Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic is a daily fantasy comic following the lives and (mis)adventures of the D&D monsters of the Black Mountain, and their interactions with the rest of the world. As the comic went on, more and more characters got added to the cast, and now plenty of "good" humans and other characters living outside of Black Mountain get their own arcs as well.
Notable for its sense of humour, sketch-like yet very nice artwork, and complex character development and interaction.
A word of warning for those who browse Tropes wikis at work (you slackers) -- it has some NSFW elements, mostly casual nudity.
Has a character sheet, which is in need of much love.
- Action Mom: Mrs Bloodhand is by far the best fighter around.
- Affably Evil
- Agony of the Feet: Yes, it can happen even to a god.
- Exclusively Evil: Actually, Lawful Evil. It's parodied in the school mini-arc when a young gnoll gets scolded by the teacher for being good in class.
- Anyone Can Die: Very apparent, especially in the Lost Valley arc, with a couple characters, including a half-brother to one of the main character's love interest being offed fairly early into the storyline.
- Anything That Moves: Charlotte
- Arranged Marriage: Multiple instances, including Glon and his wives.
- Art Shift: Twice.
- Strip #674 is done in Stick Figure Style as a Homage to The Order of the Stick.
- Strip #1076 shifts to medieval tapestry along with rhyming narration, as a Homage to Ed Gorey and the theme song of the TV show Mystery!
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Satyrs, and Cadugan's deertaur friend.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Both Gren and Bob and Clover and Eric.
- Bag of Kidnapping: Clover was caught this way once.
- Being Evil Sucks: Lewie never wanted to be evil, and he is cursed for that with bad luck. The rest of the cast, however...
- Berserk Button: Several characters have these:
- Do not harm, attempt to harm or insult Glon in front of his mother
- Do not harm, attempt to harm or insult any member of Glon's family where he can hear you
- Do not steal from Arachne
- Do not mess with Gren, it upsets Bob the Beholder
- Beware the Nice Ones: Bob is, all things considered, a fairly nice guy for an evil creature, and rarely causes much trouble beyond satisfying his own libido. That said, you still shouldn't forget on of the cardinal rules of adventuring: Never, ever, under any circumstances, piss off a beholder!
- Big Damn Heroes / Villainous Rescue: Lewie, of all people, saves everyone from Jone.
- Boring Invincible Hero: Rich must have a crush on Maula Bloodhand. When she shows up, the fight's over.
- It's now been subverted. Of course Maula was never invincible, she was simply damn good and usually in Mama Bear mode when she's fighting.
- Brick Joke: In 2009's April Fools strip, Arachne steals a time-traveling car for a few moments. A year later, we find out what she figured would happen.
- But for Me It Was Tuesday: Arachne had troubles remembering princess Dewcup. Her brother Glitterbranch had to get more specific, too.
- The Cameo: The only person who understands Cap'n Fang is Homsar.
- In a later strip, the Ninth Doctor makes a wrong turn from The 10 Doctors. Arachne briefly steals his clothes and Drax's car.
- Appears that Han Solo shows up for a few strips. He's referred to as "Hans".
- Sam the Eagle (from The Muppet Show) is one of the kenku.
- The American Idol judges (Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell era) are the judges for the Black Mountain bardic competition. Sort of.
- The Ghost Hunters show up starting here to debunk the haunting of Grayfort castle.
- And, would you believe it, Mickey Mouse??
- Nitrine from Flaky Pastry makes an appearance here.
- Cohen the Barbarian here
- The Captain: Captain Safana
- Character Development
- Cloudcuckoolander: Cap'n Fang
- "My sandbox is crunchy."
- Comedic Sociopathy : Well, most of the protaonists are members of cannonically "evil" races, so...
- Cuddle Bug: Cuddles, the Cloaker.
- Defeat by Modesty: Here.
- Dem Bones: King Lewie and his minions.
- Did They or Didn't They?: Wolf and Glon. No. Seriously.
- Didn't Think This Through: A vampire tries to turn a cyclops, but didn't take into account just how much blood he had.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Tends to happen a lot to Charlotte and Arachne... as well as quite a few other characters.
- The Ditz: Charlotte, and also Lolth.
- The Drunken Sailor: Cap'n Corona of the "Crown Jewel" keeps himself constantly so drunk he mentally matches Fang.
- Early-Bird Cameo: The Royal Family of Umbril showed up as C-listers in Turg's Saga, over a thousand strips prior to Reflections In The Sand.
- Elfeminate: Only the drow are on the safe side.
- Face Palm: Throughout the comic. Captain Fang is the main inspirator.
