handy with a knife.
  • Eri-chan in Okashina Okashi. Ironically, she pretends to be Tsundere (rather unconvincingly), in furtherance of a typical Yandere obsession.
  • 95-tan of the OS-tans, a 2chan meme who are Moe Anthropomorphisms of operating systems. Normally quiet and shy, when she sees Mac-tan, she brandishes a katana and tries to kill her.
  • Sluggy Freelance
    • Oasis, as a result of being Brainwashed and Crazy, is generally "giddy as a schoolgirl", but will kill anyone or anything that stands between herself and her "love" Torg.
    • During Chapter 18's The Love Potion, Gwynn accidentally whips up a Love Potion which is a little too strong. Dex, Crystal, Riff and Bun-bun all become Yandere for the duration of the spell.
  • Tsunami Channel's "Experimental Comic Kotone": A trio of females is a bit too convincing at cosplaying as Kaede Fuyo, Rena Ryugu, and Kotonoha Katsura, all of whom have already been mentioned on this page (and one of whom had her picture at the top for the longest time). Now that's a scary encounter...
  • Both Becca and Zoe from Fletcher Apts fall under this trope. At one point they have a vicious Cat Fight over Bill and it has to get broken up by Cool Big Sis Lori.
  • Curio from Templar, Arizona, under her cute and bubbly exterior, turns crazy and weird not even over a love interest, but over friendship interests.
  • Zimmy from Gunnerkrigg Court does this to her only real friend Gamma, to the point she "translates" other people's words (Gamma doesn't speak English) to make Gamma think everyone else hates her.
    • Nicely embodied in this quote:

Zimmy: I love her! I'd kill everyone in the world and then myself if she wanted it!
Kat: That's pretty sweet. Except for the part where you kill everyone.

    • She really doesn't have much of a dere side, though. Should "Tsun-Yan" be a trope?
  • Fuschia in Sinfest is a borderline case played for sympathy and laughs. As Nique put it, "Criminy, you have a secret admirer slash stalker from hell."
    • Also Baby Blue who tries to kill Criminy when she discovers him. If not for the glitter, she would have succeeded.
  • This is Heather's motivation in Misfile.
  • Cosette from Questionable Content. Hell yes.
  • The Milotic from the Pokemon webcomic Reversed Side A fits this trope.
  • Cecilia van Peck from Nukees, who after being spurned by Suzy Gee, King Luca, and Gav, single-handedly brings a movement to ban atheists from marrying to majority support.
  • Xkcd: Strip 513.
  • Ksendra of The Phoenix Requiem is rather obsessed about her husband. She has the peculiarity of already being dead.
  • The Sleeper of N'kai in Ow, My Sanity is a Yandere for David. Dealing with a human Yandere is bad enough. It's even worse when the Yandere is an Eldritch Abomination who can turn people into frogs. Complicated even further by David's pact with another Eldritch Abomination that has just enough of a grasp of human emotions to start acting like a Clingy Jealous Girl.
  • Snaug from Girl Genius has shown definite Yandere tendencies toward Moloch, who seems oblivious to the subtle threat in her affections. Notable examples include This and This. Whether or not he ever catches on (or she catches him) remains to be seen.
  • Subverted in this Friday 4 Koma.
  • Autumn, in Suicide for Hire, is a classic yandere in many ways.
  • From the Nuzlocke Fan Comics, we have May as one in Hale's Emerald.
  • Orphaner Dualscar, Eridan's Famous Ancestor, of Homestuck. He had redrom feelings for Mindfang despite their long-standing blackrom relationship. So when Mindfang started to show signs of redrom with a slave girl, Dualscar got jealous and had the slave girl killed. Then again, for Alternian society, this was probably considered normal. One could even make a case for Eridan himself being this - he really didn't handle being rejected by Feferi well...
    • Worse yet, the slavegirl Mindfang took was actually Dolorosa, the Signless/Sufferers mother/lusus. Vriska could count as one as well, considering she had both redrom and blackrom feelings for Tavros, and ended up crippling him by shoving him off a cliff, keeping his sawed off legs for herself, and later killing him. Then there's that fact that Sober!Gamzee ends up cutting off Tavros' head, whom he had unrequited flushed feelings for, and keeping it around. His lips are covered in brown blood, and it's never specified whether he kissed Tavors before or after having decapitated him.
  • Sedrick in the latest arc of The Adventures of Wiglaf and Mordred. Check this speech.
  • This Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal strip.
  • As the first panel shows,Regina of DMFA seems to have been one in the backstory, though only a few vague hints regarding the context of that panel have shown up so far.
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