- Done on an epic, royal level when King Eric realizes who he'd want to marry.
- Fan Service: Lots and lots of it; for both genders.
- Ms. Fanservice: The Drow.
- The Fool: Fang apparently haven't a slightest idea what he's doing, but is ludicrously lucky, so usually he wins -- and even when not, still manages to survive unharmed.
- Full-Frontal Assault: Charlotte, given that she was walked in on post-coitus.
- Gender Bender: Which leads, in the case of Cadugan, to Attractive Bent Gender.
- Gender Equals Breed
- Averted with Clover and Eric's son, who is all halfling even though he has a human dad. See Half-Human Hybrid for an explanation.
- Gender Flip: The one year anniversary strip is a Gender Flip of the first strip. Well, except for the ending.
- And here is a gender flip of Little Red Riding Hood... also with a twist ending.
- Genius Ditz: Bob isn't terribly bright and is easily Distracted by the Sexy, but he's a very competent fighter, especially where Gren is involved.
- Go-Go Enslavement: Seems to be standard for Drow Males, or slaves of the drow in general. Clothes are a privilege.
- Groin Attack: Used here, threatened here and here.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Most notably Glon and Jone, but also Cadugan and Taidor. Also Clover and Eric's son.
- Clover and Eric's son doesn't count, he's just a halfling. In YAFGC universe there are several groups of species that ca interbreed and the offspring will be a fullblooded member of one of them. These incude human/halfling, goblin/hobgoblin, hobgoblin/bugbear, gnoll/flind and others. The author will write pages and pages of details about the subject if asked.
- Here There Be Dragons: Here there be "a deadly labyrinth filled with creatures most foul"
- His and Hers: A pair of Orcs do it with their swords.
- Homage: See Art Shift.
- Improbable Species Compatibility: Turg and the Sphinx. Turg is the Skitty in this case, oddly enough. He lampshades it in response to Glon's understandable befuddlement:
Glon: But she's... so... and you're... If you ever wanted to... how would you...???
Turg: There is magic in our world, Glon. Anything is possible.
- Hot Drow Teacher: Miss Steatoda
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Though Eric isn't particularly huge for a human, he's twice as tall as Clover.
- Human Mail: Charlotte, after one too many millstone moments, is packed into a wooden crate and shipped off as a slave.
- If It's You It's Okay: Seems to be how Lucas views his relationship with Cadugan. When his father ('s ghost) is shocked that Lucas is sleeping with a man, he explains -- "You want to know if I like boys. I don't know. I like that boy."
- Ignored Epiphany: Charlotte in this strip.
Charlotte: Even trying to sate my old hungers, I couldn't shake my feelings for Lotharia. And then the obvious solution hit me!
Lucas: Release the sacrifices and confess your true feelings to Lotharia?
Charlotte: No! Carnal excess! More sacrifices!
- Improvised Weapon: Gadgia decapitates several Gi-Ants with a CLOAK.
Gadgia: A true orc is never unarmed.
- Insult Backfire: Wolf have a good answer to the questions about the place of a male warrior in a matriarchy.
- I See London: Here, although underwear tends to be a rarity in this comic (for both men and women).
- Jaw Drop: Bob, here. Lewie, quite literally, here.
- Jeanne D'Archetype: Jone Half-Orc is an ultimately harshly deconstructed version.
- Kick the Dog: Just in case you started to think of Jone as a (relatively) innocent bystander in her "army's" slaughter, there's this.
- Literal Genie: The genie in the Arabian Nights Days story arc. Not out of malice, though, but extreme stupidity.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Even the cast of Black Mountain would count, then you have two kingdoms, a barony, the bards, the pirates, the desert cities, and now we've added a handful of Nordic-esque dragon slayers to the list.
- So much they have an own forum section just for that, with one topic per character... and the overview spawns several pages.
- Love At First Punch: Lady Adwen and Sir Catianus are rather... evenly... matched.
- Mama Bear: Never mess around with Glon if his mother is even theoretically able to see it, and don't insult him either.
- Same with threatening to make Jone into a prostitute.
- Man, I Feel Like a Woman: This strip.
- Marshmallow Hell
- Misplaced Sorrow: When Meegs loses her apprentice, she's apparently inconsolable. Because...
Meegs: (thinking) By the gods!!! Now I have to go through that damned apprentice audition process again!!
- Minion with an F In Evil: Charlotte, actually "a little bit evil", but who is mainly The Ditz.
- The Mirror Shows Your True Self: The Mirror of True Reflection.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Monster Adventurers
- Mouth of Sauron: The annoying, insane kobold who follows Jone around, as Jone herself is either mute or simply refuses to speak to anybody.
- Multiple Head Case: Multipe Cases -- the Chimera, a couple of ettins, but worst of all this hydra.
- My Death Is Just the Beginning: Duke Owen Grayfort convinces the goddess Ch'thier to let him have one final conversation with his sons, Glon and Lucas. In order to ensure he can continue to help Lucas in the afterlife, he tells Lucas to bury him with three coins instead of the traditional two, and proceeds to tell Ch'thier that the third coins made for an "improper burial," and therefore grounds for a haunting!
- My Friends and Zoidberg: Implied in this strip.
- Nay Theist: The Drow and the Orcs reject their respective patron gods in the wake of their war.
- Noodle Incident: That Bawdy Song about "the lady and the sausagemaker". All we know is that it's extremely Intercourse with You.
- Not So Different: Arachna has a rather dim view on "good" folk. Broch is even less optimistic than that.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain:
- Lewie the Lich, who turns out to be a Knight of Cerebus. And managed to pull this the second time, on his return.
- Charlotte, once she gets a taste of real power in the Lost Valley arc.
- Now or Never Kiss: Lucas and Cadugan share a passionate clinch while being charged by Jone.
- Nude Nature Dance: Several characters run into some satyrs and nymphs in the woods, and get caught up dancing with them. When Gren decides to take a break, she is surprised to find that she's naked.
- Oh Crap: A suitably epic one for comic 1200.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Jone. The fact that her first victims are men (and jerkass) make the women thinking she's a defender of their cause.
- One Head Taller: Lucas is taller than Cadugan. Its not so much an implication that Lucas is more dominant, but works considering that Lucas has greater rank than Cadugan.
- Our Monsters Are Different
- Outdoor Bath Peeping: The very first page.
- Panty Shot: Here -- note that this is the only time Gren actually has underwear.
- Pirate Girl: Giovanna
- Put on a Bus: Turg the Minotaur.
- He's back as of comic 1496.
- Rightful King Returns
- Right Through His Pants: Played straight in this strip, but averted everywhere else.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Jone's dealing with the townsfolk that treated her and her mom like crap.
- Seashell Bra: Mi wears shell top, shell bottom and shell ornament. Of course, as a gen, she's small enough to pull that with normal sized shells.
- Sense Freak: Lolth is drinking, sleeping around and generally doesn't bother to pay attention to anything else, unless someone is stupid enough to actively provoke it. Apparently once she got an avatar she didn't need to expend power on, and had the current problem neatly "wrapped up", she chose to treat this as an indefinite vacation.
- Sexy Coat Flashing
- She's All Grown Up:
- Sittica
- Charlotte, who was somewhat of a midget drow, seems to have acquired some more womanly proportions. Later explained as a likely side effect of the magic in the valley.
- Puberty has been generous to King Runtherd.
- Shout-Out: Mostly to other fantasy works, such as Lord of the Rings, but also to other pop culture, like Tremors. And more recently Dungeon Keeper. See also the Cameos, above.
- Skewed Priorities: Most halflings know what they want...
- Slap Slap Kiss: Lucas and Cadugan start out bickering a lot and infuriating each other, but, inevitably, end up together.
- Lady Adwen and Sir Catianus
- Slept Through the Apocalypse: Chimera missed the excitment about Lewie and his rings.
- Smug Snake: The noble who tries to force Jone's mother into prostitution, as well as Kurassa the sorcerer, who literally never stops smirking.
- Something That Begins With Boring
- Stealth Pun: Why she's called "Jone Half-Orc" becomes far more clear once she gains some followers.
- Invisible to Gaydar: Cadugan
- Strip Poker: Here.
- Stupid Evil: Princess Dewcup trying to join the drow got a thing or two mixed up.
- Take That: The dumbest member of the tribe in Valejo? Gor.
- Talkative Loon: Fang
- This Is the Part Where: A satyr needs an explanation on what to do when faced with a beholder.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Torturing a Drow involves sticking them in a cage and refusing to torture them.
- Tranquil Fury: You coming?.
- Troll Bridge:
- Unspoken Plan Guarantee: A long-time running gag comes to fruition.
- Virgin Sacrifice: Young Wolf narrowly escaped this.
- We Could Have Avoided All This: This.
- Woman Scorned: Charlotte.
- Worf Had the Flu: Why can't Lolth stop the Heart of the Dungeon? She's too drunk to stand up.
- Actually, she just didn't care until the Big Bad appeared to challenge her role as supreme being to the Drow.
- Would Hit a Girl: "Women may rule here, but braggarts always go down."
- You and What Army?